Show I E SOCIETY NOTICES ALL ODD FELLOWS AND R13 bcKahs W nrc hereby notified tluit Rev T PInkerton will dellvcr nn address of special Interest 10 members of the order iL the CoiUrnl I Christian olitircli comer Srd E and Hh South Siimhiv May lltli nt S p in As many Odd FnIJows is i eaa make it convenient are requested to net nl 7 p in at tUo t Odd Fellows temple for I tlic purpose or attending thla service in a S bodj t MASONIC NOTICE MT MORI AH lodge No 2 will hold a nxsolal meeting this Sunday afternoon at oclock to bury with Mabonlo honors thc last re nialns of our Brother W G JM Steward Masons qualified aro invited to purllcpitlo In the solemn ceremonies Tho rricular monthly meelintr of tho lodge will bo held tomorrow Monday evening at S oVIoek CHRISTOPHER I i DIKHL Secretary LOST BETWEEN GARDEN CITY AND mi West n ladys brown lacker Return to Crtl Templctou bldg and receive roxvnrd I LADYS PIN GOLD ARROW WITH I Greek letters owners names on back Leavo at Studobaker J > ro Reward utol LADYS GOLD WATCHIIET IJRD E ami Main on 2nd So Kinder return to j Young Bros Co 3S Alain Liberal reward I BUSINESS CHANCES I FROM YEAR TO YEAR WE BAY hanrtfcomo weekly dividends Wo prove p thh3 by sworn artldavlm before notary public and most rellablo and excellent references CoOperative Investment Assn ou7 Parrot lildg San Francisco GENTJEMKNWANTED TO REPrE aent our CoOperative Turf Association in every city V II I 1 Cole treasurer CIS Emma Spreckols Sidy San Francisco cal uS05 IP 4 INVESTED WITH US WILL PAY yon more In one month than any savings bank will pay you on SWO in one year your Investment begins earning this at I once and continues to ilo so until you withdraw same no stocks bonds or oil but a business proposition best oC refer ences It will pay you to write ns at once TDfjnvcr CoOporailve Investment asan Exchange bldg Denver Cola CAPITAL PLACED AV1TK US EARNS from to t 7 per cent weekly Highest ref erences furnished Eight years of un broken success No losses Descriptive pamphlet free on application No wildcat < i oil scheme Established 1SD1 Drake Allison Co Hammond lad uG22 UP TO 5O KAR NKD MONTHLY ON MOO Investments with privilege of with drawingat any time JVci booklet lien shall lironncr Co J13U Broadway Now York uj7 iIs < EARNED AND PAID ON EVERY I SlOfl invested since January 1st If you want a share In these prollts send for our free booklet which shows how Daven port fr Co World bid N Y uCSt L1J i L ficciirett or fee returned Send model or shoich for froe opinion as to pitonli bllity send for om illustrated guide book llnest publlcailon Issncd for fire distri J bution contains JOG mechanical move ments tolls how to obtain IL patent how and what to invsl for prollt liow 10 sell patents law points for Inventors etc patents secured thronjh us advertised without charge In the Patent Record I Cample copy iree wo also send fiee our list of Inventions wanted Addiesa Evans lVllkhiis Co G2t7 F si Washington D 1 CAN C-AN ENERGETIC MAN AMT1I GOOD I business qualifications iMn secure man I agerial position with Ohio corporation capitalized for 20000 Must como well recommended and be able to 1 tako slock in company during1 term oC engagement from 2000 to 000 sumo to be taken up at expiration of agreement This com pony is composed of the representative business men of Columbus Salary JLSOo and liberal commission Address How ard D Kemp secretary Sphar building Cohimbns O uUL SPIRITUALISM MRS P FOXTYN CLAIRVOYANT and trnaco medium 2C7 So W Temple WOfJEY TO LOAN PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE HOMES OF their own Wo will lend the money to I get them 1C you own a lot we will lend you the money lo build a house accord fug to your own plans and you may mako your own arrangements Wo will ad vance the money on your orders as tho l liouse jrogroescs or We will furnish the money prepare tho 4 plans and build the house and turn jt over to you complete charging you only the actual cost or If you have no lot we ivlll supply you with one and start you on the way to J ward getting a home Take a poticll and paper and draw a 1 plan of a house as you would like It no mailer how roughly and lot us have It and we will have a plan drawn for you These are merely incidental things which there Is no charge for The main thing is we want to kind money lo people who I are getting homes because those arc the people who are sure to pay It back Wo charge a reasonable rate of Interest but it is a whole lot less than m rent We will accept Jitrt payments and reduce Inter estWe V We dont obligate people to make part payments because there might be sick t ness or oilier bad luck we merely give L The borrower the privilege of making part payment and thus cut down his loan It js always casler to pay off a loan In small sums than lo save up a large sum Material and labor ore cheaper now than they will be later when everyone Is busy This Is the best tlniu to arrange for hulld Jng Call and see us and talk the matter over McGurrln Co 33 W Second fKouth TJJE STRINGER CO 21 W 2ND SO7 We have secured for immediate loans payable In pmall monthly payments moro than the total of JtiHtallmeni loans made i in Ulah during the past 2 I years We arc I authorized to loan this money at lower I iiLitxs than any InptuIImeiit loan has ever r licuti made In the Stat No pavmenti to ho made before seeming loan no waiting for ynur turn no building and loan stock < 10 mature at ioiriu indellnlte time Our morfgago Ja as plain as can be drawn You agree to pay a ilnlltiii number of 1 payments any number you prefer cover log a period from 1 to 10 years Payments in 11 dc here Tim Stringer Co 31 W 2nd So CLEAN METHODS PROMPT DFAL ings simple papers have built our busl I ICS i to UK present 4 proportions IcteresL I rind I principal payable to us at our Salt i I Lake office 6 pur cift We will furnish you money to build JL home sittm Otlt your I own plan or sell you the Jiouse ready built Tho Home Investment Savings 5100JO OR ANY PART OF IT ON I rral estate low Interest McKollar I Ew2nd South nTSH Co 7 MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD SECUrf ity P L T 1 P O Box Ilia n723 U ON PIANOS FURNITURE ETC Boom 23 Galena block ol370 1 ON ANY PROPERTY YOU RETAIN l I poBBCShion Tho Stringer Co 31 W 2nd So 4 100 TO J7000 ONE TO FIVE VJiARaj li farm or city property James 1C Shaw I under Viiikcr Brou bank 50 R L TRACY 11 E 1ST SO LENDS j money no commission expcrmo or delay 4 I ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS 4 Tlliller VJclc 303 McCornlck Ultlg I ON FURNITURE PIANOS ETC OR nny good security without removal BUKI jittis prUuie 15JVj So Main 3toom 0 CITY AND FARM PROPERTY AT C and 7 per cent J L Pcrkea 78 W 2nd So t A HIGHLY RESPECTABLE PRIVATE r place to obtain liberal advances on dia I monds jewelry banking rates E I Llch l tenfiteln jeweler 2H Main st Tel 112iir GURRIN CO LEND ON REAL u5iate plain mortgage low rats privi lege of part payment j > any time U3 V Sec t 1 ond South tlpjp ON FURNITURE PIANOS ETC without removal 112 West Second South WIASSACE j t I NEW SCALP TREATMENT FOR dandruff eczema or fulling our of the linfr I treat the I oca IP with herbs 2W T 0 Weal 2nd So Room 11 u711 1 ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC Mir Mi-r fcnKe lady from East R 12 159 S Main 4 1 MRS C il71iR7pKMASs7vGE AND I anagactlc trcatmonL 353 So W Tcmplo ttl WANTED A GOOD DRIVING HORSE MUST lE gentle and bound 71 Main street A WORK UORSIv NOT MORE TILVN eight years old welghlng abcut 12C poundrj Apply ii I rll V Jad South 1 u71 I it1tS1i NI ShTIfliV ROoM 22 Litlmor bldff V 2nd South u75 ICXPERIENCED CLKKK LIVES closfi In with references W E 2nd So GOOD luCcA RT AND LAD 1 VS wh ol In good condition Address 1C ftf Tiibunu UC7 I WAN1 TO EXCHANGE AS IAUl payment my vacant lot worth S2COX fo iliiflW ur Jllt i fourroom house or IL i vacuut lot between 7th and Slit Ct t 1st and Ird South ddicss E i IP i Tribune 1 WANT A OR nUOOM HOUSE ON POSt > iP slc of lot linnuHiflnl ytale lo eat ton and particulars Address F J H Tribune uTS TO Dry PIECE OF LAND ABOUT 2 rodn vlll pay about 3t00 a rod Ad dress E 6 l Tribune iiCM OLD LADY WISHES TO RENT SMALI houie or siviral unfurnished rooms Iov jcni Address IS 12 I Tribune uUS l WILL I PAY CASH FOR 3COOOH MOD eru home N K part of town Address E ill Tribune COTTAGE OF 3 OR 4 t FURNISHBD rooms close In linjulro 1 Mgr lioHton Store nf 9l WILLING TO PAY 200001 OR 00000 for modern house good location Address K W Tribune GENTLEMAN AND WIFE GOOD tenants I t dciilru clean furnlnhod collage I cU 3o In by May 15th Address E TJ Trib A 1IOMK IN A SMALL FAMILY FOR a gentleman with I nervous trouble I tho man to I be within continually willing to pay well Call or address 500 McCornlck building uDS7 VACANT LOT FOR PUILDING CEL Inc in N E or N W for about 30000 or JGWliO Address E 13 i Tribune ROOM AND BOARD BY A FAMILY of three nice neighborhood and homelike table please gIve prlco and particular Address E l II 1 I Tribune uuSo WILL PAY 120000 OR 150000 FOR goodsized lot fourroom house near school S h Addicss K 52 Tribune 1 IIGIIESl CASH PRICE FOR CASToff CAST-off clothing shoer and hats Drop postal DRESSMAKING CHILDRENS clothes a lId Oil irt walt a specialty Rear fnC i Main uIS HOUSE AND LOT LOCATED EASt not too far out will pay between 12000 and 150000 Address JI l 17 Tilbtine PARTNER VANTED IN RESTAU nint business i Inleiest for sale cheap ono of purtneri sick Call 57 13 2nd So TO RENT MODERN 5 i TO 7 ROOMS IN Waterloo t stai I run 1 and condition Ad dress 13 2 Tribune u97 FURNISHED HOUSE MUST HE clean and neat Address K 16 Tribune INTERMOrNTAIN JUNK CO PAYS highest price for rigs Iron rubbers metals met-als liotili3 etc Cil Stale si Tel 127K WORK BY THE DAY RY MIDDLE aged woman or will take washing home Call SI5 So lib WcaL t2ai5 IF YOU HAVE GOOD BUSINESS proposition or selieme I will jilaco It for you Address E it 1 Trlbuno uCrl TItY THE COUNCIL LIQUOR HOUSK for quality anJ prices of wlno and liijuor 10 E 1st So 12200 EVERY PERSON TO EXAMINE I gonth and prices of the Council Uquor > House 10 li 1st So 12201 HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CAST off clothing Call or write 02 10 2nd So UTAH JUNK CO PAYS HIGHEST prices for Iron rags bottles rubber cop per hrms etc tf E SLit So Phone UiO EVERYBODY TO COLLECT TRAD Ing stamps trade at stores giving them HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CAST off clothing J Shapiro 3C E 2nd SoLACE So-LACE CURTAINS LAUNDRIED with care 2 ami f > 0 cents per pair 203 rCSt cst 1st South Btrcet References given FEATHERS OF ALL KINDS WILL pay highest price Address K 2S Trlbuno WESTERN JUNK METAL YARD are paying best price for rubber cooper bniss I etc Give us a call 323 S Slat StSaIt Lake City Utah s5C5 Salt 2DIIAND Lake Furniture FURNITURE Co 233 AND S STOVES State EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT loan l tho WE most money at onehalf tim In crest charged by other pawnbrokers on diamonds Jewelry watches clothing geniI Instruments machines etc Undo bam SO E let South Tel Ulil Y WANTEDSITUATION w xNkX w taX sx x EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT AND clerk now in touch with liV o city families nilleltB t proposition from reliable part Ics saarvreay n ble Addrpps E 51 i Tribune ASrfAYKR AND Cl 1 lCMlsT VIiTrir yeara practienl h experience In Western > Miieltlrig desires L position with smeltor or mine can furnish Al references Ad dress S iJ35 South 1st West Salt Lake City Uy FIPST lTASs JAI VNESE COOK clly or country P O box SIT u5Sl BY JAPANESE STRONG DOY AS general housework for hotel or family Address X Id Tribune WANTEDACENTS AGENTS WANTEDT AM to convince you that I have a plan TRYING whjch will I onablo you to earn a hundred dollnrn a IncubI Lii or more bin I 1 have no means of knowing who you are unlcnn you tlrst senil niu your I name and addnsa i would gladly explain this new plan lo you as it Is I one which requires no capital outtlt or former enIeiice Is suitable to either fox and no on knows you are my agent NIrioiynliic per cent of the population are 7 4 your possible customer Orcuplcs I all or J i part 7 of your time I as you wish W M Griffin Key 21U Fort Wayne Ind Is I tin address you should wrllo to for fre jiarllculaia Tim work Is permanent and the prollt accumulative VANTVDGOOD TjVP GOOD 1TVE AGENTS TO uht our nickelplated jilon and window display l nMinfH i on commission also wire cash estrrierK good jor tit htei erfclus or side llnco Nit tlrntI Pneumatic Ser vice Co 11S1J2 V JaelcMon blvd Chicago L1v1 AIN1S CAN AVERJG1 1ILOv i t5 1 cIiu sPihing iritittu tiuti otiy odc founti ills Sllitig inIce l7i to 0 Seitti for IttItiOgtItt Fttltttlill 1tiart Z IIeH Accrji llrtiss Vorlts Chicago WANTEDMANAGrcR IN city county IM bundle bOKtpaylrig buil l 7 ui known igI I loam e new exclusive control Phoenix Co 15 V 2Sth HI K v AGENTS WANTEDMEN AND WO mcn can make 10 daily selling our gas sitove mantleji haves 0 per cent lalls 25c Gas gas rt Slow Mantle Co J52 Mich igan i street Ciileago wi 1 AGENTS START GENERAL chandlbe MER 1 business with your own 110page catalogues t sample 2i > clreiilars free everything fumlulled In your name bS lUipjd MfgL Cochlea no III Dcpt ui5 DOMEflHAlKDTPEiiFORATED FRY pan covers prevent L greanc splushlng stove Two on styles Other sellers Amor Novelty Work Reading Pa AN HONEST DOLLAP CAN BE earned quickly at 2 W So Temple OPTICIANS H O JENSEN DR OF OPTICS bachelor ot tidtthtn ophthalmology free With 7 S eyes tsttI t Jensen Son GI MMn COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO 2CO MAIN liohestle and retail manuf opticians J II KNICICERBOCKER you i1 Main Try him 1C your oyc OPTICIAN troublo TO TRADE ff GOOD WHKEL m TO TRADF FOR nitchl eadtllo JioiJie 223 South 2nd 13ial A DESIRABLJi IJUlLmNf IO FOR an upright piano in good condition P O Uox r 1 ai7 WANTEDHELP STROCKS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY C II Strode Prop All I I kinds of help promptly supplied 101 Main street Telephone IW 2 waitresses Idaho 2Ti month 2 waitresses cit 20 month pantry girls city li7 1 lunchcounter girl R R house S20 1 pantry girl Idaho 20 1 woman on ranch Nevada L wmnon cooks Honpngirls h h urd family cooks Wo fur lush yon with I poxlifoub fred of charge 20 wnulfd today Stioeks Emit Agency lOt Main st CAMP COOK TO < colt minlni oainp 50 Uiker ytimlig 12 week Baker country town 12 Dishwashers Laborers Wauled P licUsmlln iII i and board lo tell lliutli 5J day 10 l laborers 12 day for Utah Construc tion Co 10 laborers near cliy ICO men for Nevada Struck1 Kmp Agency 161 Main t CANAAPSERH AT II03 5TH EAST U773 A FIRSTCLASS EXPERIENCED dry goods man must have reference N Y Cash Store A GOOD SUBSCRIPTION SOLICITOR Apply ill Tribune Counting Room Mon day morning Ifi PICK KW COPYING LETTERS AT home to I 1 be sent to I us two I stamp with h application I InterOcean I Industrial 1 Lnlon Dept IS Chicago 0 ACIIrL CAi I OIdC LADY TO WORK at home S3G pnld for 12 days trial Permanent Per-manent If I jsallHfHcUirv I John 1 Enpwall Lakeside I t blily Chicago tiI23 WANTED BY WELLESTAULISIIEI bonne traveling sialesman Very attrac tive I I salable line yielding large juollls Liberal mid utdriuo Intlucementi I to retail trade High I I priced men Investigate O P 1 Blaekstcad 25 W Alwatcr st Detroit Mich uC23 J12 WEEKLY FOR COPYING I LET tcrs home either sex send two stampi for particulars Eagle Supply company M 9 Dearborn street Chicago iiU1 l LADIES COPY LETTERS AT HOME SI to 5 per week Send stomped envelope for application Monarch Novelty Co Dept Y > Chicago mKo HOMP I i WOIIKTSCO MONTh IV COPY lug letters either se Send 2 stamps llalKlct si Chicago ufirG TNifGETIC WORKERS IN EVERY locality ID I distribute circulars samples hookis I etc t good 11I3 i permanent I oc cupation Distributers League New York WANTED EVERYWHERE nus tiers to lack signs dlstilbutc circulars ramples etc no rauvasdlng good pay Sun Advertising Hureuu Chicago ufill WANTED SHREWD 10XPERI I encni I raveling salesman to fill I I vacancy rCOniral nnreantlle trade Apply at once M F IJIxler CoM Ltd Cleveland O HOME WORK JCO MONTHLY COPY log letters tIilicr sex Send 2 stamps for jiartlculais hints Supply Co 505 Jlal 1 sled HI Chicago ulIG GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL hOUSE work small family 113 2nd St uiiJO GIRL 1 FOR i GENERAL HOUSEWORK no washing Jil M fit uCSl CJOOIJ Gfp1 AT 323 EAST 2ND SOc SO-c tri1 h1 AND MANDOLIN PLAYER who hlngs to gi to Tinmdef mountain n list bo good Cai 1 1 II V OklMeJd loom 1 t vcr Huifjilo saloon uWt Ml DDLKAFp WOMAN TO COOK and dn general houmvork small cottago family of lv Apply i after 10 oclock Mon rJ NiEllIUJSrWO Wi I I V PER Vail ill tacli C1Uhi i I IZilt lti1tJ blaRi I105 old csttthhisiiet liouise ut1U filinociul sttnIing Si iiIiihi i ltzta11do weclti V CUlill silhnr3 iSt4J nicI ly cteclt eiLt1i Wedncsdty with n Ii exiteties tIticet rcnt htCiLdtfllttl ers 1710770 n Ii or c pensea llarulger 9 Caxton bldg CIII go WANTED EXPERIENCED SALES men tc call on all hindu of bualness louses lIla 1112 ftct Ll7Crs wholesale and re all stores and banks to Introduce and sell I our I magnificent Advertising Calen hiiH comprising over AO < different styles nil original late handsome pat terns not ling li-ng llko thorn ever seen before Customers Custom-ers want and buy af 1 1 otiro on seeing them I eally no competition wonderful works of art Wo pay largest commission Tliono giving exclusive tlmo lo ito Work reullly iak K > 0 to 51SO every week Wo guar intec them to lie the best altlo lino for raveling men ever heard of Write at oneo with references All commissions paid promptly Success asBiircd Amen can Novelty Co Cincinnati O u6i9 AT THE MANITOU HOTEL PANTRY girl and diningroom girl GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSISWORK ici A Sl US12 YOUNC GIRL TO DO CHAMBER woik 11 Eagle block u7K5 MAN WHO CAN PUT UP FURNI ure ono familiar with Tndhand buslnepn Meferred Nebrnylui 2ndHand Store 21fl State u753 G J RL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK 10 washing 110 Q at u109 WANTEDSALESMEN BY MANU aeluror of grocors speelallles Good sal nry lo exiierlenced hard workers Ad dress box 517 Chicago III uliV WANTEDEXPERIENCED SAITSS nan for the largest and llnest lines of ad ertlslng calendars novelties signs and pal I her goods An excellent I opportunity for experienced salesmen with established ercnces stating experience Aug Cast Bank Note t Lltho Co St Louis Mo WANTKDSALESMAN V50 MONTh I y and expenses permanent Perry Nor s cry Co Rochester N Y 12I5S BIG MONEY IN MAILORDER BUSI t vss coiulucted by 1 anyone anywhere particulars lor stamp Central Supply Co Kansas City Mo I7S2 ENGINEERS FIREMEN i M AC H i N 1 sts and electricians New JOpage I amphlet containing best lotis asked by r xominlng board of engineers Sent free Gee A JJwller publisher St Louis Mo VANTEDCLOTII1NG SALESMEN t o open and operate Kales agencies for d Xmorlcus Greatest I Tailors Exclusive Ight 1 given proper In ciii I los furnished to Ight ili tl los woolens In the piece for i llsplay purposes supplied If I required amplcs furnished free also advertising l natter and stationery A number of our i ales agents arc making from 1200 to J3VJO 1 ier year Write for terms I and full Infor 1 nutlon Adtlrcs Agency DepJ K Lock Jox NjJ Chicago tuos I I TASH ivTm FOR DISTRIBUTING clruuhiis Send stamp American Dln ilbutor Kansis City Mo 17S1 WANTEDR1D1CR AGENTS TO RIDE and exhibit sample 02 model bicycle and Ilsirlbute IfOO catalogues In payment for it write for catalogue and particulars ls 1 W Mead Cycle Co Chicago 1716 WANTED S10VEHAL I CIGAR SALES ill CII 1 C X pen to cc unneeessary good nav Cmaniiel Co t Station J J New York City TWO GOOD GIRLS SHORT HOURS easy work Crescent i7 WosL Second South 11 3 doors west iosiofnco uWi AV liNPLRIICNCED D1NINGROOM girl and cluiinbciinald at t The Halls J GOOD GENERA I enolIMAKKR AT I I Ilrehmaiis Shoe ritOre url GIRL FOR GKN13RAL HOUSEWORK 203 hast 1S t Houth u517 South A FIRSTCLASS Ht UARI315R SS W 2N D jrsi THE JIENO EMPLOYMENT AGENCY laving opened their office hereby glvo jptlce they are jrepared lo supply all duds of help to cnntraclon needinghelp In any and nil branches free of charge ontractor I hould furnish freo trniiHporta Ion only T 1 O Jones t Co Reno Nov GIRL FOR GFNKRAL HOUSEWORK cferoncca 17fi X Main Mt ulOS WOMAN OR CM 11L TO COOK 75 i Went tmSt Fourlh Soulh ntreeL uISO GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL l HO US 10 woik Nrj warthln Good wages 177 E I IB I SO u 111 A COMPETENT CARPET rAYER Al > C M L U215 CrlRI FORHlIOU I E WORK7MlJST l WE Ic good cook small family S0 ird st ujs A COMPETENl 7jinY76irGEN I hnusnnork at 211 Kawt First South PLENTY PLACES FOR GOOD GIRLS MIB Oiaono Emp Office 171 E 2nd So PllilonaI Advertserneiits WILL RE FOUND ON P2E LI WANTEDHELP GIRL FOR LIGHT GPINErIAr1 hOUSE work Jifi V V rd South ENili3RGKTIf SO I JoTrORS LADY OR gentleman for entirely new hue great seller Call 523 E Ith South uTiS EXPERIENCED JCURSEGIRL AT SIS 12 2nd South u777 GOOD COOK APPLY Ml E FIRST SO WOMAN TO CLEAN AND WORK IN furniture able strong boy to help de liver I furniture woman cashier and clerk for furniture store Apply I X L Furni ture I Carpet Installment I I I House I IS East 2nd South St Monday a m FIRSTCLASS COOK IS G ST FOR RENT rfWx s r STORES IN NEW INDEPENDENCE bldg SiflRoonb In Morlan Elk 5b07ritoin < > honae iTi So lot W S2flfroom modern KW Prldpeport at W J Halloran 11 West ird So u7fl7 REAR MO 5T1I EAST ST GROOM 2Ti Silt East str t rooms 513 7th South near 1st West 4 rooms 12 Weir 10 W 2nd So u503 1ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE 2711 North rdJUrcst uSU 8RM MOD JR NO 21S N 2ND W fir Irrn fr No POO IS 3rd So 515 1rin fr No 2Z1 W 7th So fI2 lloiifton Real Estate Inv Co U737 A FIRSTCLASS STORE AND CEL Jar counters and shelving 25 East Ith South SIS per month i will alto clos out a clean stock of BrocTlos and drnps at a bargain Inquire JS or 2S r Jlh SouiJi FOR Till I E SUMMER COMPLFTELY furnished 7room house with pill no Soc onrl st near R Address 15 OS Tribune 11ROtt PR icic El ECTIL1 C LI Gi I I No 715 15 lib South J22SO YoUng Fow ler under Deserot bank uC33 2 ROOMS AND PANTRY GROUND floor JIS Center st u7I5 FOR VACANT HOUSES CALL UP Houstons Tel 27 r109 6 W CCLESB RESIDENCP IHrt Eighth East tit thoroiiKhly modorn For partloulani liumlru of IS U Kelecy Ken yon i1tUUAI cuj JAUW itO 1ijssr ST partly fnrnlnhed key next door D Eyer bOO Fifth East tel Mk uWl 7ROOM MODERN TERHACE CLOSE In C E Taylor WelLs Fargo Co a Rank uuSl LARGE STORE 2S 10 TV 3RD SO Houston Real Estate Inv Co 251 Main SROOM MODERN HOUSE 303 N 2ND West on AVarm Springs car line uATtl 2 SMALL UNFURNISHED ROOMS pantry cloret water In ltr > uno no chit dnii ri2l IJrhlport SL bet Fourth and Fifth East Fifth South uft I i7oonousF ROOMS HOT AND cold water hath closet and range Apply fiXJ Wt lat South st No children HOUSTONS TIIEHOUSERS 251 Main street TeL No 27 rl03 3nOOAf MODERN EAST SIDE U U Hlskey 201 McCornlck block UM NEW MODERN RROOM BRICIC bath electric light hot and cold water 715 So W Temple Imj 71 W 7th So IROOM SUITE BATH AND CLOSET Park terrace U U Jliskoy 201 IcCor nick block un0 I 70S 13 SRD SOUTH MODERN IOROOM brick barn Weir w W 2nd So uoll tthliI FRONT OFFICE SUITE SECOND I floor JMX So Main ulGi 5 it BATH PANTRY RANGE J3LKC lights IW AV 1st North u2l CALL UP TEL NO 27 FOR HOUSES Houston Real Estate Inv Co nUll NICE NEW COTTAGES lfiOO TO 52iOO per month Descrct Savings bank u202 GROOM MODERN COTTAGE NO children 37 W fith South 12361 MO SO 2ND WEST oRM BR COT tapc UxI0 rode 52500 Houston Real Estate Investment Co 21 S Main MODERN 10ROOM HOUSE Near Jib East and 1st South Sta See Realty Co W W 2nd South Phono KEYS FITTED So W Crd So Phono HIGz J A Meredith FLOORED BASEMENT 10x120 LIGHT and dry Houston Block 251 Main at rJ10 15 HOUSES ALL KINDS PRICES and locations Tultlo Bros MJ > Main sU SEE US FOR HOUSE RENTING Realty Co 03 W 2nd So Phono 7CO UNDERTAKER VrfV S rf V V + jWv 1 A S WATSON UNDERTAKER AND embalmer Opp P O Tel 1019 n7G3 STORAGE REDMAN VAN AND STORAGE CO separate rooms largest moving vans Money advanced on goods 12G and I2S S W Temple st Phono C53 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND CON nfruction largo atock of latest chande dicrs IntcrMt Elect Co 13 E 1st So DENTIST VS X WESTERN DENTAL CO 32 EAGLE Blk Dr Brondbent Uptodate dentistry DAIRY AND CREAMERY KEYSTONE DAIRY AND CREAM cry IS IS lat So wholeialo and retail Kcystono butter Is famous Phone CGI CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS J B BEAUDRY CARPENTER SHOP 171 Slat Plans and estimates furnished ROY WATROUS CTr EriilD SOUTH elevator and Job work Tel 107555 oS7a lADY WILLIAMS C2 MARKET ST Teicphone lOCiiX nir JOHN S THOMAS ARCHITECT AND < Jobbing In carpentry J2I W 2nd So WATCHES AND JEWELRY FOR SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON ivatchra and Jexvclry Kfc Sal Sickle the Jeweler 76 t JiI11l South nt MACHINISTS A C GARTMANN GENERAL MA china Jobbing and repairing IH W 1st So FOR RENTFURNISHED ONE TARGB FRONT ROOM FUR nlshed sit So JsL West st u710 FJ lONFROOM RENT REASON B LK IS North 1st Weal u717 1ROOM FURNISHED FLAT BATH I elec light f37 So Jnd Vest u7K2 3 FURNISHED HM3 FOP HOUSE kceplnp eheaji 310 N 1st Went L NICELY 1Ul1NlSl I I ED ROOMS ALL modern I2D So 1st Vt u7S7 NICIOLV FtTRNISHfJD MODERN S room houso for amamcr Phono GlfJ f rings u79l CLEAN WELL FURNISHED ROOMS 11q1251e 11790 NH13LY FUR FRONT ROOM 1 Chesney court u7fti FURNISHED HOUSE 7 ROOMS brick lawn and l piano KM Sth East u7SS Six MONTHS OP YEAR NICELY furnished ihv rooms hath I oloacls pan try cellar and stable ail South tith East il no Ullhoi u780 R LEG A NT FRONT ROOM 22 E 6TH South IIIIIc NEW COTTAGE OF 2 LARGE ROOMS and pantry lilt West Hrd So uSIl SUTTEOF ROOMS WITH GOOD TAble TA-ble board SW J3 3rd So S10 STRICTLY MODERN ROOMS IN private family 133 E Fourth South A FLAT FOR HOUSEKEEPING 115 S W Temple iW ingHRUOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP ing I31 Earls court u7KJ NICELY FURNISHED I ROOMS 33 Canyon road one block from Eagle Gate NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light ousckeepln 21L 1C 5th So u72G 2 i LOVELY ROOMS FOP HOUSE kccplng bath no children No 3 3rd East NICELY FURNISI rKD ROOMS N E V brick modern MS East 3rd South u7fi2 TWO ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING modern 137 East Third South u7Ct ONE FURN FRONT ROOM SEP rate entrance J19 So Oth East u7iH THREEROOM FLAT NO CIIII < drcn 3IH So W Temple u7 FURN1SHFD ROOMS FOR RENT 371 East 31 tii South uTW CLOSE I N NICELY FURNISHED frcnt room private entrance 8 Dubcl ave FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR without housekeeping also kitchen furnished fur-nished complete for keeping boarders M Ho State 5n TWO ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING ground hoar private family 237 So 1st W HANDSOMELY FURN ROOM MOD ern 2 hIlts from Mala 323 So 2nd Eart FURNISHED ROOMS AT 21 W NO Temple Como and see uC53 ONE FRONT KOOM FOR JIGIIT housekeeping 7il So Main u703 FOR RESPKCTAHILITY AND RE ilnemcnt go to lie Ploisiftiton I rlegant rooms no children No 0 Ktndall sriuarc FURN ROOM WITH MODERN IM provemcnts iJ Jiast North Temple u3r NJCEIV FURNil SHED FRONT rooms W S Main n5l9 TWO MODERN HOUSEKEEPING I rooms gas range 213 West f th South ELICGANT ROOMS PY DAY WEEK or month SCfi So W Temple ufHi light cloie In Apply 121 W ith So uKIS NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rocms Iruj Galuna blk Room 0 uf > l55 3 FURNISHED MS FOR HOUSE kceplng c1l per mo 273 W 2nd South J Oil II i PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS Klrlctly i modern conveniences chose in refennc exchanged Address 13 M Tribune uKM NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM aide entrance 2GO So 2nd East unil I FURNISHED ROOM INQUIRE lOS NO Main UI05 NEWLY FURNISHED SINGLE OR on Miilte modern S Dubol ave on 2nd South near Third East Rent reasonable NICELY FURNISHED ROOM 315 CON Hlltution building u02 FOR THE I SUMMER MODERN housc east side Apply 31 Commercial blk FURNISHED ROOMS BATH ELEC trlc light close In 520 So State 12319 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS S31 CAN non nL i block west Rio Grande depot 3 ROOMS PANTRY AND CLOSET also barn 37 West 7th So tlSOl ROOMS AND BOARD MODERN reasonable 303 E SIb So Phone 1320IC NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS MOD cnn conveniences 127 So 1st Went s951 2 NICE LARGE ROOMS FURN FOR housekeeping with water 172 K st NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM ON ground floor bath board for two 222 L st A FEW GENTLEMEN ROOMERS and boarders at 239 W 2nd North st NICE ROOMS GROUND FLOOR modern also board 1G S West Temple NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH bath In private family 55 W Ilh South ULLLLJJJ 1tJt1r 1 rlUUSii keeping south front ground floor COD E Int South BOARD AND ROOMS BOARD AND ROOMS MODERN doc light and hath 237 W nlh So u7i > FRONT ROOMS GOOD BOARD 500 week 3 Whltlaker eL bath W 3rd So ELKGANT ROOMS NEWLY FURN throughout I oil I I modern conveniences good board close in 327 13 1st South FURNISh USD I ROOMS WITH OR without boned modern conveniences Til First st uSCS GOOD BOARD PRIVATE I FAMILY ref Oi5 ICaat First North NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board No 1 Kendall square Mr Barton IN PRIVATE FAMILY MAN AND wife or two gentlemen Rcf > hIlt from county buUdltur NoJl So 2nd East STRICTLY MODERN 321 S 1TII EAST ROOMS AND BOARD IN PRIVATE family modern 001 So2nU East U25 ASSAYERS CRISMON BROS 219 S W TEMPLE st Full equipment for making concentra lion and cyunldu tcsla Send for price Hut F M BISHOP 1M S West Temple rnnoir QUARTETTE MUSIC FOR FUNER nla Apply at Butlers 5ii S W Temple under Johnsons Photo gallery Terms reasonable IIOII DAY AND EVENING CLASS l PER month Prof Andre Instruments fur nished S I SMILEY PIANO POLISHER of Chicago old piano1 outdo new any color No IU Richards nt city olWM TICKET BROKERS OTTINGERS CUTKATE R R TICK ct office 15 W 2nd South f33 A T MOON CO PUY AND SELL railroad llckcj 235 So Main opposite Walker homjc klll3 GROSIIEljLS TICKET OFFICE KS tabllbhcd ISIS Hfducpd rales on all rail road tlRktlH I 221 Main gIicLi53t p < 53 HALFTONE ENCRAVlNC S AT THE TRIBUNE ART DEPARTment DEPART-ment the highest class of halftone en graving li oxeeulrd upon the shortest notice and at 1 I ho moot rcinouablo ralen Porlralls of porfions plcUirea of luisiness houses residences etc a specialty FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS DO YOU WANT A SONG BIRD A beautiful collection at No id rear Hoard of Trade Hide Call or writo J A Silm IJOII I1EST GROCERY IN TOWN FOR sale goodJocaUon Add rum F 2 Tribune lYEAR6lD FlESir MILCH COW with ralf I 7II 10 3rd South u79S IOn I-On RENT FURNISHED RESTAF rant doing good biiidnesu Call or ad drcsi il Weal 2nd South ii70i TO BUY AND TEAR DOWN OLD buildings i Butcher CJ2 S Uh I3nst NEU AND SECON lAND SAFES rill I vrttill yrtn S ltfti 1 fn IIl lt r r fftrte I i nl vire work MuttErs Agency 112 I W 2nd So THOROUGHBRED ROSE COMB Whllo Leghorns Great whiter layers 01ggsl I jer netting Sidney II Bclmont Provo Utah uiJS3 NEW IIIJMPTIflEV GREEN BONE cutters O box 121 Immediate delivery Address P 1 ufi17 I IIAVJ1 A FEV 0001 BUSiNESS Cox and fancy driving horiie3v Cull 011 Cr 120 So W Temple uG3G AT POCATELLO IDA AT ONCE A modern stram laundry with welleiHah IJshed buHhiPHS If I not sold by Saturday owner want a ilrulclnsa laundrymnn with tvferenvs to run business Ad < lrcsM Church 5 White uCU2 AN EXTRA GOOD YOUNG HORSE IV2 hajuJ high weight 1ICO good driver liMfi So State UGD3 SAFE HORSE FOR LADY RIDE OR drive tine surrey rG E 1st North uG71 ROOMINGHOUSE IH ROOMS GOOD location Address K 57 Tribune uGOO ELEGANT PHAETON IN PERFECT condition 57 5 cash McCoys stables FRESH YOUNG MILCH COW WITH hclfcr calf 7C J5K 3rd South u707 GOOD TOP BUGGY CHEAP 55 N 13 corner 11 Ih So and 13th Butt u700 FRESH COW JERSEY NO 1 637 E 7th South nll LATIGE OAK REFRIGERATOR GOOD a new 750 W lot So u712 ONE GOOD RACER CHEAP 203 K 2nd South Room II u71G BOARDING AND ROOMINGHOUSE parly leaving cityrcasonable Address 10 43 Tribune tiG73 BUSINESS PAYING GOOD PROFITS splendid location C50 excellence chance Address 13 11 Tribune utSO So 2 FRESH Main MILCH COWS CHEAP a7 U7M TVI31LESTABLISIIED HAY GRAIN I and flour business good reasons for sell Ing Alexander Commission Co 110 W 131 Sputh u7It MACHINKRYTHE LARGEST STOCK of secondhand mining pumping and milling machinery In tho I world Is being sold out by T 1 7 Moynnhnn Cripple Cnnk Cola Send for prices Set oilwell loohi 2stamp mills 3 diamond drills eheaji GOOD WHEEL CHEAP 821 SRD ST CONFECTIONERY I i AND MANUFAC South tory going out of business Gl E 1st 11723 THE FURNITURE AND LEASE OF A sevenroom modern house to a responsible party ins South 1st West u72 > ONE LARGE HORSE WEIGHT 1120 pounds 211 East Slit South u722 HOUSEHOLD I FURNITURE CHEAP Addies 10 53 Tdbuno n721 FIVE RAILWAY I CARS DINCH I gauge cheap 13 South hut West u720 A I LOVELY 10ROOM FLAT lihI I K furniture In this Hat Is exceptionally hal uteani heal Wo want you to ice this Address F I 1 Tribune ufi9 ROOM FURNISI lED FLAT READ uoihlm betur on the I markcl close In rout 5100 Includes steam heat and water always full price 2VX > Address F 13 Tribune u7 HER E is A FLAT is ROOMS PART ly 1 furnished will sell for 3oO AddtvK F 20 Tribune u7C7 2 JERSEY cows nn A STAN ura ST-AN ELEGANT UPRIGHT C A SMITH Co pluiKK only I 17i one squaro planp JCO 01101 hlgh lop ICslcy organ M New and cornjileto stock of highgrade pianos sold on small payments If I desired Jtir 2 stenscn it Anson Temple of Music 61SS Main U u778 SALOON BUILDING FIXTURES and stock for cash or I on good terms a good location I and business In I leading I I smelter town Address A B J P O Box IW Salt Lnho City ul > 2 7i1 HENS 75 CHICKS AND FURNI luro of 1room house 515 house with I ames lucerne for rent cheap First housn north of Jordan briilge W 2ml So ti677 FRESH MILCH COW 133 E 2ND SO THE OLD BRICK BUILDING COM rnerclnl avenue near State street must be torn down make me a bid for it as It stands C F Taylor Wells Fargo Cos bank uaOT ALL KINDS OF ROCK 627 SO 6TII East Tel 1378Y u501 THE KENSINGTON GREENHOUSES Residence ground and stock ulPil FAMILY DRIVING HORSE OWNER leaving the city Address K 10 Tribune FINE ROCK QUARRY AT KIM 1 II tn T3o r l A TAn lr f TT Cf rt vt Pnrk City Utah t1172 ONE ELEGANT MAHOGANY CASE upright piano 519700 one high top Ivlmbill organ S15M Carstennen An son 5153 So Main st u2S BUGGY AND HARNESS 525 9111 SO 2nd West cst uli BELTING AND 20 HORSEPOWER Buffalo engine li horsepower horizontal engine and boiler 1 3 1 hp 1 1 2 hp self turning hit he 2 fool lulheH drill presser 1 blacksmith bclloss GXi Stato SL FOR SALE COPPER PROPERTY very cheap f > 3 aeres palrntod La Sal mts adjoining properly of International I < oppor Mining Co P O Box S27 Cob rado Springs Cob uS7 STACK OF HAY ADDRESS W F Fcaton rear 132 So 1th W uIOl GOOD SECONDHAND HACK VERY cheap Farringlon3 Stable 102 State st LLICERNIO AND TIMOTHY HAY IN any quantity wholesale and retail Mar nane Co 123 E 2nd So Phono 7S3N GROCERY STORE CHEAP DOING a good business Call at VIS W 1st So MOVING PICTURE OUTFITS AND supplies at bargains China P Mudsen Co rear 1IM Main st 123UI ONE FAN fx7Vj FT ONE 15 1IP engine Apply Supl St Marks hospital 3 ENGLISH SHIRK STALLIONS CAN be seen any time inquire Bonds restaur ant MROOM ROOMINGHOUSE IIBART of city terms easy P O Box 1191 tllOi EGGS l5TprlioCKS SILVERLACED tlng B C Fricae 327 Ccntro st I tlOltJ NEARLY NEW SET DRIVING hAP tic ss Call JC1 10 1 nth So ONE CARLOAD NEW I AND OINCII wrought pipe Acme Mining Machy Co WALL rAIlsR AND PAINT BUSI nefcs 315 Main st 11702 REGISTERED JERSEY 1 BULLS ready for service Applx Ilolllngworth Ill West 1st South at City 1701 GOOD PAYING SALOON IN PROS perous minim camp new building mod ern fixtures satisfactory L references application I Address D I 1 Tribune upon CHEAP A DREDGE CAPABLE OF throwing COM yanhi of dirt per day built txpnHHly to work In Jordan river Ad dress Nepbi Elsmorc Amor Fork Utah ALL KINDS SECONDHAND GOODS bought and sold J Crofton 2ll S Stale HORSES FOP SALE AT IOWA STA bins > lit W So Tern PHONOGRAPIIS TYIM3VlUTERa lyon Johnson bicycle Carter 25 W Tern I STRAYED 1 LIGHT RAY SHETLAND MARE pony Pirlpo down buck with foal IS rc vard Dr Simmons 10 S W Temple ot FOR SALEREAL ESTATE ICO ACRES PRODUCTIVE LAND Situated KOIHO eight miles Bomhweut of the city The Tcmplo bclrii In plain view IK accenilbU by neveral line roads and boulevardB likewise by s1 reel car bflng our mllcn to State street car line and two miles to I thu Sail Uikc and ThIng hum fnr line now being built It In foneed In two I elgluyarro lots with n jit mid IIIIlttLii Lilt I plekctn On one tract I tliJio In a neat sixroom house gmt ary and well and perhaps the largest barn In Ulah 1 which will I houiic from urea to four hundred toirs of hay nnd shelter aomo two hundrrd of cattle or horsvit orH largo band of iih rp IItere IR 1 also a beautiful grovr of cnrofullyseleeted and thrifty shade trees and a promising Therr Is not an acre of waSte land on the entlro tract About 130 acres Is Ill l lu eorijf with an xrHJenl water rIght con shs lug of J it7 shares of wator stork dl vldrd among thrco I canals Avlll cut I any whex from live to nix hundmd tons of hay the averagft seaSon Last year the driTKi rvcperlcnccd In Utah this property paid over S per cent net on the price asked antl lie prospects arc it will pay 10 pnr cent not title year This 1 property owing lo its location and fertility la l hound to steadily Increase In valno and no better investment can bo found or a better place for a large dairy or headquarters for a L man extensively en gaged la the nhcpp industry If one will drive out and look thli hirge body of lu cerne over now aomo eighteen Inches tall and as thick as it can titand and blark na a cloud ho will then dhicovor ihe I se cret why Utah citizen are considered the best homtbulldiTH In the Union Will soil this property as a whole or In EOacro tracts or would trade one of the eighties for a dealrable modern city rest detiro or good lumlnoRs property tithe perfect and unencumbered Benson for selling owner contemplates a long lour abroad For particulars call on or ad dress General J S Wltchcr Wlndnor ho tel city uRW flPM FR ON GLEN AVE 0000 Houston Real Estate Investment Co 231 S Main St JO AND 5 ACRES ON 7TIT EAST BET Ilth and IRth So cheap 5x10 con lot 3rd Enst and 4th So Impure 371 Main uCf rxlft COR SPIt AND J JCOOOO Houston Real Estate Investment Co 251 S Main St 52XK FRUIT FARM INCOME PROPerty PROP-erty 1000 Dr Schlleslnger Ogden tlID NEW MODERN ilR BR COTTAGE a bargain Apply to owner r5 S 12th 13 IK YOU WANT A PIECE OF REAM estate you want It at a price that is rlsht We have a choice list of properties nc snap prices Sco us before you buy A choice building lot one block cast of city and county bldg 1200 KxS with alley In rear D at a beauty 10ZA 2xi0 south frontage 5th bet II and 1 JDoO 3x7 to alley In rear 3rd East only 330 5x20 5th East and 3Jh So only 525C0 Now strictly modorn 6nxun pressed brick cottage east side south frontage JCXXi completely furnhdicd with nice piano J1700 owner has left city must sell Eightroom house out block cast of city and county building only J2W Nice modern sixroom house in Darling ton a beauty only J2TOO Handsome new elghtroom strictly moderj rosldonco cast wide K0 Wo have a choice list of modern rml dcnceg cottages building lots In all pirto of the city Sec us before purchasing It will pay you McKellar Co f3A W 2nd South 11RM L BR ON PAXTON AVE 5SOOOO Houston Real Estate Investment Co 2SI S Main St SEVERAL PPV HITS Wo have Just hit upon six or eight new 5 arid firoom bricks thnt cnn ho nolrt at less than cost to duplicate All have baths doe lights etc and 0051W terms if vou wish r or inaiHnco one at vfj lor t u cnsn ono at J2r0il on S M O cash ono 2230 just ilnlshed easy terms A bargain at JirX another 100 Bargain near Brigham st In a fine largo Sr br this only SriCO On Brlgham si Sr mod the only snap left on the street at WflO Vory line fr br clone In porcelaIn bath and sink large cellar only J3500 5th JOist close in fixlO and house largo trees a snap 51 iC X Givnt snap In 5r fr good lot and barn car line worth ICCO will take any fair offer Your choice of 11 elegant mod houses on 3rd St 2nd or 1st st Ibt So 2nd So and 3rd So prices S50CO to < 600 Trackage and warehouse property Vacant lots terraeo sites and court property nil parts of city Realty Co 0 W 2nd So Phone 7M hx7 RODS oRM BR ON 2ND ST Houston Real Estate Investment Co 251 S Main SI THE STRINGER CO Si W 2ND SO We have secured for Immediate loans payable In small monthly than 1 the I total of Installment payments loans made moro In Utah during the pnst 2 years We aro auDiarized to loan this mon y at lower rates than any Installment loon has ever been nuide in the State No payments to be made beforoscouring loan no waiting for your turn no building nnd loan stack to mature at some Indefinite time Our mortgage is as plain as can be drawn You agrco lo pay a definite number of layrnonts any number you prefer cover lug a period from 1 1 to 10 years Payments rondo here The Stringer Co Si W 2ml So 12RM MOD BR ON BRIG HAM 5x 10 rods so front nice lawn trees large barn A strictly uptodato modern lOCO 1 home Houston Real Estate Investment Co 251 S Main St JIOCO7ROOM MODERN KO SO 1ST W 51HOO 10room modern 10H K 1st So 527057room frame 021 So 1st W S2tsOh11rnom modern iVTO Ko W rr sAurooma iramet too a nit so S20CO lroom brick ry > E Uh So SiWO10xl2 rods con Srd So and Sth B IV J HnUoran U W Srd So uJXj 10x10 SO FRONT ON BRIGHAM 5lOflOrloi Houston Real Estate Investment Co 231 S Ilaln St 17ROOM BRICK COTTAGE BATH closet electric light lot 2JixlO rods 2nd South close In f17iV Modern Sroom brick cor lot 75x140 ft 2nd st JI500 Modern 7room brick lot 3x7 rods close in 1st st COC0 2 loIs 7th E near 11th So 52 o 2 lots Mil E near 10th So J3Co 2sxS rods Sih E near Ith So 500 2AiO rods E near fith 750 1x7 rods M 1 near Ith 000 Weir JO W 2nd Eoulh uSO 7RM MOD 1ITII K RET 5TII AND Cth So 2AxlO rods Jl500 Houston Real Estate Invcatmont Co 251 S Main St iCE 5ROOM BRICK EAST CLOSE irM must rjcll Address F 4 1 Tribune FINE PAIR OF BUILDING LOTS ON So W Temple very cheap 300 C W Miller GO W 2nd So 111572 S3V130 FT SO AND E FRONT th K arid llth So i50060 Houston Real Estate Investment Co 2il S Main St A F13W GREAT BARGAINS THIS week lu building lots C W Miller CO W 2nd So u77 HlOs110 FT SO MAIN ST 700000 Houston 1 Real Estate Investment Co 251 t3 Main St it LOTS IN nxK Pfll comprising uio cn L ire nortiiwcflt corner of Fifth East and Twelfth Southvstrcels fronting 30 feet on Fifth East street and 200 tcct on Twelfth South and 2iX feet on Slxtlt I avenue Kasl Waterloo This beautiful I pint I of ground Is carpclci with a luxuriant growth of bhicfrriss anr shaded by over a hundred fullgrown thrifty applo trees now in full bloom pnsontlng a restful and pleasing plcluro of nature Is Inclosed by a new neat ant substantial picket fonco and is beyond iiucstlim one of 1 the most deslrablo ant sightly locations for one or more llthilrbun residences In Salt Lake county or woul make an excellent and paying pleasure rcbort being only onehalf square to thu splnnddlyc < iuippcd Waterloo car line and directly opiioslle thw llackctt house and n sliort bloir fivim tho I nriiiMlllp mansion aim grounds receiuiy purciiaset and beautltlnd I by Mr I Idvaus and front1 oil the popular and swell Fifth East drive It will cost you lust 10 cunts car fare to go out and sec llis property and get JL whiff of pure air Title absolutely perfect and free from enoumbranci helm insured I for full I I value I For pjirlleulars call I I on or address Genera J S Wlicher l I Windsor hotel city u624 Did you ever lake your i poncll I and llguro out just how shott a t time It I lakou lo juiv for a homo on the Installment plan 2 o sell homes on a basis nf I small I cash pay ment and i In biiliince III 1110111 lIly or juuiterly pamentn ni low ittttit of In terest HiMore settling down for the summer call and look over our list Houston Real Estate Investment Co 251 S Main SL FOR SALEREAL ES1A THESE ARE DAPCAIV3 1x10 iod lot SSTii st lIne eioc nut with in trees a 5ii good l1lI1 4moen ° nri ft r i i 1 A gt0uc1 1room brkl So U7C lilr 4th B oroom brick with lt store rnerfhandlsH ind goid tm i 1111 5t tocv fl F her Nitt northeaHt iroom cloiic In jryCo 5xIJ t > t B Vliioo p 111111 PritJKrtl brick bath K 51100 lb rod lot ttlocHKh huliunc orlh1 K butht 10111 electric 3room light lireicted mont lnItk lIly tIlt m etc menlo j7 l 3xlo near I ithi B antI 0 So SIlt niid 5th Siitl lx hOar Iti i ilc iou COlliOr or 3rd Big 2 Iota 9th liiiut ilcuir ttthu Itolith 50xi32 um oh Main 0 F Peterson in 5170 22 IV 2nd So i ets ate tIiad Lleet 131 1 No 14711 Sn StItti atid iiicc houston Jtral 1l7r4 Efltat mv Cc TUTTLB linos HO MAlFs JLy Oii are ooklrifr for a 1 St DnrRa room brick 1 pmtry 11151110 lOu1tICitlIu lilt Ilibti lullhr cehItir 51JOO Vacant now lttlvfl ly posyepilnr X10 rode on ith St nr J liFe 10x10 cor 10th jmdK Sts IA 7n mod bonne and lot N StT n 2 fine 1205 bldg BiUs Wo have the largest on N list aide BnJgt1rl 1 I hInds prlecH everywhere In Ih ch l Jutilo t Brat ProgressI ProgrcsiHoraiq Bl TIEPOREYOIJ or building lot nc liroom modern house E bench firoom modern bonne N ivt Broom modern house hrfiirh Tit corner WA 0room modern fnime nlc oroomn nice lot SIhrI with 10 acres elo6 io I 2Itl VfQ m cottage payments novcrnlY i room tv cottage p I iicie JTOJ Nice building iota city wntor jifn rull pariirulara of fi J villn 2nd So r n tcj SSxlij FT 2ND SOUTH of Iith East JUHT P Must bo Hold at Sl once Houuton Real Estate hal jnv Co j Idt GRM nnicic WKST SIDK cmur lino twostory lawn CORP ahnde < barn water In house bath ir make offer U exaniln and 32 Eagle niock 1ACRE LOT lv1rrrwAriIjI0117 Terms monthly nuymonta inU E Mntlcllaon 110 fa P Wplkcr Apply lik dli lo 17 1 NEAT 5ROOM COT1Gj IltlT K and 1st So IsaiM 7room rae iresscd brIck B 2nd Sth 55000 dloc Is JOroam adobe 2 ½ x10 bloelcit temple 5Iir f 7room mod pressed brick fLiirKft mantel m porcelain bath toilet light tlr K rd So ST0 lcii L1TTL1 LITTLE I No 1 W 2nd 5 isxli FT NORTH FRONT Oth ELit on 2nd So Slake rv off > tin an Offrr Houston Real Estate Inv Co 251 M Itk 7ROOM MODERN HOME University Sec this today II I p gain C SY Mlllr CO SV 2nd So ui 8ROOM adjoIning tlillCISlIy facts wst iln Pjjiofl lit tvil iund Slialc tI liargaIu k SIIXO C V MIlIr 0 2iitl So It i RODS AND ir FEET l with 5room frame adobe lined 1OIl0b two I room lo more room near 12ih So 1S00 E and lj I Sroom frame 3x0 llth So and 5210 liii roorn brick near 7th So on 5th T 4x10 53000 3x5 and r I of w with Sroom brick irame near ih E on Sth So JI7M a 7roorn mod pressed brick par halt toilet elce light 3hxl5 North TcmpV near Main JCOOfi oi oom new adobe PircIO corner on llti ic f nrit nl t C2r CIIV urooin iiresstd brick par bath tollt olfc IlKht 2 mantels and states fitj home Inl sL w of 1C SVWO 2xS vacant bib K near 2nd So WK 2x7 Center at near Peach 5SW IS iblk north of Liberty park J 5 116x0 r 2nd K nour Sth So J3M 22 acres Mill Creek good waiT nigh 5S200 fi choice farms S 15 and S VV chip littlo Little No I W 2nd So loArRio FRUIT FAnS jrsr COM mrncins lo I bear 11 I I milry S 13 ol dIr will sell whole or In part Address E J Carr Murray Utah uK NEV fiROOM PREsSEr BRICK modem VKI50 ft SISI 3 S3DO casli 5M i mo JIubbard Invl Co 7S V 2nd So SROOM DOUriLK HOIS NHAR H G with laivr barn y0 worth JUO today easy terms Will pay 2 per ctt per month on Investment Jluhtaml Invt Co 78 I V 2nd So uti I LARGE 1ROOM BRICK 75XIW FT s c front excellent location SiO J50 each bal monthly a great bnrsilr Hubhard Invt Co 7S SI 2nd So u21 CriXI2l i FT TO ALLICY TiRil BR COT tage completolv furnished parties nbi log to save lime and trouble of lilting Sr a houfo will do well to look at this CIII before buvlng every thing goes lint tM brleabrac Ii70 So Slate price JTC1 Houston I Real Estate Investment Co 1l S Main si IT IS V BEAUTY CALL AiD SKil It Strictly modern Croom pressed brif < house on iCast bench Easy terms Frltfth Xo J2 E 2nd So 5KU 2I ACRES SRD EAST NEAR lOll So J20X1 JGCO cash bal to suit fi icr cent Hubbard I Invt I Co 7S W 2nd Soiiili BEAUTIFUL NtAV 2STORY A > D cottages are now being built at Isc ari O streets easy payments low Interest Inquire at premises Anderson Real Ej tito Investment Co il ARE YOU INTERESTED IN IDAHO land Well Irrigated farms in every JJUI L Ul LUC k2Ul U il4lll 1IJUI1 b r Olll i ito > i-to you The Homes Investment and Savings Sav-ings Co C S 10 IV hat So at sill THE NICEST CORNER OM NORTH ciist bench 41x125 at R and 3rd ets lawn shade and fruit trees and tarwtt Terme reasonable Ennulrn oa premise FOIi FINE FARMS AND RANChES in the famous Snake River valley IhtiO call on Parsons i Co under Wallle Bros bank 3115 WILL SELL YOU AT A BARGAIN vacant lots a cottage or n model nou r In any part of tho city Jas IC Sniff under Walker Bros bank A SNAP10 LOTS IN UTAH SOUTH crn addition 5154 > to 5200 each II lots la Prospect Park addition 0 each Uoth these additions arc loU5 on West Side Rapid Transit car lino nna close to I site of proposed new sugar fW tory S P terminal site and pioieCl steel mill Jas K Diron 102 E 2nd TWO BBAUT1KUL 9 AND WROO houses nearly completed cose in w car fare 125 1th East Cheap snvu payment dovn Sec owner on IiCIiIIf NIJV COTTAGES ON INSTALLMCKT plan Dcsorot Savings banlt THE OLD WAV VAS TO WAIT TIJA you had saved enough to pay for a lions before buying It Phc new way Is to enjoy it while joi arc paying for it I Our specialtY Is homes on Installment plan cast and west sides of town The Homo Investment Savings Co C10 W First South st lid CHOICE BUILDING LOTS 13 BLO from center of eltyhlgh l cliO grout c-liO each 52 cash 10 a mo flflOt b duplicated at < X > per lot Ilubbnrd Init OR RENT iRCKrLrRorrl1Tl pavod st A Keysor IIi S IV 1nilllt 5ROOM MODERN BRICK EASTside EAST-side 2ixlO lawn shade 5200 Fine iroom modern iriuuc lang rooms lot 30x157 to alloy shade tre lawn bpaullful home east side oil Jr itii > Joooy Ucautlful acre lots on State si lis and fruit plenty water for irrIgatiOn from J25D to 5SCiO per acre Small tracts near city Sec i Tho f tlator our Iliv llarritifclon Courtney 70 W 2nd South NEAT HOME IN NICE LOCATION for small family rJ3 I St siw CASH AND S3 PER MO 12 it ° buys lino lots rear II G Vi tleP0t IiieSui will iloublo in value in 2 years Go durd under Walkers bank AC U15AG 1 E PROPERTY IractH farms and ramhos j litnbor mineral lahitIit iii hrOZltIS and 111 roved and unimproved Vrpcn or small tracts Parsons t CoVaihccr B n > jl Ill B pEOIIE SHOMB DUIDl otlilunny itll I build yliti ii Iloifle all1 it 0 ° 3011 t1er iuixten 011IS 0 tutIIY nionty lii ltynbenIs of 5550 lien 7i1oid Ott each tliousiiuI dohlai0 altiticf illlrlSI Atnts 4tliilbY 10 17 CicuvelanI Geli Agent 15 1 211150 HOUSE AND LOT 24 ACRES g i I orchard and lucerne nt JLehl Utah GOV bargain inquire 150 W South Toople |