Show linnjolt ifc Lnncloy llroltora I No 12 w 2nd So Telephone F I > lIJi inl > olhnm Jr Stock broker I 10 AV Und South Tel 603 IL B Cole Co Brokers 1C West Second South Telephone 325 K Jh Colburn Stock Broker la West Second South Phone 670 A S Campbell Stock BroILer Phone SIC Correspondence solicited Meyer A Toitoph Stock Urolters C02 Progress blocJ Phone 1159Y 1 1 Obcrjidoffor Stacie llroJsor 1G1 South Main Tel 2S3 House 1051Y W U Andrew ifc Co Stock Urokora 210 Atlas Elk Phone 7Cu E1 West t Co Stock Brokers 423 Atlas J31k lIes phone 121DX Por Snlo Four thousand tiharcs IDlmore stock a producing mine near Dolse Ida al S cents per share Address E 33 Tribune Prospectors Manual last edition50c American Mining Code 1902 edition SOc American Settlers Guide 1002 edltn25c and a full line of Legal and Mining Blanks at Tribune Tob Printing Ofllce I EDWARD II BURTON STOCK WJ f rrn IE ff > > and BOND fiJrBUm n 11 East First South local TSondr Commercial Stocks and In vcajmcnt Securities Bought and Sold Telephone 10CSX CoiTCsjOiHler > Solicited STEAM STONE WORKS All kliuln of cut stone work for buildings build-ings cemetery work curbing IhtRginB paving blocks etc also ulono In thorough tho-rough from our quarries at Hcbcr Largo stock of atouu ulwayc on hand Walker Bros Wilcox Offlco and yard 73S West Third South Street Salt Lake City Utah Jf1 LABEL r1 H i JJv J p I t l 4ji t > t 332 1i1 S JJ ka sma FOR SlllIPL THE PERFECT EAR TAO Matlo of AMjItllNtM mill ATTAChED 1 JA1X USLY cnttltif I ti own WS lliroiu tlioiiii llynrfull naniu nnd lulilrcts nuiiibnrcl ilMilrfilOMado only bv bAtT IAKr STASH CO 1iuciiiccs SALT LAKE UTAH Sold by SMITH DRUG CO 170 So Main St Salt Lake City SUItE CURB FOR PILES Itching Piles produce moisture and cause itchinG this form as well ug Blind Bleeding or Protruding Pllen are cured by Dr Bosunkos Pile Remedy Stops Idling 1 and bleeding Absorbs tumors fiOc a jar at Druggists 01 sent by mall Treatise free Write me about your case Dr Bosanko Philadelphia Pa NeldenJudson Drug Co distributing agent Salt Lake City Utah 0 e oUSEuu t PERFECTION i I WLESS BLUE BLAME I QLL ES WE GUARANTEE our Stoves to give SATISFACTION if operated according to Printed Instructions which accompany every Stove I I J < < I PReE J > 5O OTIIER SIZES AT S l I PRICES TO CORRESPOND S c S r I ON EXHIBITION AT S Salt Lake Hardware Co j Dinwoodey Furniture Co Freed Furniture Co S C Waness Co CoOp Furniture Co JW S S I X L Furniture CoMA Co-MA Wites the I Best ftHedgrL1im KnowIfB pz I I u for absorbing and Ll i conveying heat i 0 Hence the wonderful efficiency piifpl and economy of the HotWater V Iww System of house warming KrW W l iSlilrS Healthful cleanly convenient safeR safe-R J M0RllN Board of Trade BuildInG Salt Lake 14c1j IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators tkI C I Pure VTterz Good Health You cant lava the latter without tho former Impure Im-pure water breeds disease Protect yourself nnd family fam-ily by buying a good Filter or Still All prices from 2 25c up See our window It 4 Scott = Strevell Hdw eo 1 168 MA1 TDE WOOD RIVER ROUTE IS OPEN AND e S The Rush to Thunder Mountain Has Begun I rl4 7 LI g q J 1 I S I S S I st iJ b S I 5 S n rtJu I Iw 5 5 THe WOOD RN < < ROUTE TO i3t TUtfOffRT a fillLVArh 1 iv5Ctl fiO i lfM1L tjrtt t 011 tv 5 A saddle train of fifty animals left Ketchum for Sea Foam on Monday last and are now ready to carry passengers from Sea Foam the terminus of the wagon road to Thunder JMounlaln and will continue to mako regular trip forward and back Not one day In the last two weeks has passed without from one to five or six pack outfits heaving Halley for the great gold fields The rood Hlver route is the shortest by many miles Its grades are easier and roads better than by i any other Work on the roads and trails has been Going on all winter and the Wood River route now offers In addition to the best and most complete service the advantage of perfect roads and trails and of established road stations at short distances along the way These points make the Wood River route so much quicker that they place It beyond all competition Halley Is the natural outfitting and starling point It Is a substantial town of 1500 Inhabitants the center of a rich mineral district itself and its business men have had twcrtyllve years experience In selling to and outfitting miners and prospeclors They know what you will want and have the right kind of stocks at the right kind of prices If it Is baking powder an N tent a saddle or a pack horse that you vant Halley can supply It The hotels lodKlnghouscH and restaurants in Ilallcy arc firstclass and accommodations accom-modations ample for all L 5 c GARDNER DAILY STORE NEWS 5 There is certainly a great 5 5 5 fi stock here of the little 5 things man and boy need < fj And today when youre S fixing up youll probably S discover some little J thingS thing-S 5 i yon are short of jNTeikwear for instance 1 for what man ever had enough S S 1 Some particular style for a new kind of collar perhaps C per-haps or some particular I pattern for some fancy S shirt t Yha fever you need Youll find in this great stock New Windsor Clubs for the High Band Turn Down Col Jar new Shields Torks or Derbies for siime style of collars narrow FourinHands for all kinds of collars and the wide end FourinHands too25c nOo 7nc 100 150 New Fancy Hosea half hundred styles and patterns inFancy in-Fancy Shirts V Handkerchiefs Garters Suspenders and little things in Jewelry I One < 136138 I Price J Ie I u rdn e r Main St zII i We Treat ai Cure CATARRH Dronchilia Neuralgia Heart Dh ease Dyapcpiitv Skin DUeaje Blood Djacoac Rhoumcxtiam Malaria Nervous Diseases Kidney Dtsiuvacj Fcmalo ComplfcJnfs In SE aomnio Dysentery Paralyais Rickets Scrofula F Consumption in Firs Stages Liver Diseases I 4 DiseCLSCB of the Dowels S Home Treatment Cares Write for Symptom List Consultation free V2AI WEAK Pay When Cured It you stiller from any of the wcaUnesscs or Wo euro you Unit and then ask a REASONABLE fllsoaoeti cauKnd by 1 iKiiorunre excess or con REASON-ABLE FCC when you are cured You can depend tnirlon YOU AUF THE VERY PERSON WE WANT pend upon our word nny hank In Utah vlll TO TALK TO Wo havo prorufl our skill In curing mill endorse thousanda iinUonun havo endorsed en CONiC lilencos by publlalilnj thouBtvuds of us NOW Wi WANT TO CURB YOU with voluntary testimonials of homo people gIving tho distinct understanding that WO will not do uamcs Dlcturcs aJJreaiiCa wund a PEE until weouro you YO cure LOS1 WE CAHT PUBLISH OUR MANHOOD Seminal Weakness Sparraator rhoca Oonorrhocn nod all wenilncsicri Oonorrhoc Syphilis nn < lc CURES IN PRIVATE DISEASES of men Wo ubbolutoly cure Vnrlcocclc or U I Dccnuso It woula betray eonlhlcnco licnco vo dont oorjt you n tionny ConsulUitlon nnd have to provo our skill in this class of troubles advice FREE by letter or In peraon CALL In another way Thla Ln our plan on iHIllJ Omcc Hours 0 n m to 4 p tn evenings 7 to B Sundays nod Ilolldaya 10 to 15 1 DRS SHORES SHORES Expert Specialists LYON lLOCIf SALT LAKE 60 Wcit2ndSSL CITY BXTRAGTUM VITAE EXTRACT OF LIFE c Given new life to men und women The qrcatcst vegetable i ncnfeb lldcr of t ho nee from tho tclcntlllc formula of an S eminent German physician Cures vhoro all ehln fnlla any form of nervous complaint In either sax Restores tho tire und visor of youth rnbulldu the dnhllltntcd nyatetu Never falls to jlvo nutlfaction JlM pur hox C for J500 GODBEPITTS DRUG CO Salt Lake City SOLE AGENTS FOR UTAH MEREDITHS TT A S H y X T T T j TRUNK FACTORY 1551C7 Main St Salt Lake Utah Purses Belts Pocketbooks and flno Leather Goods THUNDER MOUNTAIN Properties with good surface showings bond or cash Address today INTERMOUNTAIN MINES CO 830309310 Trader Bank Blk Spokane Wash |