Show STOCKS DURING THE WEEK The Market Has Been In Setter Ponn Than for Some TimeQuotations The week on the mining exchange dosed with the tranter of J 5S72 shares of stock for which SlJO7l > 27n was checked out and with many premonitions 1 premoni-tions of belter prices notwithstanding the depression In the metal market the feinting and pant mlmlcs with which the railways and the custom smelters art delaying a reduction In the tariff and the cost of treatment at the furnaces fur-naces These concessions in force and the man who bought when shares were down can readIly see where his scalps are coming from In the meantime there has been not a few advances while the tone of the market generally l has improved 1 Uncle Sam recorded substantial gains however lacking In comfort to those who held on when the shares were selling ill P to 230 and al the same time recorded a strike that affords many assurances that the ores are going down Carl a in whose territory ter-ritory ores currying free gold and heavy values in silver were encoun1 tern found many old customers baok at l its counter and while Grand Central Cen-tral sold up to 332V Its advances were overcome toward the finish by a fresh outbreak in the courts Telro on a story that It has finally uncovered a body of ore In undlspulud territory also afforded the t talent a run for Us money and sold up to 27li cents at the finish while Consolidated Mer cur with plenty of buying orders on file moved up a number of points with Sncuunento maintaining a position around 21i I cents Ontario closed the i cek on si sale at SS notwithstanding the approaching dividend oC SifiOOO while Daly changed hands at 52 on a report that new territory Is to he prospected pros-pected with not a few indications that an ore body awaits the management Without apparent cause for it Lower Mammoth look a tumble and flattened out to SlOi yesterday with a slight rally at the close while Mammoth weakened to 123 with May Day sell ing around 27 cents The opening of hostilities between the HogginHearst crowd and the Quincy had Daly Weston West-on the toboggan and closed it whim but 1040 hid and SlCrO I asked while South Swansea was marked down to an offer ing around 59 cents Star Consolidated which Is patiently waiting on conces sions that will afford an outlet for Its large 1 body of lowgrade ores was let down to 21 cents and Victor to I9t cents on the call for a 3cent IISSCM inenl while California recovered and from ill cents advanced to 12 cents with heavy buying orders La Rclne closed on a trade nt lit cents and Joe Bowers on a transfer at 4 1 cents with the week finishing on the following market l Anchor Bid Askcd Coo = s Albion AJux Hfc IB = 6 55 J HulllonBeck 300 4 ir I 3 j Boss Tweed 36 50 Con Butler 1014 11 California 11 11i Carlsa M SV l Century CO 63 Creole lCO Con Merciir 1S2 1SJ Daly West 1010 4350 Dulton 01 Dexter 35 Kmgrald t 07Xs ISiiglu it Blue Bell 73 Galena 10 i 17X Grand Central 250 520 Golden EIKO fOlA OH Horn Silver 110 15 Jngot 01 OS Too Bowers Xfii > nl Little ChIc 05 11 Lower Mammoth lKHi 1I7 La Rome lUi lli Mammoth 122 123 Manhattan OOli np 1 May Day 2iVa > vi Marllui VushIngton 05 Northern Light 031 01 Ontario SK > S20 RichmondAnaconda OOVt Siinshinu 25 7 Swiuiscca 100 170 South Swansea S7V6 i Os Sicrimento 21 17 2Ivi Silver King SO 00 Star Consolidated 21 2li Shower Consolidated 0 > Silver Shield 07 07 I Totro 65 United Sunbeam 15 S Unclu Sam Con 3731 33 Utah 10 4 i0 Vlclor JOM 2011 West Morning Glory OOjfe OI > 4 While Rocks c 00 Yankee Con lSG lSS T1IIJ DAYS SALES Ajax 11CO at 53c 1000 at 13c seller CO davs 100 nL I3 tc 11Ci at Jlllac l 100 at He JlOfi at ll 1 iic 1M0 at Ulio seller 3 days KOO 1 at ISc seller I 30 days 100 at l5Vc Lower Mammoth 2M at Wii IUO at JliO BOO at SIJCV K0 it SIIW H I Mammoth 100 at J12H 100 at S123 May Day InCO nt Wc W at 27c buyer r 30 ilnyjr 200 at 20ic j seller CO days SoO at 2iiBC seller rO day Ontailo 100 in 5v Slur Con 1fI at 21c 1lIelo Sum irt at 37c ltOO nt 3i1c S lil J at 7ILC seller 34 O lays 11iOO at 7c himyom 30 dziys 10 at 3 Ti I ill at 37c sell Hl 60 1115 2j at 373c buyer O dziys 1110 at jJlc iCllll GO clays IfI at r jc sellcl 21 ilays 11110 at 37c rlO at sc buyer 30 lIays 5tiJ at 2c buyer 10 days LIJ ul 3Sc buyer 10 day ilJO nl 3ic buyer 30 nays lJO at sc buyer 30 clays California nC1 at 12c 500 at l1c H1fl at lie seller 30 days 2000 at lljic 500 at lie Joo Uoworfi UWi I at lu Ln Rolne 5 00 at JUic TOtYo 2000 at 21c 1 25W it 17c 1000 a t 27Wc VO J at 27jo 1000 at 25ic 400 at 1f I rJAc NMcitir 00 at 1JVac M at lUo firl o at Mc 5 f1 CO at 2dc Hellor SO days GSOO at 20c loOO at lOlso seller 30 days aDO at Wc Shares sold 53050 Selling value 17r > 31 OP12 BOARD Ajax iiOO at 45c 500 at IIV C Carlsa 50u nt 37c buyer 30 days Con Morrur 75 nt SlEO California 10JO at lliie 2VO at lie oellc 30 i rtnys 1000 at llc seller 10 days SO at I2ci S Dimly Wost 1 at JI2 Lower Mammoth 100 at 5117 buyer O days Sacramento IW at 21ViC I Silver ShlcUI COO at 7c Unclfi Sam iXJO at 375ic 500 at 3Sc buyc 20 hayS Vlctcr COO nt IflUc seller SO days 100 0 at 20l nollcr 30 days Shares sold 11170 Sclllnj value 521SI I Boston Market Heavy TPIBUNE SPECIAL Popton Mass May 101he copper market like thai I In Nuw York has been dull and rather heavy Profit tnklng was In I evidence but no pressure to sell was noted Amalgamated showed early strength but weakened on the publication of the hank statement state-ment The reactions throughout t the general list ranged from l to 1V points Traders say the market for copper shares has a decidedly better outlook and very few stocks n re press Ins for sale The market closed quiet and steady Hornblowcr Weelts brokers 53 State street Boston and 10 Wall street Now York furnish the following Quotations Siilis llldh Low Clone Amalgamated lfj JC912 1300 cs50 Blnsham 150 rsoj 3750 3750 Daly Woat 550 HOO i37 < 131 1 Utah 215 2JOO 2175 221 linltc1 Statca 50 2103 Mnrcu 125 loS Mohawk 1SO 3723 3750 3725 Curb Boston 753500 |