Show SPEAKERS FOR SCHOOL Veterans Who Will Address School Children on May 23rd Icmlial eXCIcSlS will be heir In the Jlubllc ill schools of he I city nn Ia 1cl and each lney school will h e udriresncll b by tL ollI ycttrall or the Cavil war and of chit Slmlllsh nisharnOricitn mIcn assigned I III the war lh Icatcr9 lIoIIIJ ai iSvSl HH lIr1fh5el quested lo IIUtJul tor school nnrl make Ie wlLhfut fllll her lollce oft the commlttcC e com1os of u GNI II P Burns Col H Lngall Al Irs Burns rs H 1 13111118 lJs T mid lt Clmplll Airs r and IOlpl J lmflD NCllJu lnln1l i T1I1h Slho > olRcv J L > Albrltlon Cttchlo J F GrIfClth BonlflIIcCapt C11 Berry AV p Bryant = 1heo BoLich 1 0 Nyslrotn ElghlhH G SICILcl L Kahn 1mlsollJwlhc 1 J JlClcrson H RI1ul 13outon FtauJllnCClflt Io of Bishop I 1r 1 1IlOontGen 11 r W Rreedcn r Cilhlls G W GranlGcn U lL Pcnrose seller William Yt HamiltonCol George Squlrcs 1 K A Wedgwood IrvingCol E Vy THtloclc Thomas Ilollhel lacucsonJudge C 10 Loufll arrow WII lIam flarnpln lordlllrFJlIlIk Ttorrrnnn Rate hllton LlncolnN D Cnrslar a Lehmnll LotsIICol JM > Wr l Kni hn Joseph J 1ycrs lrlthDI Joscph > f WHIIron Homer Vynll OMufrrhW P RpvcV TL Karnos JJIversldeGcn JJ I Burns C Wal QlllSt SnmnprF If Clark F H Crngor 1 Iralninff MnJ W H Sells A + Boric man I Mnl ah Franklin Wilson D Archer Wasn tch Samuel Allen ID Johnson Wellington J C Coed II E Slvitrr WebsterCol II Logan 7 D 1 Da via WhlllliT M Bowmiin O R Grow IjongfoHow X Elliott F Petnt nun Twelfth l District Thomas ifarrlij i F Blako Jn each InFlnnce thc tirst named speaker speak-er I Is a G A ft veteran lh < > second a veteran of the SpanishAmerican war |