Show UTAH OIL iLAHDOWlJEHS Officers Chosen for the Bureau of Information In-formation at Price rrmHl NE SPECIAL Price Utah May H At a meeting last cvcnlnir of he I Oil and I Owners Protective Protect-ive i asaoolation 13 R McDonald was mllcla hnlrman and t V IT Ponaldson > sioerc tarv Mrs Kate 1 Mown wns secretarY of the temporary organisation SV H DonaldHon was also made acerotary of the buronu of information I In addition I to the t list I furnished yesterday This concentrates concen-trates C lie I nuMnoM at Price so tlmt all correspondence can be answered promptly prompt-ly 1 Tho convention adopted these roso lutlonH Resolved That it Is I the sense of this convention thin t whonover capital undertakes under-takes the development of ttnv group of claims or any claim within lie t State of Utah by l placing oilboring rigs or a rig on such claim or group of claims that said capital shall havo the most unqualified unquali-fied moral support of tho members of Ibis I convention and nhall have no fcnr of molostatlon or trouble or I Interfcrcnco In any way from any member hereof Wlioroas Tho production of oil paraf lint and other lInilar products Is I rapidly becoming ono of the groat wealthpro ducing Industries of the United Staten and Vhereas The people of the State of Utah In common with thono of Colorado AVyomlng I Idaho and other Western Slates Territories are vitally intonstoJ 1 In aiding the oil Industry by all legitimate means now therefore The people of I tab Interested In the oil Industry In dokgato convention assembled assem-bled at Price Carbon county Utah this 9th day of May 1XC do hereby respectfully respect-fully memorialize Congress of the United States in favor of the passage of what Is known as tho Sutherland bill which was Introduced by the Hon George Sutherland Suther-land providing for he I manner of location loca-tion of and doing annual or assessment > work or labor upon placer locations for oil and hydrocarbons and I known as House bill No 12Jll and we respectfully urge tho lion George Sutherland the Introducer In-troducer of the said 1 bill and Senators Rawlins and K earns to use theIr best endeavors en-deavors to secure the passage of the said bill at tho present session fir Congress Vo believe that the rights of locators of petroleum claims should be legally protected pro-tected Hint the most effective support that cnn bo given Individual rights Is the strict enforcement of the countrys laws that the right of time original and legal locator Iii a right deserving tho moral support of every citizen and that Justice In such relation can be best subserved by b a union of such interests Your commit i Let recommend lie t formation forma-tion of a protective association by the locators on tho lines adopted > by tho State of Wyoming ResolVed That It IP tho SOUFO of this convention that t If I mining districts are formed In the oil fields of Utah that they I adopt a uniform system of district laws Ve recommend that a bureau of Information Infor-mation be established at Price Carbon county Utah that t quarters be secured and competent clerical aid employed and that tho expanses of the bureau bo sustained sus-tained by contributions equitably levied I upon thin soxcral 1 holders Individuals l and corporations within the State and Hint the chairman of this convention appoint an executive committee of live members lo formulate plans and put hi force the foregoing recommendations Resolved That It I Is the t sense of this convention that all labor performed upon the construction and 1 Improvement of roads Ifeidlng to and from Hie properties located as oil land In lie I several counties coun-ties of Utah shall apply as annual labor and a r 3amcnt work required by law upon up-on such properties so situated when done bv i or at the fnsinnco of the owners of such mud and we request I appropriate > legislation to these ends |