Show CONTRACT FOR SCHOOLHOUSE AVnrd Made for Construction of One at Springvllle V TRinUNI SPECIAL Sprlngvtllc May 1Olho bids for bulld lug tho new Central schoolhouse here were opened today I and the contract was warded an follows Carpenter work jijartorlnj and tin work to I Anderson Reynolds of Sprlngvlllf 209070 Mason work T L K I fhllils Son and Johnson of Sprlngvlllo 2COXW Painting to S O Bactfii Sprlng vlllo hkiOO The contract cost 1 of the building Is i > 70370 Work will be commenced on the LuilUlinn right ftway Alleged Forger Arrestm TRIBUNE I SPFClAL Prlco May lOShorlff Mllhcrt of El Paso county Colo arrived thin morning limb returned today with John 1 Oliver who is wanted at Colorado City to answer a charge of forgery Sheriff Wljcox of Car hUll county lound Oliver at CJisile Gate whore ho was working In the mines Oliver Oli-ver returned without requisition papers and 1 says he can prove butt innocence I Marching to Fort Buclicsne ITRIBUNK SPECIAL Price May lOCapl Abbott with two companions of the Twelfth Infantry nr r rlvd hero yesterday and dopnrtod this morning for their long march to Fort Du chcsne Nineteen of the soldiers were ui rblo to march on account of sickness and wagon transportation I was furnished them Flowing Wells at Springvillc Sprlnjrvlllc May Jrhc Irrigation question ques-tion Is being partly settled In this t locality local-ity by lie t driving of thawing wolln A number of cltlKons have drhen wells this spring and nearly all have got nice Hows of writer Tho City Council has had a well driven on the city square ater was struck yeslerdnv afternoon and ono of the largest Hews In this leillty Is Ito w making the grow < s srrow In the City park The llow was struck at a t depth > of 2 i m2 > feet a threeInch pipe wns used The well Hows ovor ninety gallons per minute Thinning the Beets Sprlnpvlllo May 9ihie farmers of this city and Maploton havo commenced thinning thin-ning theIr boots The boot crops are looking look-ing Hue In both the above named places mil the prospocu for a Hue crop of the sweetproducing root wan nover hotter The beets have come up hotter this year than heretofore and the prospects for water are better than they have boon for three years |