Show j W I I 6a2k4id w l1Sa W C 11 THE MRVBLCS YEARLY SAL J 1 1 J OF c I SILKS DRESS 6OOD9 > 1 7 c j t LNIN6S L s t rl I Includes Entire Stocks Better far better 1lian any weve had in years for tlie reason that the very unusual spring weather has left flic J stocks almost intact and such a plight brings aboui deeper price IIUil1g Exquisite silks in endless array so new and line one wonders how bruins could conjure or looms make them Dress Goods in amazing variety of beauties I exclusive sorts staples wanted the year around and those for the warm season Linings in every new shade and quality 1 l of manrial A more notable event there could no tie and all dress needs should he considered during these ttondiMful pricesaving 1 offers Monday and the week I Entire stock l of fancy silklinen brabant de soie solid colors and fancy stripes 75c yard icrc ulrlrlOc Entire tock of mohairs l solid colors brilliant for waists and medium for whole costumes 45inch goods and t sold at t f 100 a yard forGOc j r rt J Entire stock waist patterns an assembly of finest waistings made and up to 225 a yard for clearance this week the length enough for a 11 IIStX1110 Y + f i Entire stock 1 of suit and skirt patterns a gafheringtof closeio one thousand and in every one plenty for a stylish gown or skirt t to rc o this week Goods up to 75c a yard entire skirt 1 pattern 175 l Goods to c 275 a yard entire skirt 1 tLteln100 Goods lo275 t a yard entire dress pattern SiflO Up to 150 a yard entire skirt 1 tttfiernX00 z Gopds to 75c a yard entire dress pattern 300 Up to 150 a yard entire dress pnUern tiI10 Entire stock of black white cream and colored silksCrepe de Chines Peau de Soies Dunhcssc Pearl dc C3 berne Taffeta water proof Judias Bonnet L D Prown tinest of black silks Jongees Liberty 1eau ArgoniiiiLS Chameleons Tanne Pawl etc 15 PERT GENT 0 FF w Entire stock ol fancy silks exclusives for waist trimming silks and extreme novelties 2n PER GE > T OFF Entire stock of nets Urochc chiffons Mount lines Toscas Velvets Liberties and Laces 20 PER GENT OFF Entire stock of beautiful lace robes appliquo Irish crochet linen batiste and others almost half priced l0 PER GENT OFF The 1 2500 rubesJ 500 The 5 5000 robes111100 The 7500 10b SJOOU The 10000 robes SGOOO The 32500 robes 7500 Entire stock of wash silks One a yard grade ic Entire stock of silk waist patterns more than two hundred in the lot and silks up to 200 a yard the length enough for a waist 1lJ Entire stock of l allover trimmings threefourths and one yard < lengths plenty for trimming a waist and up to r 256 a yard for clearance 100 THE PIECE 1 Entire stock of black dress goods Voiles Mistrals Etamines Twine cloths Prunellas Venetians Nuns veiling batistes Crepe de Paris Aeolians Mon Kevea Grenadines etc 1 and all cream wool goods In PEIt CENT OFF Entire stock of French Challis and silk embroidered veilings silk striped and hemstitched veilings corded effects Persians florals for waists 15 AND 2o PEnCE PEn-CE T OFF tEn t-En tile stork of colored dress goods Eta mines canvas cloth Granites Albatross Henriettas Voiles sheer novelties Crepes Mosambiques 1 1 Mistrals etc1 o AND 20 PER GENT OFF Entire stock of silklinen novelties priced 22n S 250 = 300 and 53 + 50 a yard for a quick clearance v 100 K Entire stock of linings every new and good kind20 PER CENT OFF 7 a + V y t I r pA Very Special Announcement from the Tailoring Department a j l < > o t Mr C T Perger is now in charge of our womans tailoring department Mr Dorger c is well known in halt Lake Cit i lat in rr deuionsirattd his ahilitr here for t more thanti year and so needs no recommendation from us The store however in conjunction with this yearly sale rime and l as i heretoforeoffers the following splendid Reduction Prices on Making of Tailor Gowns Choice is froni the entire slock Monday and week Travelling 1 costumes with 1 silk lined j jackets unlined skirts made of mixture suitings Newmarkets l of black and white cheviots 3500 instead of 5500 Handsome visiting costumes made of broadcloths tricot and Venetian with fancy embroidered silk for vest collar and cuffs top coats of moire silk or Pena de Soie also equestrienne golfing promenade suits made of worsteds tweeds fancy cheviots camelhair novelty t cheviot and Venetian cloths at 5500 instead of 1000 Remnant Lots of Wash Goods Table Linens Towels Two Lots of Splendid PocketBooks Good Offers of Curtains Carpets Linoleum Pocket-Books for WomenNear All left from the tremendous selling hnms madras and madopollams Go p Some broken lines of India print weight curtains 25c each kinds two m of last week and i if ou were to lOc a yard all to bo sold Monday to Half t f Price Less 1 + ing o you andlOc thnoyard ONETHIHD TO 0 a rice or esse ed curtains for cosy and Oriental for3Jc to that sale it wont bo hard rich color effects witness corners or rooms very ONEHALF OFF THE REGULAR Two patterns of Wilton carpets to understand that such an aftermath PRICES In one lot are beauties mnde of real fects are to be cleaved away on Monday plain effects that are very suitable math might be the result On every Remnants of table damask and seal elephant skin monkey skin Mon-day and Tuesday In3dOO thoss that for library dining goat hall or office 500 each for 300 the 300 enc 1 1 center aisle table there may be found somo very choice pieces there are for levant calf J Morocco and alligator were for5200 p J fice 34 borders to match I and S175 Wash goods in remnant pieces of 50c up to 250 a yard kinds make black and nIl colors many handsomely a yard value Monday and Tuesday white organdies white piques hand-dimi up the gathering also broken lines handsomely lined and in the late new Tinted Madras yellow light blue 101110 somely-ties nainsooks and swissss priced of napkins that were 250 to GOO light green and salmon make attractive Three pieces of linoleum that ma shapes Wo bought rather heavily at-tractive window curtains 45 inches that regularly 15c and 20c a yard wash a dozen Monday and the week slightly damaged but nothing grenadines Prencli ginghams Irish ONEFOURTH OFF THESE PRICES so a stockreducing time is the order wide and sold regularly at 40c a will in any way injure the wearing dimities in dainty shades 44inch Lots of blenched Turkish bath Monday and week thoso 125 up to yard Monday and Tuesday 25c quality an imperfection merely and embroidered Swisses at 25c up to 75c towels that were 23c each for lOci 200 each for 08c the 75c to SlOO Brass extension rods that extend so Monday and while they last faa fa-a yard goods calicoes percales ging and unbleached 20c kinds 14c 58c to 54 inches suitable for all light stead of 135 a JTnrdlOO T d = 11 ft 41 r i 5 = s J I r c g L u J ln i 5 I I > W < i IS > < of H ii i r Three Thousand Dollars 1 < 5 vloa a 1 r Worth of Embroideries to Be < < r 1 t r > Sold For One Thousandg 1 D r i l o4 V V jf Tho Walker Store ever studies to bring you tremendous price savings by a constant search of the markets to let no I l < x y V good ihing pass by That it has surpassed even its most cherished ideals for so doing is evidenced in this mammoth pnrcluise by our eastern contingent of finest embroideries Spot cash was the power behind the transaction but mind > you little price alone wouldnt have been any rccommenda ion t worthiness had to be an accompaniment t merely cheap ° never gains entrance l here Every piece in the gathering is beautiful and good many 1 right I on our shelves no better for r i f which we paid a t half and two thirls more price and of course are selling so Swisses Hamburgs Isamsooks insertions i J and edgings fresh and new in the best of patterns for dresses shirt waists baby wear trimming underwear 1 cn on J J One u ii to twelve inches wide Monday and the week 9 Values up to 350 a yard for = = isc Values up to 750 a yard for = = 25C i < 1 Values t up to 125 a yard for = = 35C r y l t = v p r r lY f |