Show Thousands Attend Formal Dedication Of Scout Marker FORT HALL June 3 P P Fully people ople gathered at the Indian school chool last night for the program am and ceremonIes incident to dedication o ohe of the he Boy Scout monument which 1800 or r more Boy Scouts of Idaho Wyo ming and Utah completed today George Albert Smith of Salt Lake City ity president of the Utah Trails and Landmarks association was in charge of the dedication ceremonies during which C. C D D. Amphlett pres president dent o of the he eastern Idaho area council presented presented pre pre- the monument to the state slate o of Idaho and the Oregon Trails Traits tion ion Smith accepted the monument on behalf of the Trails 3 association and Governor C. C Ben Ross accepted it fo for the he state and spoke briefly to th the scouts couts on the subject of achievement I A high spot of the general program was the ceremony in which David C C. Watkins Pocatello scout executive was adopted into honorary membership member member- S ship in the tribe by a group of Shoshone Sho Shoo Shoshone S shone leaders in recognition of h his service to Indian youth through th the Boy Roy Scouts Man Many of the scouts in camp were from rom distant points Cokeville Wyo had lad a delegation of forty while white Laketown Lake Lake- town and Logan Utah were represented represented b by thirty and sixty lively Snake river council of Twin Falls Fall had ind twenty-eight twenty boys on hand while Teton Peaks council of Idaho Falls sent a delegation of Completion of the monument started this morn ing with each scout placing a large larg stone therein |