Show Utah Bonus Marchers Not V V. V F F. F W WI Members Utah war veterans who are taking part art in m the mass movement to Wash Iash in ington ton to urge ure payment of the soldiers sol sol sol- diers' diers bonus are not members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Charles A. A Remy commander of the Lieutenant Lieutenan Lieuten Lieuten- an ant C C. C E E. Allen post No said Frida Friday Mr Remy said all members of the Veterans of Foreign Forein Wars have been instructed n against such demonstrations demonstrations and that a check cheek of or the local membership revealed none was par par- While the organization is in favor lavor of or immediate payment of the bonus an order recently was issued by Darrell Darroll Dar Dar- roll reU Decoe national commander urge ing ng veterans to refrain from taking part jart in such mass demonstrations Mr Rem Remy said and appealed to all veterans veterans veterans vet vet- erans to abide by this order |