Show W. W C. C T. T U. U Criticizes Mellon for Drinking NEW ORLEANS June 3 TUP WP- WP UP- UP The New Orleans ch chapter pter of the W. W C. C T. T U U. in a letter to President Hoover has criticized the conduct of Andrew Mellon ambassador to the court of St. St James because he drinks whisky and 1 soda Miss Sylvia Metcalf spokesman forthe forthe for forthe the women characterized the president 1 dent himself as a man supposed tobe tobe to tobe be dry In commenting on the action of her organization Amelia Earhart you'll notice took only water at the recent banquet In London she said but the Honorable Honorable Honorable Honor Honor- able Mr Mellon had whisky and and soda And jl just st remember that man rhan man was appointed appointed appointed ap ap- ap- ap pointed by Hoover who is supposed to be a 8 dry Mellon is a wet weL |