Show Metals and d Money I Settlement prices of at Salt Lake smelters as n quoted by the meas American Smelt Smelt- Inc ng and Refining company compan are SI Silver Siler er 27 1 c c an ounce lead and copper a 0 pound pound S NEW YORK June 3 AP Bar API-Bar Ba API-Ba Bar silver silver- sl er Quiet and lie c c higher at t LONDON June 3 Bar APt API Bar silver silver Quiet ulet Quiet and unchanged ed at 16 10 13 16 13 Money Money- 4 Discount rales Short bills and three three- month bills bis 1 16 11 l 16 l per cent NEW v YORK June 3 AP opper AP-opper- Copper AP-Copper- Copper Copper- Steadier electrolytic spot and future 5 e Tin Tin Steady Steady spot and nearby future Iron Iron Iron ulet Quiet unchanged Lead Lead Dull Dul Dull spot New York ork 30 East St. St Louis Lui Zinc Steady Steady East Elt St. St Bt Louis Luis spot and Z Xu- Xu U- U ture V LONDON June 3 AP AP Standard AP-Standard Standard copper pot Spot and future 26 pounds lOs electro tc spot 30 pounds lOs future 31 pounds Tin Tin Spot pot Spot pounds pound future pounds is bs s. s pounds La Lead Spot d- d Spot pot 9 pounds poud ld future 10 zinc Zinc Spot Spot 11 1 rounds pounds pound future 12 pounds 25 NEW YORK YOm June 3 API API-al API Call AP-Call Call money money- Stead Stead i 2 24 2 per cent all aU day daj dB time loans steady 60 90 days dan 14 BH six four month 1 l' l per cent prime commercial paper 2 lt 3 3 bankers bankers' banker acceptances unchanged NEW YORK YOm June Forel 3 AP Foreign APt Foreign ex exchange ex- ex change tudY Steady change steady Great Britain In dollars dolar others in cents t Great n Britain I a demand e cables fees feest day 60 O- O h bills h s 2 France demand 16 1 16 15 cables 39 Italy Iab demand 51 cables Demands Belgium 1 G Germany 2363 Holland Holand 1056 Norway 1844 Sweden Sveden 1899 Denmark Den Den- mark 1019 1010 Switzerland 1959 Spain Portugal Greece Poland 1130 Czecho Aus Aus- tria f 1399 J Rumania i 5 59 f Argentina 2579 t I Brazil Brai 7 54 Toll Tokio Shanghai Montreal 87 75 Mexico City silver peso 28 2875 Note Note Demand Demand rates are re nominal nominal SILVEr SIL FUTURES I NEW YORK June 3 AP Silver AP-Silver silver futures future closed steady stead sales High AP ounces ounce Low Close July 2840 2331 Lw 2828 September 2852 October 2888 2887 2878 g December e 2330 t 2920 tt 2905 January 2920 2923 |