Show 11 I THE MORMO I I i OV BKfTAUOX1 I 1 I I Muster t of the Company Start Front Fort Leaveriwortla March to California Sufferings and Privations I of tho Soldiers Il I 1 I PRELIMINARY MOVEMENTS 1 I Introductory oemKarly I Diy 1remcnt of i I the Sa nls Vdvlce to Move V est rdCaIl I I liy the Government for 500 Young Inne Call Acted Upon With 1ldcnt I l Ynuog as Uecruit ng OfficjMl rMrch to anti Arrival at Fot Ml When Mormon trains were Journe > log through 10 later Quutm from N noo I Hvel bombed mn ere efllleito go To tile clamsvilll Melco To I if jhl for that sane Rovern nrn I From hleh III I e went I Wh if I ere their Im to do little 1 choldren Iv I an d I mothers too I When raoho g hl 1 > 1ndoo re go I IlotInts droie tm and 1001 rnod on AP I And on the brave I Ihltallon went With Colonel Allen bo as tent As officer of government I 11 1 Ioolle Colonel All n knew S III Iolmon hay e trav nnd trlle I1 Alld i he po idofllscon 1 om m1l As hel led tooth his Mannino Ind 4 lie I sickened died and I they i tie In 01 a love I leader soon bercf 4 And 11 his successors proved to be 1he rtnhohmnt 01 rtlllty Ulltnant Omlth the t an ellI ell-I 1 lie Cohn t on In 11111 1 end 10 Santa Ie h Colonel Cool I no large of the lIallohon took I I Twas w ell tile 1lon of ill ay Was closed hdnr thm on the dy 1 hy started out for blintA re I Til Slid no infantry tIll then t Eer suffered t iluAl to thoie mn I hlr beeves wire f nwTl and here I store Vas nigh exhausted Ionic before 11 11 ey neared the great icIRc 1 shore I earns e en fell dead upon the road I 11 I While soldiers helped 1 to draw the load I T a cruet stern neccositj k 1 I hat prompted i such severity l or General Kny In mmand 01 army In the u estern Imd Evilressly orded Colonel Cooke I Me I man who failure could not brook To open a wagon road I Where heels till then had never trod And Colonel Cooke was in command I I Aero lIt desert waste und olond lie with unnth Rod Iron will I J he general orders 10 fulfill I lust every nerve and sinew mrain I lie topithlicins reints to This lIrn and en at Ihnn moroe I btrict sense 01 justice marld hi courie I II I beashl predecessionknew J Alie Mormon mn were firm and true They found roid makine worse by far V than all the hortors I ol the war I Tried by the wiy wl en t ey got thro I I 1 hey d Ito y little I more to do The opposing Ili t lrtyl t > inlc struck 11 Dire notoinpe e il I h Mormon I pluck Is ml rir In it nil d rections lie I No charge was fred no blood was si cd I Our God ho l rules In worlds of lights I Controls hv wltdon and fly I might I1 I need III I I Is purpose to 1 fulfill lie I moves the nations at I In u ill j I h le dests nl men omolrs A ell lu eswlon He VIH as tools 1 he he cn lee and understand While fuels Ignore Ills guiding hand o I re the llatalllon stalled out Upon that inostImportant rout I was thus predicted 11 hy the tongue Of tile Apostle lirlRha N ount If I f to 1 jour God and country true Youll l lour no fighting there to dos Was General Kearney satisfied I Yes more for he with marl hi pride i Said Oer the Alps Napoleon vel tit I But these mn crossed a continent And thus willi Go I Aln ll ty s told l I 1 he eoQut and the road were ro1de Ily which a threatninq lIorm as staved And lol Ihe SainU of Go I were saved The above words written as they were by that tlluslnous md tuneful I woman Eliza 1 R Snow Smith depict I de-pict as well is English language can portriy 1 the duty discharged bj I that noble band of heroic souls the Mormon Battalion Much has I been said and written of them I but despite the fact and late 11 the I I day may seem in outline of Ut ih s I history md her people would not be complete were this company of dauntless Pioneers md their doings I I left I untouched For 1 this reason thenthat ol linking a review of Utah and the Mormons more full md giving unto all alike that which t justly is their ducthis sketch of the Mormon ittilion 1 is attempted Readers of Mormon history will remember no doubt the unrest of the people of God after the ississim tion of their beloved 1 Prophet md Patriarch Joseph and I Ivi non Smith who were shot to death at Cartilage Jail June 27th is4 Despised ridiculed and scoffed by lawless I hordes of masculine hum mil their lives were undo a burden to them albeit that thc were in industriou law abiding God fe irmg lovable people Ilicy 1 hall in ule for themselves them-selves humble yet comfortable hall it itions throughout the state t of IllinOIS Illin-ois and ViCinity and hid settled down that thc niiLhl serve their Maker by yielding to Ills I dictates as revealed re-vealed to them through His scrv mt the Prophet Joseph The > hid built up the city iNauvoo md surrounding I sur-rounding neighborhood and hid I succeeded in putting the soil well under cultivation when attacked I and swooped down upon by the lawless element referred to Drum from pillar to post so to speak it I vas wonder then that they set nut to find pastures new where I thy might be privileged to worship God without fear of molestition at the I hands of those or their kind nho formcrl had been so bitterly oj posed to them Wall this object in ciew thc Saints throughout Illinois Missouri and the New England 1 States vvcic instructed I to take advantage of e cry ossiblc Opportunity to move vvcslw ird their th5ilr hope being to find a place winch would afford them a gre itcr frtedom in their mod of ul > i ms orhhip Hi < liiin Yoong lho hid tict vedd I tile Pioihi I Iuph I I a Iva Ivl I i 01 I tin I Church ui > the oiNo e I I i 111 i tli s undertiking mil i I thi t T I subject t was pant n i itt nt t I I those who const lined life thurdl membership Ihej government at I I I I vvho5e Inndi the Mormon people hid not received the licit of traitment heart ol lhn proposed exodus westward west-ward it d it VMS feared In authorities thereof that the Mormons would be likely to join the British ami help hem to gn dnumon over large tracts of United femes soil Trouble was imminent ill Oregon whieli at that time vas in possession of the United States md Irildent Iolk had reeommcnded to Congress the building of stockide fort along the route is a protection toemiLrmts resident ouni heard of thIS lee ommellll lion md seeing in it a splendid opportunity to lulp the Saints vicstiv inl the High Council Saw tit to issue the lollovvniff circular under date ol Jm 20 IS46 Should hostilities arise between the government of the United Stitei md any other power in relation to the right of possessing the territory of Oregon we ire ou hand to sustain the United St ites government tu that country It is geographically ours md of right no foreign power should l bold dominion there md if our cr vices ire required to prevent i it those services will be cheerfully rendered according to our ability Note the language of the above and then say if you will that the Mormon people were not loyal to the land in whieli they were living It n gcogrlphicllly ours were the words used with reference to the district dis-trict of Oregon and the expression coming before no are on hand to sustain the United States overiiincnl to that country shows m plain md emphatic terms the loyalty md the patriotism which the Slornion people held to their government albeit tint the were not accorded that full de ercc of protection which the Consti tutipn of the United States granted unto all its citizens md especially that portion which gives all mankind lie I right religious worship according accord-ing to the dictates of conscience lie this as it may however the Mormons were contemplating a move westw ird and all the Saints from Illinois north md east were in strutted to make the most of every opportunity winch presented itself to cro > the wilderness before them According early m the year 1846 a start was made from Nauvoo the Saints leaving their homes in com panics as their respective circum stances and conditions would p 1 rmit It was about this time in thc summcr of iSiC that i call was made by the federal I government for 500 j ounj men of the Mormon faith to join in a march to California there to issist the United States government in its war w ith Mexico Thc call lor volunteers vol-unteers was nude knoll b 1 Captain James Allen of the U S army who on June 26 i86 arrived Mount Pistil i camp of the Mormons 130 miles ta T C utl ilM Hluffc md presented the follow ing circular mak mg knon his business I have come among ynu Instructedby Col onll F W Kenrny 01 the U S army now comm ndmfl the my nl he Wcht to olsit the Mormo camp nnd accept the senices for twelve months of four or five companies of the Mormon mn who moy be willing to serve their I country for that period In our present war with Mexico IbIs 1 1 force to unit w nil tile army of the west at Sinot I canl le I nrcSeil Hence 1 n oCilfjrn vlerethey will he I di charfcc I lIy III I ceh pay Anti rilions and other rinowm oeh i as enhq volunteers or regul U s 11 ers ccive room the lay they hall I U 1 nuiuifi into the service and 1 111 be tn filed to all He cot torn and benefits of regular tol Un of the nrn y ana villen disclbarged 1 as coic ilatfl J it 1 CWt > nli I Iheywll l Iflfitet 1 gratis their arms anti aceooreroeoll w ih wl hlch lit ey will be fully Opld at 100 I Leaeu otlh Thui is offered to the Mo mon people now 11 is year m opportunity of sendIng i port por-t on of their oung ml Intel gent mn i to il h p 0100 tedcstnntlo 01 thnr hole l pp i e n1 I cnoty at tile CNItenw0f tile United a a n1 tti jaJvince party can thiss pivc tl w ay HI U lot Ill out tie land r r for their brethren tj cone 1 100 lh 1 pay of a private ol nteer Is I seven M luMeriiontt I juld 111 i allowanLtt fir Uolt sIt s-It 1 tie cost poke of clotting of a regular soldier I buse 01 the Mormon w 100 are roll of sermg hlr country on tile conditions here enimorated ate rt lIeed In meet me v lIhout 011 I it their poincipal It it the Council IlIlItl huh 1 alii no ooGo 1 consul with thlir Iunpal n 111 I to nnd gull Ih foe laud 10 he rcd I 111 cehe nil healthy title inch 01 front eight < en to lorlyft 5 ri If age J AILE 1 Cpl na Urogoo No nI hope to COmlleI the rnILon 01111 halllloun u Ilion st da at tor reaching Council Ullla or IIhln line dy Irolll this time This circular was presented to the lending men of the Church at a nllt me held by them on the date men Honed Ilicy considered the matter carefully and after some time advised Capt Allen to go unon the authorities author-ities of the Church of Council lllufli the anny officer being furnished with i I letter of introduction to Ider William Clayton clerk of the camp Cipl Allen vunt at Council llltilTs Ind visited the minorities and on the frst of July J a communication signed by Colonel Kearney mil himself him-self wis presented to President S Young md other Church authorities Thc communication set forth ill detail the number ol men wanted for the jojrne y their officers commis limed I and commissioned their mode of i iLanHum their prepir ti t n for the held ind ill other in stiu t p l us Lod 1 d vvn in the hr l I 11111111111 Main I Id coml1fIV tit h t II I rt s o orrisi ut 1 aiv numb Ut o 7 j dull i j was to be il 1 Ito I four womet as laundres rs who would travel vviih the company I I I rec iv ng rations mil the other allow I al-low m is given to the liundrc c of I lu the regular irmv In conclusion I I I the coin inun ication set forth that 1 with the foregoing conditions which ire hereby I pledged I to the Mormons 1 1 iStlt IIC oIJ mil which will be faithfully I kept by me Colonel Kearney md other I officers m behalf of the government of the United States I cannot doubt I but that you will ill a few days be able to ruse five hundred youn md clJidellt men for this expedition President Young md the HifIi I I Council on learning fully of the scheme on foot called upon ill the brethren within the camp to nscm ble together In accordance there with a meeting WAS held it which Captain Allen addressed those present pre-sent explaining to them the objector us visit md in detail hat the government gov-ernment anted He intimated tint the call for Mormons w is due to the benevolence of President ames K Polk who wa tin ruling magistrate of > the nation at lint time md by the one of Ins rcimrks spoke as though it were a favor for the Mormon peo ile to be thus called upon despite he fact as it was iltcrnanli learned hit the whole scheme was nothing note nor less than one hich if not aCllliecd in wOlild have probably resulted m the raising of volunteers to exterminate the Mormons md that too on a pledge received bv Thomas Demon United Stiles Senator from Missouri from the President of the United States himself him-self At the conclusion of Captain Allen s rcmirl who by the way acquitted hnmelf as a gentleman in all his dealings ith the Mormons Ires dnt ounr nllr = sscd I the assembly as-sembly and recalled the bitter ex icncncca of the past which the Mor mon people had been subjected to drawing centrist between whit the government had meted out to them mil tint hich it now expected ollowmg tins came a motion from rider Ileber C Kimball that the lltttilmn be nued md on its being seconded by Elder I Willm Richards the motion WI put md carried without a dissenting vote 1 N Q Mii I 1 i I NIZ 0 7 i 11 f r ZJ N k 7 Y I S j V sr V I I I P I 1 rrr I W It Z 1 I I Y l 811 I It 7 V 1ir I rr fW S t I i 1 i I + fIt I to fI-t i tl I r f 6the ii Y If I I I I Jl J il 11 I f I V Rlf f 1 1 = il I t 11 I I f il 1 1 I 11 j A lit 1 iY I I < I 0 I I I i I I I I i 111ffi1 i jfl1 I I I I 1 1 it I I 11 I I 1j IZi Z171 I V I it I k 11 A I j yv I Ill N 1 I 11 1 0 J o 11 i I I i 1 I it 1 I I I A I G I t X 1J y X r I 1 J It 1 N I 1 11 I I I 1 t l I 111111 R 11 I I I j F I 11 fifTv I ONICL TYLCft HISTORIAN OF THE MOnMON DATTALION President Young took the role of recruiting seifcmt with Will ird I Rich irds is clrk md Immediately move wis mule to set about enlisting I listing those who were to mike up the required 500 Council III nil I was trained of its eligible men but the required I number had not been I raised hmcc I Mount Pi < gib was I called I upon to furnish a portion I of those wanted is were aha I scvcril other cimps among them I Nmvoo md Garden Grove saying nothing ol the men tint were picked up lithe the Inter wended their w tj to Council Illurts It required eot sder ible exertion on the part of the lecru ting officers to gather up Ihe five hundred wait led but after diligent work md through the Godlike God-like exhortations of President Young the organization of companies com Inenced the date being July 16 1346 when four companies md part of the fifLh were mustered into service ser-vice at Council Bluffs The com plclion of the fifth company was fleeted but a few days liter The I compmies were arranged alphabetically alpha-betically as are all companies of the regular arnfly with the requisite number of officers and privitcs Jcflerson Hunt was appointed cap tam ol Company A Jesse D 1 Inviter I Company 13 j lines Brown Com pany C Nelson Iliggms Company 0 Daniel C Davis Compm L Besides the ciptuns there was a first second mil third lieutenant first second third and fourth ser ecmt several corporals md one or two musicians making up the official offi-cial roster of eich company There was also a number of servants to officers too oung to enlist in the Ilitillion is well is a number of fimilus who accompanied their head on tht u pileinniifc across the Ametm di it m defense ul then countr till their ountrv litht Flu mrh Ir Fort 1 eve v uli 1 when the complines were t go to fill in with their officers mil ollIr comrades and like loe get their army I coutrement Aai begun on July 1 2i IVJ Prior IJ till start tile Battalion boys ontrlbtlted liberally of ther I wages to thc support of their nives and Clllllhes hom they I M ere leling behind and on thc first d L I they trleled about four miles and so on day i bv day until on tin first of August they irnve 1 it Fort I euemvorth 1 one mm short owing to tIll death of Samuel liocy who departed this life July 2jrd The fifth company winch wis a little lle3irlenliltelle htc ill Stirling joined their colic i gues on the jtb diy of August a lay upon which each of the Mormon Mor-mon soldiers drew 1200 as Clothing I money for the year The I greater portion of this was entrusted to Elder I 11 I Parley IAlratt I md others who took it to Nmvoo here it was given for 1 the support of the men s fimihes i mil for the nmrliorunn of the condition I con-dition i of those constituting the ir I I7lOt I worth poor Some of the mone ilowentto Elders I Parley P 1 Pratt I Orson lJ lit in 1 J John 1 ilor I ol r the quorum of Apostles is well is to II Elder J C Little 1 to aid them in pursuit ol their missionary labor I the three former going to England I I md thc litter to the E Istcrn States I All the sol liers hid been sufficiently 1 schooled u to be able to sign tht ir own lines to the par rolla feature whieli greatly surprised the army i pi mister is the Missouri volunteers I who hall drawn their pay previously I weie cry deficient in the matter of I i pending i their respective sgin creTlit I lures The Mormon boS were ilsti ety obedient to their superior of i 1 f icer = a f ict w Inch w is attested by 1 I Captain Allen himself I START FROM 1 fORT LEAVEHWORTII A Torrid Teinperatur Death of Captain Allen D vision of the Dattalion Norman Sharps IhDr Sanderson s Cruel Treatment I Treat-ment Demise of Alva IhelpsToIIChl I loiter I from Ills Wife Feel tig Against San dmonSrrmng from Opprmshe treat Acre U 1 e Desert 1 Reduct on ol Rations I Much bckness j I With the thermometer nnrl mg lot degrees in the shade and 115 in the sun the Battalion commenced its line of mircli from Fort I Ieaell I worth early in August three com pinics stilting off on the I2lh and Hill md the other two on the 1411 Km River wis crossed in flit I bolts md at Spring Creel the five com panics i got together and continued t i on tow ird Santa lie Captain Allen to whom the Mormon boyi hall 1 be come very much endeared died u Fort 1 Iitvcnworth on the 23rda 1 urcunistmet which caused the Bit tilion to utter bore regrets The next in order of rank wis Captain Jefferson Hunt I but that gentleman place was boon usuiped by Lieuten ant A J Smith who wis not so much a favorite with those constituting constitu-ting the Dilution The Ark ins u ricer wis leached on Sept nth i 5 md the stream followed in Us meandcrmgs for a distance of about too m les A number of unities f iccomp in ing the Battalion marched w ith Captain Higgins I and a guard often of-ten men to Pueblo located further up the river for which the left the main body Sept it > th mud the murmurings and displeasures of I quite a number of the Battalion Ihis move was made to provide suitable winter quirterb for those traveling thithcrw ird mil in due course ol time they arrived at their destination one man short Norman Sharp having died on the way The I trip from the Arkansas ricer to Santa Fe was one of extreme bird hip for members of the mini compan Their I rations were scant the drinking w itcr bad anti man of them were attacked with the fever md suffered to a very great extent at the hands of Dr George P 1 Smderson who waS the rcularl ippomtedbitnlionsurgeon fins min gave the Mormon sol I ditrs ill kinds of abuse and had I i mcj im mil some ot them eu I I umd tj the sickness win < h had I uv Iakvn i them One case in particular par-ticular i well worth ol citation u I show n however mild a form the building and privations the I 1 Saints were put to It is i a letter from the pen of Sister Margaret Bridges whose liusbmil Alva I Phelps was one of those subjected to Dr Sanderson s severity the I Bittalioil boy passing away in the litter part 1 September iS46 The I letter is taken from Dunel I Tlers I Histor I I of the Mormon ittilion to I which work the writer is indebted I fur facts and figures contained in this article rita most CH April 30 88 I nomo TYLER IRAk SIR In eonpIYln Ih r rqoest to Move sketch 01 the el ntnne attenoln I II I moment 01 my farmer hulunol Alva Inlp In tot Marroo I tllohon t find on r letting 10 mv mmorYlh my sketch must l be brief ns no that nni 1 as oulTer iqcrialonly loeM IIIn Ivln nil titled nl the most Itirmful nllure to p tit-led is Ith an dgr 01 I I IvIJnm pan my colleion KO trhn i hrn the call cam for hlro to lewd no It w mldnlh I wh we were awakened from i our slumbers till the Imflll n at wa were to be left 100001 1 wllh1 a recar1 I was irty III all Ih t me 10 If < Ildnn II sm iii my I ihn also e lit l-it but he call wn s presslri theteviasno Ime lor any Provo on 11 t twmidl i 1 formire or childreni 6 not for fear teFt t wal one avAiling I le tniid in thF morning unj I wehd hm from my wotonbea toll hill lod fjrn WS lost In I lie dan It wasnyUst slahlcflln roo moonh from the day of his enllslmr the 111 01 my bereavement arrive I I hit 11 wrnllnlv prostrated ae But I had I just i enl hnk ll 11 upon i y sea nf trrt ible tiin erluurt d 1 li rn r ht 1 j 1 w I e l edndd I leu de1nt l I t e In i wretcl tic I wile was built I pon n 11111 I i IP the so son n on 01 eonnt rain the tulIon 01 the hovel and It opennexi give free aciesti 10 1lerein nt nnd wnlr floved or Iho dn floor con V rt III t knoslaud too or three inchesdeep i 0 01 l hn I wl hat my hllle I ones picked I p I nrond he In its I 0 gere 11 filled the room i Ih s n toke tile nin dolppmg nnd wetline he hict ti bed ihlcl I luupoierletslnVa I J I e ilordil Ito e I-to hr or comfort r 1 trngr a y from all who ever love I I me ny i ell I bors rOlllJ do bill little the own Itcliblet and destitution on grossing their lime my I uled ought of n ve my i only half I no eye to u tnes4 mv s ifler nis but tile pity ng one of GodII 1 did not delea t Ie pring brought some allilviAllon from in suf lei nf aril ti f r ng et one pan or meat vins my my earthly store of provisions t found Isale for the leiucrsof i yrei n Ire long dre ry win ttrhil piuel out I alii 011VIIcomPalntly nnnlhs rore hallh ant comPalntly comfort were my portion still I think the Lord hl s was tl 17 e dullest p let of my hre I Brother Phelps death was of such sudden occurrence that the general feeling was tint he had been nothing short of murdered and that too at the hand of imlerson the B itt ilion phSicim I his feeling igimst the doctor was built Iirgcl ly upon his own threats which he had made on prcv I lous occasions 1 le had no particular par-ticular I use for Mormons hence he proposed to treat them as he ill his domineering md bulldosmg style saw fit The man whose dealt vas just t ISpi lust narrated found a i last resting I pace on the south Mile ol the Ark uisas ricer in a grave sparse in depth because be-cause of the waters near approach to the surf ice What a trial for the poor woman who had been thus deprived ol a futliful husband What a nnsfor tune for the little ones that had been left without a loving fuller a kind ready and willing supporter I Was it not enough to cast over that fun ily a gloom that could hardly be penetritcd to mllct a wound that would never be healed A responsive respon-sive voice whispers res verily it was And yet in the midst of it all the bereaved wile md fatherless children struggled on and on until finally they hid overcome the bitter pangs of sorrow br seeking solace md comfort from He whom they looked up to as a Father and a Friend I in times of the greatest adversity ad-versity Leaving the mound which mirked the I testing place ol a brother md a friend the Battalion bob moved on the follow ing day making a trip of tvvent five miles 1 across trackless desert with the sweltering rays of the hot bun beating down pon them with telling effect The heat was op preShic and both men and horses suffered considerably fh rst came upon the company but no water could be had the only hifii of it being be-ing that which w is collected in a filthy pond where flies and other insects hid taken possession Some wcie forced to resort to this pool filthy and noxious as it was in order that they might quench their needs and desires for II drink and to those m this condition the stagnant water wis given a he irty welcome A second day was spent upon the desert the conditions being the same is on the first The journey across tint barren waste cntcted upon a third day but not inany mile were iveled until the weary and much tired pilgrims landed 1 at Cimmeron Springs where the third d is breakfast break-fast 1 was had and a short rest greatly cijOcd Colonel Smith of the Bouillon was lacking the least mercy for his comp in Their travels took on the nature of forced marches and the buffering of man and beast be cimc most intense But brave is the were the Mormon band of patriotic volunteers inarched on devoid de-void oi special murmuring desp te the fact that there was openly m mi fet a lack 1 ol mention or consideration consider-ation to their rinks Their fuel on the road consisted largely ofbuflilo chips and these were scarce indeed while their drinking water was such is that taken from the filthy pool mentioned in the foregoing pin graph here 1 seemed no desire on the part of certain of the leaders to ameliorltethc condition of the army but rather did it seem that they were bent on making it is uncomfoi table as possible for them even though the were to dit on the road I allotting in the wake of the hardships hard-ships previously mentioned the men hid their rations reduced and many of them fell into sickness while the more feeble of the ittilion suffered matnally from camp duties in cold md rainy weather On the 25th of September they marched I tvvent mile I and camped at Gold Spring where good water was out mid and timber winch they had not seen for A assist I 1 r sometime was close it hand Red River wis reached on the 2nd of I I October and on the 3rd a council of officers w is called and tint Lady m formal by the commander tint he had received orders from Gcneril Kearney to the effect that the com mind must reach Suit le hy the loth of the slime month otherwise they would be discharged In I order to carry this order out filly ol the strongest men from each company were selected together with some of the best teams md equipments these to form in advance guard md get to Santa Fe I is quickly is it was possible fin division of the Battalion Bat-talion w is accompanied by Colonel I Smith md Dr Smlcr1U and after I the 1llIcrs 1 departure the bick got 5 I along better thin former md were soon convalescent notwithstanding their lack of the doctors care Q md treatment The I first division arrived at Slnt1 Fe on the evening I of October 9 180 I while the other who followed close behind under more favorable circumstances than before reached the bime place two das liter October isth In the memtnne the detachment finder Cipl in IligLms wended their way to Pueblo where they established inter quarters is contemplated Other th m th de ith of Pnv ite Nor min Sharp no particulars of the journey are ecolttd IRCII TO CALIFORNIA Coloi el Cooke Assumes Co n tndTI e Deb De-b II lied bent to lobloNIllwn 1 Smith Ilatoes I AwyJoyolI Mcel nj nt Pueblo n1 Ij Ublish ncnt of Winter Quirlcrs Denh of Joseph VillUn H thirds Con I lion of the Mlin Conpuj Iror to starting for Cahfornli I leutcnnl Galley Leaves t the Ilatul on Memcans Antagonistic to the Sol dlrl On the 13th ol October 1846 Colonel P St George Cooke acting under instructions from General Keirne I assumed comin md of the Ball dion at Santa Fe I md on the 1511 orders were issued giving in struetions concerning the march to California those incapable owing sickness and debiht being excused from underlining the trip at that time The latter were attached to Captain Browns detachment md on the iSth mst the took up their march to Pueblo there to icinun during the approaching w inter The I journey thither was devoid special incident although one death oc curicd tint of Milton Smith whose spirit took its flight on the 2711 of October The del iihmcnt reached Pueblo Nov 1711 md selected quarters quar-ters near where Captain Higgins compm md a part of Saint were stationed Thc meeting w is one of unbounded joy husbands joining join-ing wives fathers and mothers their children and children their parents after a scparition of some two months dill ing which lime bad ind trying experiences had been encountered en-countered The erection of winter quartcrJ wag immediitely commenced by the arriving battalion ind feeble thoiifh I many of them were the work was pushed with all possible speed the aim being to hive bimc of the I houses prepared quickl as pos bible for those who were unable to care for themselves lightest rooms fourteen feet square were erected but before their completion some of those worst afflicted hid succumbed to their sickness and were given as decent a burial as wis possible under prevailing circum stmccs Joseph Wilam Richards a Young man of sterling worth md ant integrity md a brother to Elder Franklin 1 Kielnrds of the Council Coun-cil Apostles was among this num her Returning to the main compan which hid a long eary journey before it we find its condition m now no-w ij suited to the perilous trip Thb I was fully apparent to Colonel Cooke the new comin tncler who wrote ol the status of the Battalion saying Everything comp cd to diseour age the extraordinary undertaking ol marching this Btttahon eleven hundred miles for the much greater part through an unknown wilderness wilder-ness without road or trill ill d with a wagon trim I vn cnlistc 1 too much by fimihci some were too old some feeble md vome too oung it was embarrassed by man women it was undisciplined it w is much worn by traveling on foot mil i marching from Nauvoo Illinois i their clothing was very scant there w 1 no mone to pay them or clothing to issue their mules were utterly broken down the quartermaster quarter-master department was without funds and its credit bad and animals ani-mals were bcarce On the loth ot October John DIce D-Ice md Howard Egan started for Council Bluffs with the department checks they being accompanied by I icutenant Samuel L Guile md Roswell Stevens I leutemnl Gill Icy wall a mm fearless in the defense ol tight and more than once did he tike issue with the demeanor of Dr Sanderson and 1 others of his ilk who did ill in their povv e r to nuke things decidedly disifrccible for the Mormons For I the stand which he took he was hated by those officers not of thc Mormon filth md I owing to the pressure which the brought to bear against him he subsequcnlly had to resign his position m the Battalion Bat-talion hich he did md returned to his hume He I died cro sing the Plains while on route for Sal Lakc I and was buried like many orlwr of the earlv day Saints a little mound I of cirtb being the only m irk which told of Ins lat rcing place Brother Gulley was loved by his brethren whoso right t he Ind I I defended md 1113 of tit t t the II I itahon t tau cd n stied er I to shed bitter lears be great respect they had h i 1 caving Santa let t ij it look up the march t11 t i j 0 destination IL ihnr first to t I being Aqua Fraa 1 1 J i spot sit miles distant 11 I I 1 with their tired 1 ther tred out u mules until they 11 lit it Ion I I-on their journc as ID i out of cvh of any th t betoken civinzition I I that another orcer i I it 1 4 proiumci miento appr I v 1 I of a cut in r itions 11 being redufed to tin I I Hour I 01 pound tnr e sugar and the same it n I beet supplv was also I i half I pounds d po per J cJoui tl changes 1 in the o I trcnchment grell u ilio brought about I u V dition of alTurs work on the flat I hardhip 111 i I t tood it with that Il i heroic determination determlnlion I cl izcd their entire ioU C gracefully did they YIU Ito 1 I-to their commander I b di late The Battalion puru II I I like the bra soldiers t I ind passed quite i I 1111 Mexican towns At till Pl assistant qu irlcrmaster uide to exchange the vveirv worn mules of the compan lot fresh or belonging to the mil unts those could people not Ie it t way md in the lain relu ed to anything m the way 01 iradr WCSWt even I sell supplies I to the Solo i anyt thing I I like reasonable fig Down the Rio Del None went army here the roads ere extl 1 ly sand md in places so mm that the teams had to re tic nice from the men ititlim m heyof rations the till ally i on the verge of starvation told cady to cat allot aiming I presented itself everv pJtL dead inimals being acvou il ui hungry soldiers Such via ih of the Battalion bOy at die mentioned but they satin o hardened to it and would Im I eloped into first class t mm j such conditions existed fur any k length of time They k 1 va was to be without the common sancs of life and when liuv position lo receive the litter I 1 went up from the Mormon cspecnll to Hun whom they i 1 upon is a guardian md deli The incidents inenuoneil vure braced in a song written Uy l le t Hancock mil sung by the Boll boS Here are the hM f tutt t l verses While here beneath a sultry sky Our fan isl ed 11 lies and mlc Sc ice aught but skin onto iomi reml Jo feed poor sold ers oil I tie pun Chorus low I hard ole and xcj usaut Upon this sandy desert rout iON We sometimes now for lack 01 Unit Are Ie I thit qua rer mOo Ld Anil an p I oil o I N aught it3 wa bwked Il cna r Now hIarved on Pj d ION I 1 1 draw 1 P Oak 10 roo It 1 And gao hllnge proOI ill en 10 cot binan ontI nON I a n-ON WITH THE JOURNEY Narration of Lieutenant by 1 In AO If lIunry soIdleIjiscomgl at I I guldle 1 01 JO lm cakln kvI11hreateud I n I A I Indred Iocked Men 1 I I on 1 Coot role stick Seat tlk Iv an < I At this point a eh mgi o cm the rinks ol the Battwm Lieu ant George 1 I lkes ul COI1 T D 1 who bad acted m thc caimc I cjJct adjutant resigning thol 1Kuc cccivme the del ill ol 1tvnjtndtr i the comp ill while till dJut I w is issumed by SeconJ Li cl Mcrnll This gave si JClvJ all but Company U md I n Bill kept up us journe an mad mot ol its environment and c lon Colonel Coo c gaincd I respect mil conlunt 1 the diers for his good t judilloo it t arJ mpirtiiht made mt I A I h I cr J shurtnesb of rations slill h ng its effect Imh ite rand r-and i bunch of worn om oalllu Spanish sheep were md tooJ < ol by the army bovs Ol t vistid I anunils not mu h was I liver lights md other I de tl t ant I filings receiving due al nle th lu I the hands of wandering heroes TlJ UIJ J were sent out by Gene 0 hOI r to explore the country I r olel I Battalion 1 orucli the Btalon and their nJur the land I and 01 BI a lay ol the I l t s iry were far from bemi soub encouragement I to the l IYOI 1 j on they went making Ile their facilities anti hOI e fort 0 t best in the journey ul 11 tile entered upon On tli ird d1 i UpOI I I di November Junes 1111intD mm who had proved h n c Al t soldier md td a firm foll l I it cr Of t t v Gospel punciples wli h 1 he I Gospe ptncples 1 yielded obedience tl un rieded redo the ration of the com I ten ounces ol pork ni oun < Doll I flour md it pounO and il met being mule the I u dloa 51 hut to this is to ill pr v order 1 IjiltdionboS ieldeJ a eal I in line without any spo J mu ings A t Out llns I I j I rl reached the arm to hI 1 ellt I I < ° I the Mexicans had dc against American rule 0 rl11 1 Fe I and other places rue I Inl tlc 1 I tl-c ued a good de n Ji J I I among the Hittalion f ru 1 I knew what a disadvantac t 2 would be put torn case the Ill t lt ij l f J I Colonel dm 1111 ntec such I WI 1 I 11 I A I honeler I l 11 th I > ame I Ih fit who tl I I 1110 I1In It 11 vlcmbcc 40 I An as com I lik Cat d h turn IIvkc lcre I l > LlcutlnlOt and 0 I nJJ lookc i LOlllllndr VK I I t led I to 1 behind laIn r i Ie ot II q pann and hor l > lIlInlle their i n fltc IlIlure to I I ulth U0 I be 0 I 11 11 Lf I VMS not S oil t 13 7 l t their stl t I 4 y I c I Pf I I I 4I d I tluirwciry I out In lrui I relieved 11IIII itl I no th I I V I lid o tit a short 111 I I it n st stou j plaill 10 the It nI II I I I I boole JInultDykes I tit It r I 0 JI I < Bill r 0 Io Q > fps superiors h111 l h s its akint > 1lIoIr cv n II ivantag 1 onlstlc I ill I I tin Crol h thren 0 Ih u i I 01 rtb liquid the nil I NiVL11i where Gen J i 1 il I 1 th 1 ill I h1 I I I left 1 his I 1fI KIr11 Wllll pick I 1 I nil N I ql 11 15 jnd The pro I Ili I d I object ill ID III is 1 11 on to t Clliforn th las to puh It S I l II Y M III po ih A211 th I 111 lexlcIII there bien I < Ind late irrl to Commodoic I 5Jllendeled bll T starting Gen prior to I 51 Lion had been authorul eii i kMtno da j 7 Polk to wumc control H r StisVovcrnormdcom i 01 the distrIct as and SOIernor il was ills that z m nundtr striving to iccom vaq he general hihmKlred picked I Todo this a oph md I1J sthrrcd 1 toother oil I ere ortlirlwngfor 1 th ordl r < hcII ion Orli J r aluall to I CO LL m1 Kin DUtihon 0 road to w I L 111 J 0 I III I d b i i > id II t diitli h I nst 1 m it out to survcv guard = Ilr ounn I r turn 01 I md reported II im th11 II I14 next to 6 q Opinion h lhrou I I to 111 lie tilt VaV through lit Wth too 14 I I I MoantAins fit 0 mV sick in the JU Ie bCII1l IKUtnallt Willis IM oe I j ny 10 all II 01 a detlchment 1 1 1tllu d for Ie perilous Ihoc d hll1 Iti emhcr Iith he v and 00 jot ji It d hl l k 11 1111 I Ile and upon i Ih rr r a lofI I vvtie P v c uhh1 I nliblc e winter 11 s cirrurr d I in the 11If lr it 1 dio t n I Green no I th III I lJolm El I Freeman Ivi h ird Carter and W I 11 Coli nun the I company I Tual lIIg olivii < t of ting out fifty is The drthllllnl III I Captain Dfaill aid Ifigizals I ere found in IIIdl good shape although ifA d 1 dill had occurred since their deputure from the main company I IIITII THE SIA14 ARMY to I IN I 0 I I It e Roell S I I Ir I In Wlyl lie i 1 dGa ur > oe d f Leule 01 Cull igta un he in Pedro 1 1C m I wk to the min truly S del Norte 1 mil M I Ro Imd I I orte 5 tin omm md 11 Colonel Q k n find that compin pick B nl getting things in readiness a fcrt it I grcit iirncv Such equip B asivrrc in ab oiittlvrt imrctl slv Itf I lit hind mil on NOI ember ill tl mpml IIrted off much lap III fatevl milo that day Lt tht I 1 1 NOel rte 1111 lhe nth th I II l N-Oel II tit 1 siuthweslerly C4 di Ion and I 011 th 5h i they dr tl 01 I u11I stiiam < which thr UI Xklutv I 0 neck in U iettioiation 01 I lIlt killing mil Pt lUlig I wold white ox of ID iL fc 01 i I I it ited I < I condition g Ct At proi I I is ri t luil on the I of If1 told a il 1 N 1 I r lie I ittdior 1 I e f I I Jq If tl t 11 111111 11 Wills Imtlills 1 ib I 1U1II n 2 l I w I itl been I tarritl 1 on III tla t M loe A pfa LWT tit 1 Mm KS was 0 it nv 11 101 ih I 11 It 1 lid IIn the loth flit per mi 1O road I leading to I Vr 45 en I it d I along MIMI T I t rar wd i kliall I Cow springs B I WKh J At 1 this point the 11 Wnpnv found 1 hell in a pre tamcnt tietu It I repotting that 10 I rater lIouloi nol t ill I found I between Ccisprnts and I th Gih river a = tmr of i I I The report 1 leu tj to gn o1v t iti oungc the t i Ji > and 1 It t k council of the r iiinder rl I b 1 Miff ci it was de I 1 J Mil to lll mi in III the direction I nriled Out Iv J w n Ivssoutli INerlvlIhwh t 17t1 I md them in Vft o Tin I I 11 ist i gloom Ip the rout O11 I I 1 a the Mormon I r hoped 1 I tit I California t re to b I I I I 11 11 I rwtr u ives mid 4 litv r I and dr < le I re to go to I 1 ell I II A it 0 1v I Krothtrs Di nd Pettogr J I 10 gre I Hmcoek lIsebl ill to 10 I rO Ill en to pray to j Lord to I h I l the C I Colonels Slid dIld till I piaverg I were an I i Sld 1 for Oil h II I ruing of the Colour rI I I I die I a halt and It it ute v I 10 ill 1 III the dircc 1LI ot CIE 1 It < r r I 6 1111raveing 11I1d on with t Mat vArnt 1 thIN 1 Huong the PP IV and I I SJ Mori I it to 11 urrenrts very I describey st j rj Iv described Kooky Oky 1 ti 111 i were reached tilu il g u s m I I I 11 1 the Battalion Jot penlv I I beir Ir antelope 41 I JI I I I4 tol I gII l h they took ad If vI I 1 I I s u ere itfltd as UIIo Lst i4 lhl I if 1 Iy and then u 1 L q If 11 a the valley ua I I I I 1 to nicely in V1 d m is 110 I t 1 lie Ili I I latter part I Iii t 11 II IOV ef the 1 Ili I 1 IIt men FI Sli Lai 11 iotu cold Pu I V 9 1 d In L Ile with John 4I try I I Ie ompmy 1i 1 i I I JIll v 11 l j If I u IhC 1 I att lion h I 1 tl I e I I i is tripped 10 Iud I aul iii t Ilvthe A lehc V Ii laul I i J 01 I pr I vcd him of 1 4 L lit i I 11 it tln It t this I 1 C it I I It tempt to r iI I 0 I 1 test of the t ht for an my y by belftlilti enllntl 11 I I tell y v Boyle I I 34t who saw the lieutenant skulking I thr bi filers ol the The loll 1 imp I ruins tithe rmehoSm lit rn irdirn were rt lehed on I Ju eIIIII i 2id md hece wild ctle I were fIIIId I i I and I sev eril of them killed I for the eoimnis sary Daniel Tyler hid m exciting experience with one of them vvh eh in a i wounded condition took liter hill intending to m ikt him its vie lint It was finally killed 1 however and served as food for the soldiers A atop of I one mil i half < hs it the rineho I mentioned t found lt the II it illon returning Us jotirric Iaill after l good 11 qumtlt of beef had Well jerked for lIoC on the way Oideii cime from I the tommmdcr tint no mbrd ammunition was to be fired it gfmo md us the countiv i iicreibouts was litwally living 1 with vlld cattle which were cxiremel I Kngcrous to the traveler the order I iv t L neril dissitisl t iction md wilts I there ore not strictly complied i r with i On the night of the 5th thi company ti7ll t IA lq lf camped on vital was tilled Ash reek and It wa here tint Elish1 1 jinith a lilted servant died md MS buried as I ere his asociites II ho had gone before brush and bits of wood marking his last resting place San Pedro creek wag reached on the Qth and here the Uittihon boys hlla battle with will bulls the cattle cat-tle leading thetissiult when in close miners Muskets were kept hot for aMide the bull were so infuri itcd 1 and determined Some of the compuiv pick mules were killed ijons were demolished md members mem-bers of the Battalion were attacked hI i wounded anion Isliscll Corporal Frost distinguished htmscll i m this fight is he stood still took deliberate aim mil killed 1 a raging bull that was running to attack him mil Com mallder Cooke Of the circiimstmce Cool writes I was near Corporal Cor-poral Frot I when m immense coil black bull came charging upon us a lunditd iidstbstmt Frost 1 aImed iisimtsket a flintlock I cry deliberately delib-erately and only find when the beat was ithin six paces it fell headlong almost at our feet The Colonel ifterwirds credited Frost I i ith being one of the bravest men he ever saw In this fight twent bulk or more were killed while i 1 number of the Battalion boys were injured either from gUll explosion or attacks made by the mfumlctl animals The I fight is told ill oag by Lelj I W Hancock START FOR TUCSON lio likoll the Met DIellerto Gem or IhnduaA Lick of Drinking i Wateron the Gila RherJxcrllcnl I 1 rail of tile t llitnvi I unit I VIirleepuCekLril on of Lhrlsm IJ ij llcg nning of tile New Soar ollonmg I down towards the Gill I river Tucson oas made the objective point and nine little trouble with the Mexicans vvis encountered notli mt of aliI gre it conserpicnce Reich mg Tucson 1 the Battalion was site pnsetl to find that the town hid been deserted although a few das before Mexicms md their soldiers held the fort They had heart of the if p I pro ich of in Atncrte army mil had fled fciiful lest they should be exterminated exter-minated One flight while in Tucson a picket guard vv n placed on tilt mil ordered lo report should more th m l dozen or twenty Mexic ins pass in or out of the town More thin the number specified put m an ip peinncc the sigml vvis given and the gila dw is formed in line so is toIle to-Ile ready for the fray should the Mexican Mex-ican attempt m onslaught There vvis no attack however and the line was afterwards broken In order tint the piescnce of his company should I be understood Com mnd Cooke iddrcssed the following letter to his Excellency Sen Don Minucl Gmdiri Governor of Sonora Ures Sonora CAMP ATecsot S MRV lice is 1846 Your jccctlency Trm undersigned imrt Ing m comn nl are llttul on of United states Infatitry1wrin New Mexico I lo California ties found il convcnienl for the nnsuge ot his wagon train to cross the frontier of NjnoM Having < d 1111011 fifteen rilles or Yiornerns I hurt = ounol 1 it n cessiry to tike this t prcdo In i my 3u1o to t > la lie aas red I did not cu ne as nn enemy 01 tile people u hom IOU I eprevnllhvy have rece rd only kindness HI my ban li etc Again resuming its journey the Battalion had a long md very difficult diffi-cult march without water and many oft men suffered greatly because of their extreme thirst until on December 20th m idv nice company ihscovcied the much needed ailiclf and hastened relieve their buffering mg comrades I bv carrying water i Ill i back lo them is t Icy were scattered in different places along the route Their sufferings were intense md tin company staggered into camp some Inlf a day behind the others Gila river VMS reached the next diy where the Pittihon halted Puni Indims visited the camp m great numbers md although imny useful ai tides were lying about thcy shoved their extreme honest by refusing to carry off anything that did nut belong to them The y were scrupulous honest md the Battalion bovs admired them for it Fr11 I the point where Kearney left tile Rio J Grande the distinct covered had now reached about 47 > s miles The camp of the Pmi is were visited anti the Indiana found to be as industrious and peaceable as they were honest he y were a largoiiiiied 1 finelook in ig rice and the very iiietnre of health and happiness Commander Cooke did not til I ll to notice their excellent traits and he congr itul itet the cliuf ol the tribe upon the splendid condition and Standing 01 his people On leaving the Iima I village it was learned that Genera ICeirn 1 y hid been twelve days I 1 trtlI I line fr ml lint I pout to Sm I Dirv 1 ft md in cut elence of tins it oN1 1111 IIlt that the siiili < stm J I I Illh wo ij i is II mid tonUII it least I filly ths lime Gentril Kcirnev al Iso sent word tint it vv is nteessiry that Cook rover the distance n Speedily ns possible is the Mexicans i Mexi-cans were again in revolt The march vv is now a plcatnnt one is for fifteen to twenty miles in ill directions the scene was one of beautiful well cultivated fields ant i gardens On the way i M incopi village wis entered there being about tin thousand Indians Stationed there undo n chief bV the n line of Don Jose Messio They Were a i ell pruned tribe md Ind firming implements and domestic utensils and animals in abundance They too were found to b j strictly honest as their neighbors the Apaches In celebration of Christmis DIY the Battalion trawled IS miles and a day later I the Gila river vvis reached Ilte line birds ips characterizing heir former Imels were manifest at this time mil the soldiers hid to onttnt themselves with hater h-ater and hard frivolling The meat eitcn by them was pronounced by Dr Sanderson as unwholesome and entirel unfit for humankind 10 partake of f The first of jan lIy i 47 rolled round and the lien observed the diy by cutting lovvn cotuinwood trets ollowin I his a number of their mules mil sheep dud they seemingly having been poisoned from something cilen by i them A bolt ol I two pontoon ngon bodies was built mil hshcd together served is a lercplich for baggage and provisions and with leutenint Stonemm in charge it las hunched on the Gila 13 i novel lems of convcing the extra freight which hid been left on their hand through the death of i number of theii inul I is tI 1 a JIM 1 nut uork 13 lell is expected as fret difficulty IIJ encountered along the river Fintll I the cargo was foundered on a indbir md this caused mother reduction in the compin s raton a mOle II hieh was bitter ill the extreme ex-treme to those who had to bear it SOLDIERS MAKE ROADS Again IfX buffler > r mm I lreme Thirst Catln Greek Keiched V UUl hun Hoys Used Up OUI Ne From Sin t cjo and The r Arrival 11ero Joy and Unbounded In J tl iwlasm Closing Days In the Arm Road making was the next experience exper-ience wl Lich the soldiers hid logo through and fires were Mined in order to clear off the brush which Was such a kit it inconvenience to trivel 1 Then the water question bothered the company and the thirst of the men grew to be most intense When this diflicult w is lived the evenings became bitter cold md ns the soldiers were rather sptrselv clad they suffered materially materi-ally The Cini creek known to the Battalion as the first running w iter w is rciched on the i6th md the condition the army las in it tint tune be > girs description even from I the ibltst of writers Hunger I thirst and fatigue hall so used up the soldiers tint many of them were unable to peak md flesh animals which they hid received sever d dayi before had become tired worn out and almost useless I eivmg Cirui creek the Ihtt d ion found itelf traveling over Cry he ivy roads with their ration IwlIly lun I out The scene was hinged considerably however when on Deeembcr iSth news earn fron Sm Diego to the effect tint the advance guard of the Battalion thom who hid been sent for supplies sup-plies had irnvcd there mil I tint issistince was forthcoming immediately immedi-ately Thi I gladdened hearts of the soldiers andthcy began to play the fiddle mil sing songs of joy Some little suffering followed this demon > trtion on account of the coldness of the neither md scarcity if food but these conditions were overcome when on the 2ist inst Warner rancho vv is reached w here the soldiers hid one of their best meals since leaving the Rio del Norte Four I days were spent here md on the sjlh a dispilth cime from General Kearney ordering thc Battalion to move on to Sin Diego Obeying the order the Bitnhon again took up its line of march pissing through the Sin Llli I valley md arriving at Sm I ms Rey a Catholic mission on the 27th Their mission being nearly filled great joy filled the hearts of the soldiers md although their trip hid not beqn without great hardship they felt that they hall now reached a spot which wt the contemplated destim lion of their kindred md rthtivcs is well is the hole body of the Church fAt f-At this point everything tended to the joy mil happiness of the weary pilgrims I i who for so mmv month hall been traveling through l wide and dreary wilderness The y were nearing the ocem with its exhilarating ing breezes while the found themselves them-selves in a lociht rich in vegetation and abounding ill streams of pure md lelrcslnng water What a change from the seines bleb they had p I issed through 1 They hardly knew how to express their joy md grtilllll le to Him whom they looked up to is hiving delivered them In m what 1ah really 1 md truly a sitje of great bondage Their inv i-nv il at San DIego January 9111 aftera trip ot i 4x1 miles in 114 day brought out from Colonel Cooke an relcr of greeting the I I BattalIOn m which he coneruuhtcd them upon their vaI1 int sern c and Elicit I tmhrsit c jr gill obedient to all g-ill commtniti made onto them History may be Searched in vi I II fnr m itiiil match of infmtrv ere the words he used in expisson ol his feeling ton mU then bnvcry Thc order VMS written January 3oth but wis not presented to the Bit talion until tbruir 1 Jth when it IS reeeived with cheers by those to whom it was addressed icldmg to the dictates of their comlmtider the Battalion boys left l San Diego 1 Feb I Est bound for Sail Luis 1 try where they arrived on the 1rd This I step wU taken to hold the Catholic mission is a military post should civil or nation ill diffi cullies break out On their unvll the Ihltihoii cleaned up the premises prem-ises mil put everything in good order or-der md on the Slit nil order waS issued is-sued in relation to the dm es of the soldiers when m girnson on parade mil ill the matter of cleaning arms and clothes slitting cutting hair saluting officers etc Thl men wen decidedly short of clothing at this tune but the made the most of it md turned out on dress parade neirl every Sunday until their discharge dis-charge IV also attended to their religious duties bv holding meetings at the first nfl Inch m San Diego Elder 1 El-der Daniel Tyler preached > uhjeet being the importance ol I levering the I I name ol Deit mil ivoiding sin of I vvh at ver mine or nature On the I second of archthe town ml i harbor of S 111 DIIIO hiving I I been deserted by naval force a I number of the non commissioned I offiecis mil private of the FIr I > I I Dragoons under coinm mil of Lieut I I Stonem were ordered to march I thereto and tike possession which I they did On the Itth inst the I ilmec of the Battalion took up I its mirth for Pueblo tie Ios I Angeles tit iving tnei t mout noon of the 23rd mil on April 6th a petition 1 IIIS formulated for-mulated king for the srhirge of the Bittilion on the ground that peace hid been declared and that their services then fore were no longer requited From I this time on until the com pill was disbmilcd it Sm Diego March 14 iSiS nothing of > peci il importance occurred except it be the discovery of Gold it Suiter millraee i h James Wilson Marsh m item which was first recorded by Henry W Biglcr one of the Battalion who now resides in St Gorge Utah Of the company il mar i lit I said that many ofthemlhe greater poiliou triveltd hack to he Rocky Mountain basin II herein here-in line Course of time husband weile joined j to wives wives to liusbmtl md children to parents after many Mil and b Her experiences Iiuly it has been said lint Histor m ly searched in vain for in el lual march of infantry Their deeds I livelong of > er they ire dead and gone j j Erasmus W Tatlock One of the man well known attorneys at-torneys who hive1 their residences in ibis city is Mr I nstmis W latlock hose well appointed offices ire 1t rooms 211 md 2T4 m the I Harmon block Mr illock is i a gentleman of varied legal experience He came to Silt Lke seven years ago on the 3ist of March tSgo from Wiptllo lowi Mr litlock had m excellent legal training having studied law under Gen J B Wei ver When the war broke out Mr Fitlock was at school mil he with his schoolmates at once enlisted in the army so that he had not in opportunity op-portunity win a diploma but ho acquired i large amount of experience experi-ence that has since been of much benefit to him lie does a civil practice which ii i very extensive hiving a wide reputation throughout this section of the country as one of our most experienced mil reliable lawyers For three years Mr 1 Tat lock vvis associated with Clinks Baldwin the firm being known as Ihldwin tx Pillock from iSjo to iSq2 Since lint dite he has eon ducted the business bv himself Mr illock 1 has held several responsible positions In low i in iSbG he vvis elected cleik of ihe district court of the Second jiuliciil district At present he is i a member of the Governors Gov-ernors stiff md holds the office of pectorgener11 with the rank of colonel Mr itloeks truly experience ex-perience was m interesting one mil one that Was very creditable to him When lit enlisted in the army he w is a lad of only 17 years 01 age lit joined company A of the Third loa cavalry letters hive been received re-ceived hcie from some of his old comrades including such men as General John W Noble Major Gcncnl Cyrus liu sc formerly assistant sist mt sccretirv ol the interior 111 George Dufncld the lieutenant colonel of his regiment speaking very highly of Mr itlock 1 making a spcci il mention of his fidelity lo duty courage md judgment He attained the rank of lieutenant when still i lad of 17 and is his colonel writes No other bov in the Third lowi cavalry ithieved more glory mil distinction He has a perfect eommmd of himself slid the colonel and i slimly nerve All his old comriil nth whom he his I rommunic led In the war unite in o a ing that he was a brave soldier |