Show I DESERET NATIQNAL BANK One of the Si oigost FIIIJllc il Intittkn I in the Rocky Mountain i Region I i The Descret National Dank was I opened Miy ist 1869 is i pn ale bank by Messrs Hooper 11 dredge Co md after i prosper ouscirrer wis incorporated under j the n it oml banking hu m October DE5UCT r NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 1S72 isthe Dcscret N ition d Uink I I with Urchin oune Urn II Hoijer II b Idredge 1 Wm Jen 1111113 1 erimor I itlle John blurt 1 and L 1 S Hills is director I he I mcorporuion s oiifcinll i I imde for i rl period of wenly vears with i paid up I capin ol 200 ooo In October 189 the ch irter IIS extended lor mother twenty Yjari with the cipital mcre < ed lo 500 ooo where it sttnds tolty with i sun his fund of S zo ooo The sunk of the Uescret National I Bdnk I has ever been held it a high I i premium is heing 1 unong the most I icmuneritivc if safe bull invest I nients The present ofiieeis of the I the blIIk ne i b Hills president Mosc Ihatehei ice I resident II S oung cisher These well known I gentlemen to I gcther with the followmt directors form i representitue body of financier finan-cier md business men uhose mines I ire sy nony m jus with stibil and integrity The I directors ire John R liirnes John C Cutler Henry I D nwoo ley I > R Idred I e L I SHills S-Hills Jis T Ilttle I Wm II I Me Intyrc D II Peer Wm W Kitcr Geo Komney J lines Sharp Moses Thatchermd John R Winder resident I Hills on whom devolves the gre iter portion of the maniac nr h L Oil el f 1 mcnt ol the b ml is one of Silt I il e City s best known md conservative financier a man whose judicious mil able methods hive contributed very m Hen illy to the marked prosperity pros-perity of the institution Cishur H b Young is one of the most popuhr bink ofhenls m this city nd is regarded by ill is a most able conscientious md careful banker md I nancier The Dcseret itioml is i m a remuk ibly prosper ous condition notwithstanding the pressure of clo e monev m liters rse IrS I Its issets amount in the i grejile to over s > ooo ooo while its iccum I j I ul ited rS surplus I Ins rciclied the IIIIL nificent sum of JjO ooo The I soundness of the bank ind the ibd ity of Us management is i unquea tioned wherever it is i known the best evidence of whieh la the gcner erotts confidence imposed in it by depositors md the general public It is in every lay a model banking bank-ing institution with a thorough svs tem of organization md m almost sicred regird for the best interests of its many patrons large investments which he has ode for them m Utah m ncs miner min-er il grounds md mining stock Since June 1196 His judgment as arch ible and conscrv Hive mining expert is equd to my in the West I Mr Dignowity 13 in ctile nun sober in habits md ready it ill I times to aid his fellow mm He I his been honored by Governor Wells as a dchgite to the Denver 1 Gold IIlIIing convention is well as by the Slt Lake I Chamber of Commerce Com-merce is a delegate to represent the Stitcol Utih in the Tnns Missi3ippi Congress heltlin SIt llke I July I ill l = th 16lh in 1 17th 1897 Mr I Dijjiovity I IlF issoci i Ue3 ire hrjely interested m mmm proper 1 tiei in Mercur Imtic H indium Mirysv de Brovns like I Frisco I Little Cotton v oo 1 nd Lion Hill which he is prosecuting by active I development |