Show Benjamin Cluff M S President Brigham Young Academy resident I Clufl distinguishing characteristic general management of illurs No liner opportunity t for hl thedisphy t of this iculty I could hive been uttered thin the residency of the 11 1 Y Academy during the hit six i yeirs In 1891 the institution WaS still quartered in the r C M 1 I warehouse near the depot The new In dug wn yet on paper the co ir es of study I covered two years work only in one department theory of teaching the revenues did not exred fj coo a Year there were I fewer than twelve teachers and only I 3JO > students it best The new building I build-ing then becime a Act the courses I in all departments were arranged fjr II four years then six and some now I for seven next years faculty will I have over forty members the rev i i I critics exceed thirty thousand and tin all lid i 1 inve marc than i ooo I I NVIl doe clJII Illust I I iven to th > III 11 J I bUurs ol th e im pr v n i dp i I upn It there As aumcbiie behind tile scenes in cc imtly planning for their accomplishment 11 tt iJ I t 01 plishment I md tint someone was the pr dnt of the institution I Though m excellent clas i teacher IT I Ls dent Cluff ex c ill the ability I tn select mil draw jund him great LI I teiehers md to placc these whcra I they em do the best work While re quiring the strictest conformity 11 matters affecting the unity and iu tonomy of the institution he gives Iieedom to the teachers ill the dc 11 tailed work of their departments I leis I I le-is j able to unity the different methods Ill I and still prcscrv < the teacher individuality > indi-viduality As a result perfcc har i mony exists ill the faculty mil the 7 rl J nca lemy h is become one of the kid ig if not the leading institution if ol learning in lion rID Self effort and sell discipline f t l I may be sid to epitomize IIM policy 11 0 11 toward students There is no red I I grOlllh in his estimation outside of I ff the personal liberty tint guarantees 4 2 perfect individuality Perfect discipline 1Ii 11 T I dis-cipline is that winch comes from Ii 1 I within not what is forced from without I with-out Benjamin Clufl Jr was born in Provo in 1858 live years ol hu life during boyhood and three and i I half years after he reached his majority ma-jority le spent on the Smdivich Islands I Hi I I enjoys the distinction i ol being the first missionary student II 1 called from the Brigham Young I Academy 1 Mitering 1 the Academy as a student 4 11 1 1 stu-dent during Its second academic I 1 11 year he wa soon appointed teacher 4 of the primary department and from this IIIS successively promoted till 1 1 I he reached the instructorship m th iftric mathematics In 1886 lie matncu hlcdm the departments ofh eralure science and art in the University of Michigan front wh ch he graduated I is It S in iSgo completing his master degree in 1893 He became is > ist mt principal of the Academy in 1890 and principal in i2 which office was changed to tint of president I presi-dent m iSQj I |