Show 4 t A SOLID CONCERN 1 f f 11 Pccord of the Only Local fire Insurance Coin T i l I I I il Co-in the Inter mounta ns il I i I Among the prominent md solid I i home institutions which hive made I a proud record for themselves in the I past ten or twelve years of Utihs I q 1 history is the one insurance com I I i pany of the intermountain region I the Ionic I Fire of Utah When the I ti Home began business in 1 in ISM there I were no fewer than thirty different I t compm organized between Denver I I I ind Sm Tr mcisco T od ly but three I I j I t 4 af the number lem un md the Home 0 j I is one of the three The other 1 twentyseven have succumbed to hard i k turns at1 l poor business manage I J i ment while the lone I is stronger t j today than ever before at ny period I of Us history It has a paId I up Clip j I ltd of230000 all of which is i invested I in-vested m the best going class of i Utih secuntics mil Mim street 4 I really It is the pnncip il stockholder I 11 t p in Z C M I mil one of the hew I 1 lest in the Deseret iNiliond Bank I I 1 Chrk Eldredge Co the Coop 1 e 1 I Winon A Machine Co State Dank I of Utah Ilnteher liros inking I 1 i Co md other strong dividend payIng j i 1 pay-ing concerns I he Home Ins i record for prompt t adj lt si OIt l adjustment of Us loists second to no other cotnpmv doing business m I I MaliOne ol its strongest recommend t I i recom-mend tions ii 11 i A a is that its adjusters ire well known men in the t in community J 11 mil that is soon is a fire occurs i f settlement is i made immediately the I 1 1 I sufferer by fire not Laving to wait the j i arrival ol a foreign idiustcr I The Homes sto kholders md of 41 ficcrs arc among the best known I I men in the communit md what 1 t money it make is disbursed the J 1 community here it does business r 11011 It Ins just disbursed its 36th < divi detHI llo its owners i 49 The names of the I officers of the 1 A 1 i Irel Home ire is follows Hebcr J I f runt president Geo Koninc Y president II 1 G Whitner sec I I I i 1 I 1 iV < retir I S Hills treasurer Directors I I Di-rectors Thoma > G Vcbbcr Joseph I I J ifi II J 1 i I Smith Henry Dmwonky John Burton Smith I M I 11111n C S Burton T A Smith Davit LCclcs iI i titI R Barnes oj I Jno John C Cutler and I 14 1 j P T irnswortli I i 1 j I |