Show Milton H Hardy MD Medical Superintendent Su-perintendent State Insane Asylum 1 If Prolcssor Ilirely should die his brain would be found full of diagrams said a student grue set iely Dont be alarmed or feel relieved either if thus the way you view itwe shall not need an autopsy to get diagrams out of Professor Pro-fessor 11 irdy s brain for a good many y years to come Conversitions like the above were extremely common among students of the Brigham Young Academy years ago A few years ago the M I work for young men h id to be selected haphazard from a heterogeneous mass ol religious and secular literature litera-ture ninth had collected in the association as-sociation brines I and progress was discouragingly slow Witness the change since Dr Hardy m coll ill oration with Professor Urimhall arranged ar-ranged the contents of this multitude ol books into i consecutive series of I graded lessons 1 for four year courses of study The M I manual is one of the exemplifications of Dr Hardy leading trait of mind The latest evidence ol what a mind lhoiouhly trained to scientific habits can do n to be found in Dr Hardy management of the State Asylum for the Insane Not only bhJ 1ttheNti m Ins classification I i of the patient but also in his rearrangement of the thousand and one detail b that help i to secure economy of means and I effort and make possible that freedom I I d tfr li iroin i dom from friction so essential to a hospital for mental diseases is the I doctor peculiar qualification for the place made manifest Space will not permit of a biography bi-ography other than to say that Dr 11 miy came final Massachusetts when a I boy graduated from the University Dcsertt was prominent promi-nent as in officer in the public schools Ias Dr Maesers first asSistant as-Sistant m the IJ Y Academy married mar-ried a daughter of President A O Smoot graduated from the N Y University Medic College m 1885 is a member of halt a dozen mcdica a > associations w is made director of the biological laboratory H I Y Academy in 1892 which position he held until elected April 16 1890 medic superintendent of the State Hospital I and Asylum forthe Insane |