Show Freed Furniture Carpet Coi I Ilomment among the lending house furnishers ol b ill Lake City the reed Furniture I < Carpet com piny witholTicis ami salesrooms it 50 32 3136 3s md to east Ihird South street tike rink This business vvis estibhshed ill 1891 and from the outset his met with treit success J ich yeir Ins seen the I tridc epmd I until lr today patron Se N ige comes from ill puts of the city and country md filteen iss stints ire emploed 1 urnitiin md l carpi ts ire the spectilties though ho isehold goods of ill kinds ire curried Ihe officers of the romp ire President Presi-dent M M I reed vice president Simuel I Kenyon sciretiry md tieisurers Ilyman A J cipselger C M Free gtnrd manager AH arc prominent business men identified identi-fied with v inous enterprises |