Show Icy I SOMErmXG OF OLRSELVESI I Y CoqJerised History of tlc Dosorot News Its Srnall Rerjln I Tlng and Present Stage of Growth i I Iin completeness pith which fQP President Vjung and his fellow I > fel-low leaders of the Mormon tfpeople made preparation prior I III I to leaving Winter Quarters for founding and building up i community I com-munity in the fir west is I surprising sur-prising In the measures that were I taken was a display 01 wisdom I was set up in a small adobe building which adjoins on the cast the prcs cnt Dtsi HI r Nests buildings and is still standing in a tolerable state of preservation On this press was printed under date of June 1511 1850 the first number of the 11 s torT NIVVS Thc paper was a small affair having eight pies of I 1 n IT or r 1 I Y t t e AN EARLY HOME OF THE DE3LRET NEWS I 1 nnd foresight that were more than hutmn rtmong the most important t im-portant provisions of this character that were made was tlie purcluse of a printing plant designed to be conveyed ri con-veyed by the Pioneers on their westward west-ward journey mil to be used when j they should make a permanent location loca-tion During the winter of 1846 7 Judge VV Phelps I was sent from Winter Win-ter Quarters to Philadelphia I charged with a commission to purchase a I printing press type ml etc lie discharged this duty and brought to I Winter Quarters a small printing plant such as in his judgment would serve the contemplated purpose This printing outfit was conveyed t across the plains by the pioneer i I company and was part of the freight three columns each The I quantity > of reading matter contained in it was cxcccilmj small but the present pres-ent generation can hardly realize the joy and pride with which its appearance ap-pearance was greeted by the isolated community inhabiting Salt Lake I and adjacent valleys Though small it was a mean of intercommunication which the people in their isolated condition appreciated far more than the have any journalistic enterprise enter-prise since maiijiratcd among them Horace I K Whitney set the type and Brigham II Young worked the press for the first issue In 1852 a larger press was brought to Salt Lake I City with I a quantity of type and added to the News plant and in the same year Almon V Babbitt brought to 1i 1 i 1 t 1 N t at a W sA iar2 r F FIRST PRESS USED IN PRINTING THE DLSEHCT NEWS with which some of the wagons of i that company were laden Such at I least 11 the statement made to the riter The press was a small II w rouht iron affair known as a tamaic h ind press and the quail tit5 y ol type winch accompanied it was but smill In the spring of 1850 the press this city a printing plant which included 1 t clu ltd l a press and a quantity i of job j I and body type with the intention of establishing a publication But ml I mediate upon the arrival of the plant he abandoned his purpose and I old his printing in purrose the Church and it was also added top the Drst i ET to-p plant Thus before the these of its second year the Nrvvs rial iihmcnt had thr I presses I end a good supply of job and body type In the fill of 1352 > the plant was removed to the second sec-ond story of the present main bml 1 ing nov occupied Iy the paper here it remained about eighteen months In the spring of 1831 the Noses ibhshmcnt was removed to the building which is now the northern north-ern part of the one occupied by the general Minus office About two years liter it was again removed this time to the second floor of the Council house On account of the approach ol Johnson army in the spring of 1854 the plant was divided and one part was conveyed to Fillmore I Fill-more and 1 mother pant to Pirow I and the piper was printed first by one part in one town then bl 1 the other part in the other town fins was done in part for strategic reasons I rea-sons as it was desired to conceal from the approaching army the exact ex-act location of the Church printing plant On the return of the inhabitants to Salt Ladle City after the move the DrsrKrT NEWS printing plant was again placed in the t Council I house where it remained until 1863 when it was removed to the quarters I now occupied by it From year to 4 N w t 7 J r si f I 7 1 I P l I I 71 WILLARD RICHARDS year the plant has been enlarged in its various departments until it is i nov one ot the largest and most complete printing establishment in the inter mountain region The latest addition of the pmt consists of fie McrLcntlnIer linotypes lino-types which ire now being fet upI The up-I management of the News was very reluctant to replace the compositors com-positors ssith machines but the pressure pres-sure to do so Ins become resistless and hereafter the type of this paper will be set by machinery principally This will enable it to give to its readers agrcitly increased service I and will be of advantage in many ways With this new equipment I I the Nrws will be put frilly abreast in ever respect I that constitute a good modern and enterprising newspaper I with any of its rival lfit for the patronage ft co age of the people of the State A few words of retrospect relative Ito I-to different men who havt filled the position ol editor of the Nests may not be uninteresting to its present readers Willard Richard was the first editor and he occupied the pos ition from the date of the first issue i I June isth iS0o until his de fill March ti 1854 Ht was a man of cultivated literary tastes and unusual un-usual refinement and I ability He was succeeded by Albert Carring ton one of the few college bred men among the Mormon leileri at that iime and he retained the poi tion until 1859 when judge Elias Smith became 1 the editor Judge Smith held the tpn it t > n until 1 1863 wi 1 n lHert Car 1 lm rt umcllt 1 ated by T H H Stenhouse In tH57 George O C mnon succeded Albert Carrmgton as editor Up to 1866 the paper had ippcared as a leely I but in that year the semi weekly edition was begun On November 21st 1868 something more than a year after George Q Cannon became editor the first number of the DESI RET 1 LNIM Nnv5 was issued and ever since that date the paper has been con tinned in three editions daily semi w et kly and weekly In S7J David O Calder became manager of both the editorial and business departments of the paper and lie continue 1 in control until 1877 when Charles W Penrose be cunteditoi in chief In 1884 owing to the I religious persecution inaugurated i tr i I augurated about tint time Mr 1 enrose was obliged to absent himself him-self from home and was away from this city much of the time II for several years From I 1884 until the beginning of 1890 John Nicholson was acting td tor in chief with the exception of a term of six months which Mr Nicholson served in the penitentiary lor unlawful cohabitation I In the spring of 1890 Mr Penrose resumed the active labors of editor inchief and continued them unti October 1st ily when the entire establishment pissed under the control con-trol ot a new management and John O Cannon became editorin chief which position lie Ins occupied ever since The files of tIle Orsrurr News from its first number to the present time well illustrate the evolution of the modern newspaper In examining examin-ing early volumes the scarcity of whit would now be classified as news is noticeable Many events of thee the-e importance that today t I ISe would be seized i upon as matter of I great interest for the news columns received no mention t whatever while valuable space was taken lip 1 with I I long essays or communications or selected articles From I the commencement of its existence the Nnvs has been 1 carefully care-fully edited and the contents of its columns have teen selected and prepared pre-pared with the intention of furnishing furnish-ing the best kinds of reading matter for the family circle but a volume succeeded volume greater and I greater importance was attached tog to-g the news and 1 the paper lost more and 1 more its character asa as-a repository ol miscellaneous literature litera-ture During the last few years it has held the character of a strictly modern mill I enterprising newspaper although a large amount of religious reading matter has always appeared in its columns d r re 7v r HIGH SPEED PERFECTING PRESS NuW USED < N PRINT No veld FOLDINU THE DESERET NEWS 1 w = |