Show Phil Spcckhart Proprietor Cash Meat Market Anvont coming along Center street Provo il niht will invohm irilj stop before Phil 1 Speck harts Cish Men Mirkel The display vilhm is unusuillv artistic Iwo electric chandelier flood the market nth light revealing in winter long roIlS of la tily elrese 1 beeves mul toni md hogs md in summer the ime objects behind jhss cised re fngerilori Above lnnimij in i iv en rows ire well cured h mis ind lundrcds of glittering pills ol hrd he prod let of this mirket The ood work is i oifr lined m itlrie ivc colors mel rctleus the hjht of he chandeliers Ellery I fixture is scrupuloitslv dean md while siw lust covers the n r The propric 1 1 tr le I tri or Ins evident leirned l liow to tempt the appetite ol his cuato ners It t adds rch h tot steak onlv lo remember re-member where one purchased it Phil I Spcckh begin business m Miy 189 since which lime i score of melt market hlIe opened ml cl sed m the cit His first market was opened bet i ten G mil II streets wo blocks nest of his present qinr ter I Us policy w is to piy cash mil sell for cash md so he could not lad Then he eirly beg 11 the business busi-ness of curing lums bacon lard mil beef ol which he keeps on hand i large su plj He controls the trade ol the county in bologna also his oVn roluclion The market ce nt uns a refrigerator with icipicitj for nine Ions of ice In it ire three spacious vmlts ill filled wuh melts On expressing mv wonder lint the trade of Provo would juslfv so large 1 stock he tool me lo Inn blotter ind showed me orelers from Tmtic Frisco I Scvicr md Smpcterounlics md is fir fist is Grind JunctIon His mdeiverases Sl 150 per day I next examined Ins piescrvmg ihichl ind packing phut I which leljoms the market at the back It is ex tensiv c and he xpl lined tint m the near fulnre he would incorporate is the Provo Meal company md probably prob-ably go extensively into the picking business II he docs it would not be rlsh to prophecy success for Phil 1 rn in Speckhart I scientific is in tlinroujM his i methods mod md i civeto ill the exigencies ef his ms ness Provo nny be congnlu bled to cl urn him is one of her rep esenlilive citizen |