Show UTAHMONTANA MACHINERY Co All Classes Mining Milling Wood and IronWork Iron-Work ng Machinery Engines Boilers and Mining Supplies We are exclusive agents for Eric City Iron Works Stationary Ln gincs i stationary vertical and f oll ikrsvertical Economic Boilers Ingersoll Sergeant Drill Cos Piston Inlet Air Compressors of various designs Rock Drills and appurtenances for complete drilling plants Ottumwa Iron Works celebrated Ottumwa Hoisting Engines of various types Hazard I Manufacturing Cos Iron Steel and Galvanized Wne Ropes Knowles and Blake Steam Pumps for ill duties Truax Automatic Ore Cars Buffalo Common Sense and Davis Hose Whims Magnesia Sectional Pipe and Boiler Boil-er Coverings Borne Scr mscr Cos pure mineral min-eral ubricalmg I Oils Clinton Wire Cloth Cos Wire Cloth We carry nil the a > ov e goods in stock besides Blowers Forges I Bellows I Bel-lows Blacksmith Tools Ma sTools s-Tools Belting Packing Hose and all classes of mining milling and smelling supplies Printed matter furnished upon application ap-plication Quotations promptly fur in hed Coirespondence solicited lress259 S Main street Silt Lake City |