Show TIII inn so CO A BIT OF HISTORY Prominent among the Pioneer curios in the Hall ol Relics is I a large copper lioilcr the most noli blc remnant of a somevhit cMcn iIe sugar plant purchased by Irei 1 dent John Taylor 1 in iijhnd I und shipped ntin expense of thousand dollars to Utah in 1852 llun early did the 1 lonein take active steps lovvard starting this important industry For 1 various reasons the discussion of which dots not biking to this sketch tin itlimpt to nuke I sugar was a failure But the 1 idea was a magnificent II one Sugar in those days cost all the way from fort cents to one dol I far per pound 11 I lad the undertik I mg i succeeded it would have been a I I mine i ot wealth to the early settlers I I THE FACTORY AT LEI It I I Prominent men became interested notably President Gooite Q Cm non and ill 1890 thirtj light years I Id P I o II 1P 1ft ii V vl I kr r > Z f stv I q J I ik t4Arz W7 F 1 1 i tH 1 < f I r T111 I I li z Jf k I 4 v 1 w4v i J I 4 I I IT i X 4a I i I P 4 1 iN ci i 1 1 W I ke 11 I I I vly I i4 Rp V1 111 < fon I i 1 iTjll I I 1 f t II i Ii J S951 f t Jr IS I t I tr ii 40 T tl f l I tl I I P4 l hr i lip I Ill t I I I 1 5 9Let t 2 fN > tr i A fl p U4 n 11 Wiii f J r il g r 11 I I I t l iZ n > lrt Z < d 1 b0I 1 d Z r t 11 I I twwkt illtZ < ri 7 Z 7 n = t t J A k k 11 If r I 71 l Z i Ei2 Z I 140 7 W gl = ii Z JLD t 1 t I 1 i I I WJ arl t I t J qif I 1 IiI Ii-I I t 1 jI I V li I I UTAH SUQAn FACTOriY I I after President lihr fuliire the experiment i is again made this time with the expenditure of over h ilf i milh in ol doll irs After much invcstit < ition it is to the best site the i plant w is looted I jut south of I ilu II letwccn I the Rio Grande Vi teru land I Oregon Short Line mil roads i I Six rears hive pissed > cirs of I unusual business depression years during which the price of sugar has I I swung to in extreme quite opposite that when the first experiment was i I idc mil it must be said that the undertil > is a success11 ilmosl m unqualified 1 success I The factory is strong built ol I brick The main jukling which I contains most of the machinery is 180x84 i feet and is three stories lillli The annex is ih6olcit Here I in located ten horizontal tubular boilers I large each clnr of too f hers horse of bone power coal twenty with the apparatus nioceiiary to rev nil the alI I her 1 mil a lima tkile which I I burns about seventeen tons of rock cichtwcnu four hours Both buildings build-ings ire lighted bj electricity PROCESS OF MANUfACTURE The beets ire stored on the north side ol f the I factory in two long bins each 125x10 feet A flume of swml running water carries the beets in tumbling fashion to the lac I ton By 1 the time they reach the elevator they 111 washed compar atively clean They ire next carried to the knives hich cut them into thin bhipcd slices Subjected to a hot bath these slices give up their sugar juices mil in then carted to vast t I storing silo to be used later in fat Idling cattle I The juice is first treated with lime to neutralize ill acids then with I I cirbonic acid gas to take away the lime Both these products ire obi I limed from the lime 1 kiln At this i I I F lige the juice i is clear but II Ora jel i lovvish tinge Sulphur fumes are I now pissed through it which have I the property bleaching vegetable I tints mil the remaining vestiges of color ire taken out by the bone charcoal filters I Nothing remains now but to boil down the juice till it crstihzes This is dine first in four large 1 tanks I each containing coils of ream pipe If miles long which furnish licit then In the vacuum pan Only the trained eyes oran expert can till when the crstihzmg rage has been reached It is the most I delicate and moit important post in the cntne process of manufacture The syrup w lien fiffly npc is driwn into vats on wheels and allowed to crtal7 In a few days it rescm tiles molasses that his sugared It is next put into i I ccntnfuj wheel which by swift revolutions I tlrows out the syrup leaving the pure white granulated sugar of com mcrce The srup thus ejected passes pass-es into the juice to go again through the process At list a syrup collects which can I ceo netted into sugir only bj standing in vats for a Mir This furnishes the first two weeks run of each feison The syrup extracted from this run is iincnm ertiblc and will remain practically worthless until un-til some genius invents a profitable way of chinking it into a product of com 111 ere I The tul nis i of the olhlr lurt r f the L I t th pull i is Ill tile i it I Iran nu mail lit tl 1 i nnt I Two ihou mJ lit Ld ui dUe all I j fattened twin teael j e r I |