Show The National Bank of the Republic Although comparatively a new institution the National Bank of the Republic is one of Salt Lake Citys soundest institutions and in point of capital and deposits aheady stands second in the list of national banks I in the state It has obtained the confidence and patronage of the leading businessmen I business-men by conservative management and has accumulated large resources Its last statement shows total resources resour-ces of GS6 605 73 withSsSS 840 72 in first cl iss loans and discounts Its average deposits are about 400000 The success of this bank is i due to the careful and conservative methods of its officers and board of directors The president is i Mr Frank Knox and the ucc president Mr George A Lowe The president has been connected with the banking business for twenty five years and is an acknowledged ac-knowledged authority on financial questions The directors are recognized recog-nized as representative business men capitalists and respected citizens Mr Edward W Duncan the cashier cash-ier is exceptionally able and competent compe-tent Salt Lake City is proud of its financial institutions but I there ire none more worthy ol confidence than the National J Bank of the Republic On the 1st day of July it declared its eighth semiannual dividend of 9 ooo oowlnch makes its total dividends divi-dends paid Stot ooo oo This is a remarkable showing considering the I acknowledged business depression that has exis led since 1890 |