Show PASSING PAS OF ObI CHAS LAYTON Respected Pioneer of asJe Dies of Stomach Trouble Charles Chlrles Layton a n respected pioneer of died at on el Thursday evening May 2nd His ls death was not unexpected for ho he had been Jeen 1 for Clr sev several eral months tram from cancer of ot the th stomach ach Mr Layton Lalon was born hor la In Lincoln Lincolnshire shire England April 16 1832 He came cameto cale to America In remained d In St StLouis Louis until 1852 when he came call to 10 Utah and settled In where ho he has haA resided ever eer since During the trouble with wih the Indians In In 1866 Mr Ir IrIton Layton Iton wal among those thoe who went to protect the settlers setters When Wh n the Latter lay Saints began to colonize Canada Mr Layton was Wil one of ot the first frel to go goto 10 to that country countr nn through his Influence ence a n number of prominent people went to make their homes home there Ho eaves a wife eleven children 43 3 rand children chiden and 1 Ir nt to mourn mour his death Funeral services will wl je Jo held from Crom the meeting meetinghouse house on Monday Monda May ay at 1 |