Show IN SOUTH I ur or President K 1 Ich h I hit Southern tn tC JIon Tio flo and places B In II which President Ir HI HInt dent nt len Hen B J Ich of or the Southern Southen State mission will wl hold tho various conferences of ot tho mission are oe as a fol Cui follows lows North Carolina Mount Olive Olve N C CIny May Iny Mb and Oth Virginia VI n May Ma anil L South Carolina Charleston S ill C May 11 and mh I th Ith Atlanta enta Go May tny lh and North Alabama Ienn May Mar and 1 MIs Ackerman I A May and 1 I South HOlth Alabama Ala AlaMay AlaIn May In 2311 and lh l May lla and mh Kentucky Louisville Ky Iy olst 1st and 2nd nd anc Chattanooga Home Oa June and nIH Mh It Tennessee N C June 7 h ard Middle Tennessee Smyrna Temi nn June hll and 1111 Ohio Columbus Ohio June and Ill |