Show tt WOMANS ODD LITTLE WAYS BY TABITHA HEY called It the W V A P 1 C was put to the lie ladles by yea yu and nay nil nut But It gives Ilves me Inward pain palo to TilEY T Womans Anti Antl Personality club vote there thero v Will was n neer noer n a nay In the th note how lIow unworthy of their sacred It was wal founded upon the tho ruins ot of ota bunch calling professional women singers singer a t once flourishing feminine organization Under these thelle exalted auspices the W WA and 11 nIl musicians generally are having lion Ion that hint lied had gone to pieces because A P 11 I C started Mankind beheld how no iso r rE regard IMd for tor their moral or social Its lIS members could not resist the sweet anti and lovely It Il was for sisters to reputation temptation In discussion to lo Illustrate dwell In unity The Tue era of at he hia get gt g t no further Mme 5 a 1 point by particular refer reter reference of the old fashioned woman Idea to her feet and Ind shook ence to lo the finances families fash tuh fashions In the minds of at men vas sas as on onA a daini dalls white gloved finger In the th lh 6 ions lon frailties or faces of their sister A month after atler the adoption of ot tIme the face of Mrs Charles In a n I members bylaws the tho first social meeting was high D 0 sharp she shrieked At first the name Anti Antl Friction club held The question for tor discussion had Woman Ive been a 1 professional was proposed ed A lady Indy who had stud studied been prepared very ery carefully by a n sinner sinKer SO 30 o years eau and I 1 want you to toI f science pointed out how however committee woman noted for her amia amiability I led mental nce understand that th I 1 am aln just rw os a respect respectable ever very logically that thai If it personalities She Rhe had hall chosen the subject ot or able ns os you are and move more In the theties theties ties were avoided there could be no music ns os one naturally of choicest circles You are an anI I frictIon so they decided Anti Antl Per ler Personality blooming harmony harmon She worded the tha I protest exclaimed Mrs rs I to be the correct thing The statement of her question In a II manner Charles I l have Ilave Buttered suffered socially first bylaw read BO 10 o delicate that It could not noi give gy of offense from Inviting inciting professional women Yemen to tomy Any U is to the most mOIl sensitive feminine my house i C meeting ol of this club dub shall tt be b hem from soul It was as follows Fifteen ladles ladies s sprang to their feet Its Iti privileges it at r t I Ib lbs li is a i merci l li They The all talked at U once There I was a 1 lId ird That Thit en on h ho buzz huz aw w vibration of ot tile tie dynamics o ot ci ind sad II li locum eloquence In While e this bylaw blaw was under con can which could be II distinguished j bent a I with eith lib that thit i ll d Ie d order ON 1 er th chair th the president left the un ol of No o ro no un us ashamed of ot her herself temporarily In charge of ot the first vice Ice ol Cl self the thumps of ot the rut fill common commas passIon no ro ares drIll i cf ot t presidents In order that thai from the floor noor lbs th gavel 1 president soul lOut that hat tin tan fa In sounding meanwhile like sue suc successive she he herself night speak peak to tho the motion ruch much the high C ct tr vibrate In tinion blasts of at dynamite so Vital did tIld she regard It She Sh made mado with the loeI bl ethnic color tolor thrills sad and Mrs hs Charles van an Hebrides raised ralael In Its favor faor an on appeal so touching mysteries cl ci D Li fit ff L her voice oice and waved her while whine kid hut U that two ladles ladies who vho ho had not spoken to Mrs Charles van ITch Heb Hebrides hand with the greatest Imaginable Ima I each other for tor a n year ear moved over to together rides ride 1 spoke first fiut after the committee committeewoman dignity gether get her and kissed each cach other before woman In Sn advocacy of ot the deep Emer Jomer I protest said she against this I all the folk Several other members sentiments above stated A Interruption Mrs shed tears lears When Immediately after holy calm pervaded her paper until at nt your ago age the presidents speech the question she he ald MM IIII I i 8 I |