Show n r I If THE f E DEMAND FOR OFFICE 0 ROOMS ite is Ni f vat 01 tr trAll 8 All Al of Larger Business Blocks lb o are arc Full Ful to lo Overflowing and Ap Applicants d are Being eing Turned Away A way Daily An Indi ludi Indication re cation of the Growth t Irl One On of the time best Indications of the time gen general len general eral prosperity of ot tho time people of ot time the went vent amid of the time growth of Suit Halt Hal Lake Lole City CIt as ns n II I lal iii renter center for tor the time hug tl i tit m Is tLe t demand tin for ol olti r large lale anti and small sinai smal In this hits city et Nearly every eVel ever omco building In III time the center of the tho city cl Is full amid corporations anti and In whose Interests Interess ore are In Iii II Idaho Montana Washington Oregon Wy cluing tiling and ant Nevada Neda ore are lre seeking for far rooms In lit which to establish In Inthis this hits thi city Perhaps there has never neVel l ii HUch sUch a l mand for 1111 such fuch a it I security of Jf rooms In Salt Halt 1 L lit itt I he ice m t OIS and suites in I no he block the l D I F P block the Commercial lok blok ulo K tho I ho f and anti others ure all 1 tul tulen en 11 ci old tho applications como In tim every tiny ln ho of one aims Ole of ot the time largest lih liln I In i w n been today said In the tho Vury lr of ot Salt Halt Lake Laico City CI re ri 1 nt er bias UK been such uch a II demand er il I t I 00 suites In f c l and Il uch a ft scarcity or thrill Ihrl I HI HIns ns as al now MI Wi We WI Lave Lao Inquiries every eer day Ila for f r mil ret and Ind large suites but m I J ut cit lt the hit tl ent nt moment have havo OWl ono loom i OUI that thai Is not taken token People lc C hn II u und fluid asked roi O Iske to nave n lh lr nani ri rl n a list for time tho i 1 im M mi to 11 ii I had Ind We e could jOlt r 1 cacti 1111 I fid fili ril ri te building nt I um rUo mize vi v nt at WS oil ul I 51 Su u i f i rl H tu to be the time rr I HP un IA unC t p C hers Iler ini ni 1 rut mc itt agents of or emI ii 11 ni of or iti IH The Time best part or of the tho situation said sol one on agent Is Hint rents rants me ame paid promptly timid there seems to bo be a great I amount of or In II circulation In Inthis Di this building there Is not a single do mb let rent payer timid and though tho tto thorent 3 rentals rent ls are not low lo by L any uny means those thOu having seem to be iI making Nor money woney enough elough to warrant keeping ty tuni t I t From I rom the time opinions expressed iy y 1011 owners of Salt Lake le building it tell ot i would seem Feel ns mis IS If IC I the time elty I should hl amI alt U a 1 few tew mere uti blocks In the central portion of oi time the city amid anI U It I Is a subject being IIA dt 01 cussed erful by several Bevera Salt LaUn men len I |