Show Zola 1010 Is He lie Is generally re regarded reo as nil n an nn Incessant worker but though he lie has hns done more work than most men he lIe Is 18 not by any means mean al nl always ways WIS at nt It He lie has hns learned the secret that In III his own on words It Is the con can continuation of ot effort which makes big monuments and he lie works quietly and persistently writing his tour four pages lages of or manuscript a day no more and no less hess Four l our pages a ft day da makes Zola Xola a II rich richman richman man now Time was wasand walland though hough It was so HO long hong ago ngo Zola has hns a II vivid recollection recollection lection of ot it when he be made up lip parcels of ot books looks for tor a n sovereign u a week and when he thought himself rich on his hilS promotion to a 0 publishers advertising department at twice that sum In those thos days duys Zola would spend his hll spare hours In writing manuscripts and by the tho time he lie was twentysix he lie had written six novels There here Is l one olle Zola novel as 18 u there Is a n nJ Kipling J novel noel which huts has never seen seln the light of ot day tin It was wal written while Zola Zoll was at It school and was vas a 11 lung long lUll story ola huts lias the manu manuscript script to this day daylie he nOel never destroys anything hu lie has hils ho de tIe declared not flot long hang lOll ago that he hi had hall not read It I 1 have never been able to rend renil a word of ot It he lie said to so o utterly utter Illegible was mv writing at the time OI Ho lie must surely be the only man In III the tue world who hns has n a novel of ot hili hi Jn which he cannot read Zola oia Is not nut the of or men Inen to today tolay lay day but his life Is supremely happy III In comparison with the thu days that have pone gone Olle For eighteen mouths months he lie starved In the streets tiet of ut Paris wondering wandering about III In rags tags Ills overcoat was so 80 shabby that when he lie stopped to look at nt the tho secondhand volumes vol on the bookstalls b the booksellers would drive him away awny He lie never noer rend read a newspaper bee ho could not afford to buy one he lie n vr r entered d a n cafe ha Iw never smoked Hi hI speaks of ot this lila time as ns one ono of the utter misery without money without work without position starving most of the tue time tillie and auth dressed III In If ever user he hind hall a copper clipper he would spend It Iton iton on a it candle and with this ho lie would sit Nit through the tha night In III his garret road reading I UK or writing books Those toys ays arc aro part of at a 0 dim past now when In England Englund not long ago Zola Zoia refused for tor three novels nOels I S S Richard whose latest novel noc was so su pleasing to Americans has hus recovered from his dangerous and has been made happy by tho return from froni South Africa of ot his only son non on who ho was wounded there and to be bo deal dell S t SS The Corn Press Boston announces a 0 limited edition of ut Blind Love a 0 astory astory story by Laurence Housman which up 1111 pearel live lIe years ears ago In the Pageant a 11 now out of ot pi prInt Int Mi h Hous lious Housman man is credited with the authorship of ot otAn An Lovo Loe Letters S S S Gorki a 0 new now writer of ot short stIles who has hns made a n great leputa lion hab been blen n a tramp In southern whore where he secured materials material for or hU his hl sketches He lie objects to the time lionizing ing tag that has befallen him bira since altico his lila ur ar arrival rival In Moscow I cow and deplores Ills Ids old Independence Indel when ho lie was unknown unknownS S SS A committee of ot prominent ladles ladies have ho awarded to te Mrs Emma 1 P F 1 A Drake M Id D of ot Denver Colo Cola a II prize of ot 1000 for tor the tile beet b rt manuscript of or a n hook book ad nil addressed addressed dressed to young youn wives and mothers to be a II companion book to Whitt u n aYoung Young Husband Ought to 10 Know l by Sylvanua Stall D 1 D The book bool will ho lie Issued at al once by b the VIr Publishing Co of ot Philadelphia S S S SF F W Hodge editor of at the tho American Anthropologist sends out a II notice of at atthe the publication of ot Zuni Folk olk Tales by the late Frank 1 Hamilton Cushing with an Introduction by b Maj J W lv Powell It 11 Is hoped to Issue the tue work If enough subscriptions are Bentin mentin lent Bent lentIn in Communications should be addressed to Secretary F W Hodge Washing Washington Was bing ton D C The May In Atlantic Atla tI will open with the time first Installment of ot Audrey Audre Miss lIss Mary Johnstons new romance Like 1110 Prisoners of at Hope and end To 10 Have and To fo Hold Hoh It Is lIS a Virginian story but IJu It Is laid In tho the eighteenth Instead of the century The Tho or nr orphaned girl Audrey Audre whose who e name namo gives the title to the time book Is said suld to be the most vital and fascinating personage created by Miss lIes Johnstons imagination then tion S S SA A publication with a theatrical at nt atmosphere soon lIoon to be published by Chas Scribners Sons Semis Is Mrs Mm Gilberts Everybody of ot course Identifies Mrs lrA Gilbert with the de tie delightful delI lI h lul comedienne lenne associated ted for tor so many years with Mr Ir Dalys Dals company Mrs Gilbert has bus woven Into her liar nar narrative a n large lane amount of ot the most In Interesting tere reminiscence of ot time the earlier days of or the time stage and of ot famous ac actors tors and actresses that many ninny of ot us Uil familiar with In our younger days Onys The book has been heen edited by Mrs Charlotte C M Martin and will be found toun delightful reading S S S The following gives gheR some Idea Iden of at the Increase In recent years ears In the demand for good fiction The figures are sup supposed supposed supPosed posed to approximate the time totals of ot re recent reo cent c nt sales Eben ben Holden Alice Mice of ot Old about The lIehn of Law Lass In the Palace of ot the King The Time Master taster Christian The Cardi Cardl Cardinals nals Snuffbox Eleanor about Tommy and 60 CO COO oil cit the time Pike CO GO O S S S Like Another nother Helen by b Gee Ceo Hor Horton ton toil lisa has probably the sales of ot otI any I n book of ot fiction this spring for tor tho short abort time It has been heen published The Tho first edition of ot was used entirely In Chicago In less than ten days and the time second edition of or a n like number was ns as u Hl In New York and n last week eek by b the booksellers The sale Is not abating In Chicago and the NewYork New NewYork lc York demand from the reports of ot the dealers Is growing every ever day dayS S S S The diversity of ot Miss Mary Mar E Wll Wih kins literary gifts Is to he be further ex ox In a n book of or short stories en entitled titled Understudies which Harper Brothers will publish this week Since the thit earlier en tiler tales of ot New England J life lito which were ere sufficient In themselves th oles to make nn an enviable hell for Cor any nn author we ve have learned to know Miss Js Wilkins as a storyteller and nn a novelist In other oilier fields and In other ways was and It has been Interesting to toJ t follow her development us ims nn all artist Only once onee did dill she sue deviate from the line lino of or progress and that was when shen she hie was tempted to enter Into Inlo with the romance and foil fell Hut But In The Portion of or La Ia Labor Labor I bor now appearing In Harpers Maga zinc she soe tins has not only recovered r her herself herself self but bul In our judgment has climbed to a higher level of ot artistic attain attainment attainment ment Her lIer new volume of ot Under Understudies r studies also shows hows that In the short story her hand has hns not lost Its cun Can cunning Canning ning Not only are ale Ie these Under Understudies Understudies studies very veT ver delightful as ns love hove stories but the conception of ot the Idea which characterizes them Is an nn original and attractive one and to the tIme reader render who ho cares to probe beyond the tiie mere story stor It will hil also III so be Je found to he be Interesting from frum a psychological standpoint standpointS t S SS SSI I suppose Madame Grand was as naked asked the time other day that you ou wrote rote Dabs Bobs tho the Impossible In a 0 spirit s of o pure comedy 7 I wrote tha lbs honk bonk In a Jesting mood reViled replied the lady what the critical gentlemen call I believe bellee a Comedy of ot Manners May I 1 ask rejoined her tor what U is the serious problem or motive mothe In your oUr comedy of ot nabs Dabs the if It Js IS a c commonplace of ot the day replied Madame Grand that the towns are drawing the men from frOIn tho the country districts and the men ai lit by the glitter the town are Slow up to enjoy enJo the more genial uncial conditions without their women fo folk k and are In consequence falling ailing inI resulting Ic ice And Anti to such nuch as about these conditions the tIme anti and cannot think of anything more original to say 1111 than to bawl that lint home In is the tie Womans there Is no rio g nM also that home Is l likewise wl e the Sphere I have if J taken a country side thus denuded of ot Its men with Its waste of t women warns and I have bave ave played with the time preposterous comedy of ot life lire that hut Is being lived under these conditions The Time whole fabric of the thc Mate Is being sapped by this danger uJ cr If It the empire Is to Increase anti and bo lie developed with the time women left behind by u the time men then we wo shall soon hove have nothing but old oid women left In thu tho country countr And rd what are aro We wo to do with them wu lai the tIme alarmed question S ln Grand shrugged her shaul shoulders ders tiers The I lie he House of or Lords cant hold hohl any ammy morel the shu said enid S S The Time death of Donnelly Donnell of or Shakespearian Cryptogram fame faint adds interest to a n recent surmise In tho the Held This Is no less than an In favor ta vor of ot authorship of the Bible In hi a late i number of or the London Answers a U writer claims that In III time the name of ot Shakespeare lies the time key to this won wun cryptogram He says The Time spelling the nom do plume Illume of the great poet while Shakes herena evident chung of pear l his lila real name Each of time the two latter spellings contain ten letters four vowels and amid six con Dy By combining these the e figures the time number 40 tG the key ke to the time obtained Take up your Bible turn to the forty ort the v and amid v y a U will Ili find that the psalm Is I divided Into three portions each cach one beginning with the word selah Now count forty tort six words from the beginning of th time tho psalm and you ou will read mend the Word vor shake In the time first portion liar lion Then count words from the end o of the psalm and you ou will iii reach the word won spear Per There jou have hao the wor word ns as plainly as 8 the letters n it II |