Show IN THE SAMOAN MISSION A Prayer Meeting as Conducted Conduced In n That Field feld lh Zeal Uon limo ilio Youthful of lf Elder Eider Warren Longhurst front Upolu Samoa April Apri 1 We Wo ns as I Elders Eders In this far away land I fool feel that we are arc near In imi spirit to our Fountain Head end In imm Time The News Now aids alls materially immaterially jn In a keeping us posted In 11 phi all matters muter spiritual temporal Time The Elders and Saints In iii tho time AWl conference are arc vergIng on to time the regu regular rg regular lar date dute for tor our semiannual confer canter conferences but owing to preparations bo be boIng boIng belag Ing lag made for tor a n general conference to bo be laid held at It our mission head hed In June ours our as well as us t oth others othera others ers era has hus been postponed We c meet leet with wih some opposition but the time greatest hindrance to tl time the spread of ot truth Is a u spirit of ot what was WR good gool goodenough enough nough for or our fathers Is good ool enough for us U The majority of the time people believe our message mel o and AI are our friends but It I Is la as President Wood viewed It I while hen they the need to ba be fu to time the necessity lt of ot entering in Iii nt lit time the door doom that will wl permit them bel to enjoy time the Gospel In Its Il s sWe We feel that we are uro approaching a n ane new ne era We feel teel too to commend the efforts of at the tho pioneers of ot tho the work In Samoa both of ef Elders Elder and sisters for some have havo so loved the thc work that we feel teel free to apply the tho words o of our our Savior to their loyalty That greater Ir love lore hath bath no man titan than this that A man manlay manlay lay la down Iowa his Ills life le for tor his hIl friends This Timi loyalty loal has been shown more moro by some of oC our brave sisters who have nobly nobl endeavored to fulfill the time Instructions Christ Chrit gave glye Ills His Hs Apostles when He lie I sent ent them forth to preach He lie lp that broth loveth father or mother more than me Is not worthy worth worth of ot me mime He lie le that his hits life shall rhall lose It I and he that his life le for my sake shall timid find It II Matt Mati tat 10 me rile to relate an nn experience which I had but last evening U it I was na nathe the Sabbath and as 1 Is I our custom we wo met with wih the time young youn men tenth ami nn women tor for My 1 wife and Ind I were wre seated as ns our dusky young yoting brothers anti sis sisters Lore tera came tiling into the meeting house ni M the time bell hel hind hall Just Joist censed ceased ringing They quietly quiet took their seats In a I circle upon mats One of at the number was wu chosen hosen to take tako charge charKe of prayers Al Almost Almost Almost most before hetor he had opened o his hl hi Bible Ible he me had hind started to read reaul a chapter from tram Matthew all al the others other book In hand following ow 11 The chapter read n ii song rol was Ivas wa sung lun and then therm ell all al knelt knel while ho asked the Frothier Father of ot all al for tor nil all U necel necessary sary many blessings and sincerely that thy they be aided In their search for knowl knowledge edge dge not forgetting to pray for tor our guiding le light the Prophet together tog ther with all al who ore mire spreading spreadIng the truth arts of at the world After In n all al partS part prayer raer they hey quoted quote as I many m mamir r passages of ot Scrip they time the head had learned from rain tho time tune tuie as uti lUll during lurins tho limo laY IlaY They fumey hey quoted from tour four to verses each ono ammo boy tO quoted After this two girls mud two boys were etched called upon to ti gio re what they t tho th bust best bo t point of ot doctrine spoken on ore dur Imir during why wh they ing the n und and explained thought It best They hey were then thou crl t by I tho the chool on ohm al accuracy ot or quotation manner or of delivery etc oto After dismissing a it I few cw In to dial a q while lime Tho following more are Ir snatch C which wilt will simon show Il Cs of o our bur conversation the spirit and Ind of oC those promising Mini young Question why wh mire are wo soe not called upon to tOgo other othor places gu go to to 10 hold u eon s Pill Phil 11 anti and ali others othell Because nail I you would woul bo be iI like Uko 11 the professed Christian who ho go o about without t Another boy oy quickly spoke up imp anti and ont gave him who asked time the question nn an In answer gO In the tile form torm of ot a mc quotation tram from Il Paul laul to tin the Lot no man mun take this 1111 honor unto U t hut but hut t hn lie that hat I Is IH called cabled of at lad an UR wnM ivas Aaron An Mm Another other othel youthful voice chimed In I 1 would like hike to 10 go II to some sOle of ot time tho other of th time tho KWI cete anti preach mind Int It If they receive o all 11 right mind It If they tile nit lt and kill ki mo me 10 nil all 11 right Lord LordI i I will vIli wil tile die cle In him the tho work of ot tIme the I then promised them If Ie they the remain faithful time the time is near when hon they thoy will 11 receive timid this divine authority from the time hands hand of ot the time of or God hod GodAs hodAs As tier fur an as C known knowl thc timi th health of Elders mind and sisters throughout the tIme Islands Is good Tho promise to Elder W S O 0 I Soar oarl oars before coming to take tak charge ll e of ot the mission II that he iii would be tie able to advance Ito work of ot the tue sisters 1 In lit time the thoI I Is Ui beginning to be realized Time The Lord who vho bl blesses He loR In iii tho time hour of at need to our lenders leaders power and 1111 In II they tho are aro revered by I I time thc people ns 18 wo we 10 reverence our Apostles postel |