Show Athletes Off Ut lo to II Conquer Berkeley Cal May ray follow Collow following ing hug picked teams of ot athletes from tine the University of nC California wilt will wi deport depart to today day ilay Ilir by rail rai for Oregon antI Washington when field days InK will wi be held heini hell with the athletes of ot the universities or of those states state Brown Iron Squires Distance Service Clifford Powell Cheek Check Pole Iole Hoffman oaley 3 Hussey Husse The Tine men inton In will wil be Je accompanied by b Graduate Mi 11 Iel IIno ouch conch och Walter ller aler Christie and Trainer W WL WI L I Haywood The Tine first meet will ivill 1 be behold beheld hold held nt nl I ugene Ore not next Monday 10 Tin rime hL second will be held nt at Seattle Scathe May |