Show e D Dm m 5 I Ii 4 a e i e e r r t I e ot 4 be rArelY ent last 1 ua N audience due to toa dim I elite 1 a There wasl was nn ony onye heavy beAVY ral T In r e trot from I r oln t h e l I h le e rand and d that was a a II most en er enI I I tiff nIt hOwever hoarser neThe Tie final flail g Bo Co one II l ullas and h on the admirers ot of n nII st till li Inter U Ue retired from Irom II has hns that at holms he arn e to learn Ills His mar man manS mart er ere r od and nil all Rood t e stag tace S e for 5 km k n that l lly he lie U b In get with him 1 that a Ion 1111 ly wi anti and hW hits complaint a ala acar 61 years car carI S I aCe a deep seated char charter of at a trouble rouble ble la troU It 1st extremely extreme I doubtful renders r HI III s two t I vo ter t he be WI will appear pear I n L naturally greatly con eon we lira health and fathers athers a about out lh belr dai y 1 t dally messages from 1 calm celle al at e who b Is nursing hIm a mol mother York their Thel New Now in homo b mo tali 1 Y III Corma Cor tile the way by Y other a 0 well ivell known Imon actress and nn ra ma D once ante appeared heie with w I t I Ie earn wh e amt me rf o 0 at I Sa Sar S G Gr J In n hUb r be continued cc n next t year yea car arbor tho tha Freeman WhIt mit mitred 11 all nh alle fr I red Since Mr Hernes mb cast Mr Ir Hodge 11 Ol ge II part Puri t the e nce f I from Nm li Is I abilities South thrOuGh his Is own oln I gel Into 0 the foreground eu Clarke ClarIce has Ims the Hang HartT Corson trained more amateurs amateur cf of on j any other man In Ii than an tare br the th r length a ame of ot oft otlie L in iii tho the He Ue Elves as his reason for or pro lIre lIrene ne me t that they t I ley are fresh f re sll enthusiastic ambitious d I bole above all caw cagy to mould In ids his n way n for tor tho lh Then they are I re dolt doing dror thing I p Lt cat Olt part well educated rood dress dressi ress have hao Intelligence and ant anI they thy f i and sash It 11 of ot Initiating them into inbe task tank lint Its I t the for tor a dramatic career caree hi e 1 p both loth Interesting and agreeable In its lIa nulls and nna 1 women men the Ibe young youns F Many Ian of at at Mr Der r Clarke has trained are aro now no prominent companies nil all aller niler I lying In III Broadhurst haw has tak tuk ver er the country of vI his hla and n a a number Ahi rawley a lot more Of or course ha with man many disappointments in III U eels la II isk k oft ot breaking breaking In In tn amateurs ama of them ors Is and by tha tho no noaD n leans cane aD an unmitigated pleasure N Of 01 course t a ar r is s It a II bed of or roses ro r percentage r of 01 the aspirants me ate hen III wanting scanting in III one on way r another and It U is only tile the rate raie ex pilon that develops the requirements ur r even evell en the average avera e actor or actress 1 Equally l of ot c course coure Urte many of at these hest Th plan find upon trial bat at a theatrical career Is not nut what it II ItI Ui S I been up to 10 be That thor thore I much ouch more work than play 1111 And Andt p t pees give gl notice or m ori orore more i ore re likelY leave leat e without noted and nod 5 and tell the papers all about It U and It at Its Is all Mr fr Clarkes fault tault In lie Ite HV cf of these thew the latter and the Injustice ne the comedian by the publicity elv h there thue unfounded occupations und anti atrue plaints he Is In receipt almost fly of ot applications for tor positions In Ine le e compan compall r letters t wj him to lc t IC such a one a trial or lee Ie e a e th foothold hol d until the talent orth each Is sure lie le or she uhe possesses m n be Only On the other day da the actor received letter from rom a n man ot at large larse means menus hit his daughter was nai simply crazy cruzy o go on oa the stage lUge that he be hat had trieU 1 vain to her and that he Imo hoad lad ad finally relented on condition that m r Clarke would take and train her herlie lie allow his Ms daughter to GO so to toIny toty Iny ty F of ot the dramatic schools but bute e would mil trust her ber with the tho comedian nd mid his km company and If It the latter tr wId d consent content to take her the v writer 1 be U only enly too glad to pay a Good Food i iuD uD rump Bins for tor the tho valuable or that oud be assured once tho the thorl therl rl la Yr Ur Clarkes hands hut But the actor refused for tor fore tore e has tas U tome come to a the conclusion that he heI heU I U II f enough y l cares fIru s and responsibilities M nd that thai ce he has already done lono more morean Win an hIs Ws full lull share of ot breaking In re ro ruih fur or th the American stage e This Son ion 7 there lore r he lie has and all that thal pertains retains thereto nd ma the company ho to sup rt n him In his i new play What Shat Did 1111 c 3 M Cs Do o wall wail wa In n Now New ork j end aed Is made mode up wholly holly of ot expert capering n ng nij i tad had competent people All ot of f harry Corson Clarkes old u me blends will be bc out to greet Erect him V t the Theater tw next Thursday evening hen he aW gh es us for lor the first time his Is w a par i What Ihal Did DIl Tompkins Do Doe One ant cf t the e old players who whom from rom m the tear Grand with time tho 10 r Co has more popular I gall t Lake than Mr Clarke Each Kach I ach Imo me v he has ha returned he ho has been Sleet greet j erti by bh ax and ana llla his two engage r at n Grand Orand as a II star tm In Hon 1 halt ned to Jones Janes well song mongo the red letter events een of or h r rv seasons Ho fro has hns been boen pl play nil InDen In Chicago c go St Paul Kansas Kansan city Cily rd d Den record In the the last named late a e shot ahot far ahead of ot his hili elk k it the same sarno house last east in if year hit t It to Jones Jonel Ills His ad f anti anee nce hale aie will open on Tuesday henry r has written to 10 tanager Manager announcing his bin repertoire for I Int alt a He lie has nt decided not to pres ut ii I via PI l ot rd Savage Sa lIle here herl fi i tea tho rite a and give gle In addition one Ott a which e t th bl New In ln Nel York sea pon on b fore last ft orl Mr Millers dates dales are week from rOm Monda Monday Tuesday tr hind nd e d r I A AT of r Logan he n letter peaks tat nw of in hat es act purt p a e Th Friday n and nd tugs ay Friday eve even evell JiM aad fallen in X f of f the UD rain ln which fallen f faIrly ly Oh r for U 41 hours IlOur aile Wr shod boas oU es assembled n l and theY the I which h o mf 1 t the theU U Il Y Ch i w wasl as glen given for the benefit h Bumph h ca lemy emy a n marked The chorus was largely mate made UD u matet Of a thatcher t her h U comi I rf o of the ln Institution B n C Ce conducted II m e follows tollo cd and the cut cat was as p Jl has c Connie Thatcher Ralph Oeo aeo W q Thatcher Jr Mr Haugh Baugh Heb lebe p Miss ss Morehead mfr J Jose eph ph Miss Mias CrIsmon hick C Mr Ir T Cla Clayton lon e Mr Ir Lamoreaux Cr Q r at care ent on an the was taken ln to putting the tho thon thel l tu n brought the scenery having 11 from rom Chicago The opera operate 10 te e rel reo e f that It will probably fo f for HM ex Mt and may be he Orden Idea g m City I and I |