Show NiS EH Tho limo Arena Mena for tor orMay May Is an In especially fine number Jt It has Imf us as II the portrait of ot u man now liO conspicuous In lii the time public tye Prof aMI D 1 Herron late Inte of College Iowa The Issue contains in an Interview with I him on all The Time New Neu Nt Social Apo lOll time tho lies llev He Wm 11 mn T 1 Brown contrib contributes utes ut u n most t Interesting character sketch sl s elch of ot Dr nr that will repay repa Will the Philippines Pay lay nek the lion IToh Frank II It Doster Chief of I tumid and our military operations In Sri the Tar Fur 1 Ir Kast art arc tho tIme of ot a II symposium unique In hen literature It Is Introduced by I Editor Flower 1 who proposes S the for formation mation matlon of M An Army Arm of ot Wealth Creators VB vs 1 of at Destruction The proposition Is discussed by b Prof Prank J time tile Hey Kev hiram Vrooman Vron man Prof Thos limo K I Will Wilt A M 1 P C C F 1 Taylor Talor M ii r D n the tilt llev 15 Ills bee ies and amid a rill tho the Hon I Samuel M 1 Jones Patterson has burma a signed essay on time till Parting of ot tho the Ways u In which soma excellent advice Is III offered to the time modern orthodox church Other Oilier fea featured ott turea are TIme Tho Tax fox Deform Move Movement ment macat by hy M 1 M r Miller Time The Criminal Negro fifth article by IW Frances A Kellor Itus las Ins Hoarded Gold by h Malcolm J 1 Talbot nfl and time the usual minimal edi etlI editorial IU nail and departments Editor I announces a symposium on Christian for tOl the June num nurn number her ber The fhe Publishing company Now New NI York 2 O a II year ear 25 23 cents a 11 copy COP at nt news S S Magazine for tor Mil May ay Is rich richIn richIn In those qualities for to I which It has hns come conic cometo to and vivid portrayals of ot life me The grunt great feature of ot time tho num ln ber r H ii the remarkable ble chapter from rom Captain Alfred 1 Dreyfus Own Story Stor of his hili arrest degradation timid Imprisonment For directness and simple truthfulness narrative could not be he h sur stir surpassed passed The rho portion of or It which up 1111 m In Ii tho the is made the time more forceful bv Ij contrast with the selections l 1 his Diary bl r written r on Devils IsI 1111 Island and amid for hitS his hl wife In the tue Diary the lne Buffering of ot tills this man Imprisoned for or he hI knew not nol what persecuted ed etl hy by h ho lie knew knet not whom and his lila heroic courage In to 10 die are nrc told with a mt painful Intensity Impossible ble hie In anything hut but a 1 veritable human document Time The ho whole story stor reads like Ilka a n chapter from rain tilt tho Secret Records of ot the tho Middle Ages That such an nn expert enco as ns that t recorded In III Own Story was wag possible In the time Nineteenth Century Is ha one of at the most mo t terrible proofs we w v have of ot the tho Incompleteness of ot our civilization S S S SA A most significant article Is con can contributed to the tue May Iny Worlds Work Just justat at nt this time when then the time Cuban commis commissioners have arrived In Washington to confer with the time President Senator Sella tor 0 H 11 Platt Piatt of ot Connecticut who ns as 11 chair chairman man mail of ot the time Senate committee on rela rola relations In Cuba and nn author of the much i discussed Platt Plait amendment Is the time man most mo t prominently connected with time the subject In this article sums Hums up the whole matter of ot Cuban relations and outlines the to which It must lead iea TIme The key ke note nole of at the thus matter Is 19 he lie says say that Cuba shall hall be and re remain remain remain main Independent Jr under a staple republican republican lican government which time the United States will viIi assist In imm foreign or domestic disorder Cuba luba needs this because It will be bo practically powerless either to 10 repel foreign aggression n or to maintain peace older at nt home If It time the th turbulence of ot the time past hunt shall reappear Hut But the time strange attitude of ot the Cubans which at present has led to the commissions trip t trl tO Washington Is that as ns a mat lIat matter mator ter or of course they will have havo a mm right to call upon the time United States for tor or their defense but will not agree arce In advance that wo we may many assort that tIght right Time The United States Stales asks for tor nothing moro more than this but It recognizes Its obliga obligation tion Uon upon Its right to tn see that such results are to 10 be bo permanently se so seemed cured emed The rhe conference between the President nt and the commission will doubtless focus further discussion up liP upon upon on n title till very ory VOl point anti such a I Insists upon UP Its It right to see geu that might well furnish a 11 basis baAls for forthe forthe the of our whole colonial problem S I I IThe The May Ia Issue of ot Mind lInd time the leading 1 exponent of ot the time New Thought la is It ru rl pleto with Ith articles of Interest to stu students dents cleats of ot the time advanced devel development de vel of or our era It opens with an ant essay on Mysticism and amid Science by Frnnk Frank Burr Marsh which should at attract attract tract the tho attention of ot both mystics and The Time lies llev 11 it Heber Belier cr Newton continues his hi Training of ot Thought na at asa a B Life Force I a distinctively meta metaphysical physical series of paper tend Charles Patterson discusses The IIII Unity of or Life Other articles article are Influence of or Sex on Development br hr h Eliza Hurt Burt Gamble The Unreality of ot Sin fUn by b Henrietta S 8 The Worth Word of ot Goo God by Wm Horatio Clarke Life In the Abstract Ab by 11 h W Hood hued and a n I beautiful contribution In blank verse by h IlIzabeth Fry l ry Page lage entitled My Iy Theme Tho The occult story Mata the limo Magician ln by b Isabella grows grown In Interest with each ench Instalment In Imi the tile Editorial Department John Johnl Emery l men McLean some ennui suggestive sU comments on time the abortive attempt to grant a monopoly of ot the time healing art to t the tho licensed physicians of Now New e York State In III the lie th Family Circle Depart Department mont ment ent the tho llev He Helen some sOllie Interesting Talks with Headers and nd there ther are ate seven cven other contributions followed by b Editor McLeans Reviews of ot New I Hooks The Alliance Pub Publishing halting lishing Co New York a II year 20 O cents a 1 copy COP at newsstands |