Show r Ur II Tho Parliament and the Land It Will Govern I WA RA ll 11 Australia s Undeveloped Mineral Riches Its Vast Wool Sheep has hos 1000 rs and Count of ofin leBa Libraries and nn Schools Tho Federal Capital and Its It Name American Trude and How It May He De DeJU H in JU inH 1 Striking facts toft Mow About fe tile l 1 We ll l e GI an f of 0 f Me if IC Affected by lIy an Australian Importer nil Saya of ot Us The lIest Manufacturers on on the t he Poorest loore t ra South Seas Sellers Boilers of at the World l lint lintt U t I 1111 t J I I J ill I of off 1 FRANK Ci G CARPENTER t f U I v I I ri eh 1901 by b Frank 0 a C TIL ter Melbourne elbourne Australia aki Almost as ns soon lIoon as ns this Utter letter Is pub of ot tin the new com comI iJ Ush d the tha parliament I of or Australia will havo held Ii Its lis first matting In The of ot the Ihl senate and house havo hae haen n I dy been b elected and many of ot them aro ure now toward this city on their free railroad passes Within a n tow ij weeks they will be Le discussing the tariff k the allt of ot th the new federal capital thu tho pl pi rt of or thu tho railroad system rrt r and a dozen other measures rno ures which are to make Australia the tho great greatest rent 10 est ut country south couth of ot tho equator Hr III TIlt THE UI Heretofore this continent has been dl up u Into ti II half dozen dO colonies 11 lorne ns liS widely willel separated na nil any allY parts I of 01 thu tho United States ammo nil all warring with each ellch other othel as us to commerce and andi i trade From now on they me to work together They aie to have hae Interstate commerce and are to Join hands against the earth ns far Car as their own Interests me mo concerned i The new parliament Is to start the ball rolling roiling It consists ot or a n senate onalu t house houel organized d much like our American Congress The arc 1110 elected for tor six Ix years and the tho for tor three hut but the latter latt l may be dissolved by the governor general un certain conditions The senators ann tors members get Iet the salaries II each receiving 2000 a year ear It is III pro I ed that no member or senator can hold office If It he has been heen bankrupt ami tolled failed to pay his debts and If he taken benefit whether by assignment or oth otherwise of ot law during hu term of or Ills his seat will nt once be lie become liei come vacant He lie cannot have havo tiny uny In Interest i terest In any company dealing with tho nor can he toile take pay for tor other services rendered to tho govern jovern government ment mentA A rANS PARLIAMENT Nr A The rhe new nelV Australia wilt will bo be a 11 working workingman OJ man country According to the tho if tullon parliament huH the right to leg legislate J as to Invalid old ohl ngo p n 11 II Ion s it can control the railroads and nUl arrange for Cor their purchase It can conciliation and arbitration laws its IlS to labor disputes and anI deal with banking insurance and amI uch things t i The rho new nel government 1 Is to have con cont control t ot or the telegraphs telephones ft and nm 1 postal service These have hn e already be lie become tame come International Int and the other things may lORY follow tollow Dills for tor nil all sorts ort of or arc aro ready for introduction I vory state of at Uw new Z federation tc er has haR been making Its own ex c along labor and social linen and their combined experiences may mayi i grind out a new social organization of ot m the Bellamy kind kina away down hero be below below low the equator I TH GIANT OP Or SOUTH SEAS SEAB First lot let me give glo you some Mea idea of ot otI this giant Ilant of ot the South sena sel The j I 1 call their country the big thinK belov tM I 1 hav traveled thousands of ot miles through Its Ita Various colonies am om Inclined to think they IhO ore are right Australia Au Is 18 In Int Inn t i i deed de 1 n II continent It It Is nH af bis hi ns R tho thoi n i without Alaska It In III twentysix twit x times o ns big iiI as Great U i I j aln Ireland fifteen times the size alze P of Qt France and only smaller t j than nil Europe With New Zealand I the tho other English Islands t It occult lt 11 pies of or the British h dominions n It Is a country of fit magnificent Ills It 11 Is II so far away from every everywhere eYel I where else cIsI that you on have to make a 1 trip to got liet to It Tho rho shortest II distance to England ls miles It Ills Is r I v 1 00 miles tram from Africa 8 00 miles from I South America miles away from the continent of ot Asia Even I New Newit it Zealand which looks so 80 close on the then n map Is s about na tar for from It na as from Cram New Nell York to and It takes from fromy y f tour ur to five days to make the voyage II from one to the other t The continent Itself Illicit Is longer tram from ast to west than tram from New York to I Sill Salt and wider from Cram north to toI I couth o th than from New York to Chicago c Tho of ot at the north Is IsI I about roo miles long l nJ and COO OO miles wide I I the great Australian Might at the fl I Io th Is 18 much Ider SOME 1 1 TIES B e The country lias at one side Ide a great greot I coral reef reet a thousand miles lour lOlli wall willi u if Ing in ort off an nn waterway between It ItI r I the coast It lias hns deserts like Sa Sail Sahara il hara jo O tin dry that your our finger nails be he become come cOlne as nil brittle M n glass Inu so dry dr that u i come out of at the boxes that the th lead In Is In your our pencils It 11 Is I J n 1 land of ot bit things as well as ns queer things U It has hk trees almost If t not quite ns large ns as tho e of at California One 1 was recently felled near Melbourne I t which was over X feet teet high which IT i nt feet teet from the ground was six feet In diameter Australia has hns lilies which c t grow to the height of oC a 11 y hou houe e It has hM Ir that grow rol crass and andu u e other trees that bulge out like giant gianti I i bottles A CONTINENT ENT OF GOLD AND SIL SU SILi i 1 1 1 Australia Is a rich continent Bo So rich that no one knows how hol rich It 1 Is It 11 Is Isnow IsMil now Mil one of the great gold producers of ot the world It 11 produced more last year than tho 1110 United States and the surface 1 j has hns not been scratched The Tho greater part of ot the country has never been hlen t prospected Vast areas have hae never neer been explored anti new s are being din 1111 7 covered every elery d y Later on I shall L i i give fIe a letter about Mount Morgan In Il Queensland the richest gold mine of ot r i the world and shall tell of mv Jn visit to 0 where ts of ot gold na aN big bigl l I ns III toot fool balls were found H lItre re In Vic Vir Vice Virl e l the t gold excitement am amt i t i today tola ounces and more of ot gold R i annually produced Gold Goil Is Isn IsI n I 1 found nil all over Oer the country In the th i J mountains on the firmi and an 11 tn 11 i 1 rands of the tho d Western W Aur 1 Is so PO Ill that camels havo to bo he to carry the roM gold out and amI from I there come most of ot the th gold exports of at H I today u Australia has hall vast quantities of Iron 1 and tin It has hils stream tin that Is tin 11 t the of sands which ai tile so fine f that you OU can hold them th m up lip nilI they th will run your our fingers Ju i like 9 the dust of ot the th desert save sa that ev rv a I grain aln Is b pure purt tin It 11 has hall copper mines n 1 and coal silver mines have produced worth of that me meI I f J tal It ha lu also alAo diamonds rubles u II opals and n THE AND FLOCKS IH More ore Important than the minerals tS l however how r Is III the pastoral and t J t tural wealth of ot the continent Much n or ort t tf the desert can be Irrigated Irrl and In n nd lid there th te nr vast ast tracts of or well watered lands land Pome flome of or the biggest I hep farms of ot tho world are Within liE i short phort railroad ride of at Melbourne Ii and I have hae over country where a thousand acres acre litO a n garden patch and I know kno several mm Inn Who own oln of or thousands of ot I met onu Otlo who owns a 1 mil mI lion and his hl stock toelt he lino dingle cheep Worth tiOW SMI a II Australia Au annually Ir of ot wool and It Uces some of the tho best wool 1001 of or th the world It has n hundred million Tho Industry Is 18 the great t and the tho aristocrat t U III tin th Of lato I tu the p i plo have taken to dairying They now havo n flue creameries and UH any part of ot the world They The butter from Melbourne to the and they hope I time to supply the tho trade of at east let IIla MANY men MEN mN MENTho Tho now Australia hOI has many rich men Tho big havo as UJ many millionaires In proportion i cities of ot Ilk Izu In the States Then Them are nr forty big ank with many branchen There fht are banks bunka There rt only about people uti till continent but of ot them hove have money mon In thu Ihu banks Ih lr ing Int more nore than O are arens ns line 8 here in Melbourne an In tiny American town of ot people leople Sydney In III n II nt city elt and Ade Allo laide InitIo and are arc wull laid out and beautifully built THOUSAND I N nS The fhe now 1101 commonwealth is 19 an lIn Intelli Intelligent sent gent commonwealth has hM more than 1001 newspapers It hat magazines In every C r city anil town In Melbourne M there arc and Journals OUI of these Age A If prints muro than every morning morn Illg AH 11 of ot have hJ K Saturday editions great blanket sheets of M pages which are mailed throughout the slates lJ and which fell for tor 12 a copy All the biff cities have public les 1111 There lire are churches of or till nil kinds nd the tho people are arc RO o on Sundays that they wont the street tam earn to run church time AH to schools I will have to make a I special letter to describe thu tho Ideas hens of at instruction There are night ht schools and day Indus Industrial trial and technical l colleges and an Australasian Institution known as Schools of ot Art STEAMSHIPS AND WADE THADE Tile The big steamers you nee Beo here that Europe appreciates the size of ot Australia and the of Australian trade le There re a II n bl companies which have ha lines of steamship from Australia to Europe The North Her Gr Herman Grman man Lloyd lias 1118 Mir t ur steamers of ot tOM tona each cach which sail from and Southampton So via tho Mediterranean Suez to Melbourne and Syd Sydney Sydney ney The P 1 O big ships every two weeks w from London to Syd Hd Sydney ney the p the great steamship France I rance lias a II similar service Then there la I the tho Orl out Int line the India line the Iho White Star the Shaw and Seville other large companies There Then are ships which como around tho Cape a po of ot Hope falling from apt Town oln to Mel Melbourne Melbourne bourne a II e of ot miles thence on 1 11 to New Nt Zealand and w to London Jondon via I tile the Strait cf Magellan There here U s a line of ot new steamers from Sydney to San and another the Canadian Pacific which the continent with Vancouver calling nt lIt Honolulu on the tho way wa The he cost class I from Sydney to San finn Francisco la Is to London about AH to travel over the country countr there railroads d conn tho principal of or Australia and aH In time I J suppose Adelaide and nn Perth will be bo Joined although tho distance is BO 80 and tho Ih country between cn Is so 80 poor that it will not be mon At pres present ent there therl aro about fifteen thousand miles of or railroad In the various colo culo colonies nies rc colony c lollY has hUI built hullt Us It own roads and amI each Mil has Its own so that hot t there th re Is IA n II transfer of ot cars ata on KO IfO Ing from one alii to the tho other Part of ot the of or the Iho new confederation conr drIllon will IK I to standardize tillS these railroads and to reorganize them Into one system TIlE THE PARLIAMENT If you Ou will make nn an imaginary visit with me to Victorian parliament we wo shall ret pet some Bome a of or how tho commonwealth will look when It has Its first nr t Each gach of ot the Australian u colonies has huft Us Its own parliament which until 1101 has hns made of or nil all kinds regulated every eyer thing Th will bp b con COli continued as 1111 state legislatures and the commonwealth parliament will wll lIeo tile 0 lt to affairs Just now noli there th ru Is some talk of It allowing tho commonwealth to uso tem temporarily the Iho 1 t hounds l 1111 ut eventually magnificent will bo b erected at tho tit now federal the site aliI of at which Is III yet yetto yetto to bo be chosen hosen In to visit parliament we get et a n acard card from our consul general take a street car at the he hotel within a five minutes are In front of ot a n mag mah magnificent structure of ot light gray stone on ona a 1 hill hili In the business bu heart of ot Mel Melbourne bourne The Th parliament buildings look somewhat ROI t like lite our treasury tre sury depart dopart department ment but they are cleaner cleanor less somber They lIt Hand nt tho end of at Hun Jun Hunker JunI ker I cr street walling It oft off Just as aR the treasury toes does F I street In Washington We mount the tho hill hili passing through HIP crowds of at shoppers and then go up almost as nR many steps to 10 reach the tho front M III nt the Capitol In Washington We Wt go JO through a 1 grove groy of or stono pillars and finally Into n a large anteroom fin nn finished In white Tills Is II the entrance to parliament At t the doors opposite where we came In III are Me doorkeeper policemen who wear blue milta HUlts with silver buttons and hel helmets helmet met mets of black oilcloth We hand our notes of ot Introduction to one oni of ot them and anda a 1 moment later url admitted to a n sec ael second ond vestibule or lobby lobb through which wo ascend Into u gallery find our ourselves selves seles In tho chamber of ot the house We Weare are In n 11 long narrow hall with n 1 high vaulted ceiling on the tho floor of ot which sits the tho lower branch banch of at tho Victoria The fhe speaker Is III In f pulpit nt the end endot of ot the room with the members In front and below on benches benche without desks or tables Many of ot the members keep keell hats hata on when they write rite they write on their hats Just ns In the Iho house hou e of ot commons In England The rhe speaker wears a 11 win wll and gown the tho clerks wear wigs gowns and altogether It Is tho English house of ot commons over oer Half way from Crom tIO floor to the tho root tho galleries where we W ate sitting We arc compelled to 10 take out huts off although the members bolow keep theirs on notwithstanding ladles are present among tho Tho speaking l labout Is about the same sallie ris is that of t one on of ot our legislatures und and the conduct of or ortho the tho members not very different There ore 00 men however In III all 1111 parts of ot the country countr and the commonwealth parliament will probably contain contala some somo of ot tho best lIest brains ot oJ TIm THE NEW Ono One of ot the questions before beCore the tho new parliament will be the selection of or a 11 site for Cor the federal capital It II I The Jealousy Jealous between tho Iho different cities precludes any nil Idea Itlen that Melbourne ur Syd Sydney ney lIoy will bo chosen and the Ihl probability la III that some Interior point between n the theIO two IO will be bo selected At present the In aro In 11 favor 01 of oC n 1 town called Albury t on tho river Murray This la 13 sold jaM to b In about the tho of at the Australian population It Is 19 on tho main line of ot railway which runs through I Brisbane Sydney R Murray anil nOlI Ade Adu laide and In ono one of or the most healthful and beautiful parts ot lr the country Not NOl far from It I aro the Australian Alps Mount being only event miles away awn It on tho river Murray which Is II tho largest river In Mount I h the tho largest moun tain and the friends of or Albury |