Show Q i THI Un n iW i Tho rhe Improvements on the great Tab Trib Tabernacle organ or nn are Bre now complete I e t 11 Tho 4 I If ji recital given by Dr WRiter Walter this morn mom log Ing the liNt lIrt test of the finished 2 25 Instrument It was wils n II grand display of ot IUt tho the capabilities of the organ orgon or nn and of the abilities of the tho accomplished must musi musician Pl t clan cian The wonderful range and varie varlo varieties lJ ties tics of expression that are aro now conspicuous conspicuous jY features of the groat gront organ place placeIt It In la the very foremost rank and It Is Isi i doubtful It If the world contains Its equal It Is certain that at present It line has nb no j superior Iy I I Thero There was no difference of opinion i today tOllay as a to the success attending the j 1 1 work that has been done The vol volume oI 01 ume of harmonious sound It can pour i forth and tho the sweetness ot oC o Its softest l anti and notes noles were equally equal ex exhibited c and tho the audience sat sot silent and an ani i enraptured yet ot watching with critical jj 1 eats ears for any flaw or Imperfection that I 1 might be perceptible But nul failure to 10 do doA doO doU A U O t lect anything of ot the tho kind Ilind was manifest V In the hearty and universal applause i i that followed each number performed l We congratulate President Snow the tho theli Ii li company their representative i t and the tho public on the accomplishment i fl I of ot the labors that have caused some somo j jj j discussion lon In this city We consider the It work a triumph for all nit parties con can cani fj H i corned In the project Wo We havo hao a 11 f splendid Instrument which Is IA adapted i i at nt once to accompany our magnificent choir for public worship and ani to the tho I rendering of at the most delicate or tin tho most moat Imposing compositions of tho masters of music Every listener was wa delighted today WP WI lv that ns aR time rolls on and 2 I we W become accustomed to the tho changes i that have havo been heen perfected we shall nil all i Join In the verdict of ot this morning J and when we hear henr the tho of df t must musi musical mua f n eat cal ca visitors from all parts of thi civil civilized f I hed world wo we shall shull be prouder than over aver of the grand organ built buill originally o I In the days of our early struggles and comparative poverty It Is a n great grat l If f achievement anti and wo we rejoice In the tho suc sue success 1 0 1 cess that has haR been attained |