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Show TREMONTON Mrs G Allied, of Spring City, who has been visiting here with relative? and friends for some time, returned to her home Saturday. Mr? A M. Anthony left on Saturday la-t for her home in Bouldei. Colo. She haa been visiting here for some time, the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Clyde Oephart Bishop and Mrs P. N. Pierce o( Penrose were iu town this week attend ing business matters. Mr and Mrs. Baker were vi.-iting in r.i Igham City Iaa1 week. Mr. ;nd Mrs. H. J. Davis left for Malad Ma-lad City, Idaho, to visit relatives. J A Walton returned from a trip to Salt Lake City last week . Nephl Neiisen 6i Blue Creek was in Tremonton on business last Saturday Mr and Mis. R Holmgreen of Bear City spent a pan of the week in town isiting ami -hopping Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rose of Dewey-ville Dewey-ville speni a couple of days here visiting and attending business matters. mat-ters. A part ol Tremonton young people attended th basket, dance gien al BpthVlIle la--! Eriday evening. A. ('. Olsen has returned from a trip to Sah Lake where he Visited a lev da', s. The liiajBCI Vera Orr and Laura Brenkman, whd are attending ths Jersey academy in Logan. spent Thanksgiving day in Tremonton with their parents Mr. and Mrs L Watkius have re- d from Downey, Idaho, where they went to attend the funeral ol a grandchild. oo |