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Show FEW SOLDIERS ABUSE THE RED CROSS j SERVICE A resume of cases at the home serv-ice serv-ice offices of the Red Cross disclosed the fact that practically every line of1 crime, excepting murder, was recorded against soldiers. The Usl unhides chicken thieves, forgers, wife beaters -Hid many others While the majority of the soldiers i ted by the Red Cross were Bplen did examples of manhood, it is reported re-ported that a number of men had crossed and recrossed the 1'nited State? following discharge from the service, with no other resources thani those obtained from Red Cross offices and canteens One of the cases In the local offices shows how some men In service take advantage of the Red Cross. The man, aftei being assisted in Ogden, was assigned as-signed to the Aurora hospital near Denver. His girl wife e:;me from the Pacific coast to Denver two days before be-fore hr child was born and while she was in the hospital her husband gambled away a month's pay and allow al-low e. I the Red Gross to meet hospital and other bills When the qjrl was released re-leased from the hospital, her husband went A. W. O. L foi twenty-three days and onlv by a stroke of elever test did he become reinstated in the good graces of his commanding of-l fleers. W hile the Boldier was a W O. L, his wife was trying to find a job. the Red Cross advancing her money in the meantime The baby died and the cirl was sent home to her mother, the workers in the ca'c being convinced that separation of the couple was the best thing Two months later the man was discharged dis-charged from the hospital and v as-given as-given transportation to his home in Mississippi, but, Instead of going home, he followed his wife to California, Califor-nia, leaving all his bills unpaid. This ease was closely followed by local lo-cal Red Cross workers, because ol the personal appearance of the soldier He appeared to be a fine fellow and had a winning personality that caused the local officers to believe in his-good his-good intentions and to advance him money to continue on his way to Denver. Den-ver. He was returning from furlough at the time and arrived in Ogden with no fund- rr - |