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Show SERUM PLANT EXPECTED TO 1 , OPEN IN FEBRUARY WITH I A CAPACITY OF 1600 HOGS ill One ot Ihf. most sanitary and up-to- ; date serum nlants In the t'nltcil State la licinjj erected in Ogden by the Utah ' Serum COnipan) , Wilson Lane and, when ompleted. It will be one of the mon complete in the entire country Two bulldlnci nrc now under construction, of , brick with concrete floors. One of th I'ulldlngs will be known as tie- hog house cnd will have a capacity Ol 1,600 hoga. lkich section has a sllgl-.t slope i the floor to insure sanitation. The refUaS mn into trough vats and ; then delivered to the sewer by mc-p.ns of pipes. in ihe (enpra office building, spae has n allotted foi r seruni preparation room, v iirli and Starllliatlon room, scru:.-! : I'leeding room, scrum bottling 100m, serum laboratOT) room, refrigerator room, shipping room, offbe. lavatory with hower batha vault for government rec-ordfl, rec-ordfl, hypfrjns room. boc storage rooiii. ,iius laborafjory, virus autopsy room, virus )i eparation room, virus bleeding room and virus lxttllng room. The office building will be fifty fet by seventy-five feet. The hog house will 1 1" 10 feat by MO feet. i'rior to entering the liog house, the hogs will te fattened at the feeding plant Several blocks away. A government niHn will l)e assigned 10 Ihe new plant and it will be his duty to check or reject all work done at the Instl-; Instl-; lutfon. Ho will receive his salnry iroin iIm government and his word will be !ax. 1 The local serum plant will be the odly one between Denver and the Taeiflc coast 'and r.ne of l went -right in ihe entire I nlted States. In Ihe 1 nltcd 9tateai for a period of 13 months, according to government rcc-1 rcc-1 oitls. total of f 62000,000 was lost by .owners due to cholera. The serum pre- v' in Ihe disease and In cars to come. it la honed that the dreaded disease will i j disappear. j "The serum Industry is only in its fancy." said t)r Dee. state dlreetor. this morning "The idea originated in g-t- many. several years ago. and Is gradually grad-ually coming into Its own In this country. Serum hai Mtved hundreds of thousands of dollars annually for the owners of hogs ond th" local plant of the Utah Scrum company will be one of the finest in the United States and will be capable I of doing a business of 9250.000 a year, or moi' I have had several years of ex- , III perleno hi the business and am of ih t opinion that the local plant will do all tin- business they enn handle 'in ttif years to come. The s-rum is Demc usd I jlj more and mor" by the hog raisers and In 1 1 ' due time, it is hoped that every raiser of . hogs nIII adopt this preventive." ( The local company will prepare a pre-: pre-: ventlve for pneumonia. This will be knrrn-n aa the vaccine treatment. I The tail of the hog Is cut and the I H blofrfi taken. Sometimes the tall is cut ( for three or four experiments. At some stages the blood is laUn fiom the throat. 1 III Tin animal Is then prepared an In- ; H pi aval part of the animal belnr Kien S thorough examination. If thr: ( , animal Is found lo be diseased, thf i , 1 1 1 1 1 1 secured from his carcass Is .ls . destroyed. The government man has full J' H Jurisdiction In this line and his Inspections Inspec-tions cither accept or reject the hog.. , J H The new building, equipped and reactv ( H for use. will cost about tOO.OfiO. accord j ' H Ing to II Dunn, president of the or- f j r H ganization ') H H. Wr Dunn Is pre-ldi-nt. Dr. J. It Ci:. , ft' B Mrotte. vice president; L. R. Wattlr, Ifil seeond vice president: NV. C Wright. i secretary and treayurer I I' With vveath'-i l omlMion.- favorable, tne J H new romp.in will iin for tuisiness about i February I. When the doors opt-n, about twenty m n will be employed In addi- I tion to those already employed by the , company |