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Show LITTLE BEN NY'S j NoteSookl By LEE PAPE Vl M. mm mi ji. .i ..i THE PARK AVE. NEWS. Weather: Fellows petting more used to skool, but not fond of it. Spoarts: Last Satldday morning the fellows was going to meet in lrunt lot Benny Pottsea house at 6 o clock and take a 3 mile wawk before break ' I fist Jest for the exercize, but the wawk was called off on account of too" few of them bein;; there. Pcrsey Weever beine the ony one. it is thaw , by meny to of bin jest a put up job to fci t Pcrsey up crly Intristing Facks About Intrlstin". 1 ; People: ( Ever sints Puds Simkln. saw a band martching paaj in lrunt oi Fouie soldiers last week he has bin' wishing he was takinc trombone les-' Gins ins'ed of piano lessins Pome by Skinny Martin Wats the Use of Worrying? I had a awfill fever, My temperature was 2U8, 1 But I keep rite on playing hop skolch, Because otherwise I felt prate. Sissiety: A slite lemminade and cake part waa held last Wednesday) Inite at Miss Maud Jonsons house. ;the most populler game being the I lone to see who could draw the best! plR with their ryes shut. Mr. Sam j 'Cross won, not because his pig looked1 j t he most like a pic, but because it ; looked the loept like envlhlnz elts. j (A vertizenient.) Swimming les sins tawt in your own bath tub, with either warm or cold wattir and no 'danger Rates, sents a lessin or 1 for a dime See Artie Allxander. . Puds Simkin came over after skool today and we was playing BUbmaTeen i bast rs up in the setting room, ind tall of a suddin we started to smell 'corn beef and cabbldge. proving we waa going to have it for suppir, Puds smelling out loud and saying. O boy, corn beef and cabbldge, 1 wish 1 was ( home smelling it. Wy dont you star heer for suppir, 111 ask ma if you can. I sed. Wich I did. and ma sed, Yoult haffl : to ask Nora, she's bin cumplalningl j about having so mutch cpmplnny lately, late-ly, so if she duzzent mind Im sure 1 dont. Wich I w. nt down to the kitchin to ask her. and she was setting there i pealing potatoe- with a unsatisfied Ix-preeslon, Ix-preeslon, and I smelled the corn beef 'and cabbldge out loud about 3 times, i saying, G. Nora, that serteniy smells! good, you must be a grate cook to; I make a thins smell like that. I I gess theres werse cooks than me, ; sed Nora Meening she thawt shp w as prltty good, and I sed, I wouldent be aerprised if you was the best cook In the city, Nora. And I smelled a couple of more : times. Nora saying, do way frum therewith there-with your sniffing If I eould cook as good as wat you Can, Nora, Id wunf everybody I knew j to eat it so they could sa how good i it was I should thine the more pee-1 i pie there was for suppir the better you1 I would like it, I sed. That Jest proves some people is a dum as they look, sed Nora. Meening me. and I sed. How about if Puds siays for suppir, will tha' be! all rite? , H will be all rong. it will be in;pos-t ,sible and Id jesi like to see you try it.i i sed Nora Being wy Puds went borne for sup-1 ! pir. |