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Show Tropica! Scenery Transplanted for DeMille's Picture ' Male .:nd Female" Fnlthful Version of J.inies M Bnrrle's Pl.iy In order to supply the locale for the I inpri scenes In "Mnlc nnd Female, " founded en sir lames m. Barrlfl x famo is play. "The Admirable Crichton " Cecil v. DeMllle, producer of this intest Pant-mount-Artcraft picture, coming to the Alhambra theatre tomorrow, arranged to film this part of the n lion on Sant i Cruz Island in the Pacific orcan. Just off the California roast. But a troplcil Island wjix needed This fiid net worry ihe resourceful director, who hod great loads of foliage and tropical plant trans, planted, so that the American island resembled re-sembled a spot in the South Sens This is but one example of the lavish acalo upon which Barrlc's play has hern adapted adapt-ed lo the screen, though ihe delightful!) human touch of the distinguished dramatist dram-atist has lieen fully retained. The charming story of Crichton. the English butler who became his master's master and almost his son-in-law. when a private yacln was wrecked on a desert Isle. Is Interpreted by a trreat east of player? Including Thomas Blelghan, Gloria Glor-ia Swanson, LllS l.e Theodore Rober's, Bcbe Daniels. Guy Oliver, and others. Mr. DcMlllc Is said to excell even n'.s former Ki-ent successes in point of artistic production. |