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Show NOTES FROM PARIS lime you seen the new veil which Is drawn In under the chin b a row of beads or pailettes It is charming, and so comfortable. The newest models mod-els are mude of extremely coarse net almost fish net mesh and the colors are dark Molet, nut brown, midrlcht blue and heliotrope. The band la fastened fas-tened invariably at the back of the hair, very Kw down and with l decollete decol-lete bodice, the general effect is ad mirable. Another new veil made of much finer net has a little ruche of silk attached to the neckband, but when the eil la unfastened and thrown, back the ruche forma pretty trimming for the hat or toque It is ttoing to bo a season of "fancy" veils, and heliotrope embroidered in black veil will be a prominent favorite One n,e.) not admire the new veils made of exaggeratedly coarse net, they ma be -mart " but they are not always becoming, be-coming, still they are worn' Tendency Toward Tightness. Some of the new 1889 bodices button but-ton straight down the back. They mold the figure and extend down over the- hips an inch or two. Sometimes they are cut round at the neck am! iinished with halter collars of inus lin, silk or fur Wo are alowl becom Ing reconciled to tight bodices, not that there are not many picturesque models of pouched blouse order. onl that the tendency is toward an 18St tightness. If bodices of this order dc not button down the bark, they button straight dow n one side -rarely dow n the front. . An EQg Outline The vehement d'hiver will be the barrel cape wrap in duvetyn or heavy BStin which is lined throughout with squirrel, beaver or if expense has not to be considered mink These wraps have the outline of an egg. They are pulled on over the head, at the sides there are slits for the handr. and they are finished off with a small far collar, which fastens tight round the neck Or a long, straight tie of duvetyn duve-tyn is added and thrpwn over one shoulder oo |