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Show I Trainmen and Yardmen in Walkout STRIKE TODAY ; Two Thousand Trainmen And Yardmen to Walk ! I Out at 4 o'Clock. LOCAL GRIEVANCES j B. of R. T. Chairman I Issues Warning to the Members of Order, j KANSAS CITY. Mo. Nov 29 Two thousand railroad trainmen and yard-nen yard-nen of Kansas City are to no on strike at four o'clock this afternoon, according accord-ing tc an announcement by local Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen officials. offi-cials. AM of the railroads entering Kansas City will be affected with the possible exception of the Chicago, Rock ls"and I md Pacific The strike vote was taken tak-en at an ejrly hour this morning. W. M Corbett, president cf the Kan-' lit City terminal, and the goverrmen. railroad representative here, said he I was demg everything he could to keep I I the terminal men from ctrlking ft wac said the strike order resulted from local grievances and it wa6 hinted hint-ed that a radical element among the railroad workers was responsible for its issuance. Union officials of the trainmen said the national issues of the railroad bc- inj discussed ?t Cleveland had no part I in the strike. I A strike of trainmen here would tie1 up coal shipments for a great part of i the southwest. Only men working In the yards ofj j the io Kansas "'nios arc involved in I Ibe strike and chairmen of roadman I -members of the Brotherhood of Rail-! wad Trainmen working out of Kansas City are nicking great efforts today I j to avert the local walkout. Whether' j Dtmbcrs of the local Bwitchmon'i union will also strike is as vri uncertain. uncer-tain. Warning to Trainmen. H A Carroll, general chairman of 1 B. of K. T her-, issued the follow-1 IBS warning to trainmen "There has been an unauthorized' trlke called lo take effect at 4 o'clock November 29. involving all yardmen, to the Greater Kansas City switching Sj dutrtct. As a result of tin., strike call. !h is assumed that a large number ot the men win respond and tbe purpose - this notice is In aduse on. an I all 'mi a strike of this character is illegal ' lader th? laws of the Brotherhood of, wilwty Trainmen and anv one pu n. i Mtlng therein does su on their own "iponsibiHty and thereby forfeits, anv Protection otherwise granted them uri-1 W the law? of the brotherhood. II , necessary that the undersigned n 'icratc what han been said to some i(' l a II of you. on former occasions and This is a most inopportune tim r a strike such as contemplated and' again ure ,h.u you cr.e ihis mat-' uL'TT earnMt and serious consldera-J i iui in 1,lind how a ra.i strike I ht 7.K,Uft WOuld 'nrn-aso i,,.- sun. i tl H?ul? sufferln" brought about on I ,?"Dt of the coal strike I (Sl5Uod) "K. A CARROLL. I ii "General Chairman" I k Win mcn tftrry ,n" ,hril Purpose i S Ca" lhR' K;"'- Citj and stir-llv stir-llv l rrr,,or w" be left prae fcn "ho'" ,h aid of the switch |