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Show ,i . -- ----7- ., ..,, , '.. -- mq.,.- ,.....,,, - : , ; ,.. , , 6 - THE DESERET . . f!EMADMIS-;'',.::::',',,- Federal Financiers Figure ' Out Requirements to Ef' fect Program of Harding Navy Needs Forecast. '' ,.,,, A. , ' NEW YORK'. Nov. - - , , . - - ." . I 1 - - . -- - - . , I1 - genuine pleasure. confidential. - . , - '''. - :- , . - - . :1--, ,, , , , - , No one else knows the Your dealings with us are strictly hands-- alone, from is account inour Your transaction. details of your to a T.- A.,.first suit you , start to finish. 'Terms can be arranged that or monthly convenient weekly in Possessionbalance 'payment gives you , . - . , , - - -- ? .:!, , , t i - . 0 4, 'Why don t you GET one? the; purchase a Our plan makes . , - '' - I . , 1 - . ' Nows1.-.Beti1flat- ee " , , -- il , : 0. , , . Conseridated Serrice ant Reliability Get people in the babit of depending You WANT a Victrola. t - - , - - , BY BERBERT COREY. Beautiful St. Louis Girl Was do not use care in - the manufacture' Killed by Her Rejected. ."4.4 of their iroduct because hero Is sometimes charged With- dynamite- - , The .. more eareful they are the more apt they are to be caught. .,,Whereas the Suitor For Revenge :' '1) MILO who cooks up a little poison over tho kitchen fire is apt to get away . free, Hers aro a pair of illustrative incidents. I 17 - , Mobs Threaten 'Murderer. , man in "I want charcoal." said I season. in II common as blaekberries 'Cincinnati not mutt have long ago..'l II . , , : s have hue offered the opoortunity vharoolo," ., ,. see scores of them in action. In one He Got It. inrernadonai News service.) ' (By , (By Aseociated Press.) . one Ile rot his charcoal, but he kept pretty little towh of 2,000 people citiST. LOUIS, 'Not. S.To s mother's WASHINGTON, t on wanting more- - chttrcoal. Re of the more or less prominent right intuition te due today the izolution of Will make : i congress. 9.1 was obliged to visit a halt a dozen zens offered to take me to see upon which Edna Ellie. pmpriatiotte for the first Year of the, dealers in charcoal in order to keep principal still at work.. It wu tithe murder of calatolif..be sal& The dealers became le... I.200-gall. stenographer. who was brutally slashRepublican adiftilliStratiOn are DOW; supplied. user gst ' Back To Nature. ed to death on vacant lot near her .behli prepared by the varioust4oeern- - 1 Quisitive and the charcoal !I ' flustered' ills replies were SO SVSSIVO set up their stills at a home lag Thursday night, Following e direction' durinA-th"They meet departments tl?al., the dealers began to talk and said he, and this country information furnished by Mrs. Marie ' t.f Democratic cabinet officers and itt the 'revenooers" got on the Job. They spring,o" f spri ngs. After the y make a char-was 1 found be that Wilson tho the the mother,- the police arrested of using i accord with the policies run they move on. if they think it coal to clarify Wm moonshine. He! ' best.- But no one really worries them and claim to have obtained front administration. '2 1 -to felt really upset about it. : Eery one winks st stilling. for! hart Rula. II. ymquenter of danm The estimates will be submitted Careful Moonehiner Peeved. 1 f the outdoor laborers will not stay oni halls. a confusio n that b e killed the - Congress at the opening-othe next ; was trying to make good stuff," the job if they get nothing to drink.' , Dioember IL Since the Hs- -' said 'he. "The The mune report was made In onto- - girl because of jealousy. Ellis. who must be lilt: f 1r i ' semion on have the both in a before ft is safe to drink, and tically every city or village I Tinned is not reisted to the girl, although the tered majority publicans 5 7,1 1 are , charcoal makes the best filter."' hi an automobile tour of more than mwm, sharp changes ; , 'aenate andto house emlikz. formerly a be made in most of the !,..f the same city a casual wanderer 2.000. miles.. Stills were in operation boarder at her 'expected which home, and was engaged ' estintates under revision moon- plans toticed Some of several little girls spent everywhere. that the : i Republican congressional leaders are the sunny hours rubbing Prune shinerchad been at work so long- to marry Edna. but the engagement 't : stones thin on the sandy doorstep. that they bad built op a certain refill- wee broken and he was turned from expected to work out In ad- When s stone had been polished dowa tation for the quality of their prod-- 1 ,with other leaders of the Harding 1 ' the house about a year ago by the Moe on to paper thickness it was which takes '. I ministration put aside. 1 , tm. 4. An investigation revealed .tvom get ooms of 80..00dgo. mother. lira Ellis told the police ithe another The present political situation withis moomthiner who had been overcome mule." the residents would say.- - He believed he killed Edell,. because 'ot ,t i. i wanted to make a makes the best atuff around herea by ambition. 'regard to the annual appropriation ,. t ! . threw. h. had madeisimilar to that which obtained eight oordial that 7rras of real quality and , , .. - , ., - , Lines Helpful. '. of ti election t to do so planned to soak prune etones ' 'years ago after the Drat ' T. Associated most heard .,. The Press.) economic tale I (By i the Interesting but raw In material. the I. Woodrow Wilson, Just why he In the country was vastly did not crack the stones and take out was in a certain part of the north- - ' gT. LotrIft, Nov. Ellis, 1 t 1dg: who body warn found with At that time Taft adminieOf the pita I do not know.. But the facts west where I the tYPtst, til, common. lines are an There control were in arrangeire as reported. the throat: slashed In . a vacant lot , tration Republicans ment waa reported to have been nutclet neer her home here pitday morning, of the govern-' the executive branches Takes No Manors, 11 I , maa of line with bad virtue the Democrats by 21. a suitor. guards but the ment, i The Illicit dietUJ.r who wants to which a feed wire- - was -- looped over r,as killedsheby Albert Ellis, . holm. hie ottenuootk rejected ,4 10ej!, in both the senate and make money rapidly out of our most the A -for the and the 'confession wires, en& estimate Ellis according to The forthcoming 1 eapidly growing infant Industry takes operated by electric power. Tiny elso made, to the police today. war departmmit will be based upon no such do as ciJances. K. etre may the trio furnaces are installed on wagons, '; According to El lir alleged conies-- a the requirements of an army the , 'shiners in parts of the south iron of hooteh is made, the wire Un- - roil. he 'intended to commit suicide, of .which already has been feted by aro reportedcertain (4 I am having on. nit and the ss. moved ' but the hooked, wagon but the blade of the razor he held donchop I the Republican Congrn the centre out of a big limp for his broke as he slashed the throat of .his No smoke There. val ,estimatos to be submitted next mash tub. If he operates .4 ..4. in the forest. Dtmlocratie month will be based On the 1 i, The advantagesnot to Kira of victim the third time. re- of course,- the natural Juices of the 'E Is an electrician, admit- llis, Secretary, Daniels bad program. ',I , lack tree have the a of.., obvious; Influence on certain smokeare the United ted the killing after eeverat hours peatedly said that unless the of the bootie, but It still tarr- though smoke does not bother 'I States- became a member of the League quality according to the police. He 1"" n in thei moonshiner the the ied and its to wallop, value most the - ''. the was arrested Saturday on information ,1 : of Nations it must maintain drinker la based on the rapidity with for he cooks his mash over a - world.. furnished the in by Idris. Marts Ellis. mother powerful navy which the steam mounts in the hu- flame In a blower rove. In New York lot 1 girl. She said Ellis. who Under the Program emthorizedcon'-in man guage. Mash-tub- e moonshine been have Of sting city thattoort is al,riner., lived at her home, had 1914. the government now 1 need not be transported--there- by of certain reoommonplace and cruisers battle , her daughter for breaking strueting five great districts for years. Some sugar, soma threatened deteetion--an- d i: 411,.,,,,, : morithan that number of superdread- ducing the chance of off their engagement. after a quer- naval es- If there is fear of a raid a ftre sot at water, gas for the fire. or. better rill. base weights and the forthcoming the electricitir.from a and of the a wire, tapped stump the include deetroys to According to the alleged Confesalen. titytate is expected not only tub with no crude still are all that are needed. 1 : Ell is waited at the corner Thursday for carrying on this left to arouse indestructible Iron hoops atipropriations are That thousands there small of suspicion. for ' the girt. left the car on writ. but also recommendation' and large illicit stills in this country night where Northwent Pall of StIlin returning from work but she refused additional war craft, sound like statement. a wild may ,Yet : to talk to him, the police may, and ' Throughout certain parte of the I believe it to be well within retimates for all of the government 44 I a vacant lot to are expected to exceed northwest. 17100111111110 mill. aro as limits. thelemzied to tut through including total this ' departments $4400.009,000. of the Eltis is said to have gated that he amounts for refunding portions I next followed her and etruck the girl. Otiblic debt falling due during the forethe her down,-Whe- n eetimates , she areas, knocking The fiscal year. according to the Hewed contention. I. ,',?" ' fiscal year exceeded iti.000.000. flat reduced by he attacked her with arazor. ' 0011. but these subsequently ' When the girta body was found, "," soinething like 42,000,000,000. 1 both hands were badly lacerated. annual supply the of all ,t4 ifirbether ' next The alleged gayer is said to have '1. MOSAUMS will be completed at the h edmitted that she saw the razor and ' and final session of the '14 determined. to be with btu', at the same time ' etruggied r Congress remain" to begging him not to cut her. 'larding is expected :,,,, President-ele- ct 1110111A011 r:, ;,; new The report that Eille had 'eolitalsed at the ' VMS ALICZ 11- nonlarrsolq.) . , 'gl call aspects' spread rapidly and a large erowd soon after be takes office ea of .: ' quickly gathered outside of the dis(Congresswoman-sleFrom 4 and it may be that some Oklahoma.) trict policletion where be is held. ' (Wrttien It:spreeay for the Intetatteial Nowa liorrica) th" aPPropriation bill.. will go over to Police I,-made unsucceinfutattenepte to the special IPPOS ion. (Copyright, 112(1, by ths International Nowa -, keep the people moving but there was if USKOOLE. Okla, Nov. talk of violence. a m grateful that this opportunity has I , coma to ma It is the ohanos to blip others tha I want. In ilia 1 ;1;, 1 EL: larger sphere that I will enter I hops to be able to accomplish a few Army Officer Held , thirizs that trill help some of the people that I have sees suffer One of Madero Slayers ; ' . ,1 .t ,.. - 1 - .,," :; , , ::p0,4..:'.'g000.1;i00::A:0 ':.:'' Divulge 4 S.y Corey ARE FSTIMATED :.1 , ,i e F0 1111EFITE f , . EXPFIDITURFS - '.. 310,NTiAlr NOVESIBER' 8 NEWS - k . , - ; ril , : ,1 , - , ...- , .. , '' , .'. '..'. CASH PRICE to TERM .BUYERS - Al-he- re. - 4 : - - I. 1 Jolt-Jui- ce , , r4 - I . r E' - i - , This Fine Style "Xl" Genuine ' Z , ,, C -- ' 5 , - o high-pow- er hydro-electr- ...,...--...- . ''., , , - '- .. - ,o, ! ' -- -, tr , '. - , - ;lo. CO SO - Ivo. . 1 'ho ' 10 A ID'. 0 P' - II C I '. ,, '' . , . 1, "".". - I t , , , .. .. k j IN ,1 , - 13 to , ' WV111-- 19 E. 1ST SOUTH , SALT LAKE sir , . , tit , ,,Iinmennufsea--.- . , ..,....... ! ' I - ' , . .. s - - , ' -- - . .. - , , , )1 - , 4 . , . , . a Mo. - Records , i : . . - . ' a , .- er , . . ab-- $150. - , ., - records. Of Victrula "XI" , high-pow- : ..,, , . $1 65 - , ' And 915 worth -- , , ic - - , , ' . Hydro-Eleetri- , a a . - - ' the It i changes . her costumealways white bonnet and apron, blue drew. shoes. wooden and her Her vigorous" right arm extends in front of bee. and in her band she at the Dutch Woman" trade-mar- k Ity M. L 10.11ILLIPS Cudahy Packing CODIT011111 identifying -old Dutch Cleanser." which "chases . . . product motel throughout the DP OMB-Acivilized world. OAKES WEBB THROWN.. . And what is more, we are Probs. 1311 .. doomed to permanent dimappointment goosed the ball so slowly you could read the label on the pigskin. , it is one eupreme delight which the Cudahy Packing comPani will !mobfailed to note the signals gives by his quarterback but tot the abty MIMS even to the most curious. jOWES given by the big gamblers in the cheering ooctioa. lie trooped tratie-maAnd its famous dates back ball, and nes hack IS yard for & fortified check.- - Ihnith made a 4 ' another.businass- romance in MI. oat. of the fumbled pigeklet. but deliberately throw Ida ankle. Thin le- a In the mummer of that year Sir Thome' Upton, then just plain Thom- difficult trick, but when well done never toilet fool the paid admissions, as for short. owned a small packing Ile Cropped on the field. sad time was called Irbil be was worked over.. plant in South- Onmhs. Nebraska. He -made up his mind to dispose of It and 'Think of my..wife and ebildr- - Int,constaatlyaxclahnted as be' Was carried two young men. Michael Cudahy and to the 'college intimuu7. Atter arriving there be insisted 11Pou being taken Edward A- - Cudahy . together with to a municipal hospital. gThe pillows there are larger and hold more others. took it ever. explained later. ', .. sines then Sir Thome.. merrily motley." be took tostillt Pitull.w ImIg pursuing his Shnntrock way as the perdo""an bail 'Wu. tae and dropped deed in hie tree' kth A poet. redoubtable challenger for the Aimed- bout play. talt1 nue lid for yards showed be had been 'doped.' ca's Cup has made his name a house- touchdown. It later lleveWped that b. mortese is , taa paddock by sp,,,,,bung intemots. hold word wherever clean sportaman- but iset been toncbed by the alunblin ft Ldid nce favor suffrage until It was forced upon us. Then i saw ne (By Associated Press.) PrS.4 ship and genuine popularity are at a ring. Brown waa called up.. to kick reason to obirk my now duty. go es an activo woman MEXICO Nov. CITY. 1..430'fL TT I'determinsd to put Rafael the foal. but Porbeeely boot.4 the About this time the enspkiens et the Pimiento. who commanded the premium. ile my yours of training to yea. Tto.t is tho reason for my entrance lute MUM ball foot the wore sad lett crowd for aroused Meanwhile the Cittlahys have done bank. the discovery public Morals guards in ISIS when Presi,,, that, the home tests by life tbis way. . lees sonspicuous faith-io. bad . Doom& Porto& i :,-,dent Madero end Vice President Jose their bit in no the sot touted a sluff handspring., tweiten, of For public life I's sot wow to tne. the Through foresight Marks Pine itimres were killed. has founders. On a hike tackles back. parematere a aelitar7 atalldInt bleb jump reeord even we with the bad havo and Of I coupled though energy don't Ike he . , only been arrested. gives forward A suffrage want Service.) 'the the bidden which an. tniversal alightast indication Wilson government ploy of r of League ' Nations but I do want AM 111100CilatiOn neuncement ears thee arreilts of other high purpose ot lean bush's man- Checkbook trick woo resorted to. nothili evek000d Irvin the neck north. two yearsLtre. , , tVASHINGTON. Noal; I.Following I ed sight years ea posamistroas of nations which 'will tend the Cudahy Noodles., IMO thrown tor a lose of le 1,701r 1111. rnofuebettes wore istor follow!. tteroons holding minter,' Paattiona at agement, have developed (Iliad warranter. company to proportions nev- yards. but a rata or at toast , war. Wo can work that outto provent Ott most disturbing series of hazing at kluskogoo. wes the time of the assassination of Ma- Packing A luminary or the after OS 1110 gilt Play. he . leek, the ball er ;Minute toritho dreamed in those et tame would skew reason The of of dare breaches to only early got and Soares and are other dere to follow. Washington. And ,.'lT that tbe ft pPicates must visitors proSo Sig outplayed tbe bewre'.. large packing plants in addition to iRSUNI clean owl American Innitutions. Notions One of the first acts of the preseM to a considerable kncrws at 'Annapolis In TIMMY woman, Into politico : f number of do to and wolakilte:itedthylt'va?ollso.:buladiewknotelledit. tell the truth fill.vion liahvrollinlitthpoibasts:t plre whore Melo aro worshipped must bo on government wail to order a complete government .1..e. Pbrii:kciarli.asaa-re.thandling related Products. ,' : : lairs. it waa announced tonight that Milos to allend to retrain from bit- th outside. They are not for tho, Inrestigation hits the Mestere seem factories . with on. hundred and twenty-fiv- e Tbe kick brought 14.90111 and will be Tlesir akin In protectlas a player Tun r. Riar Admiral Archibald Pirates will ba terness atter 'the example of the great Christian nations. branch houses in at"Ir thin victims the villi the aad tbe wad wag Pentrulariv.. "who. when vaulted. reviled country alone split three ways by uireadad as .ouparintandent of tba exemplar. Th. comm. hors must b. num awl Deserts From Society; rood. so less their handling besides numerous them not"' 'Woman can do much in Thousands of tor-- selling agents kickers. : of Republican w ors d tiled naval academy by Admiral B. Wilma this direction. The oppoetuti ts:set thee get the Imo ward barkwart and itiowtso passee 'thread twelve thoumand as much to I employees hope help et hilts hems et the touchdowes. Successful largo on registration in Oklahoma this yeaan and Amentiouttletto., actpt commander of tho Atlantic Host. rs' I can. ..asti.d..re....nurt annual wag total upward of Stage flint-le-g ' 3 hat affidavits from stated thot up Ulu Deals la cum three hundred million dollnreehle le .4We Profits te,toodebit" nsany and would pnly resterday k was I wont snieet. I know what I want Wars , t teshiled. ellY from dismissed been contented tny olection j mY Preak ten) cadets had Another variety giti hes deserted the outgrowth of No littlo venture I know a little about polities. They baviag had a I; ponent hod won. But that lo not to bo proof gold flask toten trent bargtarpurchased from Rtr Thomas thirty. ',..ths naval academy for drunkannesa my yea hip t time for the alogiaand throe . ! amino reaction seat theo town was. pocket- - to whica it was attewhodkis with ta won't pull the wool ever Tas still talked ncletytbia now. about tiro them Yearn See b dullonneall:rittbrilimalenng. 01 011 )! 1 a nold Tat te It th beh ballelos. tack. has wall. est tarkhnollyws Wins wbandor:igis posted this art.: 'lest: Betty Kirkbrido, who AU I can say la that Any bynoose whkh ran consistimtly to armee" taa won to a rally. lent the Geld flask: owner progress. in try to henceforth witty hoop flask it, the younmor Proepor and progress through 1 4 I At ono time no fewer courts of such , ran meet them as an vial. I oak servo this diatrict end the mato and hes INPOt idntitio4 with gap staggered bait way across tao mut Ito will return. verattrata' was who end were in Philadelphia. of aa outdo well as I know bow. long period the progress re years nocesoaily no sidry favor". In known sa tut accomplished classic I the rower of' a deserved public Admiral Wilson la omi of the moot Ramool Crpeater. All lb ether chit--, , . and a thousand front ths Ty deliver and a skilled golfer. will de- mondtoes In methods. mortice. treat. Pioneer of Four States drool tiro bore except Jobs nerd ears, distinguishad officers as well as one i 1 ' Etnhgland career Out a vot to time her in moot the and quality ot product.-..o- f tarritte Sot' the otr4ctest titeriplinarians Is one ,ot. Una events on Ms Closes Earthly Career poster. wbo resides te Emotion. Ida.. 1 1 tottoept aerates for hornet( on the stare. r Pim Kirk-- 1 bighead order. Pro Woo Om brother of tho 00114111011 During the war be was in sown- wry. . ; to a atill in a who her loans. toride, Maxim Imbed on the Wises AMOTICSA wee I on float mane Nab aa ot geld matioaoll am Ihr leo Matters of national logivistion villi Olootat.lo Moro 1 1 ,,, (Special le Th. Now) daughter of .11 Drexel Kirkbride, ono some years ago th Cudahy irons the lo a bolt brother. bort etowart. holm Ilicsat. irbom whom the principal pro. come in for diecussion and Nov. CEDAR CITY. , of tho idea Quaker fountloss et Phil- first in the field, sad thoir products Leven. 11 ovation was Oran Affisrican transport al tation for Th in Wyo. sariculturo the cabinet tratekbdros Pits received the educa- still continuo to favor in that mighty gricos for James D. Carpootter of this umbor OWS 1 ,o, or Presidontoolart Hooding and on adelphia. 'fhb throe greBilr111. tarrying troops to "'nines. Adminti tional of lb., Visitation land of mystery. fortune and excite- otty war bold 1 tha tabernacle yso- albinos. 'r It also was announcsd that k govornment boarda and commixes's. Conventadvantages coD. in it inaohingion. ment. C. , will bo considered. clock 1). as.. t J00003 Strauss. former chief of the torday at lles. which number among its alumThe Cudabe t company's sebureau of Ortialiere. will take ootn:' you deel go Thip orange, vim hold formal ob.. nae Of tho post hundred years many rver has becalm Packbig The 'peahen Imre Joseph IL Ana . wrogag.-.Ad- A Groat a in factor tho prime Milano fleet. mend Of priranC during the ronventioa of tho women of this country. She food industrl of the - , ' Adintrallb.Strauss pefertad plane by world.. During otroug. prveldent H. W. Lost. Diehl is final adoption of woman 'mitres. Via-- ibtillient Iola luta had the advantage of having Me the company expanded for live. Parana Weboter. asil Herbert Webmer. a which vast mine fields wee, laid I mon Men Arrested Here may hold anY i.lico in the granite impeded from bee early girlhood to duck alone $176.800 for each arid Associeted Prima) I (Py acmes the North ors to imprison the 1 1 A life 'sketch written and in meta and national argentin take up a Nato tartar. an intention every businala by Howard day N the roar. alICA00. Nov. i Garman Meet and was In" salvo Amwas Him read Wanted Pocatello , 'Ad Chamberlain St firm opposed by her parentsand P moiLne $11111 every time the chock ticks tddklurksdilyPbowirwrloonanoloo"otol Dhsomenursnd. charge of that gigantic operation. ona with the work of ihs police in followi mono independence and ever. during burliness hour ami Solving aag "Theo Beautiful requital , of the most bsportant of the war. el dor a role which maims headwind or es on her father's pert when be de111litant McCoy. le years old. nod O. the- ID- clues In the robbery Friday And out of it all haa corn another CHI." rontrarY to Prrvallituf ratiewts. Al. $271.(tee ! I James D. Carpenter lias Om 'WM,- - O. Mortal IS. wore In cash. checks and beside Irlf. all ths cam' moil' I'm the dPirliele liberately throw over the faintly trod- Cudahy trado.rnark which bids fair to arrested at foe. with the one lector, Ono we- - Monobut on their final SCCr4 intal Hugh Itudiewin will remain in to Jointly Seed sod lion of having colehrity her somas highness' i from a moweenger for th Hyde Para moo toot mastor. unit. iveri ottit. Of the situation. obis woo trained se- rival in"Old command of the Pantile fleet Dutch." Thin other trade. Nevada. and of having built & good ad loath sad West Tempts streets of the I has auccomoor ,, A. Admirat Wilsoa to well Carroll. A Wiest of imLander. Wyo., la spotted to cordingly. After graduating from col- mar to the Cudahy brand which proaident aterder , I - not aa boon ,ptaie bank, John by OotortIceo 0. Pt. you , home. visalad tut orchard aad (noon. , yet of tbo bank. yootorday started an Ini attend. lege. who appenred in several local see the allow over on No choiroat prove a hum in ovary cogemunity la timothy sad L. P. Wire and leased ' 3 1 1111111steur Heel. itivht and ha bora wall which has entertainments. Welt Th the very tor t out born wo at Po. lard the Cudahy's hams, bacon organisation has firretreit tort. sc,,,,,, dolonlodtro A Groot wet vostigation Of lila own and tonight haat' i Delaware. February IS. 1111. and ratelie. Ida. The Moore her first profaisrional engagement. Kansan And who ' Oregoaand ea taxi boos "'Tinny from all v, r- 4 -- os email ate own wore waatod to Mot lashsod Utak in "kiddkors Throe." M enormous partisans' ot livostork boos to brought by Oil having port the maintho , f.w the Cart Thentre In $ow 'fork. She Mod by the Cudahrs weary day are "'dewed mother whit ho ws yet a the burglary ape the ttowatancityWore, poll, th, awe et the rob. ois.thalantwon soostoto inthose.atatoe INA....' nest oppeared 'se the anty elicorne taken Into oontrideralloomag tha he teas always am &aloe Chorchi bore and bad startod a chase atter Nowilblir -- Old Sparta e . 7 , rid In "Marline with John Marla Net that Puritan to the Clidairt Masao camber. I ' '1: s Thomas et the Broadhurst 'Theatre. which Noontide' No bootiro begin When tho pettier were forted to noo Candidates BeIwngt 4 ,, Vont duos furnishod by the Mee- File Final New York. and wee by to realise bow touch a real trod. to the southatrn part at Ube mato his : 11 sensor kir. Carroll pickod eV lb evis( i', . hamster Coll to surcood Data Van. mark can molly moan. Tito Ittte Por- mother toot him well kis brother. Jobs (PT Amociatod Prose.) Accounts SI a now mow le as in it oho to the resident of followed and dartil:t robber of the I. Sloe hie part with wholesome Expense Wog, Carpenter. itaa playtnr smiling N. Y.. Nov. I.The leCARBORO. on tho outskirts of In "Latest looter" during the run of tam is a fitting mark for those (Mole dal Utah, as far moth as Provo. Too nods allandonodIle barn denten, did "lade of boor, Pima ketatomonto had Edw ard ova. owot d the ploy at this Kickerhocker Meet- mild. Immo and looms treks P.M. they relented to their Sall , 'Am,. Id bow , th.o.c..ity.. e doesnl animilate Itaday artila me one et prop.rty th, k a hem& New Of ne v arn. arroatiod. and Porta a t).. re.York. Looter" will 'Eaten coot and lee the lard lest pure per !Itto tooprotary of tote. aitowing roots.' Irrank A. Vendorilp. pew Tork Cordial l e tho police mid that hie Mae-to- e which boar thin brand. arta at Belt the Lake be Presidoect Whoa the larigham offering Togas food, ordinary has purchased tile Miro val. for three dare beginning Thursday. Jain Prolamin and tbo Needy minry ipottle R. mporia all so fotfoirc Lib It's. a groat Mory.-4- .- his Cudahy tailed for oettiors oos,. it, mean,i know, today dad br, brother. Jai. Potts, ' Tour& Ifrigitata City, optaaRoy Nov. It. with matinee &murder. $t tho L'Iltrr- story-- tuna during thews dare of traffic hi Neratia. ha was imolai the innether 13 ' I erier le reliere the booming situation il;41. of1'hert7 hoe Dm pottier wore rolosoed fries lpetal! for stiorstoy. Tirol 'Nark& pool It is worth army training school. ' somethiliZ congootioe , romemboring he anmounciod plane for sity illoChicago aoction. Iii,this It14.1 'sato robbrd the' moor. that rearm age who doubtful trans. that mieoloit. les moved to Ulemials Slit St Cooled by bintoott rho Po- -. ' 4 ' 'IMO recttoa tit f modern s.nomort1 A REAL ROMANCE ' i Vtak. Hera bca marred Catherino I" "a bsr" 1"1 t'una "arty tve to laMitties mad the hennas and Inverse other 'tow build- state troontrtIttao rorotooll IN BIG BUSINESS portation ail of tho bonito andchocks- - o' of barna a ticklish emostiou jed& who sureleye P4vo. Ho later imp, to digest, sad oapoodod SistSt: odors The three men 110111404 by Rollo are Isom thoy wore privon a Front swat rues tweet le Kanett Led WA, ha atirrod to '111S . easy , Mr. Vandorlip mid the Vitiate AO Packing on Thatcher. Art& Prom Thatcher he re- terebbl Orlon. ototinato for. Ittwftrftef ' Moro to an instance of osto MIP101111 --- it woo th Cudahy ' 'MIA with some "undoitiratale rilleenir being MVO". t . Who tunes hot back to tho world and pony which perfectme lb precool' at versed In tilos ta Olostato. whey the kto th Parotor-Lailta- t 'but that whim it la recon strued. p la farkpf- - ttootatof r.' own which rodorod the Proton,. owlet perinea a( his earn lira iras ISII thin enuattai their National Grange Prepares p.rotato le maintaining kapott tis ime oolls we. people." Woolloy. Mood. pi.. .. of toll. end has ever since onado spent ad whom h norved for years as It.. a attitude. roots 10ron otostatotto for )ottiro. faatroatill For Important Metting r ' Puritan home lose wilt? and more pal. leal age hat ta tho abeimpri 49 otoomoolo bet atoned m Enciticott. Mans. ;Itatrart. wools( PM If hirl& Ito . Eve oath popular forlara we '14lay NSW. ; IV rroons. motto was also roan. to Hero ' roams hems sod do the Thin Portia 1 bishop. l Pr A nonetk tea pat& an Sods himself for about all IP tse. le trs, ilamrti.a not bood I. be IS as mak d roam la all la lector. borers sorrlog III spot& a fry. warPt trim lenaTcre. Noy. I from wourdo. Prato teconcott 4 It Mot wooer to OW or broiling and never shootl les Ince For inatattro. mall y "tat 00 are es pool owl btro Nov n too Room awls yoo le tho toossen I'llritaa Horne sod fiscally moved to Cedar City to mead Mao oto 1.114A error ham ono 110,0111Pil ao tho gatle nig that a I 01 MOM i too lial111101 I Ito fnt l0 tin. al A son roam soon. malt tio" his maims Mee too. lhonk la4a. that ageltalast reel 1 t y tact of the woman whorls p.rhapo Oro Nitt tonal Oto n go of I ha "tram al . ratter-eMrs Mort Staills. are Plea bow" t which $ lick'''d tart sop-IH. 1k4 r.l." w quality ettri most tokkly known isetr al lho moo., king ptiloi li h ,lafihendry W templifw. flan (4 r hiscsaree 'he Worms Cudahy retch. him Cateche Pant h. sot se.. ao famous mg Molitor ()moor at i.nt h d4we to homi Prhte y l4l I a aaa C $ dm db ri C I do. ... e ...... 114..,01,N. L. Smith. Joh llo,411 Carpeting, sod TH1C IttAirlitrr frivol "tio 'TIN T004 Rod Siding tioavdt Oho bilrlit tin akil, awe &lots ilh000 to. Coos. t M in kyr, t Ittip Orange trüln Neal ran, SW amp '' Politicans 'WoretPull TP oo' 0,ever Oklahoma Congivs.iwoman'sEyes - ,- ' - ' ' ',4,11 sixty-sixt- - Con-grip- es ,,, ,- ' THE ONCE OVER dirta .., , t. ' ' - 1- et . ( - Serv) -"r I P 7 M mpolis Academy . z Trferre d , -- f, ' t, ., , - - - Following cheer-leade- . n. rs 4, , - . .,,,. 4 -- ., 1 '' ; 1 1, Tti,. - 1 pr es.1ent 1 P oE ce ow TO Track Robbers , rein-004- Sh r-- 4 , . li, . 11 Weltf v. .. - ttnetiatidd at , , . ..- ' , 1 produes--"Porite- "..-Ad- - - - 7 ' n:' , - , ' - ifyour digestion ti -- - el met-flavoro- ti st"d'" " "nlr attract taste and tr7 , ' eepYour tot-tin- t. barley food. par-belle- 4111111 eres a Reason 1111 Yet , . the wheat and. 411. ng able-MO- M Grape:Nuts , 111R I - health requires t eirse-treo- lg ott-1- . as ' v . --- .. . , lit .. .. ( . . ' , An , ' ' ' ' . -- - 1 t . o . . . . , ,,a-IL,...,-- . , , a t ; . . ' , e - . . , . . .. I - . t . . . e.. - - -..---- 1 |