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Show A.1, V 4,,o. 4.--- . . . .."' I - LOST A1110'011'8 . ' - Relief - . ,...., , ,, .4 f00110 ill . 1 - - 4, -, e-- A. o lr .... i, A,A. - A. , ' 111EATS , spTw DESERET ' - NOVE3IBER, 8 .1,9..'0 (COmitamed INDIGESTION time ...V-- - - , ,- it. , p! i , , ., that.' . , . . - . . , . P8441.0111.) 1"-- -------- ----- - BURLS IliitSTICAT0115 1E1111tres4314 , .4 . , lioxlytr - , - t.e.l..........,,,',.:,..., . . 5 CISE liIIIISE KOritiJS - - 1 ' ' 4-- in the 'water. ghe bad sot - , breathed after the body entered the . , BELLTANS , . 6 water. he said. and the autopsy retIr . ria-vealed the fact that there ems ne elite; Hot water A ."111.4 11, . wtuthus.P1: isnaltot'dumtrrirn" Relief in gidi Sure . . I , , wbether chloroform . .. ;' NS determine to 1.1.-Aunable He tore& Via. , , ' . ., , :1 0, be admitted It was possible. althongt ' . ; . INDIGIKSTIlw,eNi . found around the neck cloth that the , ' ,, . 1 . , Lad caused death. , , ... , Dr. Hay T. Woolsey. who assisted in , . , :John P. - Woodward Meets t I , the autopsy. vas examined before the .. officials i Jury and examining Istirt. , , . Deitth When Mail Airship , West to Liberty park Is look Over the -' - lake. Dr. Woolsey was also of the 4 A. , 4 have not Hits Ledg; of Rock West : opinion that the death could : , estimetsd . . . Ho onicide resulted from . , ', , that the body had been in the water Of Cheyenne, Wyoming. , I or 11 days 8. R. Lambourne testified , N, a 44 t , relative to the report made by the Pratt , . (Bit Enivereal entica) , I to the . the his police of end boy silting 1.SAN -A Nov, num7 rusxcisco. . , scene. He said the body seemed to be t . , ber of new treble for the Pacific coast In a sitting posture whoa found.. (By Associated Preset I t after. this resumed was ' 1111.11114 time for ' The inquest and reduction of WASHINGTON; Nov. lleJohn lake of the ; , examination noon .. after the . .4, P. Woodward, air mail pilot, through trains were announced to- and , . the location where the body was , , 2 ' whom body was found yesterday day by Charles & Fee, passenger trot-fi- e dragged ashore. , r : . ' ' I manaier of the Southern Pacific hi the wreckage of his plane, near Auto Theory Fins. . . company. : Laramie, Wyo., met mountaindeath bode'. of the to Prior the discoTery I This new schedule will l' - - -- , through flying into a fective next Sunday. November 14ef Ilev...," theories bad he(1.,a edeance4h.1 ea.& investigating aide in a dense fog, said a report The Overland lAmited is to be cut . . i these wee that Mae -four hours in the running time to of 'reoeived today by the postoffloo, I i . Limited will been struck by an automobile and Pacific The Chicago. ., 1 and that the driver of the madepartment operate on a similar schedule- - The killed. ' t St- ' ' The Salt Lake landing field re. to chine had ranted the body away and - l Express is a neaw LoSauis was secreted The It. traip she other that l m Francisco daily ported that a weather bureau . , v base committed suicide during might ' . , : a temporary aberration of the mind. Intrning of fog was received a few . . No bruises were found on the body minutes atter Woodward left the , Whisky Ring Suspects . which would Indicate that she had '' field ea route ' tcLeho7ennA Wood-tree- d 3I1.,2 Country Reported Fleemg 4 been iambian struck automobile. ' by left the beld en route lei ing medical men stated. The only (By Universal Sorriest.) Clbeytmne. Woodward's home was mark on the body was a slight dislo. .' . . ., 2...,,,....0; CHICAGO. Nov. lePrho govern- cation of the etiss vertebrae at the , . . . ht Mitchell, Iowa. . , ment's drive against , Illicit liquor bass of tho skull sad Ms Is not , . , , , -- - ' , . . transactions in Chicago has startad thought to have been asuffiedesst - to ' ' , (By Amockard Pram) ' , , '. - migrations of bootloggers muss death or even unconscionanest ... CHEYENNE. WYo., Nov. T.'The wholesale from the city. according to the auth, The other swans by which death ' ''.. 11I ' ' body of John P. Woodward. air . mall orities tonight. 'rho gmLU frit is could have been caused are declared to other cities where possible by doctors., They are ' . , .. , pilot wag found in the wrackaia of drifting away so ' ,e,, poison , i , well known while token ..-. . .. , they are not , r : ,.. , Ills Plane at ne Siding. poison or an overt , SO miles wan men of wealth have prepared for does ofIntention... ow... , s, drug administered with a s I..."of Cheienno and miles southeast flight to Cuba. ' ' " ' 4 hypodermic needle. or the giving of en 11111r11' , . , ' of Laramie, Wyo.. sate this afternoon. Aphn 11,11eit3er, known as 'Wire do anesthetic, such as chloroform. ether , r , . -- .. 611id ,I, who Pike" ., i , figured ' trams of an anesthetie Woodward was last reported over Istr. 11111,,, .., ' transaction recently. is among would beAny liquor ' , ' the length 4 i tate at 2:40 o'clock yesterday after. those slated to po to Cuba. Another of time theremovedwasduring In the water. It .1'1' I . It , body man wbose affairs have ben under is l. .. 11 ; , contended. . was it to will go Europe, 'investigation . take Woodward left .Pait t City at said. It was , Orerntelt Salt Isikc Mystery. reported Paderal Judge 11:11 a.m. Saturdax and was scheduled Landis had requesfed . tho stato doe. ,,, ' Whether the MtaterY of how Man I . . , , . ' . I ' ' to areas bore with mail at 1 o'clock partment to reAlso passports to those 'Korman earns to her death Si weer, !I'r. .... I under ,investigation. solved will depend to a great alkont on . Yesterday afternoon. . ,e Prohibition agouti -- who IWOOP1 the resutt ot the analysis made by f , , tl Trapped la Storm. , Pdown on hotels .L,tinit cabarets last cbemiet Harms. officers elabn. Policef , . " - !! !ft I ', A snowstorm was In progTas nigh t. continuod active today. Dia-- and medical ." 11 abandoned the . ill! f stated his order ' . , , was places liquor against brvolved in "hip" death. the , in.publie . With I only In I Woodward's body. still strapped , , was being obeyed. the dead body to show that the wortlin di, . , It the seat of his wrecked machine. was . , is dead. and with no proof that she 11 ,I 011 I PROTESITD. SEIZURE BOAT found in a small pocked of rock by a . was either killed or committed apalcide. - ' : t . from Other Laramie. marching party the police admit that this is , Nov. I.-JANEIRO. DE RIO - ' , ' - ' ' searchers during the day bad paused 4 ri ever haa that confronted ''' '' 31 4 i s lit, important firms ot this city base pro- Balt mystery . ' Within 100 feat. take officers. .e ' ii ' ' - .2 , Indications were that tha plane had the recent seizure at Flume byagainst Chief of Police Joneph L Burtifige , . i ' . Capt. et , ,: -craohed into a ledge of rock rising Gabriela trAllnlinal0 of the steamer botied il t ' the following statement 1 - . , ' ' ' I i a conference barely DO foot above the railroad Coitus. which carried a came con- after with AAP. . , . , tenant County tracks which it la Presumed WoodI' Attcprogy Frisk . to Brasil. PI 116'. Chief James. at Detoc. ward wag following. The' machine fell signed '11 I Beckatead DeteoIL oral Into a ravine. tires Riley The engine and TURKEY DEX1118. ". 1111 e B. for. lives H. R. and ths 1, Seeger backymrde Eddins, jaanniod through 1 qi abated - ward cockpit and Woodward, i CONSTAMTNOPILE.1"" Ntv;11--Tht , a telt: 'I , "'" ii. l ' "We are working es the murder the- In Ow roar It la 10"1 L. err. but base not entirely- , abandesed ' ' otaatty - '' to , -,,, ,,.........e.,s Atom inetroov, orment PNV. , . tits .ft . ,.-or ; w. Johnson 1 .. ,, ,,i,,,, , the kiss of suicide."' , ',LA,. ,'. Albany oounty took rune for the rattfleattem of the - - ' - se.ii 1411W IMS gases John g. Carless. sheriff of Salt !Ake ' ; .. , to ' ,, chariot? the body and . it was Mien : 11' ' ' ' ' ' . ' Turkey. . by ., treaty : . ' . "The ,, said: Laramie,- and lallbtuuutora Dusty. ' , disappearance '. .. A , death Of Mins Koreas is a real !nye- , 'sem," eseasersiked sod So Close Croft. Fined , opplemeck whip lip eery. and I ant of the opinion also met , . . llionolo" Idnold1 aill Illoor Fellacell lael It is promised that the airman. Sly., death by , Maas other then her r ' ,1!11, ; own."- , "Mg very low to order to keep tbe soder Os Lit task ea Ohs Isbell . Ili' Chief of Detectives Riley. seek-Wo, trucks in view through ft thick Mist. loot sight of them at tho turn and vacroa TALLDF0 alActurz cm ' gave kW opinion as follows: "the Ireetber Feeseetrant t.:, while endeavoring to relocate. thorn reason her lusd for ...., disappearance' and Tuesday. death eraohod ato Ow mountainside The on cause. ' the which is hinges in ' t ;l , . root of Shernum hill rime only about being Investigated by phymiciand." 4 . Stele: Name. . , Sell foot above tho railroad tracks and . ' alive S"kglon. . Orintinctoglins . o , had Woodword cleared tho summit he Comparative Least Weather Data Dor ' ' , , Chief Criminal Deputy Sheriff ?Ma t November 8. gala would have hftd a downward grade ftll otor ebrietopherson of Salt Lake coun- . ' 'Hut way to Cheyenne t ' 1 . "Mien the view Nerethat expressed ty Temperateruporintendont E. R. Dumphy of the ' eus was murdered. and I have felt 1' I 0 Salt Lake divion of the air mail 49 ours she it since of disappetuesl." yesterday ' service. ham loft his headquartore bore Highest i . 17 fi tilshms In this month last soar E. Wood. .ot chart", i the manger . 24 for the scene Woodwards body was Hishsst In this month nines 1114 41 t ' William 1. Burns detective agency hi , - Lonsat this morning Won to laramia. . e !! Salt lake and former member of the i it ' , , ItelinerWoodward bad boon In this division tie,.'1,41! .thil ...112thh 2,1 iti 1 ....1 police department sheriffs t -noteerornkie of the eerviee about a month. Ho was Normal 'i.e. . 44 office, maid. I have d on the . t'l ti yrin-IS years old. '' Ills home wag at Moss rpm orday '--' 45 OLIO, but- - from- the tact& Presented I - . - ' Mitchellville. Imre , this . , Lecumiatod am to inclined believe ,datitnatet. It murder.' ' On ., ' 43 , October IS Woodward made month Joseph r. Miller. local superintood1 de.riermses ip ' what vim deacriboci as a daring flight AC,UTTIlliat:Hi ent of the Pinkerton detective &ganef. -0 ' -, f 41 tit said: "I am reluctant to morons as from Rack Mortara Wilt. to , Choy.' Jea..1.'.........---fl - i ;:-.1 1 mine flying the entire distance in a n of the moons for the death of , pea- opinion deem fog. Ote that beekiNOM he fol. 11 Miss Karma as I lutes sot made 'ma' it Se ase. lowed the railmeci track& at e, Prom bulb tamperatura . . the To. inveetigataions. , , My . . i - r II raud svus Pala tomporature at I kal I , made facts and I ports presented. lay 6 vs 4 .. , . , , PP& 1.11S. PAY. Orr, - ' Cleren Nelson. asaistani superin., Ralative bemigity at I ILSIL " ' I specie' emphasis on the cloth about I p.n Lb. neck and tbe fact tbo shoes were ill tentiont of tho Salt Lake air mall field. Vry bulb taripraturo at . . .... . . II io yeatarday , to mid lest night that Woodward was ;tot unlaced. There to one , appears only at 4 p.m. bu)b ttaperaters ' .., -nas. and thalle of foul play." le IS faecal . undoubtedly ono of the brat Oats in 7.tstair i the air mall service His teko-o- tt Plemeakd As altueder. Rotatire humidity at pre. pue. i from the nalt late field on SaturdaY turetay ill, ?tank W. James, meletant county ' I ' wee the moot wonderful exhibition he In of attorney. --. I the charge pro,, Ia. legal Preclattettes, bee mon in Salt Lake Nelson saki. I . said yes- , odedings by the county. ' .., Woodward took his plan. out on the taial yratorday ' - ' i wan "Presnedt- ' opinion l evoirgi florid anti starting direct!, for Total tor Otto smooth 120 l EINSIPMEgEZMIEKTIMMFIEWERSEMI tki sieftcleacy. the kitty tangiest wires. whecied his, Arratv.tatatt - - the woven theories as to the cause -f J.41 f machine on Us Oda. barely throo form I month of the death three are admitted peealoes Jam. I lebov tit oround. Hs mad. the turn Total two albite are debated 11E64 and two have Arrematatott arose latato Jane i beefs eliminated by phyoiciana socceartully. rrollatuLli Mornistrator. ate taut Soutk1 tied es learning the 'aerie ittui loft sad boos a' close tripod of lb two W- equal to the work head et hos. Roo The body of Mims Kerma was totted Tor Woodward IMO always tettnied se mkt kali alma Malmo. hie Immo Benda? Welt. ates for a Dumber Yearn did oel autos hot elbow Rork ak sad 'boo pout to Magma to t CIS WEL about sel the heroics as yea I:le p.m. Saturday. Tru- chatlittla pilot whose first lull rloaa bort ester. Mime Rose Korea& gra, Motels, oullated the aid et the tears et the finding of the body uottl plaaao4 to take a course Ise typoortto man Pratt. IS years Md. 1101 by aloe was to set the snail to Its Uo bolds tbe toil at the itohatroo Potations collo. Ist Saturday afternoon'. I lodustrial gorse WEATIIINI1 onartaVaTIONS East .tune. as be was mailingSomata destination ea time sad he had the a toe for tke Os Vials Copper grompaoy. They nest Initteettiatelo le the Qualtro- fgartiltir Moods,. October III. this dal , boat about the edge of the lake. Report redeeming. Or reftetation of twins willing to take at I am. Itotroanbor I. 191e. usts-Allsett estsbitele S Salt to sho October toms alter oho dhateetorsd.. itiertsktes le. saw the upturned faro sad 'mistook It unday. A search of the hearse roads tree meat- - let meth Mein. and neon 1104,M 1 ohmage too other'flyer would attotript on to has l'on vomit um wont who Woe Lake. Mortitoesiat. sod tko rtoeinito following day for a, balloween mask. a I. got tho snail through. oMco of Dro. Worthington. Cootie- shade by tbe petite and elorrifre femme, the clothing which hal been torriove4 ettle i the isoaretk thekstoe data". wire Ca a stick be tried to Fastening 2 tow the b- num rusk' He was no of Um Mot flYste to Dowd $od to op . but dee" snows bottomed amy great front the body. itlentMed M at trace as as" waist that II woo his firm hotpot to leat the shore but found It of conopus tit Plait take to Choyerino route Um poultice ot Moe &hoodoo". progress. Theorise that she was struck kuivitalt belonged to Mien korona.. for tho utontobi le oetaett thooty woo Ir ply sidereble a 'Whoa weight. be bad tot secreted sad for a, month or more bad num the (Matto-roa- n be ImobI J by dererrormo Dr. told Mies Serous tier that Igoe elle Tlitio a Pugh wf le Fallacy. thaytas: draw it a little Moser to the bank be Sett lAko ble beeinuarters. was out of toes. but Soh to take drhor. were thoroughly islroultwited. he eight of the pathenie lump of sod. paroir 'p STATION" Moto this ao atoldent.' saw It was a bantam conies. He warn 3 be tetursed Mit brought Might bet conteord and den garenotita acid teetereoli tuo oohs until oilier ow Ilk coos torriod am hisura woo position al any badly frightened ; bl the Dad but bee. A Yogi mid LitoAdv. October 11. Woo Soros' verve reports et areidontil happeitieg sang that could not believe her ow polity Of $1.0941. parebto to boy trio. toned to 'entity Sulam Lansbourae. On Saturday. again came to Soh Lake trOtti Mognit. et Third Somb end Third East street I., leo rockily lead. as she bed bower tor. limo Koreas. 'rho stators haws of euperinteadent the rite Mr. parka. a that Western' 'mooing. tbo politica and math, during : se hope that elle egg alive clothe: both torriod (WOO aotioomo ear ,00ma -lembourn otified Chief of Poises obtained A report that blige Karoo tree mos elves too a room with 00NrI s g-omen's hart sad would I. lime Fs least Impe rik, 00 7 MOHO t 0 0 3 samba, tem". Joseph L. Surbidge wbe bagioned 1:1 ItALT 1411(11 22, ISI - Arredlesill IT Socood avows.. Lid- berths grecerie in en Ely. :lee.. gym .11 the mom whis Cook. J. fired. Mho et lb ro:Ir mit that Woe Kate Theory several other officers. Rottior .. . 2r1 that she &mold be alio to eery mom doe the Theroday follooleg -' Nanking-tote- r out mote swot hoto had mote lama otni4mt ease( drew tbe body trona the er ots.&Ifound 7 41 r .10 The her Imappestreare yea lemosigete4.1 She' said that oho sad Urn tire bour at Mrs. Mariana-ea-r shay lake 1 and sent 11 foe tri-a 21 twatil. a. been out Ile 44 1.12as NO porous wham oho -' ell bad day phymician to ..,;.14 , 4:!,1 I make an examlnatioaeity NEEILELi (hoyessia notifiod Mrs. Cook that obit would but he nthetantiation, timid be el 4? ettlees of it... Tbs body tusd wee booed le big le find tests ries tglikto delight' wew twat moot Thy,' t000d ITO to bog a hall too& roma. rritter the slot geed 14 ,, ,. ems litsfurgr $t I fishy clothed as when Met coon ea the discovery of the alumina i' twat, at T. W,. l.. A. a tow days otter lb led 1)01 likouts of Pelt talus teem lead tosod 44 42 tioditv lett", .01 life sled of Oct. Last SOO, 0111 OW.whit the 011011P. that ohs bed tepee von( Nor eboopeooratiro. impeach et the likely 'sums 11. 01 Con of her ty le owlet tit lAtrangs 1: ed hat rosette which was hotome the morel et Amok , Vite 'forte Late Wars the t 4 'eager otkating Is Plarotart ft &today Ineriting Athos Samos as4 mote eurrmedittg Sett Lake. Soothing littutetrole. , ti: wino. la h tor bet alecere body coesiteeted by the 0 Oar 22 bats St .4H1 Ifer hi gle black Moos were alma un- mra moruingotar mall Juoiettes Vetter lb. direetboik of lettere-bri&hooded church. mod. awl 'Mr hair was dieetratige4 ..... I. Waohierian. . proem. II I liom look limit shoo fiber. criminal hag thief Arpely 'Koreas Mee Whoa thewoollier!' pees re hofing flaw rooms to hot at tephemoe. tt It Is .01 sad emitted with med. Tao bony mks Ir. W. C.reterood Seth Mtge Kee's ssdil lilts Marge , a wl, otoik ra or. sr holt brothoca thrwath year ewe& when yeair hull It ift el Sail lhak eogetr. four meritA.. arbirli oho bad was remarkably well preserved and 41 eeww s If ti wfteld split. feet nob e 10. fission under the Itemise were firm in the rseresise teem Itnws Korot'''. oho has a totemMe esti" useute of Prove,. mono omit lloy to to rood" boot the 11 ... tbe Kano. I 11 wore (stip when last mos was jeareirr le le11141 a. ever lasepiO eub4 Itoo deed morels hod Neon Iv 114,1t sod earsatt Wing to Itivorotek r. At 111 teeter& litillerehhoo of e 4Splity sheriff. erdwured that the ace .111 foe bee Moths& ...lit Pulaski A wrist watch lied St bar it elewe ww, lb tertinnlynettoti. eneged. Loa oateceiriblie es the slight ; too k Wodllors 41 i4; pools she 'totaled tits T. W. C. A. erf&-- the foothills sertk of the city &dor- down by at 2:41 Irethe Wray iciock mopped elvint pale, I vevally terri. sake bwr iisereorksso deeptiogersors edge I of theluded indicsting 121 eserek the 21i It011,41 that robe der. Irbe at le tbo cid barge 104, 4S IS .1 that her body ha4 entered the water was ggitig to boy brothers boors tor a tory between It's gravel one berth of Mot the driver had proisility take Iftt, it .. Cotton Girtners - . Iblelero4 I. e yeas. whlt ofetteol, ttittot the I. ett At &rimed early rooming. Tim sloth 'tau sad would rotors le Ike Om shy sod east to Cite Creek memo hoc tote a hewn and tried to revise illba4e with of oneetni& thatter tests Poet raralog. her was reek et Pittaltootta same the Lead in Big Output 111 Ilesommed field seemly. of bor. bet talltiss la these Wert, 0..4 oPoittarit Otewer el 1100 Pet 1:I 1.0 material as her At I erelock Sunday bight. OetrOaer . underwear. A cew,; ed Preee Irtemkty PSumtpitt Malty Cwt., Sowi . leelood final Mame. take hoe hole S4 thresi M tote the 11 42 24i t Pew 111 armies lemeat le being bald before IT. Mho Koroos woo roPertod Is kayo tbe ,1101 the sere yeeeeelegewill blolevele es it l shoot threet lett lettere elst a he kis atter tbey 161 boys tying tar Itttootteitt4 Irvaltat le IS left ibo bent of tber brother. Torre IlL tleeesoarets. .tt (re. Judge Williams Seger today. ipreweeM le, creep, et ft ow-so' 11, seek to sere the persevere el irei,,de 111111StNN1",, the I -- .4rottols i Ille Dexter street. with Ms P5p41 City bay. r 0.1 IL, 0.111041 Wilk .10111,01r. Idles once Lemma sad her sinter. Koreas. of Of OW ased The Stet that her ghee nee. entered. Noises. Mail. Ui 11 Aline Item IP11 Pt. oi Etrow4 or hem befte, pail,. &oho. privy lo Nev. 1 attattotto. 10 event rsturabott at boy I. Roma to astit 41 rents 14 Lake I IMO gybe aroma la and hi T. W. C. A. hoarding Arouse at aura disclaim& letsght hole Ili 1,111,11: mania 1,4 Ira rattl Neva K 1lerniegeter. IL )4e. 4;a4. tettotylltst 'proles,. eete pee.. Pt. .1' .to siered the OIL If erk boaPital for 'nook loath Pee r4.11 etek lore los ettObtele. Ifreet 04 half hip 104. ill h te b .41,.1,...... Ferro tile theory. sad Third toot otriorts 11 44t .04 nurse tratahsg. After their 11:1 veldt Fit gee ot Owe foot tit Otloa prorolot I Pap rrePiPoise 144 Koreas tattled sere rashly letia4 graduatios Nor brother said Ito plarod liter too tber, toommenna , 14 trtaly418.4 It 111 twbloo of 141 11,111 , Cue to 1.10 is "lomat.' It IrOtt' omit GET and private Mott' Fare erect ear at Sloth Woe sod pta itloIr ottltottts agaged Ip000twools albPOI bolPf teloter tied amid that ahoi knew Atnottett.-141100$41 10111 1141a. 01 .14 tot mom& SSA oat $te jote te be pitat eit - lei Whim Pa Ike lt la 04 oths,tdimit Lake Ilmellns tore Wt. 1 Piqlt Of 21 et egothgert ts 1th It Imo at's111 roots at COI rier's. poitpw. 6.4141,1. heath h depart meet was firm organised. Iroortit North 110.04 .01 It' 101 s leder loati the kat Is .1, oft ftstint roe t. riot tit New I. Monger orserotog okra oho fella to were lira of the first aurae" IPI : II. vritittiritto hod rowneitted 'stride. She goad that Ittiststi...to 11 attitetng balm trW4,1141 : Hue cull t . fosterrerether. Mr& lidereindI venlig-1mpaint o& Whet' the smoke entered Om e ar. her tOr Ill' Of Of toot lloorikose rtnty11 &Ira tire efl Mortise-t, teischoors. bolo. 11.11 Italy. et It 910 III The Original 1114....otituors . ,t net thee loolisted. tourney's to thii sr inquired et tbo T. W. C. A. sod r , 11 shirk idger Ester legit lege I elgheig. P Aphyksfa. 111.tiptia. ow. 1.701 bob4 at . es life otter Ito sematios. yottowit4atte1 ' tetaatatro learned that oho. Iliad semi to par 'loth! eh 'engem by atta 1.44.4ioritAtAt11 Wash, sigh famine , Miss 'forme arrifed ire Salt tette Prothor's borne tiro nista Wore, Ire t A Iloos, tit re litoA kuk, It,. had pur,4. WS0 tirtilAll tot 601 et o4 gm IndPosole woo loweektids 1 'Groat ; 1111 1011; MIS 101i 11Yor1-tefee t000kof that Veer rbartla. tt to fa s4 o sid 4 "1 "4 I A A from game. week, se Ovreber I. and had wet rotansoll. hes, I. tilt otorsting gess! Vvide Intitatlaa esti lebetittof bad bet truak seat to Um beano of MT& - Mrs Montlogotar sallod Mt. koetna bed gnaw' had remarked that oho tett Lostooto. 1;4,191i Timm.. 3,I11.11111,, Litol..A4,., "t v teen - 41pot ' PIAIIE DEBRIS Victor ,eco , ' 'air- -- BE i ' COASTTTRAllS iTO SAVE TIME it S 1 .. - ' 1 rod , - - 1 -- , . , , , --!- I' ,- - I , play Victor Ikgcords,-sp- edally made and similarly ,Victor Records are. made to 1)6,,'pliyéd on the "Victrola. No coin' bination of iubsti.tutes Will, enable you to hear .the great artists.Of the world as they themselves have chosen to be heard. Victrolas ,$25 to $1500. &w Victor Records demoilstrated at all dealers on ' die 1st of each month. N - 3 perfectly That instrument is the Victrola. It is ' ! - ar. W.,. . . - - -- , ,on... ' , . t- BODY , . Sure 1 ' - e "O' ot. ---3 - ' ''' - 4, - .., ..,,- --. -- -- -- - --, . - - .- i, it , - 1 .. , -' ' I '. o. i i l , ! 1 , ... - ,. . ' 1,1 throughout ; , , - I -- 13 -- e- e men-hav- .. 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