OCR Text |
Show ' , ,4k ' , - ; ; a ' ou -I - - t .. , i - . , .. .. .m m I J lik II. A.D." Ph tà 1111 II I II 1 1 I ,. , Leather , ' or HEALTH sERv icE , , f: ' nweblthhe ,-- r. rii , 1 stock. 4,, I. hk - t. fTwo . , ,.- 4 - , I" t .5' --,:- - - - '' ' - 0 ., . , . "foat - -- - I . - :le Genuine English Blue Willow Ware et. eo In-pie- $19.95 I - , Patters Pets- -. ; - , , i 4 .. ... 4 - 4, ' 4 I . 0 4 4 - , . rend I I , r blows Tb Is bawl petters. , , 0 . - ' .' - Pink and IL ,-- BOO $1.98. 'bus. Nese Sot coexists of S 1 AI , Dinnerware , ii to sad 25-tr-att ' - Dinner Set, 50-Pie- - tumblers and Nose delivered; to a customer. Pent!. . I ;;;;:a3 cL EAvnrxma ri ro i $29.00 ' , a Wool Finish Blank' ett, One hundred pair wool finish blankets . Large size., While they ,. St. TO $15 BLANKETS, $12 $9.19. Is with. rte. Sartre fluffy blookets eome side beautiful plaids, and y gra I, . " ,111 er r litht 1LY 'i , Da r111101111 at air I c outline china. Consists of: Coos 1 Crierow I Plineer. Tr Pet SWIM Bowl . I, , . ' . , , .,. - - - ' - , ' ' - ' ' ' 0 - k- r-' b ism, , .. , - Distrkt Governor of - Rotarians Banqueted black kW so toast vamp, ase-slasts wills Somber Losts boots. itsdorsi to ls ' (Special, to Me Neva) POCATELLO. Idaho. Nov. Id- -orFormation of w. Parent-Teachganication ires consummated here kit week with Mel Weed et bettertal wheel ceeditiono in this community besad securing greater tween the schools sad the parents Professor T. IL. Isaacs was cheesy P. Reamer. Irks proudest. )Irs. er end Unlike Halms. president; ressurer. Deeretai7-t- , RANGEL SELL - Fawcett s dries brol144,01, Mtie 0 otary. awl blue Car. Evelyn Toed. tie Wines. troaaarar. that argattlata flan trill mart aa otartgatia siimpaigs 0.1014 trotting treasoa. tbe Erse sail 34tese wul b third Weeasistays of each mosta St Mt MOMS. M tit T. W. C. A. oi Ethotys 0111110r. acting chair-mu- t Sill arraagHut masalimarattlit 00111111111tUde. west for estiming tho Mg a spirited Or of tas ray toot!' It "rip be las lamest rhea of Its Mad in Um stabs. Mtge Atte Moor alma Man Eleanor Pliessooso will captain Om Maass is oesseot tee itiosaboraltio rba sempaiga win aegis tomorrow sad eoll November IL tar-lode Formed at Batmo ft HOLDS ISTHMUS Mg Agenda lad Pram) Plusetaa arms tinder asneral llama Wraitael win aately bold Pemba. aa4 Dalbovo. o keys I. tbo Isthmus leading from to lb istatalaad st Russia. bl observant deviate General Wma. gel luta mawg le an4 12 Milt gam as wall as other hoary Mem, whicil Unee ham hem plaated la Protort tram thO Selebevikd. who aro also ma. castrating thair artillary Immo. Alarig enuaammt o CM-mo- zy tho werita-atib- e Vouch Motet &cram tbs isthmus Cameral Wrangel has ow abee-a- t tabliahed barbed why mi. - Womt Several boodrod mho women's flue quality potted boots, made with heavy or light oleo sad Louis heel& Either lave Sr bottom trim, with kid or doll' tom glows 614. Reduced to UPS. this special 'rico, Asorbacbs several of this asea s laws( stylo boots., loads of floe aub Parent-Telih- er - .. $2 98 At - M.N. .115elLpoike I ' '''' r ' - Execlial or Tuesday , b id trada lied or dark trey kid boots, sub.& ea otyliali bums' with Goodyear wel soles asid kook'. Louie, lilt I i I CROPESTIMATE BREAUMS f FALL REPORt ',A, tity , , .o.. intornatgettal Naomi ,.wAsitiNcrrozi. Nor. Service) i; erott I reporting beard of the bureau of crag; estimates today, mad public th fol:. lento eatimatos front ha tommpood; atm Cord. 1911 production. tombola. aa comparad ambeeholos Ibis average for tha 191441 1911 portent. Y.Id par acre 111.1. 44 compared' obit a ten moar averame sof , 14.1 bosalsota. Quality 1.0 par coot Imo, cross over averotto Prim of 1,,11.3 cents. Poreet potatoes productions 141.1711 blinhla on rnonparett slob ea aver as 4 bushels tad lel 4.1111 parlooL Ilona during par .acme 148.4 biashyla. demPered will ymer average of P4. olootiths. Qualtt, .1 incoare. Prinv November to 111.1 emus. ark Index of all mope ors N4 ember 1 eras 18,0 pot coon tom than veer ago ond 1.4 par rot more theral the avocado of tho preceding till. I rears Tb produrno index is 'Maui 8.I por most moms Mao lam rmess freest Prndoctiod and 4.8 pee canto tame than tho storage Or the peeved log fly ream Weight per erloaaured banhat. 'host! I 4 peenda. ga inat .1 last one's asd Dji lb 4 pgiat avers.. (00. SI pottnIn. anstoom II.) roar and 3.I thole ymnr ovetnew. Mork of old onr ono forme Novara-ba- r t maimated at 141.111.004 haatoola I (4. par tont of 1911 crop) compared WWII IA bitsWw)is a Tont an entI;. I tsetse I Potshots teams of. Pt r Wow SW y0ers. I. .ffl$3.e - - - -- ii - lb ta lig lemmata The hapeading whom W dreadod hi wilier. 2.11141 lowboy io wit It oty limited teed. Milo Motion, and (Ohnotiel le Tint Nova) we toomeg hare authored. A 1ob virtually rocArrtzo. Ida. Idoo. dollar is womb &LIMO trubioe at S. Priem freVer0414. et the Twentieth sal la aohootopel tiovertbakoo. pros. Goa. Metric et Stoner, Webs. woo Ube valet oral Wrangel trombloa ',apes ei beset et n banewee Elven ht Kew la Soviet Asada 'MI wet hi his fa aide WI Ileteretty Wit Joo T. Tosad. targoo 4oar01 ....riber wad taatookaator sad teeata were even by TWO4,311-I- r PATE III1Orr131. HD. yam. wean. primatemet of t Oa Meal Spanish Fork Citizens -no OMAHA. bN Pb.,, Nov. snob. Plots Iteetire. itoteti aneretary VrASIIINCrrt)M, Nov, t Solo of th Nate flyaway eoesmitisiles 110414 .4010 , 04414.40041m Wool All Work irk Beet Fields end pewit of teener. . reefMves MI teenota:rine of pron. wee minttoil by toliorst finer bow N OM Meg chatiO0 M rrssip I. Ube,elitirvl, At its et tilpeohall lb lento trim amirormine a xygra) every Plenary peasimiror nkto tant44. Gott rarttle Stommobts poln4 l Okla visas. Tbe toot virma .J'AI'ClIttl IIVIIK. Nee. 11,...411 bole' 'noisily to ettendasea Anowne the gyeete Paler tow 1111.11O.11, Itettlininto graft, Jettbeet6 burner tot too ompogiot by railroads operstlet Is Pt- - otwomeeo4 toSay by the shtenteet teem wow hes. 40004 Notertet on ot Idado. . bear& roma omit SA MAW owl -seethe pat 1 . i4 " o - in ' boos ' 4 -- h. ti , 4 0 WoraeoW la. r T. rot. ortorlow of um, t.. D. S. Rushee.. sotheos. Rao saieoossel bio roodidarr tor me taboret board prone the reorlb peoreset. Is 1,1te dietr iet ere two It be elected. ,teto So tootteeed DC,. emote &bow,. tele was apostate. So the pines ewe easiest air ties tosigemetiss of Irtli O. rkirnytt o4 0041 So Saks' the pies. of O. A. verges. Weise e- be dleirtet beech. a , 9A5 Libby Mustard Del Monte Fancy Prunes, cans $1.35 Dacia Brand ChM Co 2 cans 25c Canoe. Jolly Theo Popcorn, 10C pkgs. tionorbseloIdate Irkmor 1 . ''... ; ' ' II - 114.00 for 2Se .2 Jars 25c Announces Candidacy For City School Board '''. I. , to $16.00 $12.50 'Women's $6.00 to $8.00 Women's Colored Black Kid Louis Heel en's Patent Kid S11-9Boots .060 8 Boots aBrtg , Vacuum pack: Can, $2.29 2 pkg. 25c - sorviama will bo . . B. An Flavors. rm." r.twun.. of p..11 PEY elloranr MI ad am Mertrie tomcats. Med a pea-Ti- e atm et bankruptcy stab the rultoll Staten dintriel court tkla Enerulas. Os morte be Mabee' M HASS Is le bm moron'', polity Aid till porombei proportr, etas tioUltalos SO gibe OS. IlIe wen" wheys. Ho "tamp; 64 megawatt II too total remota PrPortl wool of tITS. - ' Sego MIL, tall cans 2 $108. baniaboaltall tp. me.sglurary,t C111111,1411,1. lire, Shatimon eras bora lrebelearr 13. ism at ClaioabarL Ill. Ebel 'cos betald '1" Jell--0 J. ; 0 6 ea their' ossralle sod smut Into the beet tbride to aid ta barvasing the ovortasea boot scrooge which mill is. males to the grotto& Atter a womb of peer. ettoadaseS 1st th. greeter 'report of the L. married la Richard Ilkaatioa. Jena larger be staying out to dig boots, 37. Grant. teals Abe COM141 wheel sathorniel decided It wee betith bar Ituabamel be Salt bike Is ter to lectors soother boot vacation haws Iowa here swor ter thle week &Ad thee atter tbe hat. 1$1. smi Hee oesiSeted it le honeyed adios' restalieilre lqer vest tam again be raeoneed with good ' Chiefs at Pelle Pitt Parlow. sod gm all was wah the Salt Lake pollee dePartinerat tor treaty pews 11. Pocatello Business ' , K. sew is enth Amoebae eons. pear aa ibmwtotaset tespenmeialis t. boaWomen Elect Officers tog Imam ern that thee eight roam Other omnivore ate lyre Sampletera. s 434i:tat to The Noma) Mrs ilortnida lo Dauer. tetra ad Her. POCATELLO. Ida, Na. moo L. 1111116,11 and Aire Irlotrooem 441' Atkin. 01110; IWO 11014160M O.' A. ',snipe. all the oloottes of NMI Bertha neeoad Etat otroot. twasorted 'with former Posnock twenty sopevintemhank-OrMomenpamy sad FL 0. leat of schools. IINOW savaged la Um Parton. El Centre, Cant.. aa4 a Mar. floral allotment bet a. its prosktont of Mrs la J. al Omit. Neb. Protossionat Wontthi Illistaess eies Mob of Pocatello. an4 Nias Claims Bartkrwpfey. 1S 6'1' 't ii-- 5-1- stoestirld Imoy. inoo wool blankets: Pleb sad white. plaid sled troy. bitto.borders Estrin wide sad errs sato November sprtem SILOS. Wog. weight. Nooses. sod border. bor oak) prime. St IL : , - Jowl recoltved. - BLANKETS AT k ' M. . it IS 111011111111 CLUB $4.49 in plain gray and plaids. S4A9 $11 BEST QUALITY WOOL FINISH BLANKETS, $1198. to SAS weight- - Is "Toy sod Marie otoldm !Unlimber date prick $41.911.. $16 TO $18 WOOL $9 HEAVY WOOL FINISH BLANKETS, $5.$9. aad tka run bed ots raLin gray. tasty Saida- - November solo Wm AT - ll'a land ettlim China Tea' Betz, $6.98. - Unified. , Dinner Set, 1 I 4.es 4111"10.11 Alma Car10s4 of rivet' RooKea . , , SS 1 - , kit o, , , ' 32-Pie- 1 - . t ' $59.00. for 29c 6 . d Water, ' I - Beautiful floral design, Evert glees stamped "Ilariland-aa- Light Globes, Each. 15 ,. - ... - Woo 29c 'caPabeitl whit. . - Genuine Havilancr'.- Dinner Set, $18.98. 50-Pie- Water Pitchers, 29c PI wan 9. s, d..gn. 0' GrerA't ,r, , . Barrios for deirtgla , , , ' . , ' 't, . . 4 44' . 8, 4 , . . , , , . , - - , 4 r. . 1 . ' . , 1 10 4 , , . 4 ' , , , ' , ., . ' d '''IS, Dinner Set,. $12.98 ' 50-Pie- ce border 6 for 89c . , . . - 4 - . - - ' , $ . lintli ,.. Water Set , . , , , ''.$ r 0 40 Water Tranblers, I $5.98 $12.98 ' ratters No. d . . , 11010- -. , . . , Brews eartbse sloe. Dinner Sets, Pink Rose Design ,.........- .-4 . mei. Genuine china, Nicely finished. Nod 0 to a customer. No deliveries. elk. , 0 MO , , 11, .. Tea Pots, 79e, Dozen Cups and Saucers, 6 for $129. 111' t - Dinner Set, $995. : P.O. , , BOO , ';' a MP 31-Pie- ce , i . . 3r A (1 - Maser I $9.95 $18.95 Pattern No. -- , I 111 32..plece Dinner' Set, $5.98. Dot. , Mono Qrders. No C. O. D..o or ' 0 Pink rose flora? design- - Good quality loorce. - . of genuine 'thin& White, with gold band. Only ' 20 seta in the lot: - Aiwa" , ; - , SET - 117 0,......, 4. 0- ,.0 .$9,95 Wipertwo..Dimmer , "'a" 1 - .. Attractive Blue ' Border Design , it. . , AiMPIA 4,nm.mo, set rs "..... 141 t ,,,,.4., my, Odom. , ilb .... I t 31 pieces . ......., MIMEO Diana . 1 )44 ,, ,,. , , , II . ' v.daft, 00 x 1.1"1" . (1 - CHINA DINNER I ' ,...., ..,. , ,,- , , :;),i .i.,i,.., v i I "I' ; 111111111191r,..d., . .. ;..,,...... e:r hn SALE 't er7) IAro-he'- , '''.. . ,tegite lir, in let styles., i ..,. :NNE'W . rsp- Pali Lek reamidentif "mooting Pcse"117 T." frookosueo to tee shy. at it wieothid' today adopted reeolatl000 fosoring the orsonlantlols Oil a heatstoso basal et Ali Aorrociated Chargleo society to twee bla sod treoroeca tho thorlif work Of all oottelles AIM it alottag. tba Mee ',lb, tv.. aims poll,i ookuk, sit ipoft los woo r.t rr.,41.41,14, -, ...--. Ilsoineno tgott's tho city, . to P,11110Ill hove boos' awarded L000l br1 &Apollo bad bolo ordoged Animal', aid the board of Swesetwell reritestoith. ewe wo www, Julia r. ht. wawy Lilt Lobe oot steloysee 'Irby of time Compawrevial a4tolo, wit outlier- tr. E. Amorally an of, Irby. mind hi Omelet liartoo. M oat : hi Aaotatoot City lit is foe lir la sot to effecting sash lho lolls aPort la itogolhood am beholf o f Oho Putt Luke Pleasant. oreording to Mrs. isreetswiel ll of the sootealloo mason constotetkoor :tn onino1o1 folswook. M. Cohost. elate tillti. 1' "I 14111.41 "4'1 Irr...1411eitilit ?be (armor widow of llsa tole rblko! Is" rsw claim Oral takom at 1114 first o if les "oriel food I he othemr ow,. aott,s;lx. . Parnsatorfat. a nt ro.e.pro III Of tbo chili to the ter men1Ins tads eon boest Istaitt owe wbbbilewr taw "u'lry nor C. A. month from Jule IC Ow Ost if iwtt11,4 eorsaterttlal elutli today . 41.".4 Ora Off ta 0,, 141,11Pfit6"t4 a Vorooloort Ir dooth. of the lallelflolle Nlymsto boyhood's Voteoe. too 4101 the Wont, tod'el Vow. ttellootti was a veteran of nor Mon linee to flog Petierg Out ttio of sot f Attifiedit, sPhoorod (Mao wars gond this se meld to Is ono leoW41 for Ill od000lso tomes Ow mar,. 1 ofed fat ih.ell eto ofasolostlOt So hod 40.tpoll' 1Pcr 4rtor of tho outshoot peewitma hoed of buffet., es Aatoloott t t.,a d,...11,1,,ag T ,t a geoort....h,1 19 be Meese' by the Utak 4.41.ostoo 'month. roe ol i he WC iiii pm trfher000.o. wows :I0;144 IA Ilse nroal 16n Lott, liner firmPt,t beina a Itttla Mgr lobby 'ab" thi r."4" b. eooe go soot Yolk oho fillet04. I tell the of I 041119 th hrwstt narhhk. ',tail's Volleying b &ball le ell, lb le 'wet lia bl, lb th,"0444010 Platte tarot Intl reeeleo I 2 d month 4,de 1Poeroe hi' C-- lc lislomm befogs a torte tittaart..ti,it i grid INotmolms04111'41 4. 1111.treat North Cornmerrial a AA ssi.4.0 ammmo &AA ...pp,. h.o ho.oreoirtoot of the tfe lit I be club. that , ., . .. ha le Profti11 etd AbOripilw lo boll Its ht. owe Ili o Iwo ' 6"", sr1114 s 'ocelots otrohy aril abould Motherly' Club Will la fell, Of tho moil, bee mo,,tod iwt po oped loti mot to moor di- - nogiud the body of la. womb( MO hitt Wort and Hytti4n4 it Woe efforts of to rhea to ststog tho , itord fet I . ' eaoreloog south A.; gooreevoloold to totrobeee lb tho sow wwwoloo weer iho tomi sooloetrol gertilooe throoghout nip Maulaf Mewling et tho bolt had oes,o, ...row,. , tototory, Lobel blethers' stub will be bold Wed.ithet leo service warea III. of tho 611". hot 'mot. woos, elf dot. Tlinho4 Of tba Chia Canty, et (hi li deetorod that the hoes arttitt.d ad. of Oak tole 'sad tho theirotta ofsem rosseeteassoes. p apc tire J. M. Jew,' w ill habil skull, roirobs, aatar4aV 14 Vf."4 la" 1hr heard of lli the of tho program. whkb witi ewootot of Pre"' la P'1111 a rtvk met'. 64."1" 1. ""b.rbbill a diornootoo of '1Itivirwl and 140tol:"a ha a"fal I pesos, eolothod Ike hills 4141 elsa- tether awmilara aihnnt" of thi ..". .toort. estiilio I Th he's" W' 11."4"4 "14.461.1 1"1" lee "Side per 114 at lairaaa . R. s'eorws.7111 be Mr T. W. hlookin. et Illa emtbabwa he the neeitte OUP Meebrat Aria Wort, y ; V" LA 141 what the toustistost pesos torero Iretv'ert. 0"6"1"11 Peels fewlfoy. 'see ewe I Returned to Idaho. 10 be rhea 1.1..4 teem, reentr Preeeeelet ter She Oen lathe 00' ats.r hoarse, aorutor looking rorpooria, fleet. ' coo tarroarior. It roars old. oho nothing whole MON allr 110.1.. light !all, "14111re ,, e . ls .. 404,014ed the their leyelety 611 as ',rowel eelerel tire. twee A r no 1, a ao or boa , 1.4 moor I ogr Wile of Form otary take" le OW Aethefey. Ite, AverfteY4 hove et the IMO apetaallI. at I p ie. IA Oli Ivo" Called IP- V tillt1 hf Ve. It, 1..nomilt. issportostese is twrin taollt I. la fill p rh, pm..., i 41eet 44 the leohe tedeestsel Tretelhe In116404 la torte Si oshe.4 The hey le solit to haw too theta rrwell at the Porte. it three! ht". Nettle totes. Itheroson. raise' fret the darsothatle a ate "alsotee of P. the resulted. oirt. Iwo ad perpard to parka. Ws ' ,Iars. le of this year. op the Ms rvslo St no vtiboc ete, 4 , ".64.1" 4 !Is" 1411! re --- --...--, itarasesoa. eteriatea nos ttaeo toreol 1". Sql nor than It's A Greet We! Aelt poor bee. roves 'het tho 1.01r. 11111 by tree ?sort. 014 le q" 01.111". bendAsh. MI ta St P.I. WI Pout. irtrist. Peter. cani owl totishma. . .. ., . .' to rt.tio. C.11et Auerbach's have thetlargeSti and most complete line of Dinnerware to be found in Sall Lake City at most reasonable prices. ' s tr 5. v114 , , - .....-...- ... .. ID xo- ofronm " ::Lmai , , . , . .., ., . t Up , .., , , n...,17., a Plates set coludets of: I Plates I Cape 1 Vesetable Disk Saucers Fruit Saucers 1 Platter at 4 NNO., L.4 .-1 i: : ,... - Carried in open 32 Piece Set. will 11.1 . t - - , 1, iggil, ,.: EI - ' - w 111041(-.-1 r Blue Bird Dinner Set , r, r- MIMA an', I Ezell-abbe- ,t .70 ' $150 . 171. , - "TIZietral aor,4st - t - i - rub ', . N : , , ,as ', 4......-- --... ' I. , , , -- ' ' 1Z4r.$ ;CU , 49e Associtnati t, t - C - ci(,,,,r.di.:1:,,..7--,- Gloves, Ilw 41, b STATZ ?... e O. ' Work o, island to permit the anl ors ot to he killed. which would outerlabia the largest herd of Moen in . the United Statesz Public Clinic Will be Held- i The buffalo hive ranged on An Island rensmed (reeently 7, Here Nov. LA as Line Sea- - telope Buffalo island) for many years. The raised exterminate them Ms to pan . Worm ot protest from the American sion of Convention of aHumane mociety and the Mete fish and ! game department- , medical mem The state board of livestock corn.' missioners approved the protest of the , Commercial club and promised to as. viol anV movement designed to save ' State and city officials and other t he annmals. Prominent citizen at luncheon today of brand Inspectors Appointments ' et the Hotel 'Utah discussed the open. were confirmed at the meetlhg of the lireetock as follows: tbie most of measures morning in the One calque ing I ...Thomas B. Jones- Spanish Frk: steel! yet taken in public health. J. AlOn..0 Stookey. Clover: A. B. At- -Citizens of Utah are invited to a 'big wood. Hanna. and C. M. Renburc, Mt. comma clinical public sessions of the Pleasant; Wiliam L, Johnson of Ver.. to be held ,Nov. 22. under the auspies psi. resigned. of the American college of surgeons-lir. A. J. Homer, chairman of thewill preof the college. local chapter 'Ng Of sTATE FllEss - side. Governor lemon Bamberger , give the address of welocme. Judge Harold M. stephenj will speak train Frank- AT IllgAN , the viewpoint of the layman. and J. lye Marun, secretary-genera- l. . Bowman, secretary of the American ' ' will be present college of surgeon ' ' (Special to The News.) : from the east to speak for the college 'anti two now' surgeons from the east LOGAN. Nov. 2.With some 20 repT he will have place on the program. ' legit resentatives of the weekly newspapers etise itself concr clinical , Of the Mato In attendance Abe Utah throughout Nov. 22 and 23 with only State Press atmociation held a lively ',the one public session. acto is The purpose of this session semen hem today. , quaint the public with the fact that One of the features of the meeting people should know store of the mean. Inc of lanes. snore of was the judgielt of the newspaper" of ' methods. more of holni;a1 the state - ntedical symptome14ot air to general appearance. standards. in order to demand the eta. Two prizes. were offered, one for best of ehe two last named in ease of illness. S. T. Alien representing the the best manner and method of handAmerican college of surgeon. deciared ling editorials and news. which was that few of the laymen knew onoush of awarded to the Iron County !locoed of Cedar, City, by the judges who were the symptoms of disease. "bid you know." he asked. "as you representative newspaper men apdown the street today that one pointed from the staffs of The Deseret out. of every 49 women you passed News. The Tribune and Telegram of i Did Salt Lake. The second prize for aPCr. doomed to die of eancer? know that PeaatleallY vete' On. of pearance and life In its makeup was won by the Vernal Express at Vernal. , these doomed persons could be cured see powdong were oreomed over by if their symptoms were recognised and , in James H. Wants. president of the astreated in tisna.,,Do you know that t outside but near hess sociation. hospital A banquet was served at the Eccles your state 22 per cent of the &peewit- owe coops prove fatal while in one hotel at noon at which Interesting cent 91 per talks were given by members of the hospital within your rate ILIMOOnitiOTL of all appendicitis oases recover. Another banquet will be even to the editors at the Utah ikka Present cafeteria tonight. Agricultural college ' Re then explained that the present idea of the American college of surgeons is merely to ley the hands of the Sales Martagers , profession on the table. tts show the Effect Organization public that it has a right to kee l something of the treatment and cure Of diorites, the standards of its hosWith a vtew to effecting an organpitals and then to demand the beet. isation of the Inermountain Males The present crusade of the organisafloe in its 'ebbe health eetesios is en- Matisirees association. Luther Scott. Products tirely financed by the college founkA-ef- manairer of the Certain-tee- d ' lion end be stated be is here tn an corporation. has called upon managers fort to ese that en the OO11111( of NOV. of sill sates companies to meet in tho of Coromarcial, club Thursday st boom, kt. these shall be a packed nous esNovember II. The meeting will ble in Utah's limpet prominent citizens, can ethos prothe form of a luncheon... the those epread pecially 1,40The association already baa an aa pagans,. for bettor moubrail and , The mats oared the service throughout -membership of 301. moot of Wins to Pisa finenceerinir aligns ars Teeniest.. of Balt Lag end into toe Ogden. Others AP frOnt various cities professio n. entirely INI0 that hospital' hie- - in vials and Naha.. background. ..... ' tones of suss ars kept up according . to the best methods. to in$ist tbst boo. Salt Lake uP I. actentilie labor.1 pitaie hass tnoroughly ; atones. efficient math and honorable' Married Pecatello . Lad conapettat men OA physic......i. anti It believe east seen Poo- - . surgeons (Special to The N1101.) of them resits the necessity than, pie POCATELLO. Ida., Nov. Frank pubdc opiates will iteeti bath heePtter R. Itierma. manager of the Irish 11143110011111 gel UM billthellt Stan,. and up at Lake and Typt.,,,nt ' ..rang. pait &nil et Scutolofr"al ettic"c7. . Miss Helga M. Hablheritt. also, of Pan Pretest at shoat...lam Labe secured a marriage limas here Prmont at the arealoss today were Saturday and were married by the , C. C Ittir. C. Pt Cleave, at Oa Congress.. Go.. amnion xambaraar. 'gayer Moses. Judge Mennen.. Supt.. of City Donal church. It la understood from cheek" tklitge N. Cull& In Simi. local Mende that the romance started iJe A. J. Hamner. who pre. I through business aseocieuess Musa 0 Stauffer.Mr. Allen, the Rev. Henry M. Hahliwerk has bees a bookkeeper at aided; McDowell and Dr. J. W. Anil of novo. the firm which Mr. Itierma manages. . it was decided that all new moulher of the state legislative house, t Who Had eitould be especially asked to be prow.' BoyScoat ' To III oriole I 11114MitUf pUb4111 the nt at Stay Horne Found I Dun in future legislation they can bear : of Masa Karma , Body standards as'.. Is sued public health a , , . emulated The city ' by the relives ; . MOGI plincipals will also attend to la part. Cinderell, aspartame ems i ts.my 14 geed as public schoot teachers. 4 1. palt Lak, 0.1.rday. with 1 VIM begin at aame. ta Tito etilistitulicti at a hero for a . trom an; lb p.m.. w at a. ..torttat.d 1 a ettutels pulpits and by all. citric wadi heroine. For JtAft so the marl at the Tba localitittie "WI elm' snared at beans Is at. batterwleat t tgatiUmileas I prams will be eked to gate assistance' comforting lilt to - the engine et the campsites in ways tall as ' lite 10611lorg olto tool go out with tho shack boos the !reverser ant 4 Ow girls.. so Tromso Pratt of 1161 stayer end all other present snit twootoo Kam in riNit ram b. hold so to hearty ineerePertent. ...- --. Tromso to two h." who f7un4 lb body of Nurse ...nee pensions Granted 11"'41 a --4aartt Palk tallo allfter a swarth of &moot s noontb by '''' For Indian War Ser. vit , , - : - ' , tcu teskupthCe7mavrnret - - Claudia::: Efforts wLfl be- - mad. by the state board at livestock ;ommissioners to save from extinction the buffalo bord on the island in treat Salt Lake, In to an appeal from the Salt p , . , . A.m.. '16 ..,,, , kkk.fdk , - , , 65c ,..ww, - 4Zni4i;i4:em4yr.,Ae;,ru - IPIIMMIMEMIEW . 'a - ,- - , THE ,DiSERET : NEWS 316NDA1; NOVEMBER 8 19Za :, ..Mr.......... -. . ,, 0 3 |