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Show SSi T1,11- --- g - - , . T,P0, . . . , fe . : t. - .4 t, r . , , . , --- - ' - - ' 411E- - , - sDÈSEiliT NEWS ' MON1MY ' NOVEMBER 1920 ., n . - Matt,ta tit. . , - ssr,.t, - AMUSEMENTS Salt Lake Theatre . s.) "- I . .,. 1, Z ...)- - Thilis II nay. 11 dly :::, 4 - .Z- .. 7 1 - . ,,- a fur. . , ,- . . I. mr - III I tints you've 9 . stePPed int IRY PIvd. 1)14 I Iverti , ' ,.,,t EN' - a soap it litettl rt you?' IP , .. . t i "Yes. Indeed!' put in the Mod g ,, , .,.1-..,. , , cows . .'.stet; in! l'es . meta You .,....:., TONIGHT ' , 7 ' 7 ita' , ...4.. R.:limping flies 'it tillseeyou hadown4it . ' -- , ,1, .. ifo HALL--Taricouldn't you muddy your ' SOCIAL .. 62 SAYS , Phiyers in w.,?;;,, 7 ct hoovea. I'll teach you to isniff at ..., k 1 4i,:),:,,.:)....-,a"Dotty Reforming Remit." - g. , my friends!" ,.-,born into laid She her '.7-..6......i,',,,':' Beg. ip ' , - , . , the cow who did the first complain-On- g PWITAGESYlawdosillo headbn. ., g e.g..... ed by "A 'Attie Cale" and serial, ' MATINEE SATURDAY , with e shove - that lent her o -i , "Bride IS. " , (11) Ora There might, have been jalorgerintr. The Attireetten Salt Lake MT I sa, , , &eine lisely argument it the wise ,:I lb t 11bs t , Roe Bees abtottlatt ter LOEW'S CASINOHobart Boas , worth in "Fits oant Law" .,,,..........,.",... , ,..,, ; Whit. Cow hadn't stopped them. and JOBS CDRT PRESENTS , "Mere hors!" she interninted:' t ,' vaudeville bill. HE 2narriag.- of . Mite Hazel rangements. , Forty guests, were in- - "We didn't knew who we were snifThe Ne, I New York. Chimes sad ' PARAMDIENT. vInEPRESS--b- al , Coweewy . in the fing sA. A sensible beast like Dr. sloe. . Stringbant 'daughter of Mr. vited. re,',1 ,:4!', 4 Ist.stiteeeaI:i Illudeal , too hills and Elliott Dauer in Muskrat will understand there was to ,,c,, Conway prodt and Mn. James Bryant String- .,,,t,i.:, ,,,,,e:r A meeting of all committeeslor St no offense meant." "Behold My Wife," and comedy. lowered .1'" She her, : ... , a.,,,, ,tr'' . 1".6,' , ,s,.,,I.1.41:11 Ot Idaho Palls, Ida., and Mark's Hoepital ,. association head ! Charity I respectfully and spoke in her! It 4 ',C, ft" chmace. , r,r'.. 8 t tomorrow at 1:1.5 O'clock. AU inter- - explaining. sir, that this isn't a pond.' ,. ' 1,-,- ....4., t.. eorge A, snow, ci.. (hisi'city' tch"' Pitted t friends are invited. - The water doesn't run through It.1 AMERICANLoud Gianni in "The s g....,i,....,. fa I race this afternOOrt,at 'II o'clOc1c4 at 4 111W ,. ;isle :. ,' ri ss. . 4 The wind' , doesn't blow over itl It g ,.,,,,,,,,,k..4,,,, Woman" and Leopard comedy. ' ie home of the bride., The announiement of the marriage goes stale as fast as a mudprddle. ."i , 'Gilded Dream," maprEMA""""The You don't say!" exclaimed the doe-to- r. The groom tie well k ocewn , in Salt of Miss Elizabeth Harrison. daughter DIOS BETTY KIEDIRIOD -of the late President Benjamin Her- , featuring Carmel Myers. i ske , Hit it a graduate of the my mistake, One et the prieeteahs in Jobe Cores madam.; .Forgive Vol. risea and James lot-' Blaine Walker. seen trace 'If Gamble the of least I'd In muskni ,Sotda" and Musteel green Comedy. ...Lintel' Looter:. ',Telt 'of b! escrork.' a former Sent,. merly of this :city. ' in New scum. which Is the usual sign of halt litake Thenter01 Dere Deg. flet comedy. , e man. and at present engaged in Ye& is nt intertott recently Salt to Laker. still water...I wouldn't' have put Mil BROADWAY---ToThuredery, Nov. it. " Mix in "The i einem at ' IIMr. Walker made his home here as Rigby. ,,,, ,. t i , Hook End 'Lyrics ba'Irla'''' IL Earl 'rexan.a" ,"The Lost Cltr and After .. weddin; trim tMr. and Mrs.1 boy. and also after his graduationat iN,..; dad George IL Stoddard 1itow will make their home In , comedy,. ' from when was ' amociated college. Rigby. he ,I , . I Committees Appointed Ilea, hi Harold doh N4' 4,1' , with the Kelly Filter Press company, te A dative don ot daft Lake City. ' COMING. Announcement le made of the Mar- - now the United Filter Press company. I I New Year's . army of elegem damned mid tun. ',age of Miss Helen lialhbeck and Re is the nephew of Mrs. Idargaret r O.cratoro In EAU!' TAALKEmlamee leeter:' be. t makers that delighted assert ,Neelr 4ank R. Bierma of this city at the tIllaine Salisbury of Salt Lake. and a -' . Now. IL Voila for ame solid year at the .sliming -rangregational church Saturday night cousin of Mrs. L. B. McCornick. O. J. ! At the meeting Sunday afternoon nt Kalekerborker I RLPPODftOM&-4.1csili- er floater. Headed ''''-- PlayIf the Rer..C. H. Cleaves at Foci. Salisbury and R. W. , , ' Salisbury. by FRED HEIDER in Ma original l ers la "The Other lion's Wife," the Salt Like Oratorio society, com(t ' Ito,- Idaho. -- Mr. Bierma is the man- ., . to role of the "11119,, betel Mork, 0 4 ' ' ' tt b. Nov, beginahlg carof the Utah Typewriter Ex- mittees were appointed to prepare for At the meeting of the 'Utah State . St-- -lit( THEH 0IRLDs DAIWIZIT dr bemire. Since the engagement was Astrociation of Public Health Nurses 4, New Tiaeahr.:" day 144,- ot announced, the news of the mar- - during the week the following officers tiinh:oreguot , ' DANCING CHOKII. will social A the --SEAT RALE TODAY Casino.' lags cornea as at surprise to 'their were elected: President.- - Miss Rom Fun and Melody ' on Armistice be held by the society , riendS, , , , , . Korona, industrial nurse for the Utah , ot piteast " ti , Music and comedy make up most ot day. when the oratorio bt "Judas Copper companY at Magna; Tice MT's. TlIghta. lbdo to MAL . ,t t The ladiett of the Divine Savior par. Went, Stra W. S. Howe. corresponding Matinee. ado $2,00 new bill the RefreohCassino Will at the tifaccabethr theatre. be.given. pit will entertain Wednesday at the eteretary; Miss Mollie Ilts..superviaing l' Octavo, billed as the 'Unique Vo- meats WILL .be' served. is nurse for'' Salt Lake courtly; record. feVillOttge hotel. Mn. R. ,,4,) t '14:1:',I. : calist." hu an accommodating voice hairman of the committee on sr. Mg secretary and treasurer. Mrs. Jos, "' il - , rtegements which includes Mrs. G. J. sie Hammond. supervising nurse for itisssoltsisetseloselsollemeleot ytt..144'...trt-.0".that ranges from deep baritone to , o' -- - , a Volta Mrs. .t. J. O'Carroll and Mrs. the Metropolitan Life Insurance comi She across walks the soprano. high ,,16,606.--'oplawatima qutmas Ramage. ' , 1'. , .. outgo with so much of a nuutnhilt pant'. Mrs. L. B. Arthur was chosen , , , - chAirman of the program and publicity swagger that the audience believes her Ay' fl Vit Mrs. H. L. Sholnik was hostess this committee. Miss Ruth Hanson was a female impersonator until at the , "You'll pardon me tor ezphduing, close of the act she uncoils her long titernoon at a tea to the membere elected chairman of the entertainment e. : Nous club at her home committee. . p tato Entre wavy hair. The Simard Duo play the Mr, that Otis imt't a pond." wiktobionokOMEN t.111 in Ninth East street , , At the meeting. James R. Wallis, isetelleilliste Morris Ames and Greeley xylophone. and Pink snapdragons - were used executive secretary of the Utah Public Paw In It. lido assure you." mis good singing and humorous chat. ISO SID& WED. Lira "Nor we our noses," mooed the ter into an enjoyable act. - Joe Benhrough the rooms. The tea Health association. outlined the work 1 , - nett and comPanY in 'The as arranged with pink and table' of the. Modern Health crusader and cow. still very politely., -rhall Salaam oft Tboa, age Te)ePhone IMO ihrysanthemums in a basket. The clean school contest and spoke of the "To be sure! To be sure!" nodded Tangle are back again. They are OM Dr. Muskrat sagely. sour 111.1 .13rrS & been twelve. "A seat numbered, 'tests sale. for Christmas drint nos the hers other at before, plans theatres. ' PIECES". SOO makes sorry, fur.- But what's to be but their act is so full of real humor eel I SOO The Score club members .of the The Monday night club will meet done? And what will Tommy Peale that it la still a headline number. 1 Sill JACK PATrON St moo '' ' tniverety of Utah entertained Sat- - this 'Ironing in the board room at the think of me" Me was more em- There is a telephone switchboard and IP" ' barrassed .than ever when the little Ian operator who awe "the Hue is irday evening at a dinner dance lb publio library at 1:15 o'clock. O a LORETTA MARKS CeU Fee Particulars. ' lonor of their pledges, Nathan Nib. boy came squeezing in between the busy. when a call interfere with her. ' And a taaaaany et Ghia sea eel e el Warren Gilmer, James Vey's, by. The Seekers' Literary club will meet eows,.as though he wanted a drink, A transparent curtain allows five tele-- , ire," Reynolds, Edward Richards. tomorrow at 2 o'clock with Mrs. J. T. too.. ,.. 0 , 1 phone users to switch lights and show Li. A. ntwitv a Kearns 11111 Of Keyeer F But 'Tommy had Just noticed the one or more trying to me the telePonta(' Dagnes. Bill Madsen and Mar. Balms, 101 Second avenue. 2111 1 eau SILLY snoris cows weren't drinking. it didul take phone. There are curious mixings of In Ilopfenbeck. The guests number- I see t . Sego Lily lodge, No. iirf . fraternal him long to guess why. but he never conversations that keep tiro house in d Se. ' Company 1111rOtill TIARNIONY Kviosill Green and white, the club colors, brotherhood. will' entertain at. a party thought of blaming his slid friend. an uproar. Siegel and Irving. --The awe Oil 228 Wont and lentil 'tweet. at the K. of P. Hall, SS east rwbi. Dr. Idnekratl" be exclairneiLIGladiators" in a hand balancing and' fere used 17 decorating. Blaine ilia A gel wikrraot and Bill Madsen. comprised the Third South street. An invitation hit he aa Robin when act man do excelnumber a of Bobby glad 'strong Plummet Wag. yr as4 Woe. gm- I - lommittee having I lent feats. , of arrange. i extended. tO the public..--- - -, - 2 taloa . a -- worm, "whatever - aro-y- ou charge 1 , bentii. oaf And he knocked out' The feature photoplay, "Hie Own I I doing herer LORDONI see , Law." starring Hobart Bosworth la a At the Civic Center the following the plug in the bottom of the 0 At the Tennis club Saturday eve. program is announced for tomorrow: and let the spoiled water go w ir storr of the frontier country. l'ug, the.Bohemian club. of the e ' ad Coasaitay 1 of Utah. entertained at a Marie Hutteballei demonstration lock- DA Muskrats eyes popped at that. tersity ! GOOD SaD 11011P 011 1 et-leg nee tell you. but when Tommy party. The decorations were tura "Feeding the Famlig." and food I ,ous n true Bohemian style. the ballroom Ogg SSG Alga requirements. from 10 to I2, Mrs. R. turned on the tap and let the fresh "Behold My Wife.' adapted to the ..". '''' "n.. I hiving ben transformed into a studio. E.Dprius: aillinery class, irom I to water come splasiting tn. the old fel- screen from Dior. Gilbert well Parker's . I buffat puppy? was vivo& Martin 4. Mrs. Eva at it all. millinery low eouldn't understand 11110111111111011114 i Trial Toratateut ips loplenbeck. Otis Roberts and Loq clans from 1:30 to 1:30 p.m.. lira Eva He climbed up to examine it; he known novel, "The Translation of the II Present Mos. a Irvine formed the commitee on ar-- ., 1.7 Thomas. , .. - . ... tried the pip. with his chisel teeth. garage." is playing this week at ' the iftery Atiotot 'A' ak 'also frIsTres"pt. ity,Lettiost.. ,. . MK 1104 rageme sera. 14 o. and he licked the drops that splashed Paramount-Emprea- s theatre. Thooe .. ... tar alma Taos. reduced" offer; My troal elnallas4 El . on hie whiskers. MOO& low. 1 No, 114.. el reductid at dal tent has often Ile; who view will the picture agree that , .Tee seen , "Weill" is. rums& Saanadaa au 04 $IAS of itsomd a tho ast. rate 0 gin Ai of are the t the press agent predictions ' in a the from twig &boodrip asp no No maple otercior. ditinti. a mamas, a ' not exaggerated. If anythind. the ' sato and aura method. - . anatapantash same spring. but this is no twig. and Ws picture hasty is more abeorbing than thei no eap that's dripping from it. What book. Mr& E. immosuts ettenesoe la a and bri3lant It production , Nate 'altos your treatment' is it?" OP . at epee establishes George Medford as and II to wonderful tore it ohs, toCTornpou, HE . east tocloaos women others El- . reduce& & poem& It , , kat , t goy, .. , , nurse . sketch. .,.., a rather stately type. ... i . ,,.. 4' Dyck". ...,. Jour t ,' r. itiaottiraul;ene Boort and -& de, and feel Ens. I lot simple. aa a stady of the - da....ie.,.. ' Milton. Bilks mar .pporting mem- Nita. Amos Schmidt ettlitese..1 retail. -- The loefeer-- f matted your 178 --od bers are rood. be pounds would all Irock, differs will demonstrate, picture -- 1.01 NI A N STIIIIC(81 1 11:11 roved& , 7 somewhat from the store In bavinf tre&traent and I whit: 11 Grohs : harming for the mother of a debit. Toe may now print Ittempillik4 a . ',ogles iteI twist hire and there examples of olitit ante. The younger women enmity , which show the venni, tr: the director. ' Thom aro Jost I irrusimAir moire I Let uto 1 ' ' my ttoottnnt eon Inellate girl, who amid tho ILI., an .,1 of keter the more filmy frock. and 'dory . 11111111ES mot snyotpesoo. 1 DIES OF HIS you .. , becomes the tride of a young EDsPlittilictos hose rut on rather bouffant lines are 1 . ' lishman. Ile inerrire bye in a fit of Da. Matarewlevc, . I New Tot '' I Amu. 'I . lecidedly youthful. rh r II relirt .7It to Carreto hi. firrily. It bo a .. rase MAW ' Doak . The dram shown Is of white braced. difficult oubJect for a moving pictute. istriv., IL. W. E. Brown. 41 Yeart OIL. US Lut it has od satin, combined with plain white y 111Immo been and needled iP kiln and thrimmed with black jet Downing mitus, diod in the OMIT-m- y provides a highly Interesting screen WASHERS Mt , ELECTRIC of black and fringe strings tugle hospital at 11:11 pan. Saturday attraction. The plain satin fashions the toad& The bill aims Includes it carter De from injuries stiffsrod about throe Haven sad a oilmosalme ba04bIle ' tire back of the bodice. It is softly te Sold On comedy. "Spirits." presenting wheel hi was .ruck tbe clover to hours previously raped across the back. which is cut a . comedian and accomhis 4 .. , st ills lower than the front and the by an automobile stilti to have been plished wife in a screamingly funny Easy Tenni . Ain fabric is continued on to the Stn. Mood! Iowa by driven by Prod Talk eolored. 211 oast picture. and be. low the ont where it forms Tato South street. his Seventh emus Tmiutrpoirm ,AIXOLN..1 etoppod 111 ' P11. 1. Blue i'mtne girdle. The skirt is plain and Monday. sin1 placing the latired man Pictrm American. -- - machine 4ather short. - o litatimon Is it took hint to tho hospital. Exami- Big ley g f .i. The double train may be used or You WM Get i itveabalsa. mod flotiglaree al tint1011 showed be had suffered a frac"Tho rd Woinsa," playing the Lacs one or me. at side the Á 4 Seigle train at turs at ths baso of Os skull and Britt half of l'ito wash at ilia Amerkan -.. -Very , eir back Attar be substituted. bruises. it Toe Deal Col a lir imperne w trains will have preferenee - , kture. Adapted aeckiont 'occurrod at Third theatre., is s- Mg 'rho t 111C1111110 1 IMMO II er the wide sweeping ones. The F. South snd First Wost streets. Brown from the story by Stewart Igdwerd IMO ror Meath. . side was walking south on Iris West with White. the production features Miss atority are arranged at the CM. EEO Owerimol sorlb t BbiPPa-ootir. . PORTAL trier than in the back. where a trai n timicrato 111 Tato Louise Gleam and House Peters. sete J. E. Coon, ' aa cove imePosed to belong -was driving west.' Soon goad hi called rot envoy in Africa of a foretell Pow, A Nreg , r... the younger woman taffeta I. a , to Brown to look out for tho approachr. and John Culbertson. IlMileenWer grades votive evening frock fabric and bout. 'Irearvilobe Was. WO ing snactins but that Brown walked of the British (marmoset raspy. ' nt nese are in high favor. Amor. . U U. Brown is front of . vortex a stir. lively.. Is of passion this Illaribloss directly ItIrrillf Mlle !LIMP? 11011r1DAT sktrts appear In Min, of vivid by his wire. a son and a dough-to- r. alluring mettattimen sod a man who Jamtillose iressadiri, rbeimmileir ' little Drumm.. The IS mod SOINDIPAILIP Tato was trrestad by Usti Polk bad sever knows defeat fought each I (favorite wlusi. 80 h his on owls recog. other he a city of splendors end es M StentS but ions released 1 RALPH CLONINGER 1,' Neerlir ell of the on of invoollsottos evening the lonesome of wilds for veldt the Tamar, followIng (nem . dance frocks designed for the AM004111.0 liolitroes to A.4 Lite occident tho minstrel of a contleent. Tbe tame ,, WALKER ELECTMC are equipped with wes. It le lb . louedniter trottse par4 Wonsan .. . -- .; . Other SUPPLY CO. of some sortvery abbrorristrod. of the kongtrig In a boautiful story Industrial Situation ' too advairs. WAS. was. true. but emverthelees sleeves- -wornans heart sod lb greet desire a Ilona as 011 iddie Mot 00111.0.4111IF 0.16 led extreme decolletiure le eireolutsty a amen brain. It is a powarful storY lb "get rgoossagyeeows siso goo Ins. rod Luncheon 'Is laboe for the young girt NA amino the remain. tutd dramatic mensolmo ruonadw INE.4 Irepavedhsr 1S1 . ' alionnon. . one 'lavender taffeta frock recently a&m. MideMme MoMmrds, MOm.Mbm of Africa. bsekgound The Present Industrial and Tim istplayed was antrimrned except fot . other feature of the double hill Situation and What fries of Ma fairTiO and a girdle of I. Buster Beaten's latest go poreonally1 ELASTIC STOCKINGS Mitt velvet ribbon. Another taffeta Rae Done for Oregon. will be writhes and supervised SOCIAL HALL THEATRE ream was trtmated with ruffles of tulle : A. 0.1 carecrow."' It to something otairely so of , address try the stib)ect. 3 We Specialize in the sew of devoid in the liss. rennetl the committing eater. and whit little Clart. manager Of the Oregon Uassii- -' imitations which se so flan .roonga uhp.rr wietf grim' Illreogb- flowers which manufacture ts;ira:ds of artificial et Tikovemi sir on4 kiiinediar Illottamo 1100Ciatt Intact sea White Irevitine 0o4ens. band sag Willa. before At Utah AWN tbe On. aims Is tbk pictures and. forturry, v dowry MA TSAI ELASTIC nasoclation St tbnir armee though k rimy seem. without Wanufacturen 110160111isit tuncheon In the Newhouse hotel Fri- tho enotomary "balking Prmionnisroll toot I. STOCKINGS . 1. day. Nov. Tuesday sad rh bill rum today. I e ABDOMINAL .. POOLiorS Rood Smoot and W. IL Wednesday. ' 1 ,.. King. Oas. lambent'', and 00,-eleMATERNITY. awl It. Nobel nod other notables , . ,"Half a UTERINE be invited. 1 DR. )41111LNA1 MOSS large posters have been irn. . 11,,, Wier, Arnow l.mbo46 SUrroRrErts Jams Hampton's photopky me-Iwilt by On nonoclation bearing the Bet 4offiew goi.qi is to 110 r. X. Sr gobs 71nreos. a Chiusce. Truing "Half Saturday "Imes, Fittere Expert "Kenn Utah Prosperona eau Ws& Pili. Tit Aseettatoll Now ep (Copyrighrt, 19211. lipoiviiii litotes el teto- - ip Wet- :These pootore uM be used In eon- opened a week's rite at the Osm thes- BOWMAII COH. hil.:SKILAT:oas toarthity rof-- t lust ppitinp au aira tt put tta bia .,lanetions isi a pro- - Itrio . iwitit Inn bny Via School mot rolvorott, ItOodooto, ammo" Petro. no tronan and Oa bark ve W00 Tye owl W et n and will be distributed 1story of a toutes remserstion, por! 1,14 botauao thg gova made all' alma - Brooks 'Arcade Bldg. whew bio know (hal tatddn't hurt Pim. I ts' campaig what may b accomplished hoist the state. 01041 Lob41 teas o'er IR oa MID throng Into thotr drink. '116A-toottraying "bon tier tatd k. oavarely. This ,through skeet dootermissation. trough., Ito thought Choy wars WI that about a 'iv. Ott dittal wet mots of brains sad fighting. deterchalet" a 'brews with cooly hell ' to umskti gond sal be dem oti. Meeting Intim Asa Is soaking the picture Jame Om determined tei make , girt oftleii.yrtittY igit kinoten è RUA. Beinplos a did. It be s virile t a good and yds. lirmitt yealtwrs St Os f1r01 in the class of "The lipoinoro" , 61Med 111014 at moot Wry Mytotiowit Is Me .tsks:a mops MITI It stirs American Inmid sod amuses SILL 'NOW rt.airtsa atertatowil Ma admiration of trio A IDATiorA II WY. roams, ilaterday avowing Is 116 A. PARKER REAErS Ifor tour L rousse, taw Prim: lowo.tat otter thew pt. elowsw of Cluty tw. J. wocren into the picture. promoting woe, b4,41 toti.144 itro-tieP.04.110.1Mil A Imodeeseas a theme C. kirobiall. ',raiding, with esquielt pow". Ili ITU Ai ILamoompe et elbo Lade fittl ITIE LEOPARD WOMAN' lotrodorod Pr. J. Z that to appealing to the sintivers. The ldr. It Inoltall Plow I via,. Mahlon limonite Proaddlea 61t latop000ldil to Ibil Mom pietism features Irmo eatitioria We Vito sod Why.' 61161616. 1411laa Bich Soli WU Mary Walhalo sm4 K REM K A BROTHERS liaastion bla 644660 with tho htm....pti.ta la?. I me tot Ito ltadoor will trithibit not welt dada trreaue which . bill. fits the Weide featitr it: PetreDY DAVIS Ardstotice day ow 4 be wAyhaiww et the rows to sod locludieg Fraley. milldam retiehal lywritte-wesbisitway oar's.. A elannolly illsomothoS an letaatiment el toe Pt ha. jt oviAmy t ion KLASS It TERMINI A loon who two write o rood volume of buoineseo lo 0T11111 1 llio tibias fle it etatodo Licher. 61011(4 devil 41111oldwpw,ftit t Om ewysyseY.'OWCh.'. I RAKL VOW SALACIIIWITH WARD BROTHERS Vgaseweeit wiling rev required- - Only those who biro erst-clooI I a b yorv4.16. s . lir..th..y with a pry...oat 'no lotttimobAo (sewage. , y la got a .,,, ii, ords need apply. rem, ooly to Int..' post4 t4 el,. by ilkyrolmr 0..61006, 'llosolote I )1 orttoloiwilly by Potiftes ...it; 'lly eattrieb." by towtels Klotoall. Irstywe Cloves Kb Illayyrsorf -I1 twasANA Moon ar blob ikatio4ab." by K., 1' aoiaorr; lat. "04sty ALLasAw le ' 9 by Nary., ft. 11.ly.4tfly: paftr--ts- t. o.itlbre lust 'A7114171 My. 159 WEST BROADWAY , 6104 i .t lb' my yomaikt... loy inbli beak AAIA ALL WM Ammar, Lt rbovoist Ilrr000ttory. by ltiarloo Morrill. Ilbo Ireowto 0, flee sommilog glens 11 ( irises os MIAs Ogymovi Pwo ?re A 01661 Unit Maks tbe . ilikeld wommik . It W...4 ilt - . , - , . , ' - " , - ... . ...... . ..k- . , ' sEE ) ,.,,,...: , Irr?'- ! ' . , , - 4... r - IF NoT- . , - . 1 , . . ' ., , ' ' - , -- li t O , - , - - . , '' 1 V - t -- -- - -- For r ' - ' , at 1,. ..... .... meol--;...--- , , 1 ". - I ., - , , 1, flew. York and all - if - . , . , Storage - ht , - -- Ins 111 et' V$1.vIsw ' . ' . NU 11:11181--rw- ororrror P 'AT Fashions For Americans e: . Irdelc--9--44-iii- r P I , , - I 4 ji HOBART nut " . , at i -- -- 1 1 A, - t wicrnri , Nleir 111 alll && or, Thane at , IS ' ' - The It d htile Stones ni , .If 11111. u run L. Mar tt Eprisivill-Connip- ... er aSPIRITS.. , - STRAND : 1 , 1-- toe tees 'treat.) oTwo libmworg tor rielvmmis oa4 tiontost a GAMBLE l' ,Z , I Iv tii, i 1 fl - O. COonoty.' time POWs 1 ' , 11. fit 7 I , P I IN SOULS." Posentrias DOROTHY. DALTON and WILLIAM DES3IOND 1 Gaiety Girls' Revile l'It - , POotootteit . CONEY INLAND. 141OT , Connote's I p. ,, to En J it. to , , .. ,, 111, BROADWAY sew I. f rI.YtALL LA K ratscza Imst vreciE a tbeetteit tide et foe. trpweirtill epos I ! I 1 1 Om erreet , MW "THE TEXAN" Herself' Togo pvftTolle ip..01 114)OT upoIto floaere 7111111 Volt .- N i t t - voltam rgurt s. voro-surm- , s, TOM MIX "Dolly Reforming' -- a Ookto Ilsordlo. Ie. Yee and aril& CANTER DIR RATZW il D ',... ,..- Sts p ..... Thoit e ta.....:: I ...pm. - -- Mance at 1 , E 1 0 Barton-B- I I 1 rt - Bev !I err I : f, 1 Zoo-amn- ia 1 I lisn's "Me lesto-m- J I , 1 t. , i If 1,s . E. 4t - it liAlIWUN,C1 ji , , : tkirkitlf71 3 " " , L 1( II " - l '1 - ns , t - fp4 - VAUDEVILLE r - it, t t "HIS OWN LAW" se I IIN" v ra-rerl- If - t - 6 f' ' Irims, sutt 1111. , er I : tPI . .)t) (0144,v;"'WO) ' - , ' ' it , , , , ,T , I , .. , - . . , . '. . . -- i te. li a, I OVillittl F. - . ..II" 1 sal GET FRID.' OF THAT '' '.. . , 111 roars nt Bill , M. el a ::: , en , i es.24-11- Eastern Points at Less. Than Freight Rates " , ' . , Furniture Shipped to : ---- ,.... , eiOld . - : tlatemi . , PRODUCTION - AZ ' 'k - ..,. BICRILYI Presents Li Lasky OB I " , .,..., . 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