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Show - - 7-- - , , , 1.,,nomw,,,,.10,evoomodib, 1,PM11,.,,' ' ' 1 Ir Apr wo, - , TIIE DESERET I V N EW S MONDAY NOVEMBEII , , I ' , Ire-di- f - - ' - to-w- t LU.S. ., tht Ilething te tualutois but vorythiug to build, Tbs school Pirit to running high at both Institutions gad tho entire nth. dnt bodies will b 1920. at 'wefts clock noon of week for those in- Trish society which would instigate Saturday of juries. Dr. Spencer certifying that it reprisals against Englishmen in Amer-le- e said day, all the right. title. Mann and was upon his advice thet Rimier did of Doteadants said in the folinterest d if alleged British reprisals in not play. le Rimier wee simulating lowing describd Roal Emote,Ath not step. HEtEJ IN IC I this injury, end went to Dr. Spencer in' Dsirmund IWO on West of West i Lynch, secretary of the Commencing Out to largo thoit Ian iltfort to cover up. the conclusion la Street. 121 feet East and $76,5 feet ost. to the victory.. At BoulderUtah Y. Colorado S. ,Friends of Irish Freedom. said he North inevitable that he would not have from College T. Colby T. Corner Southwest the of svriti soten never tds Barton or k the Iteams At RenoUtah ASifies S. Nrrada 21. heard At Brunswick. following we tho Southgast Quartsr. Soction Eleven: teems realize too. (hit ing hint of bin indebtedness. nor At Balt LakeSala nigh 35. L. D. Mains . 1141 feet West 119 feet to East this set-t- o win no doubt be de. be bave aceepted payment under these Jona Kenny. memberof the execu- - North At Rochester. X. Y.Rochester book of Jordan River. Sly along River the :tierd eircumstanee' indebtedness I of division I that by to and 14. all 'Colgate Irish tive appoarUnited of the committee , At OgdenAggie Froth I. Ogden At Revertant: Bank SI foot to point due West from Antos the state champions. draft or check. Pa.Johns Hopkins 19 head toot of York New societies East and to A. A.. 11. Citybeginning. beginning. ,b bas been. conclusively "ThirdIt College S. NEW YORK. Nov. At OgdenOgden Met 11. Weber 17.AtIlaverford The Ogden publishing Reaction 11. Township 1 South Rang that in the series between Ver- -, of the 'Washington, D. wortga Normal associatiop's and Proved West Purchase price payabls the University,Athletie non and Salt Lake played during Hull company. also said he never heard ot ono S. 14. of Clab State Uhlifereiti Idari,:land freehmea heavywcight championship will between lu lawful money of the totted States deon Armistice "O'Connor"- or his organization At DenverColorado Itines S. DeaAt Charleston. in one of the week commencing July 17. lino. tortoni Va.West Vir- climb Zack Denmsey. champion. and Dated at Salt Lake City. Ctab eta' feature events of a day strenuous effort to buy off cer-- 1 clared no responsible persons would Georges ver lg. ginia 14. Washington and Lee gale athitttle ea"' madeSalt , did lilth 47 of cobs?, lett Lake and he Carpentier of Prance. challenger. will fr tain pay the At lesbAntlit If arranged 3. I assured such West by and playe'. Ogden organization. a such letter write PointArm At Colorado Springs7-W7inni11. In lie held near New York within the JOHN S, CORLESS, a game Played at Belt leaks two Maggert WO; that be attempted to get Valley Colorado College 20.- Sheriff elf Salt Lake County. Chase. who be-- I a person existed be did not represent Milted States. it was declared At Shreveport. La.Louisiana Uni- weeks ago Ake Ogdenitee were defeat- Stroud. dud At BerkeleyWashington State 0. versity I, Argenta& University S. "V ed.. IS to I. in a hotly contested gLIZIO. yond any question Wan involved with any society. today State of Utak; ; ' by Charles B. Cochran. Britieh promot- - California "I doubt if it amounts to anytEng. . Dorton. tried to got Spider Baum.' It is 40. By Ir. U. Mothers. Deputy Sheriff- At Threw. N. IINorth Dakota Aewho with William A.. Brady and Im- tr would Irishman unnatumlised at no waa made 41. admitted effort B. Wooler. Attorney that Roland Any At Thug far for season this 2. 7, theSeattleStanford College Ws A. Fargo gis Washing"Ogden Rickard. will the bout. , At Columbia. Mo.Missouri Ilk Kan- A. has rolled up the following score: this time to get Rumier. It is a self- mediately be subject to deportation Plaintiff. A special arenastags to vident fact that if Berton had bought for itch activities." 1.0gden 41. Boselder High Os Ogden 11. tBosemanMount St Charles S. sas Agates pateA. of first Publication, October 4100.000 perilous will be accommodate bad as in and he constructed Rumler claim. 11Z. PrinceNormal rd D., 14. 1920. Cambridge--Harvaiwebr At 0. 4 0; Ogden somewhere in the metropolitaa district Montana State 15. Utak Angles 14; college bla waft that Rumler would PROBATE Aalti BDARDIASSIIIIP Ogden 7. Utak fresh. him on and the bout will take place about At HelenaMontana 'Wesleyan I. ton 14.New , have - been the first maw to be ap- - President Prepares His ' 14. Cor- men IS; Ogden 21., Aggie frosts 9, ROTICE. At YorkDatmouth I 4. Cochran said. July Montana Mines 10. . hini In MO. The fact that 1 ' by preach 2. nell of Cuban promoters to carry )allure CoPOT the first time in not Rumler At Walla did Horton proves 31. to approach New WhitTorkBwarthmors At I. Consult footCongress or Message out agreements In relation to tinanc-- man County Cork rospoctivs that he ball history the annual weittern Colleifs la. lumbia 1. game between beyond the slightest question, signers for further information lag the bout in Cuba Cochran said bad liew York the rniversity and that his At FaaadenerDoctdetital la.' CaliAt New of California and Stan. never did bays him. ed Lamed the Nov. S.President to change the fornia unmitiare WASHINGTON, promoters Rumler Iford Involving charges this Cnivereity Tech. IN year. stithorities PRO?BE University 1. location of the bout, although New COCRT. DurryucT of Wilson has 1. tzar. will decide the Pacific gated lie", made for the sole purposeclub conAt Middleton, begun work on his annual hat& Division.. its and for Salt Lolls York fans have never believed the bout At WhittlerFomona 14. vnitt- Amherst , ference championship. The coast inJuring the Salt ,Ltilte baseball State of Utah. In the matter of game will and would be held anywhere but New York. tier , DelaOut of baseball.. message tCt Congress which win be County. be Runtler 42, keeping at Nov. played At RobokenStevens 29. estate of David Ellsworth Burley. Berkeley. the Admission. prices to the arena will At New ToraDartmoutk on the either day '. opening transmitted ware O. - . NOTICE.--1P- ho Deceased. made as low as possible. said Coch- nell 1. of petition CHICAGO. Nov. ;4! i,' 14, Washingspecial grand RIIPERT, Idaho. Nov. 8. At Syracties--Syracelision on Dec. 11, or on Daniel 8. Spencer. praying for tint Ipsu. ,rout. probably ranging from Ii to $50. At New 21,, Cohigh school defeated Filer high. school jury inveatigating baseball Saturday of the next ton and Jefferson O. altos to himosif of Letter. of Admims Neither Rickard nor Brady minute lumbia 1. 0 14. Brown O. football team on tire borne in which it the following day. HAVOIIY2141 final Its returned New report At in traria!' David of Ellsworth mented Cochran' Informal thaostats grounds stated that 'while evidence has been At 21. GeorgeSaid today Burton deceasod. Friday afternoon by a score of At PittsburgCarnegie Tech 42, Al- IL White officials ''Howls to set bas been bear$t for town Annapolia,Md.Navy I. ,' This waken four victories for Rip-ar- t. found that some games were thrown by legheny S. At Columbus. Oh10arishisas no- information as to what ing on friday. Out itth day of Novemt with no defeats. general they-ha- d , At BostonBoston College 24. Bos!players, the practice was not baseball ber. A.D. 1920. at I o'clock pm., at tho State 14. in organised O. leaders the and , Plana the ton recommendations University e. Room Court president Court the in County Hou, At Bclolt. Wis.Lake Forest S. Be. Penn27, above EAST PREY the to On Philadelphia---Pittsbube relied game Armistice day the teem will lour. may keep At maid Court, In Salt. Loh City, of It administraT. to but make to Congress, to Twin Valls to battle with tho suspicion. , bc11tCInitl. ney 21. Litho t Coat. sylvania County. Do polleConter tion ofncers expect that among other At State Mlles.; PaPenn1711ml !powerful high school 11 of that town. aritneos tits Clerk of said Court. with , . ilitsch interest is taken in the O. Nehreeka O. OGDEN. Nov. S.Ogden will prob- things he will again urge enactment tho sod thereof affixed, this fith day of Paltlyfit'uth Send; Intl.-44-4hr t barna State coming Lebanon 12. Interstate as a of a West a At member for Rupert will ably be large PointArmy meas- November. AD. ifite. victory reconstruction 11, Perdue S. of & number of ; O. !content. the. league next year J. E. CLARK. Clerk. of this or intrastate baseball At StadiumPrincstoa ,14. Harvard Valley Idaho. championship At MinnespoltsViriseatusin I. tinIf the plans of a number of the local.. ures which be recommended at the (Seal) IL W. Snell, Deputy Clerk. 14. By commit-I- first special session of the present a nessta succeed. .1. fans 'Tuesday night V. for Petitioner. O. Lyle. At Omaha. NeheAmes'17. Creigb Attorney e will tamit at the city hall to eon- CongTess early last At eil1elltrOlni110111 IL20.'Chicago I ton NorthwestEast high gridiron ider joining the state league. k deleThis week the president will rot DI TRIO Dirrnicr COURT, PRO At Norman. Ok laOkialtouna 21. ernAt O.Iowa, CityIowa Brigthe to named in little to be will go ;found romping 1K difficulty three gation diplomats bate Divison. in and for Salt 'Ake O. ,1 Michistan. it. be held ceive have will ColumbuttOhlo which At ham withmeeting, City In Utah. of So Matter in arrived thi through the L. D. 8. team for it Se WILLI who the Washington County. Drake soon for the purpose of forming such in. the last At Carlisle. Pa.Dickinson 7. Frank1 to 0 score Saturday on a very wet and 14 . 4--. They are Emilio Estato of Martin Gars. Docossed.. 5, lin and Marshall S. a league. , 17, Ohio minister from Ban Domingo, NOTICE Tuesmeet isloppy Committee field. By the mid. At MilwaukeeHaskell- Ind 'anal? S. At Granville. Joubert Which will committee The M. Oltrit of JACK The and RenrY the COOK. petition Guaof from Marquette University minister Bianchi. Dr. Frank Julio Idle of tie third quarter the Gold and is composed of Mayor night day Oar for the admissim At Carlisle. Pa.Dickinson 2...Track1- University Tech 7, Clemson O. temala. and Dr. Octavio Beech.. min- Royal SECRETARY returned to Salt Lake Francis. Commissioners J. R. WardDr.an,' Georgia to probate praying Vander-buttof d wortain docomont Blue was scarcely discernable from 111 and liarehall O. R: ister from Costs, Rica. of a week or more Chri Flygare. C. H. Thortenson, University of Alabama 14. to he the last Will and At ClevelandOberlin 20. Western purporting L. A. Glasmann. :the Red and Black, contrasted as the Reserve )(antler. Garrt. deceased Testament Martin of Virwhich time he will close S. T. during Carolina I, Malcolm North of W. Ellingson, Carl Peterson, University oolors were at the start. In fact, the At Alliance. Oh 10Mount talon 25. Don't let anyone tell you Its dif- and for the granting of Letters Testa., the club's biotin. affairs for the Watson. Jack Browning. L. ginia Military ofinittitilte 23.S. University up ferent. Its A Great LifetAdv. mentary to said petitioners, boa boon man with anything but mud to be seen Case 11. winter. Jack bas been in Los Ante lea Dyke, Anderson, Proudfit. Virginia Robert Henry University V. sot for bearing on Friday, tail leth 14. Hiram OhioAkron At Akron. almost COntinliklir since seen hero lint Arthur Larson. Jim Doom J. M. Tracy. :e him was not in the gams In any Georgia O. of November. A. D.. 1920. at two .11tate. of At At State College. day Villa 24. within Be of his time most has Fred SALE Carload. spent SHERIFF'S C. H. Martin. Charles York. PcGettyibuarg o'clock p. vs.. at tho County Court 20. Nebraska O. too of the distance Buchmiller Angeles 3.. O. hailing 7. Xova Read, Leroy Roamer. in the Court Room of. said Court In spit. of the necessary .slowUP of At Syracuse. N. T.Syracuse 14. At Bethleh em, P c Lehigh U. Null- - grand Jury scandal investigators and and Parley Richardson. in the District Court in and for 'Salt Roos lit EAR lAlis City. Salt Lako County. and Jefferson O. back some interesting dope on O. brings lenbers Utah. of State ;play doe to this cause. the gams was Washinoton Stephen Lake County. Utah. At PhiladelphiaPittsburg 37. Pennrtairlaleee College. 27: University of the Rum ler case. 1:4 F. Mach. as receiver for the Merchants Witness the Clerk of Ltd Court. ,istsresting and bard fought. The Gold sylvania 21. Cook firmly believes that Bill Rum- Boston Hotel Owners Carolina . Plaintiff. atainat with the 'eel thereof affixed thin III -- a Rank. Ifla- Sooth corporation. At MinnespelloWisconsin . of health and Blue downy Cry favorabla combill a clean will receive ler Florida. 14: Tulane. Cannon. Lewis M. 1920. Cannon. It of Bovember. Clarence S. nesota day before the jury completes its delibera ent On the plucky way they stood North Carolina State. 01; ,Resent Accusation and Quayle Cannon, Defendants. to be CLARK. At DetroltUnlvoreity of Detroit SS. and Venn. Mary. 0. attacks eg the much touted Tuffs Clerk. 'up to the eeeee sold at Sheriff's Sale Be the west front (SEAL) , Collette S. as it ft far BITMIng-"The of the 49; jury, (Auburn). Alabama inquiry once lying down Poly M. in M. . the House Leopard; Buell, Deputy Clerk. By door of the County Court At New YorkUnion So New York eciteerns- - the Rum ler case has devel0. (By Internatiofial News Service.) lid fact that the hall was almost University Pe- & for of State Lake. Salt of and Pleebel..&ttorusye Muhl-liviBradley T. d the County ' oped three different phases," says University of MississluP4 0; always In a place dangerous to them. BOSTON, Nov. S.Boston hotel City tlener. MI the lOth day of November, Bee secretary. Each one establishes A. and M.. 11. College 34. BostIn the fourth quarter the Leopard on-At BoottonBoston en- Utah, over , arms In were , today men S. three Ittamter'n up innocence and when the University At DelawareMiami, 1; Ohio Wes. team was composed entirety of second , ,,, are combined make any charge of guilt forcement Of a (Verse 'by Prohibition siting men. who while they failed to At Durham. N. 11.New Hampshire leyan,, abor creokedness against the player door. Oa the L, D. b. bad the hall in in ' " ' 1:',.'' ' . Agent McCarthy that "drinking solutely untenable." their sear goal territory most of the Coos refers to the three 'hazes as hotels" and clubs "must be stopped." ..... . , foltowst Meyers, of East started the coring "FirstBoth Bortoa and Maggert. The hotel men declared that if the when he cleared the end for the first who involved Rumier in their testi- law makes them criminally responsible touchdown after about three minutes mony. are admittedly guilty and have because a guest has liquor it must of play. Jewkes missed the goal. Smith 1 f , made so many false and conflicting give the hotel men the right tosearch at end. scored the next 4 points on statementa that their stridence must the receiving end of a pass from Hen be entirely rejected. It has been guests. demon. lewkes kicked the goal and the of course. If you aro content to there is no malady that gives more proved that they have both threatened mowing for the first period endedcan. Outside the ring we can be they have only relief from No $.8 many players New York Irish Office results thins 8.8.8., the involve would Great in Difference and Dewold accounted for the temps.oirar4 chascei could as them with the by any they bumble ltistactory remedy that goes seat two touchdowns early in the ereof smile smiled that controversinto sunny the Iwe bring skin then of down O'Connor's' to mares of every blood V. the end quarter. Jewkes scoring only the dimness, Condemns fiery, flaming and cam. right back with: the two Vernon-SaHeight or Weight, Alt y"SecondIn 11 flret try at goal. Jewkes added six slave satisfied dieonler are a to remain and out the germs routs sea-you I series at the end of the good.-erti- o more to the Leopards score, the half good. In the ring Lake to ointments, lotions and other lo- winch muse the trouble. have played Proposal Reprisals do our best to weevil. welds it is son. Rumier is admitted to Are Built I we eliding with the more 33 to la. though Fighters field-log 4e cal remedies applied to the surface BAIL is sold by all dru good ball. hitting about .400 and different- - We can he frienda" The only Other score was made by The only suspicious faultlessly. --at the skin. Parkinson at end who crossed the line "Roth fighters are In Pretty Clod, circumstance (By International News Berries.) taking it today, ant -him in these two Lines Different against 'Along !Zi 40 after a Real genuine relief from eczema, shah right now. Dempsey h lt a complete history et yard run. Jewnee kicking NEW YORE. Nov. B.Prominent series Is that be di not participate te the goal. a tha Oranito State. aboard I totter, scaly eruptions or any other your cabs, our sals- - director wia Saturday and and Gaelic orgsnizaThe work 'of Itiargolts and Barnes Condi- - training Both in naval training vessel anchored sear the games of Friday. has Splendid eerie& It tcrrra be cannot closing of skin irritations expert advice without for the Gold and talus was especially Ninaty-sigt- h street. In tha ITudmon Siihdyefthe Mess hers - today with tions was Rumier Vane.you incapacibeea that thaws Atiblood Medical Chief until free Tate . notable. Ortoa at fullback also played expectad your River. Ho boxes there with Pill you , tion.. through injuries whittle prevented claimod any knowledge of or 4:mm6- , a !rood game. and Sergeant Ray Smith noarly of the germs which mum these visor, VA Swift Labotetory very tatedfrom games and ; playing in these Parktueou and Beetle played the Ilse V. O'Connor" named in ' disorders. ba doos & lot Of road work him and "J. asy with tre. Charles ,nm was treated Ice this he It that by At4 well for the East high, Henderson at purse in Caotral Park. of Lae Angeles ea Friday sad London dispatches as bead of an Spencer ' quarter showed We usual line of first la Stoma arose tha jowls. An. glass work. la Ity JACK If MOCK. lack. but thats Mi. His waistline The !Inoue: international Nowa aperttne ittm what It should be and los is so B. C. 1 least Idish (St) 1 1 as walla Ms it) eyee and It , I ,,...4 NEW YORK. Soo. . Josh 'Smith Pay DetaistioY complexion Indicate that hal I . .. re Parkivraos Goottse estimator mum. healthy Wilmette, of himself. fine bees Ma titre taking . It . , Paporrarth pares pretty favorably mak the sham- and whea b gets into D ring with, Oilleapia , rt Darned Williams t he' Carpeatier he will ha as good Itsas bass' Van Colt Fox pion la ohm 9 ever honor. for was. If sot 'orbits the rival bottlers toot milk air ttained ki full growth and Is , , Reath, Pena,' catreer Iverson! their massagers and the promoters at sousurisat anon mature now thaa ba, , . t t Illenderrams eir.. Christopherson I moat aottforonco here &Jett aad was whets he Met Willard. Dub Worthlia t, , 4 f Meyer and catlike' stood up togetbor sad (Moses quick. Carpeatiair. IP. Weyer rhb Irvine tiorgoo : I 0 fastwy. is la good coadition. too. Tit Oriole could look almost otratgla into Damp t , . egos Thom wag a differ's), of Preach thauspion. Is street clothes. does ie Roberto for Rita. lotrailtutionsrart m), that le that set reveal Dm stomata'arms IP. Weyer. Oswald for 'Parkinson. get-- 1 beight. aad that a anaall oa e. .. bodied lag& In aid his marked between aboulders. the and . omitoat them; tow for Omni.. Parkinson for Overlaid.; Dempimege dark complegiee sad burly bet la riot toga ha surprises overr,Thrwaiti for HOW Wight for Par bulkt from the waist up aim coutraated an who bas 'en bin. bloomer. Romney' for Pottnn. . Randall! with Georgie' blends consplos- - Carpentier is raturaing to Prance to for Whims15 Pitt far Sillespis. bailee itentl moors ba on hand 'when Mt stork Melts Me siondor buil& , . Callature for Van Cott Cofler Peelle. t, lassepoey smiled like a big., friondlY boas on in etti Of aid& and will spina . fey Inc ('litTOW. TOISte? for Roberts.. f Irani- -, with his Christmas as the with he lead flora holidays boy Georges. for l R. Ilemer. Peewit for, Perna, n He will ba much ily and relatives. iirakee. Peers for newel( amnia for H. 41141 siva a hint of Go demon be demand sad after oiling whin, at his hem la Prase . Dermee L. rt. Pornotes for' ten to la tb hetiny. , for. having signed to battle for the remarked: Carrentier up Pa ow meth. A es, strong for 'Werth , AN you afford to leave any irou an Wooly big anougb. I camel worM'e ettampitmehip. he has futfilled Beesley for TODAY AND GET PROTECTION ' Whoa ere the hones of his fondest mintirare across at. sky great difference, COUPON MAIL THIS acorlowIrdat nigh, , s toortoldereal n et la Gore wo 11 lista as bard as the pots& sd they ars lea iota. atone unturned to guarantee 42). R. Covers. . AT ONCE. . , , Perklation. Goals following leech-dow. I lawitoo '' ' 110E11 AMP azalurramox YORE. t loss of time in f y the Refermrdalited. rumiro-.1i- s reit, against yourself Weed tileeenenieinwer. 4141111.4....es1tl.eom WOW. I SATUITAYTOOTBAIISCORES. , 8 1920 oommdbmoommluanoommemmommommmoo, Gaelic-Americ- a 1 - S ng - 41 -, 1 ' 7- . ' 4 1 - -- , , Walia--Mont- i ana Tor-ItUni, 1 Cogo..--Vresief-en lb 7 - . use x- - ;L t LI1 , .4, - 1 , ,. llos IThe I v , rg rollllos 1 - llos , ' war-rior- iJ THElitiGUE -- ! , ' 3- Gag-Wrig- H.-V- an ' de-'sp-ite - Georges Carpentier Compares Favorably With Jack Dempsey - Skin Sufferers Do Not I , Want Mere Temporary Relief t-'- t lt , !fig; - - ns ' ; -- ; - 1 tin ....... .Jr I .A. 1 , 6 1 I 6 1 1 I I - , I 1 MONEY IN INTERNATIONAL BOXING ' 000000 OWOW000.. . gard -- ' leamo 0 , , , , 111 l ki 4 to - a. trials Ara yet at skh 01,11 . . i - ' - ' -- - 00 0.1i lb Most men are bard hit when they're - -- . 000000000 , (it salt) 'et lisill 0 4aaTtiort tbe payer de)tvere4 by . preeeet a Dat)y imbeeriber?... w One 0000000 ' our circulation department or. mail. It.t r- . . . . - , -- I tt t IMIMIIMIIIIIIMMMMEMIEMM EME. . A ARE TERMS OF TIIE POLICY Atclovvo vo POIVATIS Actimoir? ye tellatIAliCI rm. ;Math Iler lb wroth's. or "los trait oarovro4 C. fralkal if bistooat of say retire" pasosatr or diaaSiontoot of wroritin or car or $1,000-iiiiel , , r accident insurance policy, offered,. free with a year's subscription of the daily' --.--- -7 -- ' DESERET NEWS means cash when the worst happens.. , Note the benefits. A 3 pasosager steamship tsambat. la whlth Sr ma which th imitated to trasolinty AC tor1011r paisitostor. or by Ilia isteraittit or dloablomeat of any pohlto root railway car. math rah et automobile te. "tiros or potato" at th time of such wroth,. liesplisod lop Dr disablotoont Ihr oAtooro41 le dlitot. avid la which lh as a pasomi.. travollog of tom both rot 'sr. Kee. both lett IOC; melt of both tea. $IAM: else hood. Awl AAA Toot, Mom,: oithor foot and Diehl of ono ore el OHL St Or Otorr For ino. of t,D tho mobilo ).tot, Or IMO hand a. Of 1O rottrO above tat' wrist folio& Ingo of sight of elm ore, tf aura be. Pity to totter" la Ob. saannor ocrtle4 abot "SOO, If d.t t eat" otettleal th somtrool le latmoillatoly oa" wholly aloohloO, th oolooaor sotto." pay for Oot sseteolittt tr'4' eottorc. rvn s rroce INtorw. WITT AT THII RAT 0, as .a FIR Acy-tpri- allsoatOO4 vitae provisions. howoo-dro- ' - allt eke Sao I Owl-1'7y- Art-Inv- t - er ItATIC OP ?UV; lyrnrhIVYT" rIvir LsOLLAIttl 111.14) P Mg it WELK. 1114 1061014100 shall Pot soy. f spy till) Poor Ot poripoei gond" tool oar rovosty (7S) loam ego rr Ira' .40.0 or $oy trohlei ortvata poi. vote motor ear. la "Akio tro or oho is tidies or Stirling. or by bolas calitoottally throws emit soh IF Ot ' Melo or looter ear. Our wroottatty Wilt pay tho atm of moth eaters& tbo sena of StOtOO. - ft toy gook swarth" shalt by Oho intros $ad sotto, trio postlitiouit melts., is ilS pr000dio ottctios. diaohlo isamodialoly sod arlwily sad provostiott trout porforosing soy Ma or te an S evory duty portoloins or occupation. o1. trortiol boolsoot WILL PAT, tor a CON. port.r: pot oroolintr Thile wr.rx. MAT 141Ploratile ohalt sot room, t is. th tarrt. turlott utterol utolti tortat limits of nor Voito4 Dials& 1111141, &le Moored tS faro.. be) Is t , ' 6IMIMMIIMMEEM 1 . - , ' i . I - i I , - ' 4 0 .. . , 4 4 '' i II 1. A - A - I , A , - I U . 0 , a t , , -- THIS 1 , 't 1 . . .. t - r , , lo . I , Fill out this coupon and present at 'r . . o. ' ' ' o, . t o Income. ,,' . '7 fa' - 060 Iwo . - laid lip, and can't earn their...usual 46 .4 , , a i ''''t . : . ... . case of an aceidentt So 111.8 . oo Tflttabilnie ICC '' 11. ., , ... 04..6 44 1,16...4. , Dorm wil .6,66mo. I. GRIDIRON' - etrot - Cliteve If Col-'M- e - .-- . IMP I( , Dont Oradell , THI DZILliell4-11WII will eaborrthe to The Dotty Deseret Nowa trete date hereof and roirelarty thereafter until further mottos. an4 wt.k yee to reelator me am entitled to the without soy travel acoldout isourance procured by yoe for your otibecribero of the additleaal toot to WPM This to to be in accordance with ali previsions travel socideat inciarance policy. which la to be dolivored te me by the thew. cancel isiour News Ike Deseret The may auto policy. I taco eadoretaad that hay wabacriptioa. saes policy tootied.ine it I diecentlaue . 1 . . -- forrttittodett Pospht armee eat! Proves Big to Pewee hoer a Eiritiele mertliat le. Calodooloa sootor tools Tooth?. English Pugilist troatewl ra aeronomy. tootorttor detested tit itolloaeloo did yet over tattoo 'Wow In German Drawing to combo to Cierataap to 4 flebtr ,oltirrourottoo es Lim Port Douglas roll asked-wen Grease 1 a to Tb soots. Cantos ai Shown Neith 'About taw wiaatta 11.111 Ottritga a obtry4 and is Cities ,thatr ouporlotiti tatty to the wants all am" btred 111.0.11alet moat to 1.00601 of tho ocortog hotag dOlb. to tits Mot vend alr ea I groat to tioe trine& er Hatred or Prejudice in onittary holt and &at thay offko foratga 'rho lkorosa bolt woo on "egoist out heti ern 014411Etkiellk, I Marne OWN th tho Hottoohore torritoryOtrip show. 1.111Akair.e Battles: met ale Ito money la a Th. His Ise wooed oft room down the right oriel. towable beak tor tho Prete terleta, ma !Writes rohtsta of tho Hollood toots ear omelea't peosibti loss tnything. .toothe Witte tor a Deem but tailor, Mat. Ulna tittles I saw a 'babas It ton.. I o foot. saw Plaraka w1)1 tc1 prove ray conteettene tag trot with' tirialla. IL VAMPS. taaa-- 1 Iola sae 'groat tatter ateattear Chevron. Si Howtheeno ouroott.' 11 Malt N. ft. -.sib4 kirroset pleerell lb Forreoposamit) tor reterese--öt- e How !woo the abost oho Cottle& the vove too", however. RERUN. Now. I.Istorseelosal boa. got etteare loser wherv4 ireb1 team work. la Owasso, kaa roareored sort 'Wolk I halm teeett tea tights awe I , Tho tote ha vele war ao4 followers of woo too; tottlag inert S. roporptila S. St, itawthottet quirk!? from litYrwm km: ot Moro: go roe Malt ever' Ormas tee flag sogoreallg nista member omit Thotop000. 'Toe vetting MW warts Vol losIrga age Praia aloe ter tbolr meat kat rattOs (stool 82110) sad that tat woo wtomi so toot. freavortel into females wild. I ben WM la sport LEHI CANCELS GRID Preach The ettatlimretaht pou inkidlsroves, MaglIalt Georg leas aloe twos a tie drawls.: GAMES IN INTEREST agli(1 lt. bee bees harlot groat outosee ome. and has tousle& hot saalmot Oar. a big drawing fora la Ger. anomie easel leritlate. la all the primeval' I OF SUGAR INDUSTRY sal le Toe latersailsoal Rowe gore. vitt aC Oorimaay. 'may. AIM. '47tiosic- - Itc.ccLetil-- latch mho.) twirl or Ite aloes. Cbtesso; Masa a wary sem tistart y foot ball Walker, Now Tort awl Oro blioreiag-- 4 attis asstemen orrispa et by LD STARS SUB IV HEN Corby. star. too th Orhool alletests s.d ffviol GAME Y CANCELS B. II boo r..V-V- P lssA soh. TIN' ram at Ili early why. sod will oot WI Ilia boo s00000rol. ebanasettneat of the Irrisal American ONEIDA. Nev. dl000volot Hoppe I Pi VW Torii le December tor, tealls Ramo bp' Mom itaylicatall Is Priest wee felt hors wheel tho IL T. C tbo worhro eboolptollobip.. Sloe lo that wool tromatial evocasy oeferotiel hie leoto's emereelootool maser.' Tate aerial' Ike roach to the thomoltia 'voltam, hero Sat. Oar Jolostatt 0000se ths esheol asi Imam. oriley. Tito seem, liedi boat oebetlatei notratly tbo football 011111. kaa bows 000ldorelki a for leaste of time. hot pie" of lim aestatiot Use otelag to the feet it Mt vervireieed.. that I seas 'Istreseistst oriesitoca T. le alt C. hal S. p.etsIIp. le oaloceranmot of sho l Imo v Ito Clloa Catittrolt. ambit to loataahect tic Loki toksAisie le bits eon of bubo. a oposil or4bool Peak" "wet ip also Is.4 tho worth, of th Isom, tb goose hero wad rolled off ol0000l etta It te 'boo stiatis loneola fool mommoult. TOD lov toloofore et Alio "Myer', mhos Be voll se for ths est orotbot tio4 loose of old fol,ar I roma he a ot ramml loins la olcootie Tb ut oraer to roe Arrotatio Say goose attired Ike cassock midi pot their 10,1b001 set the thole a little preethet Coaohlorahlo to. 'Teo poops betedes 111 liostososity of S rottalse OMNI oast lost. itolt obeli tb otirotoity of Wilke. blots epee t000tteotee So tee dritIM. loop withmarrow Wiwi moot Mach ceetoetoOl is tasaltost osmosis the the fowl wee In se lborot ki porta fair to beet Me Me messeet. lotti fattecoars of this marl 011,q0 la ore.? So toe lb eta". aa saorb trivet I to good forum ilea 061113011101.00( of ilia oared teekeee Tee this year, o It oat be.. for th Woo of rho Soottlettesel absoobeett sof lb Mao etre...toe of lb shrestina Mang their rrepooroil oll000t easel, Mimeo .4 lb the Deo 1400tto loot It eforOboes lose Soar. IT the loamerase thoveoeitte for tPo 'lleiblor bore to 11141 tairsolt took, tits ocemser of tahl sib. toe lbool lb woos tioeht kayo boot, Poteree, To racist bettotr that Se! nee but the natr haw ows.a.,.' ibe Vscholi Doela Pewee lover"? to tioieas'e furor boo ham"' tore ilotost sortie of Moir all time esti far lomat et hell trarthes, ova they defeated' las Dowels, hy a No Of the otoestruti ow WI that la 11.11 SPOCI seers of loolit 11 'Oyler, S. to irolt tgaboo, Sopossrstooi tt itts to 'Ma oil appear atm" ilhaly ithrtioa proothes os arty la ths tto. towel T14 slitowat &sob tette lost mama atia hosts. almost tato osati- -. SIX CUE STARS ookootintet for Pairrotor Walt otoolota hook lii Stoliatit Seta tease of seicerites a battle la roil bad litt 1.0.11 St ATTEND TOURNEY ta4k41 tor. alit ho 1611,1 to., aala sio1 scomitnitoti ,. fat stellar troth aarea. 1,11 III...4Phe 1st4 owe rruoiscioro, Nom 'cisme," loot year ohlle litroaski (Nosh Ott flosonoro 91 thy retdMotlash ot ooto wore bore total!, tor Illho hair sea P oboes era Where lotof Merl! vis room I. tooroomoot oolostatIon ao4 a twee, hal 1 I 1,01,1 obiuopt000btio foOstflo took good oho mbar. Isom Wore its tbo sitter 111bawl Tibor e toolotate, tootobt. trbtrth wilt bow soot, h. le Toot Oho at Orbool !Poo.. biefetto ' the Mar., esitolt, Pt. Loots,. JOb 000moot oitt otot.olty t tiototot,, Rojo IstoOtto, llosorskt. tiro( year al blob behest fromobtot 4 Of ItPit Seth'ity this ulster, IPCOr t. 3 C 4 RESUMED IN GERMANY i .. , L - CALLIES WIN FROM HOLLANDIA 6 TO 0 AT FORT DOUGLAS, piNcH ' ' , 6 , f 1 4t - - III,..........., , |