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Show - .,.,.0.11. jrailoW.wft7"- - :Invt4CC.te-t- t It."? ' THE DESERET 1 St.0...0.4..0.:.-i.00.- Lainings:Bli- - METALS TODAY SILVER ' - ' . ' ISTOL 0 Ell S . Paktum .... Nora Strtstol ... .. .. . Pr Pre Ito Mining .....,...i ..... ..1, Rico mantra iftlro Witilingtots ...:..1 'South. Standard .,.... Sells ...,.... Syndirata S King enaL ' i 8, -- - - Fri k bit 1 I .imi - .S4 f - .ost -- tit6 .at t Set I SS t 1. De I COIL ot local moll'sauna rod 'Joan locet ahornop Silver. por ounce, domcatic.--$0.e.147.3 Coopor, per pound Al' Leed. per pound Learn of settlement a .M.S 1.26 .111 .114 12 tirg "I LS ransacnons 1 caar,szt Tv .e.....i ;;it Shield .11 Scrota Heels ....,...1 . Ito South iron IL . .1 On Local I South Park ... Tecoma Con. - Etsitrn 1r.kthIs ,.6.! Street Wail Issues Livestock Grain Dairy Products Metals Provisions Cotton Sugar Conte let aril ..-.- Maturity. Jetty. 1947 . . ..,. . ' .... .......Noy. Sept. 94.95 all a at 58 50 4 as 40 3551 : 11, S 5 5,70 . le. Itt:. Yield ' ' P.C. PC Priits ..4i..,,, 4 TB ISIS 4tO ai , .........- - ,,,... --- Oct. . 4 SI )134 MS V. 4, tee tax xam.) May 1)23 Orr wall boy or et4i ay samettat et say Sento at be Etarket sleek eat 'barge Os ts.dmSIS, en. es tits New Yt - Money 51 44 45 tad I teirl , . - Curren 1r Maturity ,,,, - - 1e. -. ill LIBEITrv BOWDS .11 :,03 .41 . s i Ali ...."...i ' ' 8 MONDAY,:NOVEMBER ....,I Illat :Del - NEWS - Ott . 4 IS : 676 - 611 - et sot pekoes, Esebesse 14 , 1 NEW YORK. Nov. t unenthithr .01 i Tar flaky tory returns of the clearing hone and I i .02 .11 federal reserve banks after the closing Turns Central lest week's busies and atwitter vie. This's Standard 311,1; 21: at , lest Vtak Con. .... .. . .. I deeline in foreign exchange Pro.61i .Sli loads) I voked Union further settee selling of the axial' 4SoldriusosaL laateipal- oat ossoratio ,. , .04 i below the bottom of our prownt WILTAL a:: ral4Ist , leeks sads,.-Te- t, rietor at the opening of todoY'r 101, 1144011rasatcli TT Mining . ICS Mall Jig OWITtlf to the litres number of .11! :Bonanza Development market. 1 Loam Tintic Standard continued Its milady of to almost 3 Pettus ' .041 mem titbits-bethe host on surface. I think SALT LANE Went Toledo la the lotus. 4 dentingit the tunnel will encounter several lords rise again today on the local stock Walker in" oils,. steer. equipments, copnerikt - 1,70 Live pouttrytrregula no prices 3.60 sugars. Depth Revives Interest in oro bodies between Black Ideta le and exchange. A few new specielties In 1 Ondlaskta tobacco. and . .011 and their .10 sPecialties i quoted. Dressed steady, wemern broil. Zama the rails &leo weakening. Raton cestoa moo cheaper .01le so .10 trainott that to ba The sett on era, advaittaffee 244248; roasting chickens, fresh. 21 developti en : London broke two cents under last Tunnel Project Proposedl eount of transportation, power plant 140 TOlome of trading 'was held to loin ' 41: fowls. 1131; rooster treek's minimum quotation and rmitt- tor,. 1114; quality generally piain: 2428; Soestair Soko. Installation and bold the ances making underground to Franc. Italy and other con- bulk Dative steers, 9.16016.0: butch- turkei.s, 21148. level of last week : AIbo taa at 10. eennection with railroad are ; all wee- - but there VIaverage. tinental new By Woolley. 0.130 no were at all European Ottitent er cows and heifers. larglr. CO. RPItall, 160 "at 34.4 in the cOndto the tunnel ea a development itien of lees levels of depreciation. the marketcharge croon Point, 1.8110 at V,' 43 at 41. canners alltd cotters, 1.6006.04: Stocks were itadary There is no stork cRICAOC, Wrbv. S.Butter on the board Poured out in heavy volume Witte the 0.14; ftrni,' weak to lower. which Is showing much steady: bulk crea cardirt Mt at 1.36. TN) boast! of direMera of the Bristol of either Merl. 4062. bee.0411 morning. or tie Emilia. up down dealings 1.0406.76: calves steady to trend 1000 Met-silSilver exceeding bolognaa, o at eonsidsr the Black 31. excepting company 2.623 those share. body Extreme cases,te ITS which receipts, are EggsHigher. 14.000 losses 26 bosses cense lower; bulk sealer. Eureka Ltly. 1410 at S. I to I Pollan to ParlictDe,olopinont of property very valuable and have ilsr totemdo whoofarointerest were tnad by various of leaves, 140;'Mockers and feeders. E. cents Firsts, 67 GI; ordinary firsts. 8811,,, Eureka Bullion. 1.000 at $I: 308 at $ t mach able to emir lieb during the drop, in price of Ms stock. merket by the Bristol Misr Xistria company 'mark eases inoluded 87414; stand-,as Mexican and popular by their own trading. lower: Iron , NoTotal taken Slimaons 000 from receipts. westerns, 14400: loaer, at the market at Soto" Flocks practically in 'no Briotel diotrist Petroleum.. Atlantic, Gait 'RoPlogin for the day were 41.) shares Lehi Tintle. I 4n0 at Se. 32,Alle: mostly' 16033 erda 66,170; storage packed finds 709, HogeRecelpts. enough Of its shares to give Brimol the toilet Pierce-arrotunnel the steel. which tit Dela71: traded intermit to ref rigera tor firsts, 48842 it 2. for 211713.62. rents lower than t5atur4efs nytragi: Stay preferred. metro' of the test tattled coMnatlY. 4.000 'tads, revisit 1. wsre Lackawanna and The board of governor has not Now Quincy. 700at at ' Western and sop one lewd .14.24; bulk, 13.1011.40. 'school for deep dsvoltopment tif Inidel LONDON BONET. yet Poultry aliveHigher, fowl 41. 763, Delaware adiiitiven and Hudson. Elsewhere be desirNoy North cents lower; bulk consideration to recent 210 , p)gs, 113 t6i; EPrindli-.25-1: Standard, 3.000 at 31; Witte ditional recessions of one to 2r. turkeys. as. le that area which wall Srottottod, a LONDON, Nov; 'silver for the reinstatement the petition eIld able. to of 14.000 III "toner points pound pigs. ar,.rnagme B. ounce: front Xmas bit per ZO01117, were The cent: 14 the dismount 1 rule. per alti early ti Provo. 000 at I. prices 'Gumbo, of titan) 2. lIt:ftce librtlil:r1:;(Ceme"mirsentoedt little Inmeong7nr: "bort XASSA CITY'. Nov. bills. 60 yet scut; three rally before noon liras led by irennennin ludo. South 211.000; tat sheep and 'Woolley, hog tete' financter who mouths bills, that he did not expect any action to be at 281. Standard. 1.606 at 10; 600 tinental rails. notably Southern Patine generally 26e lower: choice. na- Creamery. Ste.cent x and Northern Pacific. strength also be- lambs, taken by the board this year. Pro-tiara past wail olio of tit big ;Nosh SO at illivar Whitt tive 11.000 firsts, 66c: lambs. ewes, bulk. 11.00: Egirgone bleier, Cegal.. AC , of the petition probably. will ing shown seconds. 41 68. ' pilitit operators,' hio, Woollsit, Witie P. Bingham' Mine to Purchase Tern Pticifie and Unit- IA'S; top native ewes. 4.6e; bulk allow Skied& SOS at 10. ed ?run. by Gains ran in matter these Issues on ebolee di teasel of intie 26; floor up the the 100 SOO Iponents springs. -, 6.1404.SO; Standard. feeders, at to Blostio steady; II.40; proposed rattier from 1 to 2 points. some of the more feeder lamb. 1241. rooster young, 24e, old. 16c. in the next few days and at.- - at 3.431. Some Outstanding Stock the Jatkrabbit and lietittol Mit. stable indoutrj to stet full membership The also als. triet which action. rallying, mitts, rosin the tlaohts Solos. would London rate recovered ' Standard trading started out of its loss, LINSEED. Special stockholders' meeting of the Itempt with ' Albitm, 1,680 at 11.- OMAHA. 'Neb., NOT. dePth $orb tunnel, be otiosiderod, hut call money wits Erinpart It at i per cent. States buyers and sellers feeling Bullion. 1.00 at 10. niN mould soon cp & largr aro& ot muting Itingtomn Mind company will be held Bureatibot was resumed track rrLtTIi. Nov. After Pelting at was the first salt great midday, Col. Rexall. 100 at 4; 000 at sod would afford cheap, 1.200; IS to t5e lower; etre, so- and arrive and November. 1.601. pressure being directed 'against at Portland, 11p.. November le to vote :made at 13.40 the price went untruly ground coot boeidos Attifil Sway 'lilt to 33.471 with ales of 700 silents. The Crown Point, 3.000 at 41. 11.714013.0et top. 11.44, tto: Insets. bulk, motors numerous Mt and recommenthation or directors that stock Is acerte and short inteersie are mma 1040 at ?I. 14.500: beef smote corneroobscure spetialtie. The movement exlong !serial tramway ,transportatios Eureka Lily. L000 at 11; I 000 at the k tended to high class rails and hares and purcbsusta $0.0410 coarse of having porno dIfirisity in borrow;ng fully 25.c lower; bulls. sB11ver- Milo has omitted ha company Eureka Builimt. 2.080 more seals. stockers at er to stork and , 'rho firi3to1 St. feeders. toady to NEW YORIC Nov. CCoffeeYtto No. leas make immune from the early deliveries. Sliver Bing took at Ile per share and held Iron ging. 1.00 at IC I, Itet- futures, easy; December, 1.111u; .was also Scarce but there strong. deans. Canadian Pacific losing 2 points. is ,Motteow. them as unissued caltital Steed. iherreb2 Coalition 600 at So. May., 11.164L no 10.500., Killing pool back of it so that it is baying SkeepRecelpta. in Sella. 1000 cm devoloped at 11. body 14igh snide reducing the outstanding capital stock not a strong trader although it la regrades. ateady to strong: top range Tintic NEW HO 200 11 at LIST. ada in incept 'taro Tito property YORK STOCK POTATOES. 3.4S; Standard, at fed front moo Lambe, as 00; 10.00; yearWant 01.00,0011 garded of the yearlings, to $1.0047.600 ' ruining ecurod under bond sad 1.641011 by -., lings. 0.1a: ewes. 1.36; feeder s. steady; "buys" thb local board has had in a 1.471. CHICAGO. Now. 3.PotatoaaWeak 104f at 18. Every stockholder Will be given the long Zuma, . r, Snyder sod sons of Salt Lake. 11.76time. Sales 360 were top lambs, feeding 'beret Memo. Harold R-- Smoot & Co. foridsh'the today receipts. CS164 card: Idaho rorals sacked ey, with W, I. Boydor, WillardB. Cook opt,tm to stell ono.tierd of his shaven to at UAL Cardiff brought $135 with over received followingU.. company for east at Ile quotatioas Niceorsick ;oho cwt. bulk. 3.0003.10 cwt , ;cm harem.- amount, 16,706.16. per shars . Columbus Retail their private ware: KANNAS CITY. Nov. 11.(rnited Sorra 1)a Lob" rad. river Ohio. sacked.' trsfi, ft.W,.3. aBroom who bosun at&sem only to be purchase4 . free-Docontinued tee furl abates .. State.' bureau of )larkets.)---Cattl- e cwt. ovisors 3.2;11.4d of a shore , to be disregards& If decline selling at 34 and 311 rents in Stated, are the prtncipat , fitseks. t IL C. Roc Iota 11,114: boot steers'and the stockholder' do not off.,r 60.900 trading of 1,100 shares; lron Blossom 3ICW. t011iK CCU CLOSIL rompsity. be, R ans.'s" 21e lower. Early...steer 11117GAR,. mostly in. his ropert Mins' Miutattor under old this 24 at 600 with the sales of option. retail, company Alaska Gold .. ...,,,.... lif 11! 16 sales. 1.2101.11; bulk 1.00 to the ditairobile nisi, purchase the deficiency finyder. rills attentioo $ A- - Roil' & Co., furniabadi lo the open' shares. and gilvW Shield was slightly tan Allis Chalmers .. market for ...,.... lleti Set: Set 41.14; canners, steady to 210 lowor; NEW YORE, Nos.. the Bitutir &artistt or otherwise, for .:ash, tit driving what he terms ft', not sonata wit) salsa of 600 snares at st foliating quotations rreoalved ever Amer. Best Huger .,...... let! 67 67 mostly at raw sugar was unsettled today - and Ohm some prof is more calves. bull. atm steady: 11011.00; Ile iNtentio tuunel,whieb I sham per no while Mr. was Amer. 271 fresh wit.: Co. business 261 ..,.. Can ...,... private 1110 1.00 Choice 71e to :St lower. vealers. hoick moat bo reported. suvanced monis Fear" ago by North Ptandard woe elven a good tor was oonsiderable sugar available Amer. Drug lira... soon. December ILtendered f 41; se .11.11; stockers and feeders, steady there ' and paymentFriday Sto-k- s. and be made will atioo r000rd with ens 30.000 abate trade I Bid. at last prices, or 66 cent for Cubes I Asked. Amer, Bide & tea. pfd .. 50 1 541i 54 to The lower. Air. Sydrf it report on the min 1 by the company on or before by the same buyer and seller total ' Amer. Locomotive ....., 531 SIC 2021 Hogsitacelpts. 11,110; posing 10 te coot and freight, equal to 343 per sales were te MI shares st if and 3 Merlotti lb new.oro body follows: ' 2 toss December 27- I i Amer. Smelter ...'., .... 11 57 IT1 21c lower;. closing, active: steady to Bristol Sliest. Nines company ceirti6 Eureka Builloo was strouger Rau Wyo. In light demand and confined :',1, . Amer. lower; top, 11.41: bulk. light and to for the purpose ot ataking Sugar 4.260 with sales of shares at $ onii Cointen coo.11S21;10111011 medium. ,,, 7, Amer. Tel. & Tel Psoche Ore Shipments. - el tont. 71( of claims, nearby requirements- - Prices WOrs 11.11113.11; good and choice, Crown Point was active for Elk Resin Oyer sevoralof groups 2 to 10.60611-0- 0 for fine gran.. 110 pound hogs, 1120 13a to 'reliance unchanged sovrat Minos, bettor Arndt.. 224,1:0 Bilotti, 'time i. the first In weeks with. sales of re a oral On : PIOCRIk tit: 11,000; SI If gbotResipts. i lill IltV. noun as this Gypsy, Noy pits, killing elated. 21;Amor. Zinc .. i teed shares at 41 and 6 minis. Moscow Glenrock The Increased front the Plocke district for shipments fed 1 class . . te about 54 Anaconda 101'.$411 offering. In the met yearling Isms, was ' the ide, T itom pest Vesuvius, also week K. traded for the fleet ttm Metro 4 1 market led to renewed selling In sugar seer on a reduced 1071 11.41: western lambs, 12.11. Detroit rola. Got ended November Baldwin .. . . 1041,41 with sales of dee harm at 31 Merritt Pets K5bjt. Iron- - and ' ors 131 "14 Beth. Steel -and broke quite sharply, 15511 located in leallb. but. with taestrances of fair fu- months 04 j 041 . futurpe prices mints. sold Emma 'Ilio,, proportios 21 ' 21 cents Mid. W. Refs at sod ' 119 I Butte & Sap. 1,. , 111 diotrtet fa lAn. ture treatmeast from the oftiottro of the In trading of 4,000 shares. 1441 III , II hoyfing declines of 3 0 to 36 pointi it : hetet &liver kitting rr. JOSEPH. Nov.. 1..Nosts-.-11- s (Olney Mid W. Oil Coto. Salt Lake Route, it is hoped that the held at 41 cents with sales New II I 1171 371 lif 111,,cant '''''' elm Nrwatia, tits ore from sod freight packing LOVA: of 10 to 11e lower; top. 11.10: oar- shipments will r'11 14 Cal. Pete. pfd- Northwest .. 231, 2311 23I osipts, o the mines, is boodiod boor a shortly be, increased. share& It is expected to oily advance Okmuistee C . . 124 4211 122 bulk, 11.71011.1C ' 1,300; NEALS. Canadian Pacific row gauge esittreog essoottialt wall The shipments follow: trend it any kind of a market devel- Sapulpa toady; CattleRecolpts. Pioche. Prince at Route Consolidated. 1411 tons; vlis ops as it is regarded as itatoug the Ia.Thefelt Lahti stors.; cows and bollors. NEW TORE, Nov . 10....CoPSer ... . Iola Louisa, 010 tons; 1,274 l!' -- ,, 1 Cerro de PIUK 311 22 Bristol Silver, best of the speculative MI 4.40011.10; propertes balm boonsort potted liseuet. dots lee tons; Consolidated Steady; 21 Markand calvo; lectrolytk spot aid fourth ' Nevada-tlta14 14 .. . Twin co moos lets and I although Cop. thnortatioem Ilk 21,Cttile 3.011; of Simms ',toady: qusrter. 14,0313. No. 1 I 31' SbooPNocolpts, think proituottou - UI tons; . . .. . .. 36 241 241 lambs. .. ,' mina 4 tons; total. , is ito. obiolmittio.to Usti ewes, 11.1011.1C IronNominal. & Refs. d4,O0e,northern. 44.00 tona-prod. stood. Y. tele ... '. .. e:I. d'...itrict 3111 ."4,' 201: let ., coin ,iteiol 1147.00r No. 1 northern. et.0011411.00; ... . I Asko& T .1'4 Crucible Ryan . Bid. Stook. ;34.11!, ' ... .. . ..11161 11311111 Sti, G. 3 northern. 31.40,4000. ' ' , 3 Cuba OLD .., ..:. Boo oculprootten lb property prob.. 3 , ' GRAIN St ,' Antimony-4.2- S., toe Law Metal Prices Will I Boone "' l Alta Mick. ...4 . D. & R. G. I hty rot id not bo duplicated todayhelot 11 : 61 Ca and lodonla nearbY. ST09: ' 1413, spot ' Is TinWeak; Moltdo 1 Thio Atli Antelope .6It rp. 41$4,0611. IL 1, tat then e il. "rd. 21 ' ,. 27 1 111 ' CHICAGO. Nor. 11..41harp new mit. futures. 27.7i. .61 Massa Cop. .. 141 General Motor .. plants and ette toot , , Cat Bingham Production Alta Cos. i :: rad oomproloor and spot.. Mother Lode sine. qUilltf old 4.14; LoadSteady Alta torintantie Titter aM . whose . the in tack 4711 441'47 1'; Goodrich sortla trasowey today, price East 10 -Pru Louis Nov. neer St. DINGMAN., Lod Motor low .. sPot, &trine of deliver, Alai , pilot prodocod vrttit a tOloor oat 1011 Greco Ctiautuella ...3 .001 Nictitating 2Si 151 751 companied demoralisation of forolga I. compost, hos $ete At LondonSpot copper, DO yi 17.04 le intro to rodueo the Ara. Con. roppar lotto . tit post Bog mouths ti la& Akohoi flip 41 741 nchange. amid. liberal rentipte wero electrolytic. 1104; tin,. 1351 Is 14; load. A output of Umtata'. la OW district. Tone. Eats.' , 3 I , 11 , ... .. Alta T. the totem of ' T.,, 42 444 411 pot value $it and Omaha. at Seams City email producer who have so oestroots Addle 04 lime; sine. 117 les. Con ICIpocte reported ,I AO rotratlea loot profit St title woo motto en tido with the 2111 211 Notico woo also tenon of form:tete that tiro oar44y outforing Bullion I : - ,,..I Mexican P.O. . ..., .at Howe Sound 6111 per insole trona tho emeitore .; fro. opprotioutioly 1 liee sotto AA .. 17101'117S224 17111 ,... lotto stasigatioa from Canada to United MOSEY AND MICIIIAMOIL Feels Mn. ...ss..- 1 .66 pr000st rotes and fleet ot lacroagod tthight Benton ' till or is, hoists Ithippod Miami IS IS States ports would ho open for a month ithatineet eititrigall. The price Big Hill .... lei, .OS1 totted Easters .011 taken from large Sr. NEW TONIC. Nov. the V't bOtig toad 7211 721 72 or more yet. luttial prices, which rentmereatt., 1Ital Cot. Coal. ... , .61 j 1 PaoLitt foot down tho tip of Um et-both metals to boor the danger Una, Big .;;Northam 1 tile peper.1 per cent. Exchange. 410 lower. with DecemtiC sly ,i . .6S 1 ed from en to Boatitt Mil, , Copper ton from the 1.1110 aeM Ketch 141 Oi . . ... tion " SecuritioaL tia 114. Oss to Week; 11.1t; Local 1.11 ei (ablest, ber I inertiasDemand,. VI 's 1Ra7 Of; :,,Ikil State SIMS' Expendad Tito ere is letting animate" throliftt toll Larel 11 tetwo followed by usetertal itig rcsooeDemand. 1.78: tablet.," a Ontario Oliver ',.. furthor M- S.ISL ; St& lt Metall, At f '.10 4. 01: 1.71, 640 Punta reaVA rts of. utast, toorith air hatourrithaforo $ ad elia then Belgien.irranceDemana siomothtng Bug. Alec "1;1141.4 p li Itureita , ',PIC . by J. A: Host A est, main is do.ivored undoneDemand. 311.36; tan Alum Pat. .Test Shcde j 121,, 711, 111 ctin.' Zvonlog up to prepare for tho rabies. d.07. Elko Central odo Tails. .,1 .601 111.40. op to mach propor 1,43; him oponed ca. Lire ESC rabies. 011 .4. ... . -Piarce 14 demand, 111 ,comoorativo I gave import government min1.14 ...4.. Roaall.... kittif attoodlor ions toet one prouovul ,systoot-o- f demand. 1.13; 111 121,131 waatial work Colorado Con.. opening In blen .06 I', ' .04 noir "bait to so a ' SOL 1.14.2 Greets. demand 2.17. as most bo himself40 A11111.10let N. to to T. 111 December with 111i lowor. in Royal Duly,. let at ;IL group the. (glottal claims at Iraket; Crelrit rOlfit "tacks- - , , t BSI Asked Shattuck. Arts. Neer York exehange on Montreal 10". .niag put tioroaga the morket rallied in some cases to 11i TS! 7 to F. L .041 i041 LIY sag Cardiff Riaby has rotsrawit per eent discount. fliselair Oil vitro Itontiling. Al sotto so em 311, '111, 111 oboes Saturday's finish. .04 bankers Trust Time loansSteady de dark 90 dayrio, toommtsid, lite intim setpot oboutti to tUrotiaboa soot latorssuag facia rela- Croft of Oats the oction Pacitta wont I 111111111 1141 governed by .at' Colutriblit Trust Cottonwood Sting 144.44 Southar, tit tout golly, slog give tit 004111011.ty tifs IS ttio asw Novatta triontba., 7101 per tnL Studobakor ... 111. 146 nova. starting unchanged to be low. and .111 444.44 Texas National Ilt ,trega Itteliti ,te Cite. Industry, gays Cooloawood Metal l'Aaarst l04. or. ... 171 Oi 4111 41 thou to end May coring 1311 Ilt LSO rtrat sat of Ogdost 1.66 . lb. La Daily Vase, 324.04 Tcbaoco Daly OW MO I II, 1111 senora' Product, gala& slight ireat 4116 III CIS Is Levies. 124.404 bisCornick & Co I estitoot 14.0340 tons of two is Mita His rialtos adista tboos of fits Collis, 'Daly Lower quotations on bogs woakened Cottonwood Patine ....izi Conoolidatod . .10 Cosorst bovine 414.44 takit ' Mitit hot valise over &It root Of tie shal Protracts cossoosy, IL Rubber ...la a! Dratou 011 provisions. Trade was night., 74W Of, Nat'l Bask et Rapes. 274.44 U. 411 Metals Cottonwood Dondjoba Cos .. . IS lit pow too, ottooea titat is isasitte by trits 'Noir . IL ADD Wining ... tr. GRAIN ... ..... ... 11 6111 Stwolting . 011' Olt- Nat, Copper Emma fallow .. 160.001 144.44 1.7 it Steal Tito ore body la Its posted on stoestment of I oomplar lotto lime moist. Jersey this company. Hi sent per .. 1111 141, 1141 of its Trattro .16-,.... .01 Minos . 144.44 Bask Stat keret Tao levy to delinquent Dec. 1 , trio totoroortiott of two tram, king in tato Vetted Mato. torgost itseurity 15 tient etnoon, & ,,, a 111 Pistil Halt mil. Ir.ortpiro Coppot ...... 1111 .40 pi& , vortical 114.44 ta thuts II to It Putt National.. Item toe 30. set ttah and Iola day Dot. Isr"t dollars has boos expanded apes Elnoti.14 ..... I 11 1111 I rtab Copan!, 171 heavy 04 144.4 Ira fret long by IS foot lb. property by tbs rtas Sas. & ...k... o .61 ft. ILI Paella t.,.. .... 11 .91 Walker Bros.Trust .01 I 11 aluraka Minos . 244.40 Waster ids- - Simples orroos tho bottom ink Bakrat ' !WS country Catlin. a potriarob ofinatiststrisnt, old Wilmot Pacific 111L toscariew, p141 1 1St, .61 .611r Debi His Case Prefers , sit ing sh. Bolut ...ti 144.44 Wootorn Union Bien Sas. & Trust , r s, tosnotent prineer. Tito shaft is Sows Kam 111 111 holding .61 Ool Noun l'intio Wootil ,t: gold. Ile es. st;vor, ?Ill trio test nionagor. The Sr.. to its ibtthwesilli. sail to .. ..out oirts,t Wootiorrhonas 111 tnirliist stops t lirrtehe 111 loodleetrist To Be Heard Lasf'rialto tXm......1 per tent militiott, a nos-Conot leper, tots Ise root lend. tond trontstortAil Amu. Wool, ...; $C1 bolo' Vast 11 IMO ors. 'Kook Antolopo trots a twilit let, old. Tots to Iasi poteettnitteir 1.11e soil ' .006t : .1S 18.71 fortommtiont Igloos the tool timers, Only part Amalgamatodi Pniar . Mat will pay commercially tloroka OS The Maury. IP,' )4. It. .444' (137 Associated Press.) Cambia IMMO tort tmould soon moth soothor ustior bnoon procooss of Total 1.244.111. distillations, ..01' oaks storks It viii rites refloct .016 I fru.turo. Ifb enticipoto "bin of tiro fool Yield apProst- Ciotti ClItain ATI.ANTA. Ga Nov. T.Eugene t ' .06 cl000d on" tastoly to tit firm. or biro Marrone ea Groat ,t; gallows to Itt too. t ..rolt Doha , 71 uszarrir sows,. whom, It became know emm lanitat too to tbo bottom attei front The etwitootty is workill. al WHOA gird Itaattort - - - - . .10t4 .011 reduction is otonieg. . CHICAGO. Nov. b protest , 'kid', TORN.. boo. ILPrised of Pork, to to ospariosootal prods.- - Hoat Si that the .st;, Washington prest keetertiar 10 the le Itua Thor ars I areal td ',11.11 my bonds at noon were: las. Hon. 'rho product Li saoolloo. worst. Homo441komow5 bang- - 11211.121: No. I mixed. .31 .24 I of pardonlng. dent has ... a Hiroo florists 111111114 whore work oast Imi flits was. malsoolum first 414, St.26 bid; sosond 4s, 41.44 . CoraNo. I mixed. S110111l; No. solphoto god Coo rattan Calsoos 7.... .001'1 .001 61.41 &laid bid: wants hie ease to coma last of all per. tatted on mood or obowtogs SW eon 414,4 ilcOdiscors, lut first second twine $ 444, 8110; SAX; prodost. trey. Kin( ... .17V As t yellow. 111)11. sons imprisoned for violation' of war. rec oil tott be put In Memo to Ho cried oil to shipped"614E4 1111.dd titird 41s. "4.44; fourth 4ts. 111.34 of t . . .I 1.00 OstsNo. 1 white. sziffst :Kw tho tour prodisets amitti Obiptoosto 2: 1 time laity or bettor not at all undar the will amours Jude Mitaltilto ...,...ol tory, Yin, 94,42; victory 4446 'SAO. H .ill 1101111.' The ris front thoe wilitto to very dm intoortattoo white,. , ItineltaDil ' IN '.' ibis Morton. Tao present administration. actordirte to 001 firehie ftw leo molter illibli hoeing a Mem prduct draerip t........ K004, StyeNo. 1, 1 .41.' loci . stractse, SCbut testament from the bociallet leader i .,.1 .11 . . tato Of grog MOO ramegarisso abatis Foos LIVESTOCK. Kea0,01.0,0 a elsout wimp. presses I thragboroSertas .041 .04 , given out today through his attorney. ivor toostabis, al latt mats tiros 'se- Wet 4i.utlslL. Timothy lb Ootrw 1,004 Tiatt4 ... ... . , .404 1 to loom .04 ' The statement follow: irlover tting sold., Miter, toed sod 'ooppor oe Peovio Sugar 'mewls by OO soottstaatioat Or 1,46atith .011 nuottlitlito .04 tit with Prdi PorkNominal. 1.1.6 liar, 4 underatand pittirlont vrtit Coon. ..., . . ! asositical ollosissilloso. that each polltleat . 14.00t . ...... 71.40 aroma lerd-111.- 401. SALT LAKE. I illatur 041 tromineot bolsi NOTn . .. . SO 11A4ipl4Konk 'liXasotio hoe Poo Maio tram straw,. lkikomboollt 0 . . t......,.. IS. be considered will ponnevale aePsrlitelr 1. tt ' prisoner .03 W dt sor toba. Sibo-- 11. Roosting. 1S1; wourkst, stoség; good sect11.111. 1 dot Cache attar .1 Sr, Rigsby, 'lust it is stet sztrart M111or Mtn ' intuit Wit.; and I !tope my case will coma last of ti . : .. sman 4. Citoios .00 041 I treacly reem0000ll tbso drivintirbs4 "trip CHICAGO, Nov. 11,- -. tot treat it-- it ta tog blere .1ky , IL 61; I boo... aft. would risosoksily,' It coma rather that a,a,c, 14...,. Brimot really Hoot fair Liter Close good 711.11411; ....fair, to Open High bolter. 1 it Salo 1.imil Costrary n ot at all under the present adminia. 11.11ro. 1114.1; oboloo top tows $od .1 otti wo kat 401141 killribl tit soot does Mcom.ow .,...., 'Whoist.... sot lemur ',aorta is 'litanies bilastioll bottom vs atostas provoo .sotteinaivolp that toodtsin to I .. I became , I toed be would Morto. ashamed 1.1I; Ali Alt Solt tAko City itst. Sol .4. le Utak..,.,ot $t to fossil to todesat Tb, tot. sit 1.11to ha at list 1.11 OD w I, sod Sodom. 11.141 1.11; elastics December aro hogtoo to la illetotat titsteleg go ItositL 1.11 1671 .. ... Martel , .t4i: and Jodie la loos boo two 1',vo, large under lb ciutouo condi.... plast tat Tito promot showing to by tot sallies 94:1 Al S. L Stock So. Irk .46 , 4..11414.11; coottors 1.7101.1; good 'I Corn....' Libo. sod boo ovary &draw. Nsilitrieor Irmo lions 'of toociety." .! woe had bstio. 4.H.4 71; botorms b,,IIU 1.14 ,',io hoot ono ties atlas too 11 le .01 .. .141 - Ail .441 "gawk' Deconthor of oacesolaility. WItb tho Rigsby !, I , In I Itottots Ito latotot.ors bag tot So, logo l'a .431 Stood. Cool. .t. .24110II. .. .11 JAI .11 All Itpoo4 ,er up---11 wwiti IlitswItatill Ms Lao oats odessaasea, 06.44 ES,: vlsi gotolos g rasp la 1114,.. A Omit Life AIL to reasolly vaazkot 11 Hats 11; A. IL Itittr,r palled II0 is lb. 114M1 P. a L 111. stalwart Vtak ?bow toosited il,Ste tessorol Tito or Is Mill ail eat.' Wool- -. rood groan. Tog dr Adv. priNsAtai. . . .1 ... .446 .141 .fl, Work Deemnbor . .. Al 1 Alt 11 .H Optoltwiso llso under 9.04 Ill ott op plains ' NI . .111 it.t .11 .. hower sod I do sot look i Alt ..,.. AI n work to too to osoornases I om it'es.ppr . musk 11.1111.16; 71.44 11111111.11; thatk 1 & Pr. itrotot .114 .14 i olphWiso Sr Oster omit tho Motto lasrowiti. Posossit Issootiotil most twi, i.gt..8 .... ....... ..1 Pork., todom 1.11411,11. Via 'logarithm. . .,, Seism to rosetarti, no Von hoote. tOto tters to this tiow oil .S1 .2111 .. . Cwt. . ... ....t ... Nevere Moto her '; rotrItot H. oat. 48.04 loosing I ratoet t" Shoot tod root below the hot. 11..111 11..iiii 11.03 Ir. Ptigarp Mod groat Ctak flea è Coke, let stootty: goo4 demos. ?w goad Swabs, January .. ..11,01 . lent of our rooted erklogro lb oil keit' istoroste is the Lard Ie. teal 1.110 11.11; elle, yearlings. 6 .71 took ... rotate sImoil Th. Ilinft01 trove& tit 11 14 4; lks too los, whisk to rsgsraod its the NoveteScr Utak Foot. kitty& 11181; ',III?II isls ' VI $e.00 io silt imrstiet th 4.71; ,1101.61; swim', 4 14 Hillinde milts Ts.3 us et Notisttli, e Januar' Mike. et fort bolo, the ourfoom lito ewe:40 or00 1121.... on hand and will rec.' 18.13 I , foot mow the otortsret, mid tete ' 14 4 . ... 111)toolt Iltate0 ,,,itit 64(16 xtrepolowkr 10 Clot leak Sorer. .. to te'. xl fl y per or. 1..4. 1.41 toot 11.11 Corn Crop Estinsato. 1113 11.11 ,...11,10 . 20 National city 1924 IAallot ornmend perthaes of toy of E pr. w ev. . ...ell t2201.2t Pt S. Jaeuery fT 80 00 , 22 2 2 ; tiveopesito 10 2: tio2 $t 21 00 22: bee?'" SI 0M. Clear. I Itiormorsittell4 'or A IM1010g, O 1 100 P.v. reell 2 Plata Nat .. ..Marb 2 taw gloom 6.61 Meal". : itt te.8 l.62 the following maturities of tteeIdelbe dhl, patoutatia are this IV Nov. I IIINNiAP41.1. 20 is 4 tod ot t'01,ver 14; rhoio fro.", Him, C14.7,14; legs,. boo Iwo. a bp daps ra wad oar g eortool4 taal pa & thewerrt :!111. Utak-Idalb- o ..... 0:I 7 per etst: fitd 61,64co ootro sod bottom 4 14 a 4.11: rillaRged to 44 losoor. Sugar ormow tam" awl" $e II otkoto41 at 16.0401!611' ClehIdek; potoot coos tornily to loOtoto. talr rood and pUfiIi..ry gegen 1 CH. taa cp,oka.a pa prod awileat- cotton pItito, Iron h. to barrol : 4 quality manors atoms to 4.11411.11; $4.1? Bonds, BROKERS First Log Mortgage 10ot POPS, obey IS O. avsloOt- tokt revs'. Pet:ortitee 101.11: eloUto foodoe Hos. 4 HO 1.11: If , SIVNV:AP61,1. Noir, tW1101-.1t- d, 11.eat 037 7 34 per cent. 811,10 rat bolleiro.1. 0 C. boiodos 10)111 ildi SHP ears title 4; otopottill otOto. al 111114.14: Hors Say Flow Has toss 1.14f11.4e lit Cos. IT.... - 1,111LBUY-..- , 'yoot ago., I - ' rat 6,41:4, torn ------ ,olLyra. tt1; sitL C M. L No. I ,,trthout. CoJoh: rre-Wa- rdue It'll 61.000 1iAb , bow to. firiCt p0op4s, Nr.116' VORIK. !Covit I 1.01T, March. im.rm rat msik. Par Ito Ageotoota4 Mu. silver. tie I: te fl itoo4o Ort on114. 11.' hot CH eoro(o. Tit; due 1923 $1000 townie, 1411, Iturtim, 044; Mirakma 410$ ) .11.1V Ott 14e 1044 liaiLat totsolt itiouto total sod Liberty is (PT Asoaelaled Pr., Ler S tottot cnis pito, Ina stock-- , tit $.$$: taak4) $4.000 due 1924 ' WtyntrArl,lt-tlik- . illoV, II aIrtolto tit ob Itortoo-:-.1- 1 ita tot..41Wages rofNiko lc t 4061$0,100: 1$. la Fime $.440 An et Kiwis 11141. Ismiresesk 1P1 0 ilome Piro,-,N.rootiolod I t.cwrrox.. 19'26 ',ogre MP Itairks Wolof" dmi. $3,000 due - Marius AAA taiwboil graiii: initiate 'lite tit; tooder lama CH ' sa il AtAi A 1. 1.411.1-.14I. P a bloom, TOR K. 'Colt. 11,Coittego how.. 111Vet 'VIM toOOL 1926 A laili due 11.000 liereA twol Ai Oa Ira" of "PM memo t Hy. i Tamps Oohs eliray Iterlitot talwIlt 0 I bor. .."11.4 JeanP.c., 14; ogijp: tool float 4Isoo4 III 11: March. lItilip.ows )11itlied 1,44;4 Xs:lift ,4k tort$ ! e4o 'KANSAS (111. $ow. 410,000 duo 1930 ' thala a soy log, orsos attools 1.011; $ay, SAC IA eli1eM1(10. 1tter, b.. Ipos ',t00 wrs 1.11t, (In .l litir. 11. IL Ilk olovatiolo Imp tai t IAA fawn P.oait of laatkat keattio--Itoodop- t a i a CiPrIbor. 1 t 1 : fdatips rist itufsr , I.?. 1,4, At a NA ti ir ii Iowa ost4 la early:ad tot boot Cow "too" and Leaf; eh.. obtoiami Demises? ti L C M. L 001111.1600 tali w Obell ill,06 . Dommesi bast 11,44D It 016 IMP. 11 NO rtbMA bti hai ' 0 tool' S 4; I. Wild1.1S; e I hard Daisy Prodlace-- 1 ? ittlr SRIK 10011D Met. , 1 . 1 ILL g ortilto. Olt pc I 1120 4 tut). Hotel 11141146. list. , PZ bao g gollogr. Of. ft.. riscolsked ir, a: A. MASSA a Vilo 1 -go. lig; 11 Poirot Olsit. poittro, 1 , 140 I Ply belle tam boil by Militialj S. Chisqa totto4. to: go a 140 go oll4. w stoop Otoeye Motor ,. , es cttasm or Coln pany 1whItc boodle 1$ lAvbt 46 rooter Plooda, SC topitio-g- o, 1$ 1,441 twitotrewit Stofews I A, . i, 11L , &Ws. Att Oleo Leta sioto41 roots. Wasso 10004. & C140414..., . lea 14,e 1 1 4 wept rt. ( ;00T 11;a AL ' s,.. Abort', Ira erssiory blot. is I.. Ifni . . .. ..tt TII4 Ili' lI. molt. aren. Ord, rrsolt II $ 7"! I' SUOMI tilt t ; 664, ;I $1,61,usi.troti VL lkon4s !Cow ê 1141 Sri I. 110910 flotI AND SONO , 'rlitmos Ifl Tvivorwriset IT 1114 CA. .,.. 13,18.o 114vibie L bL iL IVe, Ps& r. 1.. et. Itet .bbittbb I. Zloote Tel tit tI 1,44 leen fr Clot k Icov War ?MIK ryriatt stria ereenvenr belt. NI 1..7111.roit 4e I 1 Invtuttnent Stcluitks : tribIdiebe Swine ; ' I Itwil 114t, atiowittissi t r . . ' 4r eartns It. I st 4tb, I Teem. tit. L It. II SALE Pen .14 filtite. 1 1100. ,it t641 1.0.vift tee Plater NoW larb 12.04. oovalitsals. 1104: birt ,,,.,.. Oltss, os I tiros of: t'osk, Non, . Frob etimmety 1111, Ilorob le, 111 reit el Ilmika 114 Ildvetwor IP .... .. '110. . .. i &MSC 11,114 1,1 P. at Mitt, Ik 1141 '1 4 1111 pfil9to .64 ill $t;A..&à Soot itr I 1:161444dh ! i 10 Irtato roll. Ott $oma a& Pa& 4'eir 4 (MIKA ,,t4 tell 1 lAwal 114WIIPS1100, yromai fito proelw.fry but. a'0 I lip r,sh a 1,,,88 Po, Ns, (41s-- , 1a . It tioriooe teittattlioted ft la Alletblob Witte ,gig t4 fit I:. res 1st isq14 I ft Is thittior I lel Iftmat Met, Del: 7tEirt ?II III .01t4,1-- i bistlike Ploy, Cook We fil.71 1414. OW 8.4r WIG, triterbot ''11:' P.IN 1: o; . ... 1146 .4 I lotthor silo tottaa tubs etwthwarty 1: I 11:' 'C. . uovarrir ip,". 1100t4111 &&10, It orto Pun IC erne 46; litres, ft Woo& rat IA IA Haiti,. L.,::.,041 ii (Ole itrsamery 1111 St. , 'begot II. 10. 004 UM POLS Po. ei, 'fool P., is lee L. fee Cowl remote oursPa, 4112.6 1 ,. el trePtt OOPS It c Immo (4..1.0. 4114., can, tr. 01,01., t illtirSOTIN eV" $IA WIPE Iliker04 agffe.Strame: "tea trip., . le all Lers1 ilithA;ratio girlies., lig 111 er --, Pim blIteto411.- toe& Soo P.' pow 1121 webs; tO 4i I 94 A P-- ...mikes Ot Woo1 rssor .1'''. orttso to Ott Iles Mite ifri Imps 4mo faampettn41100 illt000f Stadler.bolo 111.6 PPM; tuU Anoeticaa rnr.t.yrtylo. Moo gwal Totone 'roam Istettet.tkarist Investment, Tr. , t Owl Its,o, asp. Mom. kW inwele40. III 211., voisto Sall Saito p. 11110 llocmigt API rhoodmo Id lormoi ...mod leto41., , re... Lim' s4 a ' & Sof, t tutofts its twto 0,, 1111.amoPea 1S44. Itairk s deo tk IrgeolPitt Tefripbose oaks. V. S. pieoale, mott 1,obo two. roe. 14brty Bonik, Week. NW pwips rh4400 Ete. 19'1 I Pw plock 11.1. 61 tA 0111 , "1" 2 itur. k.,,lo ope.h. gnat. t 411 twi-t, 04.11.9101111 ettlei se. lel gra it 01.00 V, I .11 "'oil ., Lai to is gessOeb NIP tto4 011k. t, I liAS BIG ORE BOOT ti at 1 1 Exchange a 110CLE .. : t cross-fractur- 1 Oeal"and , , . 20-r- w; I.sr - 1 ' s. Slomp-Recetot- Poultryr-t-nchang- on ed: - . g. rs-Ling estae--Reeelot- s. she-stoc- proprty ' ' ' ---- 4 :I its-slo- : - ,,- Ill.' , she-stoc-k. oho-ste- al, Ta - qt , t-- ' ie 15-1- , - , . .. .. .... t.--- . .r , ' ir, 111 1 i,.. ..... ...... .......... i ,- - - ''-- , h, Ida-M- v . ' ... .0... 41.- - 1011141 T. $111.1146-44- 'I I .... .... " -- - ' out-roe- . I ,:. ..... ..6.. I ,...., 1.A 1 Plant at ...... .... ...... ... ....,.... to-b- ig , Vell-f- lo. ' .. - ' .... 1111 1 . - e ' .... ..... - , ..... ... , ....t ..... 'Mil .... .i , ' ..1 Vela .... 1 ... ..... . , 1 I etat.J avo-eg- ' 1 1 :told el Ill II. ' -- - ' ' ' , 1111,4111t7 8 ...... tie A ... 1 .... . ..... , ........ 7 " ..... .... . ,; , Q', . 1.01. Serloy-11111- ' ....1 PC - 1"1 1 ,,y lia ..... -- r ., It Utee-idab- tare M,iMM1M.t t) ' Clek-Illee- Ralph , mac WE - Hogo--11seei- pts Rachod it' . ot - 442.ft$.odr atara. 4- ' till Flas,,--Aft- , ., - . bto, . bete, WILL SELL 111 SELL I ---- re, triogo, 4. 4 7r. .1 111 ;.4 r.ptis 40, "." r.,.,, flt:Iph " le.,, ia,.';:. , WO ,. Edwzrd. . a co i III ,i tt 1 i. . i, as, , t .... Burtca J::3 r MEI Jr. Stocks Bonds Cotton Grain p,. , f ., , 0) - Dekt ftt its, OS' t. L . , Z , T Barnes Bros. Inc.' , e. E will Buy 'kid 1 ,v., I . , I , For Sale Ilah-14101- 0 ... e The ABeIer a cc ' ' T , Int , i. 4 e'L t |