OCR Text |
Show -- - 401P;a4 - it-.- , - . ... . ,- - - . , . I . . a a - - tapwa, . Next the Aght thingit the right time comes the art keeping one's mouth ahut when there is , nothing to say. i 4 , t: t, . -- -- ,, - . " .r a 1 . a -- -, - i - - - - ' 'FOUNDED '1850 ' - ' - ' ' ' - ''' 4, P.! !;;;;..,,.., MONDAY 11C0it3IBER -- .. -r- 'ts A -- IP. ,......:1;1-,.- , ? ; ,:, , , Wf.STPN..5TUC.KklUri:---.H.- - ' -- I - , - - ); , , ,,, . ' , . . , , : - - ,, , t ' t i YEAR SEVENTY-FIRS- T ., , AND IA11111 CARNIVAL A , , ' , - I . ' - , . , - - ,, - - - . 0, A II II 111111ESS A110 - S . . -- - , ., Outlymg Counties Voted in Favor of it,:.;4,Q114INIEElltil Alkt,.. -- , liE1.1.t.iiilLITATIO11.1s."::: ., . , , 8 .1920 7 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH , ,.. '' w 03 11. b 1)e , 1. . . 1 6.1 Sr---- -,.. . I - . , - V' , ,,..., , . ... ' ' -,-. - , ' ,...- - ' " . - -- a at , . , yini to-sa- a .0 . ' rtIdines - agTH flARO 11115 WEEK Inspector 't , ,. ' - IttutRAL Issues Circular , , SURVEYORS, ,! , A ADD VAST AREA TO About Explosive CIIIIIISEL CLASH - Pnder the auspices of ;ha bishopric, . Charles Cottrell. Jr George C. PhilGOVERNMENT LANDS lips; and ,lohtt IL Goddard. Of the HEtDTQCONSID.E.R'-: fair Warning has been issued conand carnival a Thirtieth ward. ' Aseociation or mail for of Control Federal Every Incoming telegram cerning , T. N. T, an extremely will he given at the ward amusement shows that the ' apehool omendmellt Public Grazing Lands. which will be dangerous powder brought into Jefferson and Colts of corner hail. known as amendment No. 1 has car- held tu this city. Dec. 4. ',and S. The IN UTAH ' use in the late world war. The YEAR streetson Wednesday. Tuesday. the figures convention will consider , numerous ::::i..1:,YQC4T11)Nk.W,...ORIS ried by a large majority, A: was notice Carl by prepared this of Thursday and Friday nights at this time showing 40 probable ma- problems pertaining to the use of pubAllen, state mines Inspector. who week. Gaily,decoratod booths with aU jority of 10,000. according to Leo J, lic grazing lands. esPeelellr In the b.' Wile. will says there are several carloads in on sorts useful articles of western states. tato Muir. superintemdent - of.public Utah. which Is enough to blow E. of occasion. feature the George 'There are more than a half Despite Unlayorable Weatti'Vice Chairman.' of Federal instruction. most of the state to smithereens. Orebana of the Beginning Tuesday evening Late figures recolved at Ms capitol scree of public grazing land in tbe E'LAMINATION T, should be handled er Total of 600,000 Acres company., oit, quet will be served. the Bret Of Ha show Ducheans school district No- - r western states which the organization Conducts .1. Board as care same the with special affairs of othe Grants Pass foe. kind to be given In the ward. Entervoting 1.101 for and 71 annionti --Uinta seeks to have placed under federal !: Is Measured Crews other dangerous explosivee.", the county, for 1,104, against 104; Iron control and supervision," said Les DU- tory Occupied the mOrning's bearing tainment will be 'furnished by the ence With Representatives county. Ariel quartet. 'A dance will follow the notice soya.' "It should be protect- San 1,262 for. 101 against; Ate In federal trade oommiasion's Hibernate'. in South. Juan (partial). for 462. against S. Unitham. ot Mackay. Idaho. secretary-treasur. 7 Of Western States. , ett from fire. spar,ks. flame. heatprobe. The testimony hinged Wednesday night a program consha(This county was carried by a big maof the organization, who is sugar around the and and Paraproepecfriction. development ed bodies. musical of the selections 'percussion amendment. big for the by according In Salt lAke jority arranging details for the tive development of power T101111-Cto a late wire. but exact figures were humorous, readings by Gladys 'the like." of the Rogue river public service cor- de.. N spite of unfavorable surveying a not given.) Rich .120 for 211 against; meetings. ' Hartell and Slim Mildred Bail. a two-a.7. N. T. has a faint smell and HE new industrial 'rehabilitation and its poration, corporasubsidary t full of fun and frolic. and 110 skin for. M against; Emery will be the graz- tions from comedy it otains the the tastes Among bitter weather which characterized ' the - t topics I l bill will be the Main feature of which the Grants Pass fac- a song review under the direction of a county almost solid for the amend- - ing land problem in connection with toxic and produces is brown. it of greater the season. portion obtained Its past power. Bias Jessie Perry, will be given. the conference of voca .ional ment; Washington couray. 1.444 for the propomed Increaso for grazing feel tory poisoning when inhaled as a dust. . ' I : fully 100,000 acres of government Judge D. N. 8traup again entered For Thursday, which le Armistice Sevier 2.411 for. :VIIton forest land from 11 to 12 per head numerous T. N. T. poisoning is first noticed , educators which began this aft- It &alnut;Carbon the to witneas lands objections In have or been a neck program day, on against; the hands, county report by for du": the policy of the federal special In Utah this a rash surveyed by ernoon at the Hotel Utah.' James the point that wire a plurality of 111 tOr the amend-- 1 reserve,board on financing livestock testimony, emphasizing a picture show will be presented. face. Prompt medical attention year. according to a report compiled the wftness wan allowed to make with rico chairman of the federal should be applied, and workers Friday night the carnival will close ) producers: the decree of Attorney lengthy observations, talks. arguments with by G. D. D. Kirkpatrick, assistant ett. board. presided at the over be ball to nresided a Counties which have not yet rbeen General ' should change obs., upon seeing grand Palmer wherein the packers and speeches and was not limited to ing station when the home economics. be of will who perviatir Davts and carnival from are servers heard Beaver. the of queen. NeUtah by and first the to dispose of their stock- answer the questions symptoms. ; lor love bill. and the Smoot bill- in Cacho, except Logan, which alone were ordered to him by voted for dining the fair. put a T. in N. T. use to ' Is unsafe "It deterto and cars yards 'F 'favor of home economics were refrigerator the counsel. . Henry AU members of the board and forgave the amendment a plurality of mine the effect closed placed. ouch as underthis decree will have Nevada although the weather S for diatuasion.- 'brought up corare le mer of eettion. 2.44k. Garfield that residents a, as ft strong reported generates on the k ground mining. generally: proposed After a general discussion of vocal- - for the amendment. but A heated discussion between wan a little more favorable, the re. ' I ' exact figures measures industry Invited to join in the festhillea dangerous gas. Only persons in !. ,tional work by state directors repre- , dealing with federal control Stroup and Mr. Saunders arose Judge when dially denot is are this Kane boodle suits of the survey have not come ' in; yet reported should health . distribuof I and good marketing packing all states west of the Mitosis- cidedly in favor of the amendment. the former charged the witness with Utah . I r s minting Those who to tion of Dies States explosive. livestock Pioneer dangerous the st. as up product& ef about expectations the ronference. the stutter him while he was makonly i ,sippo ( Morgan has gone two to one in favor which touch it should wear kauniletod ? In the asso- interrupting 110.000 acre have been added to the hie molloas and objections. making ho ate Peton 0 M iel a denastmeet of lu At ,Advanced Age ' glove. and should bathe and it; Summit is about even and Plum ciation are Nebraska. South Dakota. ing ;, ' 4P rethis observation for .by itself rather than a part of the reports the making is Weber a favor. in government's surveyed lands of that majority $ change clothes after each days Washington. Oregon. cord. the witness continued to repeat trades and 'newel-le- l depa";ment of against the amendment, it is report- Montana, Idaho.California. work. The hands and face should state. Both figures. however. are re' , New Mexico, his contention that Judge Strsup had Utah. Nevada. Mrs. Emma A. Marshall Ericson. Si the federal t et ass taken up fsr en.. ed. ' count and from the and meal. eath before , preliminary washed , be Arizona. Colorado and Wyoming. a l"(3131.1141 clubs ali weir Salt Lake county , Pidera t!.. 4 'eluded as highly' satisfactory. Interrupted him and that he had not years old, a resident of Salt Lake for T. is also heavily T. N. work. each after day. P.), envy have been advocating euch the the answer. at time kb; home. died at 'Mate her more In IS rears , completed than this amendment. with was contact the the work .t. some,' .' should not come in a step, it wax pointed out, in which against Associated Industries He caul- - even. keep his mouth shut 1,As the what delayed at the outset due to the '. ' home,econ saes would be then a l2 Phipps court, Nov. 7. Death was the mucous membraneAvoidofchewnow." said Judge Stroup: "I don't , or eyes. twee Cleaners month. to Launch old Will age Move Into New Offices have to.' countered Mr. ganders. Mr. due to aihnente incident late opening of spring and was further ' .ft .arto,,tal aporaeriation as welt ea Othing tobacco which has been touch.. sr depatmetita of the work Beer aided 1Pr it 11 the witneas but wu and followed by an In Dtall Ot two delayed this fall there being less than and do not Educational Campaign Offices of4 the Utah Associated In- interrupted with the ed powder The finned till: providing tnr a $...... 1 Dun3. J. by Examiner ' fly tructesseive good surveying day's handle ciowing tobace3 when the tee for scientific survey ham, who declared that such diecus. .workappropriation Mrs. Ericson was born at Litchfield. To protect ilie public from 'release dustries have been moved to the top Mon hands have touched T. N. T. in home economics. also came in since the first of September. accord. were without purpoee and could the McIntyre building. not ing.to Mr. Kirkpatrick. The greater. abed any light on the Staffordshire, England. Jan. IL IBIL 1 for a large part of the discussion. The and irresponsible cleaners and dyers. floor.ot -ra growth of the work of the as- case. popitibly purpme of the convention. which. will the Intermountain Cleaner and DYgn portion of the work was in the south. this all discussion She wasmarried to C. L. Ericson early RECORD TIME t Following , laxt :1 until Wednesday, is mainly to dialettingen- portion of Vint comity ond said A:C. Rees. manager, was dropped and orderly procedure In life and in 11119 was converted to 1 1 'cuss the putting in operation of the aasociatica will launch an education- sociation." northwest part of Grand COUntie the resumed. 4 necessary. I is Church of Jesus Christ of Leiter-da- y industrial rehabilitation act. al campaign Jan. I with a ,velw to has made larger 3 there. being several townships corn., , bucame to Utah soon of a establishment iIsints. The in Meted They district. this The placement , remainder Term. of Act Accepted. on the dry cleaning public educating IN SUIT TO after. and her husband was OD Of the wee chiefly completed old surveys be- t if As far as Utah is concerned . on and dieing. This IFIS the decision reau and the additionof a field secd surveyors of the Union Pacific tan several years ago which lie scat- -. t, Oct. 14. the governor broadened of have the the reached at a meeting of the ansceis- retary accepted beeps was being built in Utah. when it tend le state. the It is throughout terms of the act but at pressent there ., He died several years ago. this old work that the eight are no state moneys available for this tion in the Commercial club recently. the activities of the association and One of the shortest jury trials On finishing Mrs. Ericoon is survived by three crews in the state have been mealy now accommodations for are now prop-e1.000 ars provided there Although before purpose. the government furnishing this was held morning record X. J. sons: 'J. Ericson i Charles and occupied. Once the old surveys are equipped and licensed cleaning the varied meetings held under the only one half the amount. which has Ericson. both of Sail Lake. and L. IL Judge W. IL 13rome1. of the Third completed greater progress will doubt- to be matched by some other source. pbusts in the United States and Con- direction of the orga...satirm." 7 19 Plain Ericson of - . City: grandchil- district court. in lb. ..ease of filmes less be made ' , It is believed by local vocational pm ada. there are more than 104.000 ind!- The November tome of the Indusdren and 2 Bdith C. KnowlThe lands eurveyed this summer are againet Bamberger p I that this eum . however. can be so- viduals poising se cleaners and dyer trial Digest has been issued by the As2:39 held at be will services Funeral woo instituted valuable by from stock suit ILE the ton. The cured within the state from private or aocording to firares brought out chiefly sociated Industries. The outstanding in the 'o'clock tomorrow afternoon and although there Bamborger On behalf of the int public aoureess. in order that industrial the meeting. During the cunpaign feature is the Workman. Declaration QuaItrougt-Alloo- tt mortuary chapel. mats to condemn a tract of land 10 somestandpoint Workers maimed while in service sae Hi. assoeistion will inspect.asch plant of Indepondencei declaring his detecgood dry farming and irrigable in IL of IL be will 'Burial Superintendent cemetery. Albright City the capitol 101 is this adjoining feet be given training commemorate with and invite all members who are cam,. mlnation to work and live on amicable acreage by practically already the Yellow-aton., National park. aron the eouthweet. The land settled by actuattera Mr. Kirkpatrick that 01101S former incepatillated eer- patent to Join their forces - with - - grounds the term with hie employer. Is needed to enlarge the Parking. 'rho annual address by President L rived from the Werth this morning Long Illness Foto! weciation members. this The different with y,: 'rite evidence was concluded exception of two crews Gallaher. delivered at the banquet and left for Sao Francisco at soon.' of the lastractadl working the of Roy morning To .. 'federal board eredepartments end the lart was in southern Nevada all pee. all represented at hoards of education and the, Mato ho at the Hotel Utah on Oct. 21. is atm Re twig before Waving: Geed reads. .. sweeten. Mr. Munroe re Pcessrate dustriel commoissioes of the eastern Bt.. tn. fall ,The. sable .is being .ithe tics . thin have " siternoos. .. bent called in aad will . e 'the manufactosing ' teammate. Arthur Mates at Washington. D. C. - Tits hoard mailed te beading firing of the state. illwat development Jog tIM automobile Mrs. Itstbor C. Iturphg. I years old. ,.' 4 begin the preparation of taeir chaste lE. Holder, labor end Calvin P. to pub t.so for acceptance to Itrightnx.. Industry. and the Mogan. "Sew Amerl Mod he Roy. Utah. Sunday shersoin. Hantu Igton Becomes Me- has now come to Dalt Lake to Meet These two crews may ontor with the ropreeentativea of ths ea F17047 wore what brought 111.Y71 according to- - word received la MO h-- ,'Intact. Wien Rum ... Foal Office ten. Tueeday ovetting-ern states. Francis W. Kirkham. di- Father Begins it I Washington county. Vieth. during the tourists to tbs. Yellowstono pork lout been M for had Murphy ,disobled men now ix emoting Mrs.,, of has winner rector months to do some work. The vocational work in Utah. Son the training at somon. sacooding all records by over more than a . Missing 1 sad returned business Pampas, University of Utah will ha held at hems In chants of arrangcmonts for year season, is as houvrer: elooee postal increased ita regarded le Mottors. .Due 20.06 wore There 16.136 the nolo' Utah. wher a einirerga eonteresoi and the eraertainment Local TY from California. the whore she - had tbe fourth class postoffice at Hunt- due to the heavy snows and deep muds exceedto automobilopo and been have t requested motorcycles. bastion will be effected. Dr. W. U. of Om vialtors polka , which make further Tue.dai Induarial ing the 1919 record by over 3.000 ;ono for her hoalth. 'Lamitin is schedulet to make the Utah. has been advanced to alt.io for the prooent. survetring impos will be the main topic aid in a search for E. R. Stoker. lit autos. Thera were tourists from very prin. rehabilitation biro. Murphy is survived by !sir bum ington. class. third sr Opal address. The llegelle acres finished this year under discussion and soldier and sailor vitro old. eon of IC E. Stoker of state in tho Union and many from grads. band. Thomas W. Murphy; two chil- presidential Wedneedar noon br. LamkIn will IraCialle4ta3 work Oa Wilttmeasi to advice received by local by no means completes the lands ea Pries. The young man cam. to Stilt foreign countries. ammo spending the dren. Nellie. 14 years of ate. and 1421. idellver a lectors before membe, of morning. this which surrey le pending. For several entire summer In the. park. On Aug. ham. le years of ago; aim throo broth. poetoMce officials .0us Pubtio liessios. Lake. Oct. and was here from then 21.4911 'the lead ing club. of the el le at N. Purtnifien hoe been roam Utah has been behind her work tour-totentered the park. the ors and throe Motors in Salt Liks. a Granville postmaster fourth due to the limited Since that date Venial tiis44niliTtristilies until last Tuesday. the of !Commercial club reeffla At thtelW411K1 appropriation of for one day in It. sister in Portland. Or, and her moths,. appointed ....4....- -- be has not bees seen, The father is in greatest number were C111111 office at gaiduro. troeti ot hs an i outline lb, p m ....011 e. ts ! 110Ile. per year. This has neceeet- Si automobiles Mrs. Emily Backmaa of Ferminron. Item arret ball whoa Mr. litoldor will Salt Lake aiding in the search. He history. for tho rohabilitatiss of person, di.-be tated that work limited to eight the 261 Mexmotorists and in from bo Canada. will but Tho is re. ea advs. industrial body be thottnaht 'Peddler I. stopping at the Heron hotel. .ablett In industry or crews has and resulted in leaving utg. ico and Hawaii. Tho 16.134 autos and taken to Farmington Tuesday. whore Postal Officials Ithoir retunt to renumerative oti.opolltabtation. The sesatin begins at I . surveyed more than 2.6041.04111 acres in motorcycias brought 46.749 touriata. funeral iservicee wUl bo bold to tho an invitation boo boon ex- Thieves Enter State Hake Austria mate Rut VI. 01 of ruttine little 742 while cam 2 on hope or horseback. foot. o'clock. at 'Morison inootinghouee Whit the work tor rehabilitation truded to the Public to alien& gown this vast uneurveyed area which 1919 them were le. 737 cars with will be In Farmington. Assistance In addition to those it is expected Shoe Store In for Street ,of the veterans of the late war has Plea I. back eettlement the 39.146 bolding of the passengers. Tho greatest num'boon going on for some time.. It le that Dr' P' P. Cillutcik Cult" Mates vast government traria In Utah in 1w 14 ber of private ears entering Ma park Veteran Calvin Y. Electrician 'toil, recent:, that steno hays bsso commissioner of education; ,Ree shoe on one day. was 273. Thieves entered the by local peregrine officials as addl.- .. Troia &Aug. 9. oaken to rohnbilitato those inlayed is McIntosh and Arthur I". Sadler will store. 241 tooth StateBusy 'tonal applicatimts ars coming In at street some travel tcooded' tho 1919 record by To Address Engineers arsola'reot"Ilm:smimemunikeoator:tiobalith:he:rararruoarmopostingrwed lit the todustrisi pursuits. thatemonto isousa arrilw la time to lake Part , Sitar-fiv- e the over rat. of acn per roar. cent tourists. tale Per 1hr the local federal vtatlitlenn, board rant"rabre. Um yesterday and obtained 151 in No Dtstrict .1 motor I. of the carriod thoir tourists the r comprising 'assort that preeticsiir Hie see bus Tbo following outline of the pro- money and several pairs of shoes. ac- own for SS elates of Utah and Nevada. G. Holding. manager ot the Z. CI. i there aro fictol Of Austria and Stuttgart squipmgmt and largo camp altos E. iara spout in Utah in soldier rehab. gram boa boon eves auti cording to reports received by the po- Wont prepared at all prominent for- Holding Electsical company. and P. goats past. la ?hit the latter anneal- more uneurveyed lands applied foe . !Mistiest work. However. it Is . on.. , in Monday. amother . In than mations. for aecommodatiou 1 any district thsir esbreakEntreat-4electrical surveying lice. A. Jeanne. andetent wack gained by !coded that with the todustrial do. , 4 for help from local penitence with wood. orator. onmfort outlook the aporottrialloo . tin wtU holt wiadow.-- .. ,partment of tholederal board in full ...t.,1 --- Couronnes ("foolldornt by for lb. service la AIWA. $ao tuhi. ImmtlirlmvitaodS ?nal and other conveniences at their dis- gineer et the esinpnni board. ing a rear ployose .0Oaretion. ovoral lanes this amount Tiothe of the to at made KirkpatrictS wsahled yeathe the ! wait wreakers meeting enbo Mr. Thom regular sites of will police Report volition Ira" address weicoms P. James of although camp is Munro: posal that aocuired bo ot000d to its,t7 out tho will aectios et the Americas hetitl by Gov. Bomberger.. salary befog. the hopeful. however. that although Con. . terday by R. L Leonard. 411 east larged the coming mason to provent. Utah eattabsered good was gram. hi Electrical the at 1116-1ato Engineers Ittehs tress may not Pacatianal Eiltioation. Mr. Eighth South greet, of the theft from ovorcrowdintr the surveying Among this visiting educators wits icier ehe and mast! tabors W.r 'Montana sent In the graotrat hum- - Commercial olottTeesday. Nov.' II. panics apprepriationthe tenting year tbe ite.- "'settling' TPics for disc"' his home of a wicker baby cartialla arrived lost nicht wore. lawn H. Mill". to hasp up in this torrible -will E discuss Mr. 2.676 cars motor. of with Holding Early Education." stow "Homo Ecouesnies increase countrt by the people may ties Istsportionpartment earrin Jams,i yo. u t, a me. ,te, emir., IL V. Wade. 914 eaat . First South 16.302 pagoongers. Idaho cam. nett. Weal Experience in Utah." while Mr. which wove scourging Mont to this district and snake polo-4roaa of Me federal board; W. I. )tam. :ribi Pees bill and Its Importance to street, reported the loos of a gold with The latter is most with this inimedisto 1.619 we and Sill people; Wy- Jeanne will speak on 10thective Ansel in "Commerelal Ediscatioa." sthle .11tAn. soostropsooot of browns st. tbe etatAte. progress to greater stalsaolie of selling t Dr. E. R Wright. $it First oming third. with 1.129 cars and 4.272. femme Problema." object which oho , tor "swiss' and miters and Need for future healtdation. Rotation of watch. ;tisitis ea ao Metal document &weave. C. E. Griffin. 1St Logan ave- Ilion Utah. with $29 cars and $.113 ' bY Ensnarer tee Bachelor poortoos: yys. Vol W. 'Ammo ,61,reetot tin loderal board to stats"boards tot nue find was Will signed : EaM declares) Tenth Wilson. Knights 141 676 Nebraska fifth. with cars and (ley SfrVitil Man .1of the fedoral board tt. M. ithidmore. "CatteRal adoeNtion so staled ea pale Istreet, each ago, foto 0000lo t paid SIT 'roots reported the keg of an 1.1100; Washington sixth,. with 669 Body of a , Is - Returns Activities rePort. ! WSZTUIIII 10 flail bor latest for scricultorat education; M. It at tha astiond annual roomootor vercoaL corm and 1.21I pool:its. New York sent Horne ID. Fireatiroot of list Actsculturair end ihio Petit, iloolirlog tho iirnolaellt recons. Being Broaght Ow anticvi for 3111 bocce east Fourth Evans. Herbert 121 care. with 399 people: NPIr Jer-- Dim I odocatioa? tor vocational nature sr sult N. ,Mm,. similar o of ratios ante-ttiittosississi: 14,hanfrat Tne bachelor Knights. sutra! stre t. reported the ices of two sey. 26 cars with 74: tooth Carolina 211.. and tArs. Charles tiOn.40O of Austin. Torso; W. ts, custom of vocational educatiou meem South I. Lambert balm been appoo.I rocolvod by IPO'nfsierpoo of I.Pummel ao Koketto of Columbus. wi:1 suitcases containing motel and wo- four cars with 13; Markt of ColumOwe have been Mon of illIrrmrsit. wash.: Fresh lions raised by utershere ot the but vomited have word local that of postoMte hotel this th :he city men's appareL at Liberty bia. 12 cars and 39 people; llama. Ohootiord of Corroltio. firs.i, Will charitabut tow,. lesiebrato their reor ganisatn after 4". carpi wuk otwoorod 11. Utah W. of Kramer the D. at their lamcars sou. and Oklahoma 111; ' "i" Kirk tho chusetts 3$ Friday. body Jompit ren de throo years revolve mooed by.tho war. of Plaiom tiro.: Joha Calls. .. Teraday ....1docalog. notbr that thal darlare house. reported be had lwlen robbed of 277 cars and 1.042; Florida 30 cars bert. boo arrivod at New Tort. , 'has of Madison. Wis.: R. R. olnyd,,,. 9:0-12- : industrial robabilitation It oo4 o poll of tr000pro and II people: Arkanoss IS core and roots hems for harlot Youost 141111,. so obssill. .4.4 saeramonte. a soft Thursday otening. at tho Ladles' toretived cal : made H ee. of dimblod POANUMOP Warrant aim Persona.. Diroctor Lam. 76; Illinois. 322 cars slid 1.5441 peo- bort woo t aspess s, pesttle. Wash : and D. D. Literary club bout. now that ivory mombor of from hooequartom moraine thin kin proelding. Lemons for industrial ple- Every state in the unto', was reo- company. 1411th field artfilortr. so I remmuntealsoe Johrown et Perth Weah, rilittenth I somber boa returtiod from military T.. Crow of ' ura J. rebabilitatioo barbed the federal 19 countries and by rosented. by foreign direm H. vormas for , taws. NAtil, 'fork clinic sa"ant Jo. U. throat North East, Canton. Ohio. sositiaank.o. marl, m.albers took ram In 111 Ito 111Y111a001 with soldier 2rt tourists. Thera were 116 makesma-of left Ilona' IL bwirili of the 'Moral board for MS. Ho died at Comp Do boot int aid In 10(18,1inif her brothor1 the moor cfcgatnents of Om War. rebabtlitation. Colvin r. McIntosh. automobiles In the work: also 1211. of :S. 1teation. arrtved in Pelt 'fill, Ountioty member or the board. Montt. Dordesoz. Doer litho was loot L. tot das boardl, Is, toreyelos of five different broods." patiamonts. $ired' 21 yoars. Amaze- Saba A. Pergissoa. at the He. ousaion: 'Tito rodent Topics rely 00 Imo tnjurod. Josuppti 'to reeeset the conferee In Clah Act" "Accept.. are Mr. Albright oats pre paration Prass. Another. Liogat. waiter s 'Sol risk. leo will funeral mad for the ment, , a Mats:. tincli Lott by "ComPnotion for entertainment in tho Ionia Cul la the tornico. making park on the arrival firth' holy in dolt Doke ''. Two wefts ami the federal board to .indut of T011 a larger ritrmairo tho vim. Messate Gets Mother mot with tho sologiblirs at tha elate Alitiation.:,.1,t.s.rstationsblp The Content of, int solaria. Th roads will ail be in Fon Industrial Moitabilitatina From Missing Daughter fine shape. be decigram. and every. Training." 1 distruesion of tb tontatiew copy of p000li,lo don. to - nicks- It pleasthing "bolletittN& 2 of thy industrial rehabant for tailors. Troth( rWrO-1000Ilitatioa 'tortes. !'iliate bretalatiott." : Pe torte Sanaa'', rood ore: A 61101111011t Botwoon Mato Composes. , Leire Soldier's Soil a pootcor4 which alto T OWE BROTIIERS RIG!! r141)1z1 to tho lion Hoard and State-- Board for Voca-- 1 police - - 1104 received ' frets her - dettetmerl -- usual Astooatieo." ra Mato Plarai Body En Route Horne Diortioatoa opowed by Lowie H. Carrie.' LIQUID STANDARD ,.MINMD 1410 Atnotto 1100. who wolko4 from amitment director for loduotrial mum", ,,,. home and Sir. remised Word at has trate by Kampen Partfle Western . 'ao 0 bablittatioa PAINTS ill give you longer : tottoo. Nor toot Ited000ttoy end co. litra David Ilargetts. 131 eolith elec. linrotlay Afteetwoon The pasteatte lima malted and better protection for your Of their apposrad the otrett. end Iron that 4 betty 4 : I re of Industrial habilitat iota tho iteolog from Oarlock Per, 11 ' 0011. Davi4 A. Margetta who tiled at tho ram chatman presiding. Nov 4. home orgarogt ht. atationt. Prance. Avg. Sa. ISM operation of foetal Airtaciss This 00moto roil' 'nem Amelia, "cu.' A111141,1111 army the with wait he white Portal Ideate." tomorrow Arthur em tbo train. Poo yens complish bat , ht Now arrived at that point. 'fere 014114 Heider. member of beard. morolhe. 'Murk" tht Itte fa liar alai. Will nel had Novo met to hen take- $375 ' of the aord boa hem, ot girttoo one 4i Made by a firm of long and Weditionday Morainic. s - - Do For Mergette 4104 - et .1 Good-Solep000tt gyros11404 oat woh-kmIthoo V.1140:21: ladustrial rshabilita He enlistedDecember. IIT. and i foto. he rind 4e PI ?mg 'meth's tbear Your First tho trice ritairscan hoot. rtputatas standing. wee eerrieg with the 311th ffrial u-i-eto wonder1 s. tat the feeert botw000 Ttao Dritry f MdocationalActicities." aotta4 at the time of bia death- - lie Payment l' Utah.' ol 11. A P. Dr. P. Claxton. Comnon Wee SI year o44. Asti( for a Hotta Aotiml Ow effort of a CoMr Crxd. 11 or of duration. Coischaion of Memo!horses body to 'sported to arrive le am sow a ror en Coe tratto4 Woo het la Mom otoseattr. "mirk. w.11 put mon. Plan Lake eithem Welneeday or Them. at Get our 6111rit" advice. Poole Prick Wastata Partfle Intl Id:la-It:Itif ad outtotactotily Vocational rottabilite day and funeral arrangements will be ullkolow. Karnpoa atstkm. hay. teat Weditaaatair sill distattiod soitliora. for sailor tie it arrival. mad. of ' Putt lustier upon tb On tat se a44 trot Ph Atooppoore4 sight Modorp foall'olutuol: asorlooa. Topics. for diertiostoot "TitO . hems foo04 of bor Moro. A 0oorolt 0 , ,004 ref luisaltok Board to Po Were of the troths-a- l I. the oboe0 train offbeat1 Immo. i Lott Found. Ilimo by Jewelry noidier k halstlitatinc lisociteeppod !Peg? swan floors. ea I I one ; ommea oftor hot aotortere '0.11 "'rho liotaticti Salton) sod Marines, Kw est re. ,11 otoptio, - loll for omooret eat& tohoetog Sail Lake Class & Paint Co. 1 R. IC. Roblin. IS I root, notitio4 of Om Worth of Vs.material Rstashili imooroh04 la a wiry, bottom., UV( tiltilknr I limmorrool: Dow. t1:1 111. tattoo of Pn440s entiore arid Marinas lil Ilse police Paturitag that iglu of boy. trete tr. oidoialks. .o. i to. the Poston Vorational frAttration valued at a proximately 1111,044 "' troop. 314.1 rs;gt 'First South St. Iklei mere i tie so No sot loos C 'I fore Thrt Altitude of tho Aro ototsts ad )4 44 Ittoghmook, oho gel . whirls was tospono04 to Moo Moabtiled ticOtorsoo Toward the ko.1 plover . tatotowatitar the Paso Ills vitipooktro to 0:a Kimball at. Richards,. ., line.! poorod front bia Stoma oboist a loo.a hoolinatiest of oa.ilorrice 1 her taashat totti,atat that 'tat Ott dila saw ba4 Noon Coon& li was !behind casco ,potood by W. I. lisonliton.i 11orrilsolo.. I 1114 LT IPS 111.101P11 , t, i two "Ilk asul , . brommattettot box OP ahoy ire 1 whore the appaarthe a book IML containing 011. foto( till WOW sorriest, troational 14 1146 er it 4 1 It bad follow .seetdestally. ea moo at rirm tiorposai hatithistioe diabolic. .10011 " ! 01"1111.mw0 0 . t t , I .41 a . Schifol Aniendnieni Delegates from 13 western states sail be present at the second annual lconventIon ot Lbe tutted Stockmen's , 1 IllSOGARPBOHE ' THIS - ' er ct T 4 ''' , roc-atilt- ' , . ' -- ' ' ' , 17. - . . t ' "... . - - ' , : . CHUM Report Made on - . - 1 rail-loa- I siravel . el - . - To Yellowstone ..;...." Gov-ent- fru. er ' ' Rmdent , , SearcFor us ' . - r .- -- It 11.:V . s 5 st . 1 $ 4 - ..... .,,.. ";.1,.--1,..--- 4 , int-rea-m 1: , , , rt coo-tonn- nil r tr.. .... vorswoe-rxrazatalot-",-.1- - -eit owl RobmsonBros i tB Iopeh 91fi Is I 0" le ti ER RO eg ie , I MO for I I rr;e S- . oxf rat 1113711EIZCZ .--- grit A i 7" r.,---arztrin- tom 1111 . .4.,- . : - r . .i t , , ' , --.-.... - . 1 0 , i t .. . .Li .. RING! Wet Weather I -- ' lit t ,. 4 - itifittense-pmettenon- OPM C 0 WU 1 b 1 , 0h ni. Grifist ' , , 01. i. .. t , . ' . t . . ..............L.......,...............,... |