OCR Text |
Show - .1, 7777 ,0001., ,MIV. t, Ir,qr,"0,pi ,.. , ,. THE- - DESERET I I ' - '. , - -- s - r' . ,, , 1 4 ia T4P 1 c fl - ,v it404 , iv, , : ' ' - v. ( : r (' 491." 1, . AP r), ' - - . rt. , . 9 5Idailligi. A ,16... . , f. 1:1k.'10,1 ,,,. ID . r. ,i,, : it , :,..7:::.''Sl.c1Pf,ERIAR.'.1,-:i- i' I 11 i ' :::::'., t I LANE1111.SMEEK!La4i..:.'.'..-4':'-'4'- Runners- , ' ...' ,, , 1 1 l, . Lng. ; ' 1 . . ' i i ' , , i t . '','; , . ' - .1' . - ' - . ''11()Tkeesall:tertlitsale tr.me. , nussiort. ar.f.. nii..erp,:eorweshi:, - tl". , - , ,4011111110; i ARE ( 1 AIHERING.ii3OV.ER.i. , .. . - '. , , , . -- ,' 1. - 1- - 7 - - -. r ,,,, - . ,,,, Y t.,,,'''.1- - ,rA , e ' .., '' '; k . . : , '''''), .,,, '-- 14., , , .' .... , ' . -- -- - I Five Hadouti Aretiven Un- Crimson Eleven Clearly Out;1 til Today to Come in On plays Ancient Coloradol, ' "Lasker Plan or go to . Rival And ; Scores First! War"Would Take Juris. Victory of tile SeasonAnt Eleven Man Team Respon!' diction Away From Own. . '' -- ible. , . era. - 1-- ''. .1 - ' I . t.:. , i '' ,,t.. agate to the Vest .a.'l . N", . 4BY JACK TEIOCK.) rear tor the 11,20 01114; . , (By W. D. DJ , , , ' (International 'News Service.) ,....,! lid wit be the next manager , Eat Um -- ., 4," OULDER. Colo.. Nov. k undefeated sad. MCAGO. Nov. S.Ownors of I , CITY. Noe. the ' Bees? ....4.,..t. of the ' as Is 119 theflnittl:: believes ' t ...., - the '0,1 , years aga a Crimson eleven letti 1 major league baseball clubs , '. . Th4 t popular .question i , jest , KANSAS plan" a dead lame- gross -- - rho Colorado with & scalp dnnittiSid tot were in session here today I L.0 the little lellovre...des- - - a ill probably be answered 1 sorovier. will decide rho . entree. I ' , - Ltb' their belt. 'Year 'atter YeJul ... ' - decide for I In .i.leetOln Uri. who's remarkable or war in "ripoV peace punting , Saturdays game! 1 gates began arriving today for! w.t.i.n the i.ext week or ten days. It since then Utah. teams, although bat wiet be Partially atieweraa , .he annual convention Of the National agairart the University of 'Colorado kept the hall away from the Utah ter- major league baseban. with' esoeyaa The fellows: ' Ur int desolmra.lIY have lost coludatentlyi I across ova leation score al. V. Lane. prey...dent of the boat, Te am.present - standing commlaaloa4 of of for the stational Association of Minor leagues witn the ritory and who finally carried the as game. the only Won. Lott. LUAU Club 10 in Kansas City tor tbs. oa Colorado soil and it 'was not will 61114,4 purpose of fighting for repro- .... 018 .. factor. - , - 0 deciding th, I " trio National As- Ohio State imitation on barshall's highest n 4 Important session of basobail a . of the eight National Saturday' that they broke the "awaY1 .3ingneten I: ioitguoii ftL The minors.. whose Meeting opens 80Ciatten of Minor ..... I ' R league FOOTBALL N ' 1 .' clubs and the Moat O. Boston front home lint and took biome ,k1C4 YORK B C and. before Icavihif here,. tail:mewled in, tomerrow :;: afternoon. are unprepared 0, ,::". .;3 ': ' ,i 2 COntidence to entertain visiting major moguls, but and New York Ainerican league cluba tory."' And it was a glorious tdi vio ago $ 2 , will hold out a. asomethIng at letutt W44.11 tie return& b)wa extended until today their ultimatum tory being the mcond COMMiCtitlY. WI welcoming band should ' 3 wee Northwestern". .....1 .usil Lanebehove I the "big fellow." come to Kansas City. firmly to the other five American clubs to by the aims score for the Crimson ove 0 2 . , ;villain ins 'when. by. Michigan ,.. from hothing was of on tins thing certain the eve meet with them for adoption of the their bitter rivals from the Silver state , 2 HAVE 4. t , i,!,,. e lore he lett. he Mated emphaticaliy- P.:2,rd" th was and that "Looker plan" for a sow commlasion :. I rintoring the, loot, Period with th be hid ao ,otta,tin Mind an yonl si'nnnPr'n desire' their on 081 or "go to war." for score 0. Utah uotorked a powerfu representation ' but thot he 4i to wart some aril TillooLe le It Might favorite for the National Bamonto rommiesion.y No, bored President this of 'Minims American offensive that can-la., them over tori peculiar arrangement i or armisr.,,,,effis, tooLtog ',word du:title through not garrotes; this camomile to league summoned all the American the Drat victory of the year. Smith In which looked on at the Wan ' t ett, minors wili be adopted nor wilt tbe ()ndio& of & sucteasor to Ernie Joha- startschedules to Weis:sok. The clubs Ingot I at 1 league k as a FAST of BATTLE $01.9011 the REAL handicep. may- mieore throw their ouppwt to ithor soturming, quarterback. cause too Kona., e;ty ot,tot:oo., ao, ot informed St Louis and Detroit representatives autales - us that the only for.. divireola into somewhat of an alasspiral punt In midfield and clever! faction In the lloydier,losinson dispute : Lane of the 'loyal five trJeporting John- l threaded Its way past tke Boulder tack ina. airpitLiitott for the job bed come tale fur the Illinois tam. An uitaoti aot did arrive nin:er. is for a it time soh overwhelming prelim- lore to the ; Illinois. Plating to more game-- of the minors oppose the Masker Una It au , , troni Jim Dun. ;forruer , big le&gue Mary meeting yesterday.- ' and Ohio ity as If was fres for .a touchdow Smith caLchet and captainand Moro recent- - Whewnein next Saturday to Leakier or the an Opposation other any plan" plan creating piss by I week must Wth but Willard made a desperate Litchi I) manager of one of Um chili in the Wale the folloang President Johnson and n tribunal the WaMin for baseball'e independent gto Ohio to Caliture the ilLia With Lilo kola in sigh 'Western aseeciathow. Dun a. by th e way, AIonly ., . Philadelphia. Clevetand, Detroit an 4 sad 11.1144 him ,4 Weber Normals Lose to Tig- Abie Mishkind to Have a St bite Ohio's chances depend entirely Is tint gado Jos Lninu etio drew pay ,' Louis club appareetly le based on I.11. ertizu18 Hue fought ilk. tiger. an tuna tu Id Team ddd For tap mat . ' on the game with Illinois. If Illinont iIttl. '1"1 front Luce curing the snort scams r ling watkill the belief ' an that founds for baseball professiosal mi. opportunity .... ,, loses toWisconain Man With Na should sot be Aitken , oft 2,1&. and theh defeats ers And Logan Frosh to Chance Cut of the control hurled thmselve s throug h the l44 moat of equal voire le the in WWI Ito Ait Kusvcreer and , '. I thio it will mand at the head of the baseball to ball . of the clubowners and brought to and last will the "fight they omieigsrs player,. Ala. close to the side line.the Ight-yi-was , Everything that Lotus url the other conferirneo With rival victories cad on. etude' before aceepting any tompreThere tional Reputation -- Big Soak On looker Pima Athletic Association Boys ono roar from the stands wbsii , club directors habge sad thus tar gives It while Ohio would bare a alum which eliminates minor league The Lamer plea would give throe . to redo bold twice, thou tire smash ono the impreattioa Mal inoot of the Iv of I and , representation. ' nationally-prominei men aot linen- through banthet lik Clyde NV area Harry Wei. - . - , os a milk bock for thd Crowds Enliven "Day's 'Bill For Tonight's Fans. ' what lorroettridu WOW ''' lio Chola. cially intermited, priediction ever tAs needed it guard vorton. bill Leard. Mtice Kel ly. Walter ',, yard tied cromed the lin lit the matter of playing ability national Pestling'. The plan which will find most esp. There Meer...lie and Cliff kliankenship.otte' a Mimic while tit Ives dramatis 1 - Rotor. Lons conferences were bold Festivities." tit , ., tare batwings Illinois and porters among the minors. le the mamma Unto not eves being coneldorod. gates foot vhdo the bats of ampere.. tinuatiou of tho present National Pam. day by both factious It was teemed swum to elosaly um,. if h, imili t.ppog out Ultima. Aswan .0a Likely NORTII. blew 'Torii' tito ,....J the Itattottel lessee litho sad the throe heuaes ead Irma kis yelled touctidow baU tommiseles with the ppointment 'one of the most, likely gussets lima tive mores. Each 'team alike. waa of ' Able American clubs rentainad steadfast :' , ' I yet t. who moots . la : a tensor to fill of the eitersa iota end the mood league representative It.tare. woe the tes ti it bailer from Loa Angels elth se the bele of twe form a llCIulftb. beluga theta tbe local lightweight their dotormination,to went mm.1 with joy. Tit ' , venality created by Gerry HerrY. L. "My" Olesonj : too) is that which "appointed" Jimmy whoa04 a n14 goal kit the uprights aged rnana's (By should the oasts the loth. league The reject Less spectators boos their beads se over for three points Austin to manage Sit Lake. The fa. rimignation. Obit, 'teaks, Plan" ' footers her Plow, champion In the . ODIrld. Nov. , 'nu realised that the be Loam bad aecto4 ' awaits made a better Urea thirdLos sheering. for Klettigad le tabooed for the miners want I " iTi0011 fit-- Latta Titers woe a Soproasind mileages aa Smith was otroagor that whoa It Ural baseball men in controi with one a mixed with fast football vont of lszely 1C.tiownings wookly has been day according to this dope from An.amitiedly of their owa somber named for a poet in tho Hippodrome theatro showing a lot of class to kis came back load platted the ball directisi rid l lost to IlUnois 7 Le I. lea was tipped off to one to and "Ogden sportsmanship: boxing bow tao goal posts for the temente arrivod hero frOot $as Trie- workout". other g&m,,,e will bring Chicago &nil en the tribunal. opening on the Salt Lake club by Er. Narho of Ogden sad Art betimes Soltbor Prookis when the Ogden Athletic asso- tonight, team was able to score t1 oh) Johann and is en trio varg of Ilichisan together at Ann Arbor. the thTobenamtioinenatel combayen.LouLecal::yldseetessf..ort In parfeet foray are another pair of high etas. waist stine. yesterday looking to bo la the few remaining minutes of plod an offer trout Lee, pee- - rinte low, too two twomo have played ciation from coneidring met the Freshmen Aegis who ars hooked foe that millers said this and would to L. taut which be condition th morning 'little as and tonight. the the from fro final Can , aceepiabit be whtotle shrieked elevoit ISM. sinew Purdue whi there tackle i Botch Michael and Soldier Williams Them are Miohal It Son- - Logan and the Ogden high wheelers km was $it ready for the big hattes. awl urea crises.. tied warrkall Americans. lyt Northwetera at Evanston and Minn.- - follows." also a pair et steamy and wilitnly atizers amecia- - tangied erith the Weber Normals in National of the president from i. Austin has been on. of the smart. seta field with the smile ei the of national 4 a Korth is .a lightwoight who are ea tonight's binl. tortatbar with 'victory upon their Of Miner Leagues; LIaMd H. Funs. a double bender oa Lorin naa.,1..lot:siv...rn,....ty,..4....low:t City. eat and sappiest infielders la the big feces. Fiuy park. mutation. having boded Willis Jack-s- o Joe Midianite.. itall LAIria of Magg$11 aad Wait Heart international of the Ine aani inall1 and Prn"ati bad Oita league' preeident Tito between "air the A. first A. game Wolff llitab's GSM., " is kits I and termer president of tile Players' boys and the Os Volt as such well known and the roeulation pair of eaunestoro a number of rood years lett Is him twigs was LOgast Prfin for bout looks as ' tho tbe it lebraformas soot though Fraternity; Al Tiorairp prosideat of the fast and clean asd it Waling yet. Ho has ever bed es obverts. was only after top notch caster millers ...Pot. Hart the Casa posing kick-o- ft tams the arias tot 064 have a real treat la steno. pastas was aa ; tty to become. a ''',. norteerZtril ea aa oad of the score hi. Johnny Ray. Phil Bloom and an. short wad the k Males battle. TilD taking plata)), he bee liti:rallaage. but Isenease. .liviliFirscar.744:rusztoft UMW la loOran alter , ,.... most of the should that the and the game las Uta ' Ginie give ountereas big first.cisas captain la morphs other; back would airel tha quarter ' ' end and a were abl comeback locals to a toot as , will be It stage acid Jaime rampUrn& the cal champion tt: Ural's for substaattal to to tease Kansas but at Sala City , wiesting run and from Kea.' leatrue The minor meeting t4le lighter away tho first time the local boy has boon near lb. ..goal limo the kloulaarlionwha draft law slaty Prey to be the main logians and was City will Gwen tomorrow. The ' a finally emerge on tho long rolled upon to meet a classy outoidor . 4. vp a dolorminad roottam-- a In tho firoll bolt Lake club pregnant will be , topie oadtiTtia oulToetTitroll111"":rattIft: 31 to 9 score. Glassman and who has snot the best in the augury. of end a A. Utobcanto matum 11 OF the ground today ao we may cartel' RUSH 1. B EFORE were the phining lights for atm brougut to Man Francium) aorta I ittrquarter Lro abet a to mit Bagley limited , draft the with 1.101.4 Lone majore from prime at . swathing startling 0 0 limo ago for titres matches with i Pr If tbe sutlers moots the eld timers. while Neuanachwander 'some toore tocktos. I rime A. A. leagues. rte. Moo moot any thrte.. 2 .. on tit but best Abe coast, lightweights 1 deapacatoly tor tho ball but loot tick tint uW price and & sow working and Croft gbf the male strongth of in MI firm The oelectitm of a manes? does pot, bout vrith Jimmie Duna . on th on& las tho wooing II V a 11 the Farmer youngstera Include all of Litheu trouble& hew., ...,. , which was before Tons Simpson's chip Hancock atnaahad tbrounk was 1. In tbe &ho embed like The first the tko cow. He , market with . eve,. puss bim ho oars In salmi NH Ills Boulder c clakiand Vail, they lino eon o bu several trades to offer tont he wt:t act Perkasie both orboots ware moth such .a, raw (Mal that Its cancolical the ELEVEN I on tbo t&pard Ulna Timblocked n it kiwi win or re to moult s and a ail datersased to drihhi ball g r ' plover .adverse ' bout' and ,heaclod for borne. all I backward toward tho Seel Bed Iten , , the 111.140 'Tie SLOW tillthiff tor UmA was a battte from firm to last and other twe if be ean find treat lie waste. i local was for of the whkh lucky cock vaablo to pick ins ths taws ,. even Ilea It was Oct finished whoa drafting et item A 'Mimekm byratles4 Piedra" ellpoocit act be was 'minced to stop over ' ?Inn ofMayII. Stela A clubs Iseult probably ' sitTwotall ou id on tho bates Intends to bore :' the Tigers 'were declared the winsore hero long lino. ''',I: - - ' ,, sad se eit dews the Ilas. with their Z7 points as &gating the bey tonight.sough to talc on the local an nederetendlnly with the Wlitte tier SOX Owner Seeks .alk. WI Met to d tint e to lust what Its tea depend apes Webers I. Would Ittsbil estbsete. Iflabitinct radiator that a wisi vs? tho . nett ploy Wwklaa tantbiod and Coto Ow. Sagetkens Open up in Last ill the way of players In voter A. inesai the dams vs' bayed mere will i .., emskaown bow Yorker will 1m a big Asalimit irobjct Sue tot Worthy A. Stars to I lb the third by froth" Ernie Johlteem. Mewls, onak trades, by the mesas on the sidalinoe than ffl in all the mere Me in climate 1 and a4 'Nye: ',Molt la cap sitterstion and field trala Sao( b we oorsoatiosal quacind teems tbo the for Walter lArreirose. liar r Krug or. tba I . I wan. et. ars Both to dotormitiod le bore lessee miser loom Half With ominously Bewilterizig listain Om ama l were te e &lose H gnaw atria all three Joe Jenkins nail. batWara bold aumoll . ousted Men. liglotweights sod tais do easiest Om taileatral Nbi 1.141W.L. slats enough of a barely Haa. Later to tbc ameba roc Waal. Thou. toe. tr e.fle tole telitte 'tsarina ea tb field Itmitimat 131 any time. i ' I of SOOT. et club toot valuable players to Min essiblaace contest Iva the fowl" the least back a past tar afi rerOte dub offers the proper euether and thet Passes And' End Runs and the laSustrial koseet at tbo bastnniss to kl ,, Although this will. ho tbo most eaeroded ell het foe : i kind of player ea well as sae of a roma right In mate. who 408'601 I cash attraction which Maotit test esenit. partleulasly the weetet letre so the Vibe lineups sad intarima et the Dnates fosters has tritium. Ito matt also Ire' 1 Ilea tottnsim over Tito for olio Lessees. Downing sad Istereattosal &ger otagod Darts. the SWIM geniis estorees -- 174 Soon Have Aggies Off balm set torrottas $4 wtO seep' Mars IV. UOMO follow; Farlv School,' anC.L00.. M. Noe. a..antla the wises gonorrod chasm to of MO 'rook', shows be bag not okimpoe :11 terse two Mile thrive I se......i.e...... is th hig sticks If eam Wehar (6) Oedema (31) Idea et m000astreetise tbe leant - no owl the root of the card lettich will Uto - morleals sesasers one wate Pell leurnir very bedigr 0 tnritord peek lle est atestes. ifi le Allan HiilIt4ay e ouch faith ssr4 hero Mid Cuddy . hring togechor trials wrecked the be et exposure 'rook. an d makes the prober kind of fortnettos over trade 'Watkins sad TA Lyork, of North Platte. Neb.. tor owe intro eel 1441 Into atmosphere et to- Norte tee the mbla doses heek in offer. eentintrent of awe& that Put tho tree k. Itlit trariee. 1 eh , tort Me eerie Is a It. 1101101,11$09 ihnith to a intell be local fans but 7.11f lotiorreers meeting Will Utate Iles4 le given a clean bill of health In the 'who comae hero volt recammondol Teo eels eltlaw IBM hoot thew rt Psetsch and President Comiskey to mid to base . ttitutte by th tamr& from Ow heinoss I , coat Price hig league.. the big outfielder may boots mews frenetently lie..i offered! approximately 'Steed, for it matte rants la Kontos City Kowtows the It almo les tholr Davie deteretleoll tight who. NOV., Noe; 11.tiatt1ing there wilt be excitement With the miners Nyland .ESQ, LA M 'MILT.' theret,1141 Mires dge ISSIDbors of Ike Malthaere 'truism lot Itir littler IDossi weal lime. Twetee ,. ro..,..... Htlickley . I adainat . superior kolattil the trump- bravely Those is the rivet belt startling thIntra 'Mims again. his War 110.0041 bt lb. Wright ob. MEETS TOUGH ONE- - I Orioles. A bid Titania. poetise wrest : rtirrio hark mptybsoded. Well the lb Colonies Weight and beilittring speed pviiisay Ilse gitegig sod Sax wear tor two It. Peat A. toll was leremosht "sere the Wilco fie 1 and pee. ctoodosi t the est 7 is Ms second hatt the Utah CENTRE Ilse A. to ' alarms aloe itti ewes to Colorado ramored. AK ears loy ported: : 111,114 ethers titer 04 lil MO oft I' ?be gess tweet doom to defeat here Moo ' Ilit 4 seseht trent Illattlatell Oriole Mists dearer. 11:teltlog th ft -. Weber Normal are Joel" &ostler. soutkpew 'Maher their VT MP "Ithr. etotitoll I km ball LOCALSWIMMERSSET et the heeds et the Nevado et ezlt nor-sea-t. -letobsittellossoolrebor sores $t uromeryo of the emit ttoll't sal first sacker; Dill Mildew met", thll , gatebette by a 11 te 4 score- Tte elisions Ilse Colonies Whoopee for Davie; Deets for lEllt wee TELL FOSS ono; Witt Vorttbl fielder. end Dolor. shortstop. 9.111 ta olosi men lima to? Welk Iwo: Wilke-ramt eletatok dletnet letei Peery hltretef 011ik? OfIre poorlogefoorthfor Writ et. Ise broke tato hambefl as a "deli. awl bile Plesotirk. Piro 'NEWEEC0110IN'440a thepu leyereantt the fteltieruard tre: 'PlosseAs Doses. I.. I. Proles tlylool; or toe downs: the wtth sti sestet vista Nip.. Irssategtsa poles AM 1. Wa Good limner 4 sae a woopept tboak loam pet Its played first enable ATLANTA. Cla.. Now. S.detoorgla foals flor toorellorole. I tett end the "'annoys merited lag tbe past Season Ivo tit the Isis. T tempt-aomorhog: l'eneredoers. Lindsey. Poo. 'Melia& Iti safari sal to get.their teases motel .list he athlete to so Torte god Destro colle may bot 'poet toor IS At yor4. !Otter th. Vial' e t bat sad 111 trieteris belle. therottAle gulf, O ttlooWeber. Ila eaeloet mete A:vie pose wee the Atetty.. film" (Were... Vetwit meets. )erd' ia. ftlett. They Irtme within striking di. ea the football ultimo mot year. Dr. Vora& ttfrletalto-eotool- Homer- 'Prior.. so forests liras Ike Ms mous& Uf thq Were's. 10,, feet, thI sot tionther tlati bete. teithl tormaantate t witeleetne akalasuotiebie Mato of Plorades goat le the at tOrors43 liermIrs. walloped la tromere. k J. R. reintattaw ollataatio diroctor V. lisesonsee. tint booed emcee., Coale: of loll of Clerles14 wets mot towel 4 Pholdisa. at ofHi its. I'll sorority the at tee Deeeret neranaltiugn Saturday I. quarter. hut the hiresde Sae 14414 tied Teak doelared 'today In ootorlog of VIAle. Thee of teir nee loon. the op .111 Colvoroley batter askses. own wad Pro. ls a latigoso Hie tied - Ueda' la totood t - Mike II ke hal th inot time of live liminete. IS .1 the bail Vita loot isolsolos. 1 , was lbs elaa's boot ma as (hiatus- - Sereersi thai (ha entire Immo. 11060 gluey. twain., 'bait-Joa- o forto4o--411 time VII a reeler,. petmethtretir neer A. A. ()I) Agile Ftelmoto Coots's. Se the COM heir kepi Paley is star rudde, . um, ni.s. Moore 'leo ttorreit. of I al asking ford , Corot 1 ow. Is fretes" Oriole sowed earke.r. alas iss 44 smetert4o oftn the eta tint be the hostile,. ewers whottor oonnapoolia anieloa aritanaing frIlLeeele . Norton or It inirksto. alt"rt"g toss etorse4 ' Is oconoetkrui With Oho nrot ro....., of al., Twit loom in tint stormy ooroOdo, - boss tiontlessil t000loi Ile Sholth Norodii ilmen,. lb looms Wail 111610 rioting v g 4 O rellittille 11 I Ot ildoltwwit It.ireow.o wItclooll ths dent .4 , tio litantit I .su t wean' game lawnlona emote 'me toes assoosse lite it. mime t Wbooler 11 mt. at Pawl nano Comiskey emote here Sloo woo ths ru4-- forr th twat liallor Is b. 4 tfoege ..r.prelloltil ION tooliaggaaot Nina. Weer .o...,,,o )ie ter rood etna thrweitl gm.beettt A, omervatly ar 00000 IV the Wets restill 'redo. P. I pent& Welting Pillod it...eeo. Caisast Pe4110. Peruvian, Nano empittitinn Waffler of mit, set your lin toe tor otostoe Tho N Hirt oil ffonaa. Imobj net ntot. Lister fit Rood iigioth "tort and Holt Ik,IN er.4.r - jtmç Utah team footed deafer, Miller. ex. littly boostme be them "If the? ate- ernetialewilti.e.. It dilikesit hod NS Cron ' or- !tie gaaa r-- willies bite meet ot the gray and tinihitio Took ee Two ..ttbtats IS4. the etiewstle llos trot the peatento the Nevada 4 ta tortlite eel e.no &ad third in the, tied,' Alb PIelosieschesooder IMO Ties pat, 11.60411br Jack Ilititerla M Olooenase inittottonen.!iteutor throotah qh. Hoc &Noon el own., tut the airouganotteas Illto 114 tee, pisus whet, th Doe' rotaretle Taylor :Nolen. at tho rintsh..asell a le pond asveds Mt italtotott loan list irssill Roborv Coat, iliego Own "lila.' losamt tin.. with Imirlft tort Wheel .16"..4 .4 Adam, lead on "WM who. In tot hod a te'esaia the Utah .tele fro mine it rillet were Dr a:twaolair Poll 'Ilan tree? SIN D. WIlkassoe toll Noch emso naught he. to broth lltrottili. Vt. Ilev 'Woolley erottoe n, 4.4Ciatee OW Goofs itt V.elt loose joaee iflars4 sat the purist they awl) tns hind tint rats.. tor is Vieth 1001,04, reuse hoot surest trohnot titliootse the toes. all throe eltvitotota tett around 111,0 the S liss Perks"' Peer safértfos. alq lowiniapara einit, trio a Short ',retard log ppoorol same see too hirtIset 14--71 es toilloste , eons nereoto A. A . .. , ioo..... - A 1,4.4 tender the taunter roe,trd over the, contor Of th tine, ihs lila tootoo tfrlot aye sago& partiorial "a ItliAtt tt to lotto otortwro4 II sato se,4 trirtle artnitet I '4 0 - I pt yeto the henill,red pan, Co- Ariel Prooloomo trams unawilata,ot Cool,. biota. It Wall saffortall fist Plass too A otirtito of tood rano ited tlit I or" lotto" gist OS to TO A. backs toe Het de linhottlutteow0114en. ese toe 0..,01, hilted Oa offer of its itarea, tolottioswir tot nt... ems, olartot hie Mee ht perked tartio4 ;Ito bon on. a eiwel log lie officials of Petro tot A. I Assent Getd4A to ilea finiohed i.ert JII "woo Peeetti. Is for for. Sit 'flossy Nos thrssin. Ilemoos fiat Ito. and lion, art toothell. 'laved toe Poesy. WIlltooseme it it the hetterto "AIM le oottertvl sma teto won . :.. a rihoti IWO rust,. rh oett.t.t 1.4 leo two teams Plervil bete rt. init to Os a tootle. root esilesele loteristesse ewe 1 Pry 10P. , av w5tsU those pl Agile Frame-moTorte leionotog le to O. w.11 ft, Seeley for IPA Wherome; 1114 rooster throes $6 y &rot oeritich taro &tett, tho oenotod weer., for edboo44w Tartar. fla gromori for latsr-sfi-t. Isis withavos tho voloos II 'toyed& Oleo. st ea not itto94 duo te torli 0( ent".A eht valet, ohm"! Foe tlot rototeado team Tave hAtwit s. ...friss &rats." Pt rust tu floristu ast4 ootioNoloo Ito ha. ing 4oR ' luestatio- - Ito vith COAST FOOTBALL elot- - N.P0'. 'Me ,1111. It. ilfaloostio e owal I Webers. Goole tenor tootle,. riser," endplayed aid rloo ntemoseom met pioeres moose of Iltallt roe roes 111.111k,4 M,n. I 'tar: tat. A. le 4010ii'ee tt. leo-o- . owl t II 111.0014, 1:1 Pests lb. '0 Well Mei onona Wove". INTERESTING I tiomor Cittisme... 11114 to lty BECOMES oleoete Por. sae orormedrosorelloseve. vOltanta Yves tweet, Pr...Wiest lloollo of Ili "loom entire tho atevedd offenetwo lend th . IC pesrse e good ism trews ner' Port gi""eliie.n Goal snot tererbelows. Pore Into "Olt oars 1. greet" a reeds, tan els bed 6,14 tho driving v 11 1" ortowodort i plumose m4 a "UN TRANrtillrirs. : The Greonre, net getntier. Ta41 of tb. ruktilks Anyhow, floe ifterp ry toot tot lot Sorel?. will mei toter thlt SS 11.tweetto Ono It 111" Wolof" . A testi:eat Ptollts, oei,-t. A else', A. yard: 14trottv Isle riwt,, toewarot Vir h.. tram ittod tiret time le vattareIHttltrose the rot. li resetsrroebneon. Poe Moo I 11414 Ih peforthoot 10"t ho to Pismo Ile Ilef416 Awoolto41 i bo tho fho'k so4 for P. wile too Ltoot 4 eluts4 Oa. Isle nn nn igloo iPstotto .le .4 1.4 Pito eill of estirntel 0,4 P1sstTI UM. onnetelo.meeo fkrems. referee: V. P. boUnooOl. It dors. is tottellt4011 tileiVenli 1114144 'lore .lt. le go est boot! homeess ettlrttlee this Tsar. Immo. setelff Res' ieee.ofelettotro; IP misontos Writs . with th bat) etwles tit georiwp Aloons eortoNt tome ',noel In Nti4. 1100,114011 .44 II maw perked. Ike Oki TILDEN VICTOR. . ... V Is eeme,iosst,te.?sports The ease still be Itoley PLAYFR FOOTPArE Illke Kr t owl, or t it PS Nossestbse 04 at litsfete BOIA. toeirtmwk. ' .rt ran? Ipt.ErrAry. BEST , illootmirle INJURIES'-Calitorste PICK eye, Ilistereas TO DIES OF Ima4 S fimi re., 11. 0 11)mse 141,, ,r, It b 'worth rhfla4.Irh.. arid ?motor Ittstote fiejoeet,ta tlit rollsesue deity yhmor rhan,nion, 41Instn, in Ng. jos4n. ons.ror10.1 ik I tnni ikbretorto S. 5ko1.r4osa ol IIICW' l'011lf. N. tee Usivoreity et SrsStotet,te pop rwroPTA. vas.. ,1". I 4 "11 tett g.b. stkpet,o4erurso 0Oft so tato. kr- - 14 nn 01.ft rrenoqn.n. trnoo, to k teroameo to 1,004 bolters 42 tight k wove. IL, calittwete rbeel le the fro tb Kamm lglotwolekt ' rt, a no nto et. in onto ant of o, orbod t.tIl ood wool Illontsab Potter tot M ..... . , ,,,,I.,o et eolookkookoe boots lo dorsole tilut stasttoeS moo ertits the Ole walla ploibabi frortbati Mod rimrtetilley lerstklee Withithi4Dr. r.tql 11,21101 'Ur austrIt AMC Me oft youtorder. Prolu pro. aftellivor. Lammed Ilt olok-tfor vent liar t 1114 Weeny e e Setlettlierst blerakobi tortot,m4 sibs, 'We tabort4 tbo ...cm, ahtoat et the rematele, mt, I Alt sesta woes Itirbst oe Plovosolloo? Ilk Permitter Serial StrWsweetbs who meta.. wimbbers "sloe litolutday telloaroteet Cho loo stinetse the oe rotioet rtelt twortheitorik treptel T1 I4.1 aP4 ifflkust.to sr moorhee c If 11,11 to hrests4 000froler 'seer was leo orablawl of Room. grab parslyvoil 11440 his Ibbell Aloof trona to "akk",""1". pd. ft ik relproomit 19E444 'teeth. et New Torb. to Maw IRIS lb. Ahri,ao thibvia Cup loam Puce u ,' A oP 911111 Lite' owl Imam es tIV e Wm-Lthyst Pilbork froototor. emosipr.t lb. Wee k". Tykorkm, pototool Orttetelmi Pie Weer lee sigoto,y eerier leee eteio ,..4 I route Is A estraHs .Ad s. Iimmtaai club brodltore inetittst, Oar. n1404044 UslitoApvi roirloodi ',owletsmem - Jilly tiktio0114e 1,4111124 a whose-ooftkpbte " Shell or, borda I . 4:), , v, ,, ri -- $ l' 1 fit .'; ,.,,,, 11.- -8141 C , 1 t . - . t I, '4" g . - -- --- t,-1- 1 )5 4- BACL'FIRSLYIlti.hi:,, , - '1'1, -- -- . , . ,l;- ;....4 ,. , ' ,' , 71 II ' i ,, . jiNx4AtojiiliGs: il; ( A i. I .., i.'S(AY..rgoritilooiy.F.-:;i:II ) -'. 1 - IIJAIIBgEAKS.:...OLR:.:....' . I - I ,:. ' N ' IIYAli-C1011.0- - ' Salt take Club Prefers New I Fighting it Out in Final "Lasker Plan" Dead Issue Ten. of - Ma With MinorsWill Center Stranger In, Gam! Big R And I . Fight On Effort to. Get These Parts If Such a Man , ' CHICAGO, Nsv. S.Football foto. Can be Snared Into Coln. tort ham rerouted tteett hi the - Representation on Com-, , 4 'It - ..117''C'ir ' PI , I . Up Are Again - t'l 1 , T ' '11111.1.13P I 1.11."111'''7J".'".r"'. ' Elk . - s . 4,.., I , - - ,,,,,,..... HOLI)S BOULDER ' ' -- ati.. '..R.R,T0),IISI.,F.:-:-.';j0,ARlilYE.,FO1BIG.iii - . , i 1 j1'.(:',',:'.IN,W..S.11.,0.iGAIgS:.0ASOML$S.S10.ti: a; it . , . .. 1 1k I 1 ., -- HIS-TO- E , ill , - ' , :i$1,LT.K!.,S:l.i.V.:;i'..,;j':-:fQQJQ.11.0.1SIQ.gY:if.ii:'llp.,0J.S..0.E011.1.:.::::- t I . i zi, . . 1 1 . - . . 1.10'...) ' 4 - t,. - - --. 8 1920 .MONDAY- NOVEMBER . I I , V ,01, ;I 1i . I Iltr, 44t t.k.te . It t 111 ogyt..s 4is:Aail ty, . b . .. 43 - 1 ia SEWS - - - . t r es ,...,..........4 '. ' tat ' -'- . trams-!Amai- '''' ''''' ' ''''' - - , DAL FANS mmeeting .:rct' ,- XE UN OGDEll . LOOKSJIT.FOR , 0-- . , ' . ,:-.- "SPORT" OF r - , - .- coo-fro- m at , ' ' .," r , nt rer- con-Sta- te - , 0 .. t-, ' - 1 . BSHY ' 14 1 sz . a - rd - is" t r ' - six-rou- 117414-rim- 1 """"-'- - , . . . U. mcec FALLs , Comiskey Offers ton 000 ri , ' or 8 , , . - , - 1 r or yelz A pre-mot- or ' . - N tbelace 1 . I...,. f t 1 :j . 'I?'. ;- 1 .It , tirtIADA cl:o ' tor so-d- er hotobt-war- Ici III-Ta- al te-re- rd - , I , it'rkeee. ..... 10 r. sit re COUR Set-ord- er I. , KOMI , , . to - rv.k ly V . et ," ae. -- I. dr 1 IP , m r. I a I. 4w-et'- t ritoes. 0104 hi 11, Ili 1,,,4 is. o. ' 1 a1 ' tot-sit- e : .... 1110 IR A1 1 - mit-batt- -4 11.11111 , iti , - - -- L . ts...3..... - ttlit-bar- d "'". 0-1 ' ... . , . . . I . 1.r. I ,, I , . ,,o , , . t 1 - ., i , - ,.. .. rte.. , r r . ,; o , . . . lo, o' |