OCR Text |
Show , V &? Tn yi svja? ' f- itr4 ir' V"- c $ 4 " f- ' Y3 ' - at tj r. WtW . Forecast. Self-ma- ented. ment Fair tonight and Tuesday; change in temperature. ; 16 FAGES 8 1020 MONDAY. NOVE3IBER PALMERS COAL ca de SALT tSb master i SEVENTY-FIRS- 'CITY., UTAH SETTLEMENT-RULI- NG A cSb LAKE -- . T ' - . YEAR UNDER FIRE a ta ta pSb men are not pat-No danger of infringe- . I dSb Foils Local len Prisoner Jealousy Motiye For Dual Tragedy Emulates filayor TJcSiriney of Cork Side Pays Tribute To Shot Victim Coroners Decide . (Special to The New.) OGDEN, Nov. I. Ogden baa hunger striker ln.tb county JalL Arthur .WllUama. whose anger at . not roc lying money bp telegraph last Saturday, prompted him to throw a rock through a window, of tho Western Union office, persistently refuse to partake of tho Decuion Reverses Ruling in prison fare, though hi meal ar , regularly placed In hi cell. Whan Which William F. Olson reminded by deputy sheriffs that th famous lord mayor of Cork, Was Granted ' Patent To MacSwlney, died 'from th same tactic, b said, following T do not Tract in Beehive State. care. I want to die anyhow. Williams haa written a letter to his sister. Miss Amy William of Grinnell, Iowa, tn which he relates (By Associated Press) how ba smashed th telegraph company offlo window and then ' Nor. a. The right Washington; t ays: of the secretary of Interior to exercise " "They did not take It a a Jok. equitable jurisdiction in deciding con-t- r I guera I will get three years. Tsll affules over pubfle lands was uppop not to pay for th window or they wllb have a murder charge held today hy th District of Columbia court of appeals Th decision raagainst ms I Intend not to oat anything whlla In bars I shall vened th d terra of th district bump' myself off aa soon aa I get out. I am confined In a small cell, pram court In granting a mandamus and I will dash my brains out If against Secretary Payne to compel they do not let me have aom Cahhn to grant a patent to William' F. ere Ira. Oteoa for coal land in Utah. 'Tho ' Interior department decided lhat Olson wa entitled only to the mineral content and that the nr-fa- o of th land belonged to the tst 9 m wi of Utah. Otaou declined to accept th j doasrtmawr and sought man- - f o (By Associated Frees ) NEW TORK. Nov. . Th today of young and prstty Mrs. Dolarato Dlfnlco was ons of ths handsomest that the East aids has seen In a long time. And next to Frank Dlfnloo. her war aencralitsimo of Allied hero husband, perhaps the most Dan W. Simms Who Quit Police Without Single Clue mourners, disconsolate of th All Case Goea - on Stand Armies Meets With Frank who follow! the d To Cause of Death with It six snowy horses bears Rebuff From Clemenceau waa Patrolman Jim Kenny, hy Theories Are Exploded Against Attorney General accidenbeen had whose hand she Counsel Hughes Attendi When He Protests. . Deliberate Plot Suspected. tally killed. Dolarato -- heree If a Jl4 Cross worker during ths war lefj her, Combined effort of the police end(By International ' News Service) fBy Associated Pres.) benew baby Saturday to go on a INDIANAPOU8. Ind., Nov. Ir AtPARia -- Nv, t, ilarahal Koch. member of the sheriff offloe are -crutaud As she ths errand. short of generaliMlmo of the Allied armies in ln centered today on the eolation torney General Palmers orders not t street, a ballet fired by Patrolof a long sensational interview with ths use certain evidence In th soft coal man Kenny at a thief who had the sreeteet tnytary In the nnl In manner Matin today denounced th Versailles stolen a cation of cigarettes, conspiracy case against 12S operatI'uh crlmlnolosy tbe struck her down. Franc M. Korou. 8alt ors and miners in Indians, Illinois; which Mi treaty as a weak peso. hud the ths patrolman Aghast, Marshal Foch revealed that relaOhio and Western Pennsylvania were Lake nurse, met her death. Contrary to a hospiwoman rushed dying the whea tions between Premier Clemenceau i tal. but she never regained con10 the opinion of many that Interpreted as possibly nullifying tho should bo found sciousness. Then, to soften th and himaelf were badly strained dur-- 1 body of Ml Koroue governmant's esse by attorney for could aa for aa much he disapblow her Associated war. (By ths Press) lag ths dark days of the government In ths case, testifying the mystery surrounding ease hta own and ta Frank NEW TORK. 9. Nov. opposite the asTho solved, the stramdr Francs haa failed to gain pearance would be hr east Kenny started S subscript today before Judge Anderson tn ths selected by fienator Hardin . thro to fur the surances which our victory justified.'' was lb css. Th only f Koroue h federal district court hers, provide for I he funeral and. Mira la that voyage from New Orleans to Cristo- Marshal Foch waa quoted aa saying. to th officer leave a nest egg fror ths motherriosttne The government baaed 1U pies fop found wee body ller less baby. dead, bal la the Partmnlna. a vessel of 4.111 Personally I was In favor of and a continuance on the fact that not sit t Liberty park In th lab Vrdy had h of gross aocura that tbs (ons sd dement. having passenger military occupation natural theory of th defendant had brought with- -, modallon particularly' adapted io Rhine until ths peace treaty waa asstn lh Jurisdiction of the federal distravel In th tropluf. V waa supported trict court lor lsdtaws. and ah a Tbq Farteralea.., tauvibg ' New Cr- - ented and t Fes o fat asffHusun ithe resignation "of Mr. Rlmrai V, ..ra, thaTlH1y rigSWvrS'Tr l lud jvvnswwrrtr, wm mt .4 wbs haew would .was Fariamina. leaving New Orleans Nov. I mid ) rot set when ths treaty of th bay and lh jurisdiction Th bias following til resignation, dprtqfgtl his . 14. w'lM arrive Nov. II at Cristohat finally drafled, but received , no an. ef th Interior. "j r?a she had bra wollralh hn, lary aa action duo to Instructions from opinion where the praeident-olrne taka. Jt and hta par' ty will land for aa Inspection tour. Mr. Palmer that certain evidence bs When I demanded that M. mlral men M- -4 French War Hero Get water. Con. For th had he Duct not return voyage accommodasaid that he dead wba borilrodr rateri t ho dra reply, , of a Thee have been reserved on th llnef versed on th subject with rraatdenl Instructions." '(By Amodatsd Press) , Mr. Mims'S praeanc Th Ovation New York tions and knotted on Pas lore, wblrh will sail from Cris- Wilson and Premier Lloyd Georg sad stated. Hterallj cut tha heart out of I. Uquoe ttahtiy around bar neck WagHINaTON.No. " Nov. on case tobal Ihe led Th invratlor at tade Norfolk make. lift It. to no stop had th reply required by a person for hta par. I CHICAGO. Nor. . Clubowwors of (By Associated Frees) Mr. fftmm. In (ratifying today In haa bean arranged In order to permit believe at first that ah had "M. CVemesceau showed hardly any venal uae may bo otorad tn a placo " NEW ' TORK. Nor. I OeneraJ Mr. Harding to go by (ha shortest of my work. At lh war Ihs National tragus sod the three miInvestigation, declared that no octiar than hta boms end rf a ruling toarranged Further appreciation "T I rout to ta where of any sort had been mad when thla he to Vs. Bedford, agreement London theory, ta protested council peorad Georgs Robert Nlvelle. delegate of tha deliver an addrrao day by tho supreme court. nority owners of th American circuit, by tbe Marshal Field before of a decision attorney general or any a claimed, aa there euueed Urn an on was Tho meeting darts court's sgalnta th to French abrowho tercentary govornmvat l Mrangutepact rsorntly signed else either Jo the presence of Judg by of th death bed been Earl Haig, romroander-io-chle- f brought by William . fHrsat, of celebration af-- th Americas Mayflower of tb lodge of Elks British army. 1 vigorously told M. gate th national agraemcal today Anderson r out of It In regard tlott. The taomach of Ule New Tork City, from lower court do- council to be held this month wa a a ed H Mated lh evidence to be Th Nrws International Rrrrice was pent to Herman Harm. that to (By ) owners Clemenceau keep quiet les rafuslng aa mlunctiou prohibitgave tb five American league hope that he had conferred with bolit for analyeta. In steamship La Lordeclared that h wa th spokesENROUTE WITH PRESIDENTfederal agents from seising paaaeager on th Van B. Johnson also, to President manner ing on tb ehed loyal Ught" Mr. be and C. B. Ames, Palmer bora Judge may mm today. Boy Remits, ELECT arriving ODEM. Texaa. man for lh French government.mak- until 4 p.m. to com lets tho fold. liquor which ta had stored la a room raine a Frisian t general after th Indictment a police cyele squad and representa- Nor. 4. HARDING. In which the nurra rnet her deathMlm leased from a "M. Clemenceau eveu opposed Bomswhat wearied two by eompany. deposit of death th allied of lh Mayflower council, tit I nu ti ret Into th Unless tbs firs sitend tbs insvtlag Wars returned and that both had com ofcontinuous Th court declared Congram did BM tive ing tnu general las! mo of Earl federal eouuctt of church aa and Amor, days Korou. whom body Haig and vote on tho plea for reorganisa- pkimented him en his work. speeches. Henator Harding haa or- army tntll Flald Marshal fo?nd la th tab. at Liberty Park Inland to prohibit such storage whan lea a Legion, greeted tho war, hero. IVcil erase Motive, dered ths gates closed against all but Insisted." of bee bal I tho 11 will go sheaf ?!Tr tho Honor waa lawfully acquired for Saturday, wae reeuerTte I tabeortty Marshal Foch weal Into details as ta tion naked tf Mr. Rimma Andsraoa rent lawful and Ths Judge t purpoan new plearaira civilian Jude for with m their journey How h bad been rebuffed when be pH plena I lorli thto wornlitf with any move confronted boon raurt-Th- e Th dsrlstoa vraa rendered by through ths mid and southwest has term Im- harabal! commission and a 11 club had th barn Hager' dlitato of Ihe ity of fustic indicate by been a continuous oration. Throngs ought to have more sever Justlco Clark. Th lower eoart department announced. hlghl ultimatum lb Halurday wa H beuu he league, how told Inquiry and tb npoo Germany. ' wa per. hi upholding th portion of the enhsvs gathered at every road and city posed Pear In organised boscbsU wss Ing a lack of et which time " auloper to attend th signing of forcement net Interpreted by prohibietatkro and although h k on vaca- had refused until when witness replied: believed Ht sight today M. Ctanronerao troformed on the body of thMnrwwoman. th treaty he tion enforcement officials aa prohibit"W have." tion. tb ornator has rJ;onded to of lh t who had been aitadnscar prevent. After tb Ban . Johnson, president Third ing storage except la tha boron hell Th court asserted: their welcome, (raring his breakfsM pe red him loyal league and hi fmm a rest had bran signed, tha marshal Amerlran tighld treaty under Ihe II Oct. that Tn going to find oul whether th at a reel conferloin power want Congress police table and flvo" clubowsora staying out of hta bed to mid he told : friends lhat Franc Kart and Third South a raa by th prohibition amend-me-at greet those who have comb to pay would rocolv imp" d worlbtam ence at th earns hotel whore th attorney general ranth hamstring Th coroser Jury a only n had to examination of NATION-WIDXetkmai prohibit any authority their respect. league magnates and Ihe in this court." and Saiurdny itht and the vldnr check. E In Mr. own-era ef liqsora continued. and hlmms that transportation DespUathe fact that ha left Marlon minority American Isagu the undertaker tehen. Two month before th arm lei Ir three C. 8. Aims.' former chief aaeUtant order to reduce tbs n errantry of ths were meeting. with th IntanlhMi of making ao I warned tb allied rhlefa that th and Mystery Drrprwa. It had a minimum .ts iraneportaltos Dark ba Griffith, on bC ths loyal fir attorney general, appearing a a friend haa at th mad continued a Iwst ten of th (ba power to I ratals! a t th wae speeches, near, tn pue oar of th A the evtdehr News Berries.) places (By lalarnatloaal doaen. Frees d la patches from Faria general llaulm. 1 demanded that they accepted an invitation to attend lh to Mr. Palmer, Keweera, declared that offleara ta tald bafor th Jury ths a bar liquor might lawfully b Nov. X A ptaa of not which reported generals lariructlor T6RK. NEW plans of Ihs ths attorney I rame aurea that acquaint m with tho naturo of th rival meet Ins and ra Ihe which ' manner in becomes th more myatart-- ' ef Ballous com- - had been . mlsuoderMood ganorally, ths ta willing to eo operate wuh Franc daMrod. Their reply, X was entered they death George today by guilty her pun by M. CUmeoroau. could b BiMiS Just Ira Clark also hold that th and that erldenc bo ordered United (Rates of America wets signed atoned her transport ana Th rloih found tied tioa of tawfally aoqutred Bncktr, milHoaalrs bulldtng contrac- th oaa that relating for k parted keif hoar with ths Aftsr spendind railed to th sttsntlon of ths prasi-de- summed BP In tbs words: removed rack when lh body wa esuaed a home warehouse from ta of ti th mq covered by th conspiracy liquor National and three curried tragus of busneus.' minority her to ths of tor. he com refused charge menu 'Non elect bat your perjury to hate autchl take frvm the of the owner did not constitute American league. Indictment. lev of th mare an H ta eatremely cautious to avoid armlallcs who g Aftsr additional Imposing ths suija Indictment tn enhy ths dmlb. but th ph)lclara with of th ths meaning In Mwrilng an laveetlgallen ef tho ut arm la arm wltbCol-ene- l Griffith ram which bs a any tnauner bl for ths enforcement of nay pears tho a storey would not Kate force eel. orders. Judge general 1 grand jury InvMllgaling th building construed aa may Jacqh Ruppert of th Nvw Terk attorneydeclared rears a an anticipation af hta I told tb French cablnst: , a. l death reunited from f etIhe reran Clarke Mr. Tho ted hi purpose was to sraadaL qurattau p ownon th ef Americans, minority ho graft blued off there may offlcw or day ehullln or lh Interference with list tbs DM said waa simply "May a warehousing find eut whether-tHacker waa under oontlnaanco of taking attorney genwhich ye fal.ed after victory, ers and went bit session wuh (ha eral auppty by means of the binding eorfut a l leu lawfully be pervilrted lo 111. ran hamtarieg a ram In thin hall and. given u- - week to prvwent admtnlstratlon. faction. on that day my consrlenc wilt I Johnno declined amsnd Ike nock.hand. It waa ddmltled euro In bis wsrahoora after ths data of amend or change hta AewscS eowrt Th court also Needed. ver qnewlsned to comment on (be pies. Sharp Both clear that my dulg, haa pee dons.' t Votatead set, llqsors to have boes bal duel between Bamuel Ustermeyor U. mo other that death could hare whether Mr. palmer had any legal an. ef peer. afior tbs Paris Shortly possibility I Uk dispatches mad my Whan ttmpt dorter th ' and before data by that lawfully arqalred any counsel for th aeruoed ensued wors avaltahls In the specie I train, ths coniine th penes makers that thalv Colonel Ruppert proposed to 1. thorny to order the. !mlniwn ofroue-mbeen ratoe-- 4 by the edirln Iteration of which ar a stored eolely end In good and ths govern mart i th tatter tnatated a nasu senator mads a brief speech at Marbud an they hoard m Johnson faction that Ihe sutesn rJiib eitdenco ohlrh was rhtorofonn. Whtrb would hot Kara faith for ths purpose of protecting whea ns treaty derir tn might which or t la time' In owners held a joint senate, eacluolog change shall. Ttasa, whteh ha declared In utter silence. Mh In th a ere red frem th eeaaalnstlon they them a ill they shall be cwvramed by able th motion that govvrnmenr h Ban hta of our be withdraw moral tb sold I I rt!l I Premier leagues. pies ee lh owner and hta family or bonafid Obligations presidents always time and afterwards uere able to mete. On thin ha wae ta eomtnu the trisl Indefinitely -The tnveMlgsttow Into graft and al stand out and America do not need Ctamencenn: Johnson end Jobs A. Ileidvr. renal a of nd that pert Wr and .the New Tork any meeting of foreign powers ts tell coun- would bo granted hy him, consol offered racy len Johnson fart leged The I th did led sab hot romtnll MlKereue bars preran qusMtah that Di alike Orders. , building ellueKoa which retarded th ns what our moral ter proponal (hat rommlties of three arc. gen: what ta your reply they I eel I rid Thla wad eatahflvhad. ennstruetloa ef new homes promised We want to meet wuhobligations - It wan then that, M Itan W. Rimma of le Taj ells. Ir.d. them, evromel Cemst'cvso to appointed by each elds rather to become nation I In scope be. with ths.-a-. know fled, from th fart that it fra wet today held on meeting with all six aha roelgnsd. a chlaf proescuter of their thoughts and held s livelv eoneu Hal ton vHk Prrai-Shafound Hi lh tun, provln that fore Ihe week ta out. United Prates q wimnot Wilson and Premier Liord Iran clebownern prearet that hit bonnier William Colder, chairman ef give tbe.it ears but w want to git dent it raeaq.wa mid Io tho body waa drad before tt wreAo 1 tbera freedom of Ml ceramet t.riffuh and Baltra H M.l,' 1x14 -d heuat-in hod had America and duo to Mr. P.'marg or- ruction, who tt entered lot th tab dsatc s, - Afuraarlt ClikttKtu B. Jehnon. Rent draw uald Ren our want for woudn't this been ullh committee, trnine Take uloaf bed from tb n He Mr. Jar, country letter from silomey pvodneod th body SON-IN-LA.W he had begs a a ml ana In Cbicag Ik other peeplee ef the earth but I la tk lieidler Maelirg la ugala the Pwlmep. ohlrh --sold lhat tb coot raseg there would have been water In th later la th week. Want America Mrdng, fortonal I -' aero To he be ad upon arts asd j ll'enllnued en page l pro (.oral. reofttraiury tract. theyeh declared hotThera th wholly free to play her pari In dealing wad before or la th tn (motion we evidence that -' . et kith rest world. . they uald ths ths Franca tael as with eindr in . SucceBafully Victim of a ertmHial News ... fppertg! ts Tb jrar who aiiend--kiiorrer that tanslor Harding d found roearat. Mr Ames, Reports lh Tram Iran, the boy who tailed FALLA. Ms. Mov. I. Bra From War tenders os ths might meet Mesk-sn whom , th Anderson Gap ol'h end Judge Bridge eopferancq I body, wa th seed petme be eta lie unbata red ts ly border have bran scoffed official He teellfied that While er W eld.nt.aa. other al whteh Mr palmer haa , this morning- aged tt, yraterday Peaco announcement that hs suchby meeting To Hard-Earne- d Seen nuraed as raying th ngreemewt . ptaTln around th tab h aae aa N. Ketaoy, hta killed Ink ta rentemMated. waa an wm resrbed voi'inteerad a ilql'ir which ha IhoueM bereaved Members ef th Rooster Harding today wa planning element, nod f.et deof-- S nti.iM. Ha paid that by family dsettoe to saake (By Associated Press ) any Mainta divide hta between pleasures ori ef eh acreement mad maara of a airind and a pirao of Wlca mast gof Nov. a bra ha a a Frans PARIA hy shoua bad other the (hero hora only to tarpooa flehlng with half a day Jodra Anderson ho polled H toward lh I same ardor In her work ef te- and Wetderwms th tha treekt family. Set Med to wo Hr bnmaa body. Me. Ilarh kleo ao-- d sport. a eqch id find lhat It Flnip'e eh )!f. did war. net la boms es hta lb ruction with and bran who has 4 making II hr am fcnAd herekhH kmvhlrf thru(V thst ibalr effnyi to raroev defend--n- u I tA'TH. Micro. Nv.' DM ikes h hoot fag. mid ba I m mod lately reponed th mat lbs Immediately sera him hen esiierafully inm i th paeeag betrays ta PidneP K. Lomhourwd. popart, ealf up had pet Unofficial Msurcra. that a United Biaira atibmsrtnn rheeer had dockllllry ou'ride ledi-o- a. t Ihk aalhorllieo. sod Is held frem war ts pear, which ta always I Allhough there I excellent hunting . vet been 'ircaraful. and that t bey had teodeeit of petka ed St Ashland. Wta. and weald pcocrad ta thilnih today to saiM in tail. A teller, feend in hta coot d Iff lew It for th vlrtnrw aara Premier. St Point Isabel, Ihe preai tent elect who a. th performed Iw. L n !' Impraralow that the department of federal prehlhlltan scents ( th wuribwest district is carry In pookei, when seorwhed. et the sheriff s Leygoee Is an tnlerview pr Wiled today doe not plan for any banting birr self. th death lorlre was not tn favor of p rowing eloper, teelined that ffiee Iniliwslra that Wetdermnn bed ky th Psllt rartaes. iHeruaalng hta a he to ra.nsra .11 bee. pperaltn. In Ibe It twiewded whisky case thetrwarfaranri (hr?.4 rnolid from rawd. Ihe The taller declare i M he renid kffilnd balmy. lieopil premier foreign peltry, nano Ufc m Hor , tho f Mr. ten Not declared that iMim-Pi- n , veld ho M h nklo tmrk Un th m fcrrrtr, wan eatptared aa Dear 'man el the the gerarameat wUl aoh to maintain jbavy daring til trlr dleweloea-floa come to him from people flraardm me death 4 Th and Mrangihsn lla slltanreq and will many campaign towrk, both the sens, f Msget Asm company's piece, . with lb defense that ths rasa on the HP Pf ha nra. he paid ah killing ,r .h. Ik ilock y ee-i-e samln In ntroeM Mncorny of spirit tor sad Mm Harding war aisled to- craft lhat I at leek we .pt.'.oru. lamov pise th omped was seed ta bee etnich nr the rand wot come to frt,f and hs named .rnrtaM here bran srm.mpll.ncs- -r nflereeen nuM all gaataton arising between Franc day aver Ihetr trip snd their epper-ln- y k. a 1 fleet" rraohed from haV Horn roedUm. Fart mat p,, mvrh of tale Ihroofh Ibe whe had been rapes and Oermany, ts meet the people and neither moaqnh inrligiLir cmpleiI He did pri' twgWesdorme. mortem deewmpnehte. Ha lief t expreeoed by M. lev gave of (hem psorad ap lh rhnnee to moot eilepMv long th Allewita coast tn ef tb ecdioerv type ef fiehiog emsrks by tbs miners ss his Informant. Mr. a hod I a room ad iolntn tb o was in anewer an bad The was It it, Kara tan ets'ed. tier NnC lh ss'awini et peer ew works ewe. areas bellere host rear HI IN warn Natlone At and if ordered ef ths Wewaier wp Ihe lhat diecourag Laegue any epera'tone Mar, tvmg room, IimIi io sssilebt .A tha ida a nwariion whalhar he (ei A email .ar freed a blew when world here family owt af the ha as, s great fore wd a tarow bar- - lh held S group ef friend wehln I bonys daring the la Her Msgra f thq'ed esa lh could gaf the take the end j oaffietawl U hat fetdwif be. rhwd gara lb alarm that Orandp one. port gorevwmekl eib frame- yqiatdS rtera egwlwat imped Islam and while b pwshed hi way throe ah the from th department before poena Th rhaaef ta srm-- d wl'k Ibr e tang j r baser wss celled dh oe final has a son." end ss the met bra nod nllllartam. He deelnreo Ihe govern-mem- s thrwsg l bay a poo el! from cripple -. . from rang gone and ta maimed hg eraw i sf- Hrkihg op th mewl re, I e:ir. he am, id bee ehttdre rwebed frara tbe heuen, progvero le I enforce etere-'l- end to twin te tbe. Every ef in ranhere. rail eoofrwnied with th xs. ef tb V era II lee tree IV that th milk maw a haby to th leading ( It men beerira ihe vommewdM. Pawl aotd he Had wo eat of as H ebiormen. It te eeid. Iho j Th gheera. H ra id nil! beic Ir that tha depart iweni of JOaUr . to federal aa benefit hei racewMlteilww sad lb rasas holies Acrmrdmg banker ho' ksd th k ef i reaeeied vwrialnlrd haw tong lira body hs.l emlneita of work Snd prod eel lew may (he weak sad aoethev Jusl joprasilec Wnm-- d lately sod sill Herr Ihe deed me v Co srllseed en whisky n.rwrs ho era raid to her It uoilnaad as pegs two) een haded temporarily la their at- - ' Duhiih ns hs heedqss riots. , ad ra need. Pelww (be heart- page l ) K'owtmood ew page Ihrray (By International News Service.) FULTON. Mo., Nov.- I. Jealousy over each others woman friends resulted today In the death of Mr. Mason McCowan. 4, and Mis Caroline Weant. II. bosom friend and Inseparable companions It waa brought Out at a coroner's inquest, following tho finding of the bodies of the two women ht Mrs McCowan bedroom this morning. Witnesses testified that the two had quarreled since last Friday over each other's friendship for other women of the community. f . - - . HARDINGRESTS i . -- ' flower-banke- . FROMARDUOUS 1 "? TRAIN TALKS -- 4 - DRITLAWGIVEN . SUn5CGIwT - 1QYMFMOT r Novr-rTT- ' hr ULTOflUjRBl et T: Clem-ence- BASEBALL I7AR at law-fat- ly "'2' on.' thewoma pre-ml- tr nil - rear-platfor-m BUILDING GRAFT Aa-ocl- t'. 1': t A' INQUIRY. TO BE ; J. r ly -- ed -- "treoe-poruulo- n.tl 1 u' any-thin- ' court-men- tal -- r IDAHOAN KILLS nr n lh. HIS 1 Submarine Chaser Seeks Rum Runners aa ah-W- et bat-'he- kd th' rlf -- rL tan roelg-sMo- i- flt tr om 0rih .v tThr'hratri u dtarol-oratio- 4rtc t n ...,1 lkl' mt ., con-nect- ed be-co- m -- relrnf m sksi-iwh- s. w .! "ir tug-esrl- en , 1. I i! |