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Show -----.- ..,7...11m,...,4.- sa.vot AIDEFEECT MYES OGDEN BESICN Office. 1411 Hudson Ara fnes ANT COMMISSION - illiss350000 ' . . - . - v , - " ' . NEVI HESIBENT f011 01111 NATIONAL - Sheep in Cache Forest Beat Record of Camel BAH For Going Without Drink tiCDEN. Nov. Browning. 'twain elected president of the Utah Ne.,- itional bank....Satorday... to succeed Do, id C. Eccles who recently resigned oiling to hie absence from the city mak- ing it imooexible for him to keep in Mr. Eccles hail , ouch with the bank. hicen holding the presitfency for some-iliuwaiting for hi tt successor to be Inatned. I. The retli ing president will remain 11.l the board of directors. Warren L. Vents will continue e active vice n.recident. A. V. McIntosh as cashier Iliad William IL Loos as assistant peachier. Mr. Browningreingned from Ohs First National bank three weeks ago to become president of the Utah 'National bank. air. lirowning. through the J. If. t ., and M. lt. Browning tompsny has , ,''ibean one of the !argent attockhottlera bank eine its - tot the Utah Notional four years ago.. J. lit ;rowning. his brother and principal wanes. partner hes been one of Its known at the tictive directors. It was ot the incresee of the capital of it he Utah National bank lista July that Ithitie wax port of the general plea result in the would 'that ultimately tntereeta actively being iltrowning The lidentifted laith this institution. icapital wax tocratuatti from 8200.006 Ito t to0.000. For the purponi of making It posit' Ile (or the new preelitent to be In toiler .,., touh with the banit'a affairs. he J. M. At M., Browning company ill remove from the Eccles building rooms at the rear of nd octupy Abe the Utah National bank. In remodelling the building a door has been cut in the east well of tb. bank connecting Ithe bank with the Browning company , Ill. 11.- --hl. . ' .'. - - . ' a trice. ,11. .0 Sugar Plant Employee Recovering From Gas Nov. I.The condition of of elm. who Z;L Henderson. St icon taken to a torsi hospital last at Wit. the from initrar factory tight bon. is reported oo be improved and recov4s his for are nter.. ned Cop ery. The young. num was rushed to the hospital by fellow employees after im had been imeed In the partfying room at the plant of the Amalgamated Ctigar romps nil liendereon was discovered uncon. scir;us by his fellow employees who took him out of the room Into the fresh ir., An autonsebilo woe and his was smelted to the bus. pitaL Little hope. 'wero entortained roe hie recovery at Um time he was received at th boapital but he la now ir.pbrte4 to be on the road to toms. VGDEN. -- 1., May Taxi Driver Die From Wounds; Father Gives Quart of Blood Nov. S.Darrell Wilson. taxi driver. who was shot a week ago by Jack Pass and Gus. purr. passengers in hie car. la roported to ba I critical condition at a local hospiOGDEN'. tal. Althourh he was reportod to Mr making satisfactory progress during the them le sow but little hope held for hia recovery. Tho young man lo suffering from a bullet wound in the right thigh. Ho war; operated .on early Sunday morning and tor sufforod hemorrhage. Hie minima were callod to the hormonal and the fathor. W. W. WI 1110k tare up a quart of blood in an offort to taro the life of his eon. The tno detondanta in the cam ari hold in the city tail on a charts of It h moult doadly miaow and their proliminary boas-Mt-n lima list for Nov. IS. It is relitirtod that itaturday. tho case will bo continued pending th. outcome of the victim. wound. " ' eliimm, War Mothers Will Watch WanWel:I Men's Interests EMMEN. New S.The Potter et the Sorrice Star Utah. tor the he will coating year. conetructrre work (Sr the future rather the took. tog back spew the lanai, according to Mrs. J. U. nick of this city who was cleated oreoldont of the errenteatton at lb. annuel coarentloo In Salt Lake Saturday. The now prosidont says that much time will bo teamed to the wounded motto the h000ltale sad emphasising the rules of the Ma. Parents Offer Reward for A groat honer rause to this city Son when We. "'sick twee elected Prowof Trace Missing organisation. Mince se Si. of Her ldont of the We. (wath:S. NOtr. 6.AM reword Irelcit has boos oao sanitation s,. Y.. A. Witt.. I. ofrersd by Sr. end tuf Ito mom rtic members and ea mate the Morey, or of Ht. Johns. Ittirh., has twelve chaytert to her 'Walker. It organiser ory nr their fon. Syrt been. mooing vows of ego. oho haa sine ley II. 162e. areording to In 'Twenty Recruits Signed ortnotion rsoolosti it the ositre aor to described tk,a. The For Guard Medical Unit Om having block heir. Mach eyee and 16, loot. 6 Inches 4 ee orensm Ito,. s 1..t d.t the fifty-o- il recruits woottoot for (ha medof the Utah Nattottal Guard ical soil !bloney Order boon oreursol In tilts thy orrortt Raiser is Arrested hate The tog to Mate? floinhottl Nonstop. t ocrulttne erhkh tram rorrttol out dot, tniLtr.N.- - Nov S..A cortfooatoo week will to roatiottod Iwo (rimy boa boon made try Ituatoll toe the pool during the proorot- , oink. It le so i;off, SO yoara of Ott, oho 'OWN ounce& bare Saturday night. acvord..... Moor oho or.' ,Ing to local potty Head Mission to Return. roatoll bun the sotto( man to raid to 'bare atimIttod roottruy U paotofftoo n vit. Nev. I rroottloat-Cloontand to itt.110 on $t from ardor loony Woo attamtutott to Ithbo 'mon a oaf tot W. Mreuso of Ow IrAtotors mato" meg. rrotav alon specie to rooters to blo Iseadt it he !toward tato at Solt Lok allommt to bate quarters to Nolo Tor Wotliteektay. lio otcht. o.otorood to vomit, to thto rIty last Soo, IC Prost Mreone hos boo "to. Moods altq lefolfrom Hine ortits Walloon 'Moronsp ontht with a fokof roofer...ore. Ito km ew from the Deooritt Noting boOk of lion the Wm roost Mose erhteft from book canine Mom tattoo tot kovorott this la,lt 1, Se promentod him from remitting to tor the miymPot of It 2 Ott natt i hle Gold of lobo? bolero tho prooPot so made, Am attomot boo ?der oohs. 43401 rey relwd Molay k --- -ofttoOtO to. Ato 0041 0r104o4, WU, $ tt tram rooterarod . Bank Authorized to of oos. but ,t,tf, to be ievA so terhilonell Iltallnot its Capital lhay oar Ha wig taboo to Salt Lek I, oar1CM. Nov, $ e--A wt bedew km for 'today of roanal of t he Notional oN ttthr1 1 hoot polseo Ineworiotl woo :Nook of coot000re thee looegi evniktro4 Ito two,110 rrultir fileht t Mow wont 41 'tram colootroltor of corrooer Wit- Oho sato at Howard a 'Immo at womotoffon. oroordirte to Porood 14"Itth, (ho 'info otos whooto4 ts p.,r1. rho to r,...4.., ( h., toto the bock Ironin of th. of lot Pew. .111 Ito rolood trims Silt. 1 .airmail Pr.4 tPtw'd. Stre'ordINI to 1)404itira tree formorty hook TO, Usti CI. rarstonons, be itmoott to Ilte,Oott 101110it' Or ed , iwimoommwmo strng - ' - . - e . 1 to-teh- , . , 1 Incr. tot-roo- . ' k at the tooth Ote floe, agattoseal Ilooft C. :. , t Ito So 41 ON ill t - 11 : '1 i I 4 -- I1 I ' d ' 0.71,'. t ,r ' , I : . ' " ' Alostlikoirbi .A,L I 1 al ' 114 Itroasy ' I ,sizo,,oc ' . ' - , , ' . Vc . I " ' . ' .,, : 4 , li 4- - , ' , f Pt V ' , .,, . . . - way to beauty -- e easy T ,' ' 7 - ' . - - 4 4 ' 1.'!- : 1 - - - i)' ' ' -- r , - - - - - --- I- - - '.-- $ . -- ,,o,' k T kA- n-,- D,A Niv. -- - , , ' - a . z - - Ail Palol fismortso work giey mad eaht tee vUeoZp tha dionown4 0110.11000 gommeritima Itersuee die rare Palmolive inirailoote eve nuto the price ef Palmolive le kept moderserse aseors tAgo for polliblu7 soap. It 01111 Ii enloyed 11 tows7 oundus wed procured everywhere - . sLa . , ' '- , ,, .- , PROVO Ilreuit Coster etre& 140-1- Otpha. gum Clown lotto(' Ricka. Itelooretor. Provo Republicans to Celebrate, Victory 'PROVO. Nov. Republicans of Provo in planning a ratification celebration to tabs place ht tba Ito tlipsclal to The News.) I Hall Oily evening . under lb. ausGA RLAND. Nov. S. Jos. Thom peon. aarketon man. ems' Wes if ths Roosavell Republican blatantly killed when the automobilei club: the Womare Republican club club. Comis 'which be eras riding ras hoad os: and tho Malloy Marching mittees bare already been aPPoints41 into a learn of heroes just north of the! and a Includes tbeir piano program of local sugar factory last itgbl. ThelnP-- 1 manic. a burtiorows ketch of the itareo and dancing. The on's death was caused by Obi bead of i of tbo ailletatto-eletb horses being forted through tits woman sro also ;donning a eupply.of refreshment'''. wind shield. 'Waling him on the bead An invitation la Vended to .n One. and breslitall hi Deck-Th- e or. of IN' city rod county I. trwet the officers-elec- t. Print to the terV111010 team. whirls was owned sal Ma Resort a big street parade will drives by Liners Hall was. uninjured. at take place. that than superficial &crotchet. Hall sutontoblie the wise driving reports to commemorate without tighte and he failed to me h 'pirogram until hie team urea struck. Maeser School Opening Loontwd Rekeleom. lehe eras mated a by the aide of Thonapme gad was arts,. levitation le PROVO. Xoe. ing the atathinti. wait unhurt. am evert aoudad la the patrons of the, public three ether illeh hi the ,liar omat ,orhooto of lido city to attend Om Pim, Neither of tits horse attached to Om, mi. dor program te be gives hi the wages dlia esitelPII hurt and the Mateor school amenthiy ball Tweeds, or of the wadatt also sersPed lalsrl boo. ii si Lae p wt. In ths The NAT of Mr. TitemOoen Ilse tett' eventsig. matinee will be &herniae lit 1:16 ea to ite undertaking mitabliehmemt tit 0,,,,a et la& school for the childea. this city tor the sight anti today wasir&& t&ort,&" &ad &imp& to& apartne && removed to Clarckloort.', in addition to;&atgwit te emearei a prouniat Perim hie Parente. Mr. lied Mra isilMhiprtaaa tat the meanie in commentors Thomson, tite young mita be etimitoti ttee ea tag mules of the Meister trunevel moment will be held at .r&& 10,&imim thus toe "Ittwed id Clarkaton' Woodsy afternoon. fellows: sonde mad peeving firm grads. , lullaby Mate lalloal making mit arrow Evanston Car Inspector sad. Iscoad "redo; pumokta driil. graiii0 health muted play. Dies in Ogden Hospital third (aunt. end Nth irr000rr: poltioltal drill . end eontre. fifth grotto; character awns. tpeesel lo tb, hlovlik) - ISVANOITON, Wyo.: Nov, 11,Irrenil 1Matk grade- - a --IILVIt USDIllt ILNIEE, Tomo?. local car tosPectot tar ilao Nev I ct I di,. .. . - toligsiTTArsititu I ri.14the diotreaming comps. Mit'Ensign cam to Brigham City. att her husband. in ISIS and was lior.g the ver firm lettlef to 11000Lt rroP"erpolhati poredirMto and e lli ititev tif th e usaana a. SpUcta I DELTA. Nee,. to Thu . - Nellyna - mg I , ' 'remarkable gain" for the Oa.. 14,41(J40 in a 'tato. tional Mont to the Associated Frees today bys IL e. Morr1 Oliver director of league publicity and editor of Ito national publication. "League eandidatee polled mot" thaa teedlie votes in 1120 in maws, r. Morrie said. "1"his mates; le more than throe times the vote two piers age. and le a rerriarkab gain in a Itepublican landslide year . Although the league candidates I state office In Minnesota ewers dettn ad by large majorities. men endon 1 Ivy the league In locoman and No4' liwketa went elected governor. no4- In North DakMa, the first Nert;perites a 1,nitted Mates esuato was luLtn11. Mr. Morrie pointed out. ' , ) : 1 'I . ; I !. 1 its ' I,' , , f - f 114 -- lea ()rest A Adv. , , ' woaten! UN--Don'- t I, .. - ' 'They WORK while you sleep" ' I ttt SALEM. Pin. I hold to tits tourth ward kayot rUnerai OPIM "11181n ht. thlo oflornoon oodot tho direction of pk""r 10Will, Wet. bold le Ike Pm !om or mod MINH Ing boso 'am ',ram o WIth blau, fleshpot Wright. liamoon died at the ROD'S Of bla null Aiwa trietailas and making ilia 11. siplotm. raniarka, 'rho mittakara Warr toughtre. jrdriesiag N. C. Chrlatanieti , H oary itai OtsturdaY Orl.'"iss" "Ins SS Wit sad Y. A Hama . W. IL (Imodmor et Ma gonarh stitt arlika- Ito bad offered tati Isomorati a &ad Mario boo a a outtenir for aoma tio, lie Waimea praiseameint lb. bestaairtiom gram kora January II. HIM arid Rad nit Salem chair seas taro oolostintio bean a resident of this attr tar ea sad a loofa vas Ming tor Jamova ea ',mar& lila lotto dimi It sloattis ass- - kiwi litterisest sea la-- Lao Walesa iorrialsa 'wawa Mom lino davgai noinotarr. I Mr. liaidason w. les-- Ia Torliatitre ten 1114 tbrp. Sena 1 - . - demo U. Saga - am4 ,tt& Is tell. Thiry loaned Boselder Stake Relief 1Rk toreethosos is Ilia sod tiro roan War Society Conference lield ::,:rt,..4.4 11helt;rttrL taii'stfit:iikilaillie.S11. Illoorlol to rs Nows-1kotoostood it 'Wool shot tio hoot 111111011A14 CITY. Noy. 1.A....Tho It'. itt IAMA WSW' of km 'Ito. rat Id roar . ttaleasoroviotaterostif rripoe.linolitotthittliaboreselie ab:4111s ar004.4 of rry pitoblielloLl horerts.olifd to, roontousitty. 'lilt lit this lift' OM ItafilltsloY, wortivirtit 41 'Woof It woe 11, rout filo offorts ft loom wassua bombs 1,44 voladoo I MI, flout artillat int, toosia of Mit "4"1"01141 i the torsi fosk sett word trotter toill""114111.r. 11,2 k itt 'wool od tho kombor of moiety SOO, thee wool,'Y 14."..21" 1". 8.1"1rh1"1"1"1IK' it 14.4' l'' ''.111"1"1". dI m ow A. Rowe, ',remota Mr onhs R- - 1144.4 61041 utko Pm Moo glisoboth Vi Wet of tho Ioctet-al.".- .. WI of tioloso. Mr "ohne kiototo Refl.( soetoto how. moo Katt lob ',boos I .1r Prt"Irrill'. ."146 I" ,Id otah officers (mos the Piot, R Pr." kt Plato 10trome foot. trittribro to Idaho, v. Ro iv( oro-iliotoove tho ...own 114"."1""mk, CAI' WM t11.4 CV111. St th soli boot. trier lutorhoso oe Wire Wilk. Pooso of lip4wou. oorvoll to all prooot dor the dirio-- !of All'.1.4.. 14.1"4 ss4 AS ra ,,gibit,:s 1411 I tioli ef lb low, Sisk lOses41 intim both ilk , sod tas. NO 1 ( ,61, r 4 " ' "0 '. . " t 1111 ' r I,kg of Ps YOPM. arrrroorr. Box k Car norm. 1 !", "VT" .. Slated room. r Sbowngi., . 04 I ' I, Sixty Years, is Buried iPioneer of Salem is Ito Laid to Final Rest sorveres los Joao, Id rut, sint ) is liotopoo riilu4. , n tapookol to Nowa.) IllftIOHAM CITY. Nov. 1.Irvooral IL0e I,. ; c , Ottopotoops 0004,111I4too op4 root. , toostiti,kileto oho rappvive him o. 40 inttlyw from tolorool toportsoo totem ir.ostset., Oorsoor of Brigham k 116'41 ea inee nuinebeiti Weed I e Pewee Seel ii. 1 City, oessoi amity et the 01..1100 of hot, of t...-T0. h Pre J..."T it RIMIAM CITY. Now, ., 4.") "1'6 r""Irl.r. et PIR PA. Mr. Termr woe born at Ain't Wyo. wienektee, kire Kamm& e4 shw awoortmortt Irmo roll out likomt 111 W. . flepteimeof IT. OM, snit keel two, is Thiri ware yeemadea trees Moos In latit tiolordow teiskt. to irtiottoloto hol.-o- f his employ of thy Vaasa ractra faa I Woad Is 014 ads. "10411r4on-Paitita- n fi,o ft otoodtre to sohItPor-League v "Washer of yes's,. H. I. mirrored by illi.d. ".. , ... Ar I A A tAos I Sr remelt wee halt ass Tasitsa. of filo Ooototi r a. i. v..' Poo body yo 11. Motto,. ikleotemiNpt 2, WI a wile tied faintly. IIIrto sr.,' Ilk lily, owl II le by proeiropPal ,001,P401. Who.. ipso...4. tior4,1 brimeht here for iinrigi. ,q,,,, aaaa Utah twith O'er ...roots to laS. 111W1 14 Pt tritemre WIPP ova a .1140AA'Ari I',r1 at' r.,, ro.,Lr eserit ,,,,14 t I lig; i hoonivevii OH. vit. to pubbe ilkorwortwoo cs,rentrrIPIrio Sft..1..... Tv. 1161, egie Ao.,..4.0004 Pa. IP, virti.11.. Pt 11.4 Ototh4. 4.40 el. Art 'Wm A Qri A4 IAN! .... V ...NHS at two 10.040 Pt iggir4 t1.1 la Ilk 004411 Mel, Known to I' ko Salk N 1 et hi oo4 lio4 10104 1k..... I tof tdiOka 04..0 v 00,1.t I've t000 I la" Itte.4.. I otoortoom. 0414 tot Natoli., ott lb toot, the !York. Ike faro &HP cooma14 logh ' I I. I a. SO slot ... 4 v. , , , ' , $ , , ' ' owit ',1i. '".- . as nee cent IWO this community. roaidool, of boot crop In this ground an of- ere continuously since that tleoo and! fortlb. will be outdo Ibis weak I the as always taken an settee and intor-- I wow of the teen on top lot of the Ata part in lb development of thisi ground and the whew& fit ltd. IOW are ontrounity. Oho was a faithful and i to enable the teS nude Alive a orker in tho various Church demo of working age to get tato the organisations In tha tarlYt 41)0 and fields to meat in Om harvest. It is her later If was spent in Relief so- - ad.,st000 the n4tnnie at Hinckley (ley set twit los. Oho Oral the mothot and rApporep 1lI pipe Op pkopp enema of bins children. threo of whom have the week ao thew etudenta Map may Preceded her to the other lira Hoe hue-- wt. band died eisteenti years LIM &Snit . tog aro tho following thildroo: Mrs. Mtn. Mrs. Harriet aural- - Alleged Etoy Burgiar Geonrinia 111"11 Marti" Mn.ifn Jr- - Mr. Identifild as Provo Boy Efho C. E. Morroll. Dr. A. W. Itosigo. III Of Logan. and ktra Emma L. Lim of PATRON. Nov. youth vettcity. Them aro also a aembor of toro4 in this T. IL Wilson store hers frandebildren and test week. who gave hie yawns as aids dram. and sutra.; brothers and Mater LOW Mammas. Saul bees Identified FOOOrta WOrVICOO Will ho bald In the toe beraocoatt. Juvenile offtseir by of thie Third ward cbsPel TereodaY afterlossoe diarist. as Laos Strliwood of Provo. at I Hock ender tho directions of who le said to bar. bees plowed it thehoP H. W. tho state industrial Or hoot three Howie. osoIng or timo. its le mid to hi ,shout ii reltre old. Brigham Resident For "" .....,.......L lie woo immodtstoty rumba. I. tv. des for howeiiiii treatment. iterteto Brigham City Pioneer In ettntimato rePort IMO Is Seed bee Goes to Last Reward died either from ehlicit tor froth a atm 1 et bleed fteing me they cr tie PflIGflAM ern tow, Ulu" ' ,- ii , Delta school Grant Beet Digging Vacation 4 " 47.,' - 7-Soorph Smith and his broth., Hi. tm were martyrod and h recalled t 11 . , " , 1-711i- . ... . f . T 1V1. k..1 1.4 1. V , " Why doesn't it cost MOTS' - 0Bacesee I tor , ,, Tv -- ' lpitistor airtslitetto:111111141.101u4L c'll'id:1:111sti.r."Amb":":,Zr:"."1":37 7,,,, t' 1 - e 1 t 11 X- - - It . I , Oftbmo-111- 06 - s $, .m...,69rA1:0 ...".07.....H. nano Join t THE. PALMOLIVE COMPANY, MILWAUKEE U. S. A. , e , . i .,- r it - - - , . skin . . t , ., . - k , l, " I , .' ' , ri , , Et , 114' 4 .414 , f 4 ., cleanses vrithotit arrttatin, 110 matter bow do you keep your face clean? Do HOW tive it a hasty daily washint with sensitive is your skin. . , , .' any old soap? Or do you perhaps depend r,r3fuse and maraniipenetrates evety tiny dust? and dirt to remove on cold main pore, rer,ovizit, the dirt, dust imd oil awl". ' Either method is danterous and invites bad 4 rionsoolichmbellmetlecteaxiobanairritass, , results. Cream Cold and Palmolive . 'Apply apply it is dry, use it both Careless washint makes the skin ' before and after washint. coarse. Yet complexions tet soft and flabby ' without the tonic of water. Palmolive is the scientific modern comliina. ' - The aecret ismake washint your face a -- tion of the palm and olive one real beauty treatment Howby usint usea. It is the favorite facial soap of2 Palmolive Soap, the beautifyint cleanser. who have learosa that while you pa7 mom ' ' ci The Palmolive lather is so marl that it you can't buy better. - p ' 4 - MP1 mid . ' .ri, . esg. .4E" iv &woe, - .., ... L.4 N?rt.,' - ' . . ending Eaypt 3,000 ;ogre oho in a simple cake of soap COLLISION remitted - in , )P 1,,' I.- - 6 Viral ! t L. . elatopmat,:dilrw., k mot hi; a treater kaury r I ' I ' . FAREWELL FOR MISSIONARY. Nov. OGDEN. 11.Bonol4 E. Browning. son of Bishop and Urn Goo E. Browning of the Second ward. will ha guest of honor at party to be given In tho ward hall Friday evening. I Nor. IL rho young man will &man hi the rear future for a minden to the Pacific Iolanda trite Working ' . ' a 111411,111tAss Aliii Oh .., I . . OGDEN. Nov. S.The Rev. Hugh Neville of Iowa, who recently accepted the pastorate of the First Methlodist church la this city. succeeding the Rev. C. R. Garver, who stemmed a call in California. preached his first isermon in thie city Sunday morning before a largo congraration.4 ' , The new pastor received his theological training in England and Can. ads. and is a member of the Iowa contentlbe of the Methodist 'Episcopal church. He has traveled extensively as a missionary and was chaplain with the British forces during the BOtT war in South Africa. N., 1 i OGDEN. Nov. ILWith the corn. pletion of elevators having a capacity of 750.00 bushels, plans have been Made for receivig several hundred thousand bushels of wheat in this city during the coming month tor the Sperry Flour company and the Globe Grain & Milling company. The wheat will be received from farmers In Utah and Idaho. The Twin Falls association of farmes is the latest association to accept the offer of the Ogden companies for the storage of wheat The banks of the towe have offered the farmers an advance of $1 per buehel for wheat in storage and the farmers have accepted th offer. The wheat is being rushed to the Ogden elevators as fast as possible. The farmers are desirous aor getting their wheat to the Ogden where they can take advantage of any increase in the price of grain. The wheat is officially weighed and graded accordig to the government standard when it arrives at the elevators of the two companies here. The farmer or shipper is then given a negotiable warehouse receipt. '1,,,,,,111,. be gams as a certificate of The farmer can. upon the raise in price of wheat. take advantage of the price through surrending the warehouse receipt to the purchaser. Money is being loaned by banks to farmers upon warehouse receipt.. thereby enabling the farmer to procure funds to move his entire grain and potato crops or to obtain feed for livestock. II. et ' 111111111ribigil , , p - kilie:r-rica-0- 9 'NI. t I i ..::0 --i- , it 'Ns. the airing of tore sod.,. end hie nom i ,,...41it... i To STORE MUCH WHEJ.T torn .. , ' 4 jerk, ' i 41 1, ' . .. , p 1 1, , 1- - t( ' ilit dtrE .. , A. 11,1 AL 0 g b 1 ,,r4, M141 ' .0.0 t ',111iJIV -- , ... - ,, siNt. , 'e Y MilVt., ' r I , '' - 1110's . 1 - IIMIti , . .. nillebeniat COEN ELUATORS AI if, - - - ' 4 1 - - rettlwa engine - . - iv . . . ' IIITO-TEA- M tr , ii.--- New Methodist Pastoi Sewer to be Discussed. Preaches First Sermon OGDEN. Nov. S.By invitation or tho county commissioners a special committee from the Third Ward will mist with them this V011ine at T:16 to participate in discussion rolativo to het coming bond Maus and ths proposed main outtall sewer. Tho bond election will probably bo held in Feb. ruarT. atcording to Mayor Frank - - . , . t OGDEN. Nov. constilions, which enabled sheep to beat the camera record for going without a drink for eight days. have occurred during the past season. on the Cache National forest, according to information from Ranger G. A. Lindsay. There wee a weeklr rain through. out the entire grazing season and because of the heavy precipitation some bands of sheep went for 60 days without water other than that supplied in the wet forage, the ranger reported. -- .i, - . manual train- OGDEN. Nov. Ins department building at the Ogden high school la nearing completion and I. expected to be ready for 'use next ' week according to Supt. W. Earl Hop- , : king. - Construction work on the two new junior high school buildings is being rushed. Thi east wing of the Central Junior echool is expected to be ready for occupancy early in the new yes:, i when the old building will be torn!I down and the west wing built. The foundation of the south Whig I of the South Washington school is I completed and brickmasons are 3witdal I I work erecting the walls of the ing. This work will continue as long, as weather conditions permit. I expected that both buildings ready for use at the of the 1921-21- 1 school Commencement' . , , - ' - . , S.A '.' S 1920 NQVEMBER MIniED reds-natio- , MONDA'Y THAININC 111111.IING BEA011. to the OGDLN. Nov. effect that Colonel James A. Howell would not 'qualify for district, judge because of the lack of support he re11)1115CNER WANTED III ceived at the election In Weber county are said to be groundiss as CoL Howell who left bers Saturday' for OFFICERS FOB n Washington. D. C.. to tender his from the army said he would return as quickly as possible. Howell who was elected as on fOlICINRINBOBSEMENT of Col. the judges in the Second judicial district. was defeated as far as Weber county was concerned. but received of about 100 votes over i OGDEN'. Nov are his majority awl held for the arrest 'Of Paul Duncan Judge A. W. Agee, from Morgan Davis counties. Dunseombe. alias Alfred G. Tucker. man who is in the city jail in connec,a goy!on with the fradulent use ofinforms-Ilion lernment pass, according to received from police authorities , Chicago and Boston. ;at ' Information from John R. Garr, ITMEATHOLICHOSPITAL chief inspector of the Boston police is . to the effect that the, defendant .is wanted In that city for uttgring an ;order for payment of money with OGDEN. Nov. committee cf iforged indorsements of the names. E. local citizens are making preparations la. Bowles and Christopher Reising, land larceny of $1,000 property of the to raise 8360.6011 for ths initial unit International Trust company,. at Boe- - of the propoeed new hospital for 'this ! ton. city which I. to Includelhoth the Christopher Reising mentioned in administration section and robtna for ithe telegram is the railway mail whose annual 160 patients. Preliminary plans were superintendent ;pass Douscombe had in his 'possession discussed at a last ;when arrested. The money, he emir-le- d at the home of meeting hell M. week CushMoturignor. P. is believed to have been obtained nahan. Another meeting which will forging a voucher In the pocket bs attended by of the sten prominent of Retain in which he carried citS will be lby held next Wednesday passL at the Weber club. evening Dunscombe Ili wanted in Chicago Tentative plans for the new hospital ,fo forgery.,according to a message from ;received here by Detective Robert out which local architects will work the general plans will be sent f Bork. The- local officer ts checking here soon from Chicago by the Hes hip the record of Dunscombe in other Father Mueller and Dr. Dobson repfrom Boston to Doe Angeles. resenting the North American Conlefties who says she is the in standardizing hosof gress Burgeons Christopher Endson of Chicago, lis in the city, awaiting the outcome of pitals of the United States. The hospital will be operated bs . the case. . siMers of the Holy Cross. it is ,Sn. nounce4. . ,. , wPt.xu doerph Ore, Supt. Omelettes. Alfred Gladerell Reporter. , - - DESERET NEWSi . .4- . Ilig 11 SCHOOL MANUAL TO ' . - - :' :;:;;:T-- 1 I TELL - r ., 0. 4. - - - T - ,--- ..21Milflmo 1ilk . lirie 4. ' I |